See What Stop Kony prepared you all for?

First paragraph states that Kony and his army have been "virtually inactive for six years."
Shame what they're doing and how we all let it happen. Kony been ghost for 6 years while the real criminals are other nations moving in on African countries.
"If I could change the world"

I hope all of you humanitarians feel good about your donations. LOL.
People are such idiots. All you have to do is appeal to their emotions.

This is gonna get ugly. China is already staking its claim in Africa, and of course the US has to compete.
People should have really researched to see what was going on before trying to spread this propaganda in the first place.
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Shame what they're doing and how we all let it happen. Kony been ghost for 6 years while the real criminals are other nations moving in on African countries.
love this album.
people are stupid and give in to anything with hype. what else is new.

evil lurks behind the cloak of darkness, and thats why you gotta search to find the truth and what is really going on .
Originally Posted by Tupac Jordan

Anyone with half a brain saw this from a mile away.
pretty much. i tried to tell people on my facebook and got hit with "your not my father don't tell me what to do"
so many gullible young adults in america
Originally Posted by moneymike88

Joseph Kony and his Lord’s Resistance Army have been virtually inactive for six years.


A quick google search of Joseph Kony when this Kony 2012 campaign started gave info on all that.  I can't believe people were too lazy to follow through and question things.
Originally Posted by Mark Antony

Originally Posted by moneymike88

Joseph Kony and his Lord’s Resistance Army have been virtually inactive for six years.

A quick google search of Joseph Kony when this Kony 2012 campaign started gave info on all that.  I can't believe people were too lazy to follow through and question things.

Inactive? What exactly does that mean? I'm pretty sure he's still out there committing heinous crimes. Enlighten me if I'm wrong.
Watch, next year the same fools who were pressing on for this will be campaigning to "End the war in Africa"
$#*%@*# sheep. Cotdamn tools. 

Impressionable teenagers and "pro active" young adults who want to feel like they're saving the world.
two sides to every story... if you jumped aboard on the KONY 2012 video without doing research, you my friend, are a sheep
I knew it was hype and scam from the get go.  When it involves bracelets and facebook, it can't be good. 
Bunch of sheep in the US, #+%%%@@ people, I wonder how those that donated and were jumping on the bandwagon feel.

Son that 30 minute video had them brainwashed.

Damn shame.
Originally Posted by Mark Antony

Originally Posted by moneymike88

Joseph Kony and his Lord’s Resistance Army have been virtually inactive for six years.
A quick google search of Joseph Kony when this Kony 2012 campaign started gave info on all that.  I can't believe people were too lazy to follow through and question things.

Hey man, some ppl thought KONY = King of New York. I had tweeted that as a joke and ppl RT
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