Sean Taylor dead at the age of 24.

Oh man.......I went to sleep yesterday thinking he was going to pull through....

R.I.P Sean
Originally Posted by GORDON GARTRELLE

One question though, why are a segment of athletes/entertainers constantly in the news for either things they've done or things that have been done to them? It's like every week you hear a story about an athlete, entertainer, rapper, etc, getting involved in some kind of mess. This guy's death was tragic, but deaths like these can be prevented so long as you just reffrain from making yourself accessible to others and inviting trouble. People don't seem to get it.

I know this is a few pages back but I agree with this 100%
RIP Sean Taylor.
I can't quite get 'Where is the love' out of my head right now cuz of this.
not what i wanted to wake up to today, my heart dropped when i saw the title. i was not expecting him to pass at all.
r.i.p. sean taylor!
I left CNN running all night and heard it through my sleep but thought I was dreaming...hoping I was.

I guess I'm not. This death is bothering me more than others for some reason. Living your life....healthy and in incredible NFL shape...turning your lifearound with a new daughter...playing football on Sunday and you're dead by Tuesday. Wow.

R.I.P. Sean Taylor
i never fallowed his career, so i'm not too familiar with him as a player, but this news has sadden me to the core. i hope his little ones can cope withtheir lost.
i wen't to sleep last night thinking he was gonna be okay after responding to doctors. i wake up this morning to collin cowherd on the radio saying it isnow a "murder case."
RIP Sean Taylor, you were one of thegood ones from my generation
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