scripture of the day

"Say: He is God, the One and Unique;
God, the Eternal source and support
Of everything;
He begets not, and neither is He begotten;
And none is His equal." Holy Quran (112:1-4)
Originally Posted by ShotgunGirl76

"It's in Christ we find out who we are and what we are living for. Long before we first heard of Christ, He had His eye on us, had designs on us for glorious living, part of the overall purpose He is working out in everything and everyone." Ephesians 1:11

"I praise you Lord for being my guide. Even in the darkest night, your teachings fill my mind. I will always look to You, as You stand beside me and protect me from fear. With all my heart, I will celebrate and I can safely rest." Psalm 16:7-9
and nice thread
Originally Posted by PhilBalla09

Timothy 2:15 "Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who doesn't need to be ashamed, correctly teaching the word of truth.

James 1:2-3 "Consider it pure joy my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance."

Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."

Yeah. Keep believing the scriptures. Keep believing that Jesus was the son of a God and performed miracles, and that Noah built an arc with all animals. And ifyou don't believe in some of the stuff because you say it is meant to teach a moral than don't tell us to take other parts of the book literally.It's either a book of facts or it's not. Unlike the bible, my beliefs' books change continuously to make up for mistakes and advancements in ourunderstanding..... their called textbooks.
Originally Posted by roman736

Yeah. Keep believing the scriptures. Keep believing that Jesus was the son of a God and performed miracles, and that Noah built an arc with all animals. And if you don't believe in some of the stuff because you say it is meant to teach a moral than don't tell us to take other parts of the book literally. It's either a book of facts or it's not. Unlike the bible, my beliefs' books change continuously to make up for mistakes and advancements in our understanding..... their called textbooks.
Please don't come in here and try and bash what we believe. Why not add something positive and coexist peacefully instead of trying to
ridicule someone because of their beliefs?
Originally Posted by CJ863

Originally Posted by roman736

Yeah. Keep believing the scriptures. Keep believing that Jesus was the son of a God and performed miracles, and that Noah built an arc with all animals. And if you don't believe in some of the stuff because you say it is meant to teach a moral than don't tell us to take other parts of the book literally. It's either a book of facts or it's not. Unlike the bible, my beliefs' books change continuously to make up for mistakes and advancements in our understanding..... their called textbooks.
Please don't come in here and try and bash what we believe. Why not add something positive and coexist peacefully instead of trying to
ridicule someone because of their beliefs?

Oh please, as if the religious are not constantly persuading others to join them in believing. Jehova's witnesses at our doors, christian flyers outside ofmalls, even our currency has god on it. Posting a thread like this on NT is bringing religion onto the message board, whether or not we click on it. And ithappens all the time.... You have just as much of a right to post your religious beliefs on NT as I do to post my beliefs about religion.
so make a new thread about it then ... this thread isnt about a discussion on religion, its a scripture of the day thread ... if you dont like it, stay out ofit ...

you arguing about it would be like going in a SB thread talkin about "yall cant like sb's, jordans are the way to go" ...
Originally Posted by roman736

Originally Posted by CJ863

Originally Posted by roman736

Yeah. Keep believing the scriptures. Keep believing that Jesus was the son of a God and performed miracles, and that Noah built an arc with all animals. And if you don't believe in some of the stuff because you say it is meant to teach a moral than don't tell us to take other parts of the book literally. It's either a book of facts or it's not. Unlike the bible, my beliefs' books change continuously to make up for mistakes and advancements in our understanding..... their called textbooks.
Please don't come in here and try and bash what we believe. Why not add something positive and coexist peacefully instead of trying to
ridicule someone because of their beliefs?

Oh please, as if the religious are not constantly persuading others to join them in believing. Jehova's witnesses at our doors, christian flyers outside of malls, even our currency has god on it. Posting a thread like this on NT is bringing religion onto the message board, whether or not we click on it. And it happens all the time.... You have just as much of a right to post your religious beliefs on NT as I do to post my beliefs about religion.
Never did I say that you didn't have the right to post your beliefs... neither did try and bash your beliefs...
what I did say is why bash the beliefs of others? Your simply bringing negativity into this thread which is not needed.
I'm not "bashing" the beliefs of others (whatever that means). I'm pointing out to them their logical fallacies.
great thread, as of lately ive been having some bad times. i was rasied in the church but like most ppl. growing older you find that some ppl. in the churchare no better than the ppl. in the street. so i kinda had a falling out with the whole church going thing. but i always thanked god for the good things thathappen to me, but i stopped praying and when things start to go sour i feel bad for running back and praying because when things are fine i dont do so. butthis weekend i started to read my bible again and im finding my faith in the lord growing stronger again. thank you nt for the thread. God bless you all, andkeep the faith!

my favorite scripture from a young boy, my mom used to say it after every prayer.

