See What Stop Kony prepared you all for?

People quick to scream "scam" after reading an article from Infowars. Guy who came up with this Kony 2012 campaign has actually responded to these allegations. Youtube it.
Originally Posted by smoothrick007

Originally Posted by PRIME

Originally Posted by smoothrick007

I could do that, but that's why we have law enforcement for. They get paid to do that stuff. Kony kidnapped 66,000 children. 66,000 children! Why should we choose to ignore this? Because it's not our problem? Not everyone has that selfish mentality. Besides, how can someone watch that 30 minute video and simply say "Oh well, that's not my problem." Good hearted people are going to try to help. Now if it's a scam, ok, that's another story.

And to answer your last question, I happen to be a criminal justice major and plan on being in law enforcement, so I'll probably do something about it. lol
Being good hearted is one thing, and playing "Big Brother" to the world is another thing. 
We just had a "War on Terrorism", now we're about to have a "War against Kony" 

We're about to spend more time and money and send more soldiers overseas to solve another countries problems. 

This "America is saving the world" gimmick isn't going to last forever. 

The more money we spend handling other countries problems, the longer we'll have these same unsettled problems in our own country. 

Thats all I'm saying. 

I see exactly what your saying. Generally speaking, this can go either way man. Should we go get Kony, or leave him alone? Both sides will have their arguments. For sake of not arguing on here, i'll just leave it as is.

True true. Not mad at that at all. 
BTW my boy is graduating soon, BS in Criminal Justice as well. Hitting Miami to celebrate. Random, but I noticed you said you're in school for it
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Damb....I'll be burning my kit live on cam for you guys...I swear I watched that video at like 3am from my bed and it got me...I'm a fool.I reacted on emotions rather than usin logic.
if u see all these ppl, which seem like they dont know where the US is on the map, posting "global awareness" videos on their fb and twitter, maybe u should dig deeper before contributing any amount of money. 
I hope South Park does an episode about all this...
Originally Posted by smoothrick007

People quick to scream "scam" after reading an article from Infowars. Guy who came up with this Kony 2012 campaign has actually responded to these allegations. Youtube it.
i seen one response by him and it had nothing to do with how it is basically a scam
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

^ what did you think about the initial Stop Kony campaign?
I thought it was dumb cause I saw a bunch of tards on my timeline who I know ain't read a book or a newspaper in their life tweeting about this.  Then I watched the video and I was profoundly disturbed by the outright propaganda they were pressing through it. I'ma political studies major, this is what I spent 4 years of college reading about.
Africa is still underdeveloped aka it has a huge amount of untapped resources.  Your right, there was a huge amount of oil found there recently.  And if we are expand our presence in Uganda, it really all matters about in what way we do it.  I mean, the movement has already been widely exposed and I'm seeing almost as much negative stuff about Kony than positive stuff.  Plus, with Iran looming I'm just not so sure its going to be that easy to go into Uganda or Africa like that.  We still have so many other resourced tied up in other places.  It'll be interesting to say the least to see what happens over the next 4 years.  Africa is definitely on the map of all major international players, China/Russia have been ahead of the curve of buddying up to many of some of the worst African leaders in an effort to get there foot in the door.
Originally Posted by PRIME

Originally Posted by smoothrick007

Originally Posted by PRIME

Being good hearted is one thing, and playing "Big Brother" to the world is another thing. 
We just had a "War on Terrorism", now we're about to have a "War against Kony" 

We're about to spend more time and money and send more soldiers overseas to solve another countries problems. 

This "America is saving the world" gimmick isn't going to last forever. 

The more money we spend handling other countries problems, the longer we'll have these same unsettled problems in our own country. 

Thats all I'm saying. 

I see exactly what your saying. Generally speaking, this can go either way man. Should we go get Kony, or leave him alone? Both sides will have their arguments. For sake of not arguing on here, i'll just leave it as is.

True true. Not mad at that at all. 
BTW my boy is graduating soon, BS in Criminal Justice as well. Hitting Miami to celebrate. Random, but I noticed you said you're in school for it
Haha that's legit, congrats to your boy
Originally Posted by a55a5in11

Originally Posted by smoothrick007

People quick to scream "scam" after reading an article from Infowars. Guy who came up with this Kony 2012 campaign has actually responded to these allegations. Youtube it.
i seen one response by him and it had nothing to do with how it is basically a scam
You seen this video?

basically talks about the finances around 3:40
How does this article actually prove the campaign is a fraud anyways? Most of the links in the article are to sister sites. Doesn't that seem a little suspect? Like they're just trying to increase their SEO and bring more page views to their sites to make money? Adolf Eichmann was hiding in South America until 1962. Does that mean he shouldn't have been prosecuted and executed?
Originally Posted by crcballer55

How does this article actually prove the campaign is a fraud anyways? Most of the links in the article are to sister sites. Doesn't that seem a little suspect? Like they're just trying to increase their SEO and bring more page views to their sites to make money? Adolf Eichmann was hiding in South America until 1962. Does that mean he shouldn't have been prosecuted and executed?

I can't really speak on the legitimacy of the info provided in the article, nor do I care to.  But I would like to speak about common sense.  We're in the year 2012--why is finding Kony and bringing him to justice such a big deal NOW?  After all these years, NOW we're going to launch a multi-million dollar campaign to hunt this dude down?  
I don't think anyone is debating that Kony's actions aren't/weren't deplorable.  Of course he should be brought to justice for his crimes.  But ask yourself WHY NOW.  And how did this "grassroots" campaign blow up literally overnight when there are a gang of people pushing the public to take on their cause?  Doesn't that seem suspect to you?    
Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

Originally Posted by crcballer55

How does this article actually prove the campaign is a fraud anyways? Most of the links in the article are to sister sites. Doesn't that seem a little suspect? Like they're just trying to increase their SEO and bring more page views to their sites to make money? Adolf Eichmann was hiding in South America until 1962. Does that mean he shouldn't have been prosecuted and executed?

