Seattle SuperSonics Thread

CP incoming in 3... 2...
For what?
Lack of history for this franchise 

anytime someone mentions the Kings and their long history, he usually goes on this long diatribe 
Sounds like KJ/City is throwing some 4th and long hail mary's 
Lack of history for this franchise :lol:

anytime someone mentions the Kings and their long history, he usually goes on this long diatribe

When doesn't he? :lol:

Maybe it's not a long or Laker rich history, but there's still history and great memories from that franchise. I, for one, still consider some of those Kings teams the most exciting I've ever seen. That means something to me as it may to others...That's all that matters.
man f the maloofs. why couldn't they sell the kings earlier to the people who want to keep the kings in sac.....
no more major sports team in sacramento if this goes thru

You know why. Seattle was looking for a team that could be moved... there was only one... and they paid a huge price for it. The Maloofs are greedy and broke...

Sounds like KJ/City is throwing some 4th and long hail mary's :frown:

What's this?
Originally Posted by SenorRoboto2k5  
Sounds like KJ/City is throwing some 4th and long hail mary's 
What's this?
It was told verbatim from Carmichael Dave's source close to KJ (so not official). But he said taking it to court, appealing to the owners, maybe convince Stern to sell local, Burkle.

Basically just be as much of a pain in the *** as possible 
Sorry RCK and other kings fans.
I hated the kings growin up for obvious reasons but you guys don't deserve this crap from the maloofs. I feel for you guys
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Sorry RCK and other kings fans.
I hated the kings growin up for obvious reasons but you guys don't deserve this crap from the maloofs. I feel for you guys

I'm in the same camp, my brother is a Kings fan but I'm sorry to hear that they're leaving California. There just wasn't enough time to make things better.
so they also get the sacramento monarchs? seattle already has the storm, right?
:x :x

Virginia Beach really thought a team would want to move there?
bigger market than OKC...

largest market without a pro team currently...

get your facts up b, miss me with the emotional repsonses!!

obviously tho, if it came downw to va beach vs seattle, seattle will win...same way when it came down to us or DC for the expos, DC got their team back...

will admit, talk around here about getting the team has slowed down to a snails wouldnt surprise me if a deal in seattle is close to being starting to think va beach just trolled us all and only used the kings as leverage to get that new arena built...which in my eyes is silly to have an arena of that magnitude with no team to headline it...

Y'all might be the largest market w/o a pro team but there's a **** load of markets with teams so you ain't saying much...and the expos had a good shot of coming down here to NC before va beach but voters here turned it down ...tidewater area isn't a desirable place for a pro team
There wa
I'm in the same camp, my brother is a Kings fan but I'm sorry to hear that they're leaving California. There just wasn't enough time to make things better.
s plenty of time, and even public support and approval for a new arena. What there wasn't, was support towards the city from ownership.

Stern himself said the deal the Maloofs retracted from was a good deal for everyone.
I meant that there wasn't enough time to extract the team from the Maloofs because of their shrinking worth as millionaires. If they had comfortable money for their position, they could have sold locally for cheaper and not sought out the highest bidder who was out of the area.
KHTK is saying there are local buyers willing to match or overbid to keep em here.

Looks like it'll be a bidding war.
Doubt it's true, more likely just smoke being blown to try and derail the deal. Too bad the Maloofs don't care about giving Sacramento a shot.
Y'all might be the largest market w/o a pro team but there's a **** load of markets with teams so you ain't saying much...and the expos had a good shot of coming down here to NC before va beach but voters here turned it down ...tidewater area isn't a desirable place for a pro team
sold out a the first seasons worth of season tickets for the expos...

already had the stadium plans built and ok'd.. 

had a previous sports owner funding everything (bob johnson)..

not trying to take away from seattle...they def deserve a team...

but i can honestly see my hometown getting a team within the next decade...

too many majors pushing it...bob johnson first now live nation saying theyll fund the kings endeavor... 

somebody thinks a team can work here...
Indeed, sources close to the situation told PBT that there are still many hurdles for this deal to overcome, and that Sacramento still has willing, reputable buyers ready to meet or beat Hansen’s offer in order to keep the franchise in town.

Indeed, as reported here numerous times, Hansen would have to drastically overpay in order to outdo the Sacramento ownership groups, because Sac owners don’t have to account for a relocation fee, a city loan back to Sacramento, and the hard costs of moving. Sources say that this will total a minimum of $125 million, and should the NBA decide they want to levy a higher relocation fee to even out the playing field that number could increase.

This means that if the Maloofs sell to Hansen for $500 million, that in reality they are getting much, much less. In Sacramento, this means that it’s time for their local buyers to step up with their offers, and make the same effort the city made in the spring of 2011 when the Maloofs had most believing the team would move to Anaheim.

An offer of $425-$450 million dollars would start to put more money in the Maloofs’ pockets than the Seattle offer does, and that’s where the next step in this relocation debacle lies.
Sources: Sacramento Kings to Seattle not a done deal just yet

I've tried to make this point before but failed..... Bruski did a better job than me 
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