1 The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.
2 He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,

3 he restores my soul.
He guides me in paths of righteousness
for his name's sake.

4 Even though I walk
through the valley of the shadow of death, [a]
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.

5 You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.

6 Surely goodness and love will follow me
all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the LORD
Originally Posted by roman736

I'm not "bashing" the beliefs of others (whatever that means). I'm pointing out to them their logical fallacies.

Your beliefs are based off assumptions as well so shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Originally Posted by anDown Goes Frasier

great thread, as of lately ive been having some bad times. i was rasied in the church but like most ppl. growing older you find that some ppl. in the church are no better than the ppl. in the street. so i kinda had a falling out with the whole church going thing. but i always thanked god for the good things that happen to me, but i stopped praying and when things start to go sour i feel bad for running back and praying because when things are fine i dont do so. but this weekend i started to read my bible again and im finding my faith in the lord growing stronger again. thank you nt for the thread. God bless you all, and keep the faith!
Keep the faith my dude... even through the bad times... NEVER stop praying... I went going through the exact same situation with
the church thing... praise him through the good and the bad...

But as for me, I will always have hope;
I will praise you more and more.
[sup]15[/sup] My mouth will tell of your righteousness,
of your salvation all day long,
though I know not its measure.

Psalm 71:14-15
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by roman736

I'm not "bashing" the beliefs of others (whatever that means). I'm pointing out to them their logical fallacies.

Your beliefs are based off assumptions as well so shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Yeah except mine are based on evidence, and yours are based on a 1,950 year old book written by a couple people about a guy who died before they were born.That's literally like a couple of us writing a book about a guy we were told about who died 50 years ago in a convincing manner in order to start a newreligion. Then our newly-created church chooses the best writers (and more importantly most convincing) out of us and puts together our brand new holy book. L.Ron Hubbard understood this concept and made a ton of money off his religion. Same with Joseph Smith 190 years ago. Now mormons preach their beliefs and TomCruise preaches his beliefs. But oh no! Don't "Bash" other people's religions! No, no, no.... people have a right to believe whatever theywant, no matter how stupid it is, and how many people die because of it, and what effect it has on scientific advancement, everyone has a right to believewhatever fairy tale stories they want and they need to be left alone.
Originally Posted by roman736

Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by roman736

I'm not "bashing" the beliefs of others (whatever that means). I'm pointing out to them their logical fallacies.

Your beliefs are based off assumptions as well so shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Yeah except mine are based on evidence, and yours are based on a 1,950 year old book written by a couple people about a guy who died before they were born. That's literally like a couple of us writing a book about a guy we were told about who died 50 years ago in a convincing manner in order to start a new religion. Then our newly-created church chooses the best writers (and more importantly most convincing) out of us and puts together our brand new holy book. L. Ron Hubbard understood this concept and made a ton of money off his religion. Same with Joseph Smith 190 years ago. Now mormons preach their beliefs and Tom Cruise preaches his beliefs. But oh no! Don't "Bash" other people's religions! No, no, no.... people have a right to believe whatever they want, no matter how stupid it is, and how many people die because of it, and what effect it has on scientific advancement, everyone has a right to believe whatever fairy tale stories they want and they need to be left alone.
I base my beliefs off of no book.
Originally Posted by roman736

Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by roman736

I'm not "bashing" the beliefs of others (whatever that means). I'm pointing out to them their logical fallacies.

