Guess that ESPN simulation about the Hawks starting 0-9 was wrong...

Glad to see the offense firing on all cylinders right out of the gates. It was nice to see them have that kind of first half but I'm also trying not to get too excited this soon, we all saw what happened last season about midway through. Lot of things to like about yesterdays performance though. Also, the NFC west could be one of the best divisions this season, but again it's only been one week...
Good thing The Colts threw the Two high cover at them early. That's what they struggled with midway last year. Shane had some good answers but yeah still early. We'll see what scheme will be next they'll have to adjust to
Penny back on the shelf. Dude is C.J. Prosise 2.0

More carries for Dallas. I thought he looked good in preseason.
I dont blame him. Stupid rule

You can't show any emotion? I get it if it's excessive but that?

Stupid rule that everyone hates but it’ll be called. I physically don’t know how this game can be played at this level without showing bursts of emotions. Refs wil justify that call because Reed made the slightest of a turn toward dude. NFL going backwards…
Stupid rule that everyone hates but it’ll be called. I physically don’t know how this game can be played at this level without showing bursts of emotions. Refs wil justify that call because Reed made the slightest of a turn toward dude. NFL going backwards…
Yeah man you're asking alot of these players that store alot of energy for one game a week and then expect to show nothing

A couple stare downs and flexes haven't done anything to put the game in a bad direction. Been awful all day today to see
The OT offensive possession was atrocious! Offense and defense played like garbage in the 2nd half. Not even sure Myers missed PAT would have made a difference. They were moving the ball at will. I would have been 99% sure they would have converted the 2 pt conversion.
Man Tre Flowers. I don't know what else you can do. He was up against some studs. Him and Adams completely killed their gap responsibility on the long Henry TD.

Kinda weird not seeing the TEs involved today, like at all.

DK seems to lose focus and get disinterested at times. Not sure what's up with that

Feels like we've seen this happen so many times with Seattle these days is that a defense that doesn't really scheme up gets exposed if you let offenses hang around

Lockett is amazing man. Straight beast

3rd down woes still a problem. Always has been smh

Next two on the road. Could easily be 1-4 but we'll see how it plays out
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