Look what Danny Kelly linked to! LOL!

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Bennett wants to be traded? the hell

Hopefully this is just some bogus rumor...not familiar with the source at all
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The dude who reported it is all over Seattle radio trying to explain it, but reports are being shot down everywhere. Dude said Bennett wouldn't go public because it's true. Also speculation that Greg Hardy's agent is trying to create a bidding war/buzz for Hardy by making it look like Seahawks are heavy on trying to get Hardy since Bennett wants to be gone. Dude also said Hawks will match any offer DAL will give to Greg Hardy.

Danny O'Neil also was on radio saying it's straight up not true from what he knows and everyone he's talked to around Seattle (other reporters + organization)
 Danny 710ESPNSeattle @DDMon710
Michael Bennett has NOT asked the #Seahawks for a trade.
 Gregg Bell @gbellseattle Follow
Also confirmed DE Michael Bennett has NOT asked #Seahawks to trade him. Team knows no basis for that report. #nogamessorumortime
Heard on ESPN that Greg Hardy interested in hawks.
 The Cowboys are the team that has shown the most interest in free agent defensive end Greg Hardy. But they aren’t the only teams interested.
Hardy also plans to visit the Seahawks, a league source tells PFT.
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That reporter from Texas was reaching for a scoop... Wouldn't be surprised if Rosenhaus was behind the Bennett/Hardy rumors...
Paging Mosesbread, we need a statement or at least a tweet denying the rumors. Atlanta is far from Hawaii...
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