Your beliefs are based off assumptions as well so shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Yeah except mine are based on evidence, and yours are based on a 1,950 year old book written by a couple people about a guy who died before they were born. That's literally like a couple of us writing a book about a guy we were told about who died 50 years ago in a convincing manner in order to start a new religion. Then our newly-created church chooses the best writers (and more importantly most convincing) out of us and puts together our brand new holy book. L. Ron Hubbard understood this concept and made a ton of money off his religion. Same with Joseph Smith 190 years ago. Now mormons preach their beliefs and Tom Cruise preaches his beliefs. But oh no! Don't "Bash" other people's religions! No, no, no.... people have a right to believe whatever they want, no matter how stupid it is, and how many people die because of it, and what effect it has on scientific advancement, everyone has a right to believe whatever fairy tale stories they want and they need to be left alone.

its cool man either way your still a child of god and he still loves you. and the reason christians (and other denominations of the religion) come to yourdoor, or hand out flyers is because its what we are supposed to do. your my brother in christ and i dont want you to go to hell. you are entitled to your ownopinion, but please don't take away the right to have ours.
Originally Posted by patsilog55

Originally Posted by roman736

Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by roman736

I'm not "bashing" the beliefs of others (whatever that means). I'm pointing out to them their logical fallacies.

Your beliefs are based off assumptions as well so shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Yeah except mine are based on evidence, and yours are based on a 1,950 year old book written by a couple people about a guy who died before they were born. That's literally like a couple of us writing a book about a guy we were told about who died 50 years ago in a convincing manner in order to start a new religion. Then our newly-created church chooses the best writers (and more importantly most convincing) out of us and puts together our brand new holy book. L. Ron Hubbard understood this concept and made a ton of money off his religion. Same with Joseph Smith 190 years ago. Now mormons preach their beliefs and Tom Cruise preaches his beliefs. But oh no! Don't "Bash" other people's religions! No, no, no.... people have a right to believe whatever they want, no matter how stupid it is, and how many people die because of it, and what effect it has on scientific advancement, everyone has a right to believe whatever fairy tale stories they want and they need to be left alone.

its cool man either way your still a child of god and he still loves you. and the reason christians (and other denominations of the religion) come to your door, or hand out flyers is because its what we are supposed to do. your my brother in christ and i dont want you to go to hell. you are entitled to your own opinion, but please don't take away the right to have ours.

Which god? The judeochristian god, Yahweh, or the muslim god, Alah? Perhaps you speak of Osiris, Zeus, or Krishna? You admit to having the moral obligation ofspreading your beliefs. This is one of the many problems of religion, the constant requirement of recruitment and it's the reason for much animosity. Also,the fear mongering of condemning an eternity of torture in hell, and the absurd rewarding of a euphoric afterlife in heaven is preposterous. If you trulybelieve, why don't you kill yourself? You have the right to believe it... but how would you live if you believed that when you die you're going todecompose and cease to exist? It takes a lot of fortitude to admit that to oneself but it is incredibly worth it.
Originally Posted by roman736

Originally Posted by patsilog55

Originally Posted by roman736

Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by roman736

I'm not "bashing" the beliefs of others (whatever that means). I'm pointing out to them their logical fallacies.

Your beliefs are based off assumptions as well so shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Yeah except mine are based on evidence, and yours are based on a 1,950 year old book written by a couple people about a guy who died before they were born. That's literally like a couple of us writing a book about a guy we were told about who died 50 years ago in a convincing manner in order to start a new religion. Then our newly-created church chooses the best writers (and more importantly most convincing) out of us and puts together our brand new holy book. L. Ron Hubbard understood this concept and made a ton of money off his religion. Same with Joseph Smith 190 years ago. Now mormons preach their beliefs and Tom Cruise preaches his beliefs. But oh no! Don't "Bash" other people's religions! No, no, no.... people have a right to believe whatever they want, no matter how stupid it is, and how many people die because of it, and what effect it has on scientific advancement, everyone has a right to believe whatever fairy tale stories they want and they need to be left alone.

its cool man either way your still a child of god and he still loves you. and the reason christians (and other denominations of the religion) come to your door, or hand out flyers is because its what we are supposed to do. your my brother in christ and i dont want you to go to hell. you are entitled to your own opinion, but please don't take away the right to have ours.

Which god? The judeochristian god, Yahweh, or the muslim god, Alah? Perhaps you speak of Osiris, Zeus, or Krishna? You admit to having the moral obligation of spreading your beliefs. This is one of the many problems of religion, the constant requirement of recruitment and it's the reason for much animosity. Also, the fear mongering of condemning an eternity of torture in hell, and the absurd rewarding of a euphoric afterlife in heaven is preposterous. If you truly believe, why don't you kill yourself? You have the right to believe it... but how would you live if you believed that when you die you're going to decompose and cease to exist? It takes a lot of fortitude to admit that to oneself but it is incredibly worth it.

I don't think you can get forgiveness for killing yourself. Read up on it. There is only one God as I stated before. God is the tree and roots. We are theleaves, twigs, branches and buds on that tree. Notice how so many religions are just alike in certain ways? God is the root and the tree. We need to get closerto him and remain intact. Not break off and try to grow elsewhere.

Fear mongering? If its fear mongering then what are the laws we abide by daily? If they say don't drink and drive or you'll potentially kill someone oryourself, isn't that the same?

So do you feel the world would be better without God and religion?

I would still be wired the same. I wouldn't be a believer but I would still try to live right.
And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is thelove of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge -- that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.
- Ephesians 3:17-19 (NIV)

Thoughts on Today's Verse...
Paul wants us to be solidly connected to each other in love. More than being able to understand all the unfathomable mysteries of the universe or the deepteachings of Scripture, knowing and sharing the love of Christ enables us to bring God's full blessing to others. While knowledge can be good, love isgreater still. While power can be helpful, love is more helpful still. While experience can teach us many things, love teaches us to use what we know to bless.Let's be a people whose lives are lived in the environment of love (cf. 1 Cor. 13).
My Prayer...
Father, pour your love into my heart through the Holy Spirit and pour it out into the lives of those around me through me. Make me an instrument of your graceso that your love will be felt in clear and unmistakable ways by those whom my life impacts. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
Is good to know people still read the commendable of you guys. As apart of my religion I'm supposed to be reading the bible everyday, somethinthat I don't do but I'm working on it.
Originally Posted by PhilBalla09

James 1:2-3 "Consider it pure joy my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance."
I needed this one today.
"Will they not, then, try to understand this Qur'an?
Had it come from anyone other than God, they would have found in itmany an inner contradiction." Holy Quran (4:82)
But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.

- 1 Corinthians 1:27 (NIV)
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by roman736

Originally Posted by patsilog55

Originally Posted by roman736

Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by roman736

I'm not "bashing" the beliefs of others (whatever that means). I'm pointing out to them their logical fallacies.

Your beliefs are based off assumptions as well so shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Yeah except mine are based on evidence, and yours are based on a 1,950 year old book written by a couple people about a guy who died before they were born. That's literally like a couple of us writing a book about a guy we were told about who died 50 years ago in a convincing manner in order to start a new religion. Then our newly-created church chooses the best writers (and more importantly most convincing) out of us and puts together our brand new holy book. L. Ron Hubbard understood this concept and made a ton of money off his religion. Same with Joseph Smith 190 years ago. Now mormons preach their beliefs and Tom Cruise preaches his beliefs. But oh no! Don't "Bash" other people's religions! No, no, no.... people have a right to believe whatever they want, no matter how stupid it is, and how many people die because of it, and what effect it has on scientific advancement, everyone has a right to believe whatever fairy tale stories they want and they need to be left alone.

its cool man either way your still a child of god and he still loves you. and the reason christians (and other denominations of the religion) come to your door, or hand out flyers is because its what we are supposed to do. your my brother in christ and i dont want you to go to hell. you are entitled to your own opinion, but please don't take away the right to have ours.

Which god? The judeochristian god, Yahweh, or the muslim god, Alah? Perhaps you speak of Osiris, Zeus, or Krishna? You admit to having the moral obligation of spreading your beliefs. This is one of the many problems of religion, the constant requirement of recruitment and it's the reason for much animosity. Also, the fear mongering of condemning an eternity of torture in hell, and the absurd rewarding of a euphoric afterlife in heaven is preposterous. If you truly believe, why don't you kill yourself? You have the right to believe it... but how would you live if you believed that when you die you're going to decompose and cease to exist? It takes a lot of fortitude to admit that to oneself but it is incredibly worth it.

I don't think you can get forgiveness for killing yourself. Read up on it. There is only one God as I stated before. God is the tree and roots. We are the leaves, twigs, branches and buds on that tree. Notice how so many religions are just alike in certain ways? God is the root and the tree. We need to get closer to him and remain intact. Not break off and try to grow elsewhere.

That sounds like complete white noise nonsense to me and probably to almost everybody else.

Luke 19: "Anyone who doesn't want me to reign over him, bring him before me and slay him before me." Jesus Christ
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