I can't really speak on the legitimacy of the info provided in the article, nor do I care to.  But I would like to speak about common sense.  We're in the year 2012--why is finding Kony and bringing him to justice such a big deal NOW?  After all these years, NOW we're going to launch a multi-million dollar campaign to hunt this dude down?  
I don't think anyone is debating that Kony's actions aren't/weren't deplorable.  Of course he should be brought to justice for his crimes.  But ask yourself WHY NOW.  And how did this "grassroots" campaign blow up literally overnight when there are a gang of people pushing the public to take on their cause?  Doesn't that seem suspect to you?    

Why now? Cus we have Twitter and Facebook now. People have internet on their phones now. And it takes planning. It takes a group of people to come together and do this. It takes money. Doesn't happen overnight. Dude couldn't just wake up one morning in 2004 and say let me spread the word to millions of people.

Btw? I'm curious, was it really a multi-million dollar campaign?
Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

Originally Posted by crcballer55

How does this article actually prove the campaign is a fraud anyways? Most of the links in the article are to sister sites. Doesn't that seem a little suspect? Like they're just trying to increase their SEO and bring more page views to their sites to make money? Adolf Eichmann was hiding in South America until 1962. Does that mean he shouldn't have been prosecuted and executed?

I can't really speak on the legitimacy of the info provided in the article, nor do I care to.  But I would like to speak about common sense.  We're in the year 2012--why is finding Kony and bringing him to justice such a big deal NOW?  After all these years, NOW we're going to launch a multi-million dollar campaign to hunt this dude down?  
I don't think anyone is debating that Kony's actions aren't/weren't deplorable.  Of course he should be brought to justice for his crimes.  But ask yourself WHY NOW.  And how did this "grassroots" campaign blow up literally overnight when there are a gang of people pushing the public to take on their cause?  Doesn't that seem suspect to you?    
Why do we all of a sudden care about our internet rights after they have been slowly trying to take them away for the past 3-4 years?  The answer?  Because we can more easily get the message out.  Invisible Children was trying to solve the Darfur problem around 2005.  I wouldn't say they "succeeded", but at least they were able to get Sudan divided into two countries.  I'll be honest and say I don't pay too close of attention to those situations, but I would hope that we at least helped with the infrastructure of them becoming self sufficient and able to defend themselves from the genocide that was occurring over the past 20 years.
Originally Posted by Mr4thQuarter

...and everyone jumped on me when I called BS when the 'Kony 2012' thread was made.

Hopefully US doesn't get involved and all this just dies out.
Wishful thinking...
France is already losing influence in the region (Rwanda, former French colony, switched one of their national languages to English). Nearby, the DRC that holds more than enough reserves of minerals needed in manufacturing pretty much anything electronic, they just found oil in Uganda (which is also being exploited in Equatorial Guinea and Gabon), and China is already being very cozy with the governments of Central and Eastern African countries through cheap(er) infrastructure projects, weapon deals, emigration (sudden influx of Chinese in the region), etc... 

I think the US govt is going to be more visible in Africa, and KONY2012 was the PSA.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Damb....I'll be burning my kit live on cam for you guys...I swear I watched that video at like 3am from my bed and it got me...I'm a fool.I reacted on emotions rather than usin logic.
basically same with me. I already tried cancelling it, lets see how it turns out.
Originally Posted by smoothrick007

Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

Originally Posted by crcballer55

How does this article actually prove the campaign is a fraud anyways? Most of the links in the article are to sister sites. Doesn't that seem a little suspect? Like they're just trying to increase their SEO and bring more page views to their sites to make money? Adolf Eichmann was hiding in South America until 1962. Does that mean he shouldn't have been prosecuted and executed?

I can't really speak on the legitimacy of the info provided in the article, nor do I care to.  But I would like to speak about common sense.  We're in the year 2012--why is finding Kony and bringing him to justice such a big deal NOW?  After all these years, NOW we're going to launch a multi-million dollar campaign to hunt this dude down?  
I don't think anyone is debating that Kony's actions aren't/weren't deplorable.  Of course he should be brought to justice for his crimes.  But ask yourself WHY NOW.  And how did this "grassroots" campaign blow up literally overnight when there are a gang of people pushing the public to take on their cause?  Doesn't that seem suspect to you?    

Why now? Cus we have Twitter and Facebook now. People have internet on their phones now. And it takes planning. It takes a group of people to come together and do this. It takes money. Doesn't happen overnight. Dude couldn't just wake up one morning in 2004 and say let me spread the word to millions of people.

Btw? I'm curious, was it really a multi-million dollar campaign?
So 5 or 6 years (according to native Ugandans) after this dude has been seen in their country is a great time to go viral with this?  C'mon son.  I definitely understand that something this massive takes a lot of planning.  Clearly, producing a 29 minute long, polished infomercial doesn't happen overnight.  But that's kinda the point.  If finding Kony and bringing him to justice is so urgent (and has been urgent, according to IC), why is all of this coming out an alleged half-decade after the dude was even seen there?  Why are some Ugandan people saying that he isn't a threat (and hasn't been for quite some time), yet the Kony 2012 campaign paints a different picture? 
Btw, I'm not saying that I have any more knowledge regarding the legitimacy of this Kony 2012 thing than anyone else out there.  But to say that now is the time for this because we have Twitter, Facebook and internet-capable phones is kind of a slap in the face of the very people this cause hopes to redeem, no?  So this anti-Kony thing wasn't important enough for TV commercials, newspaper ads, magazine articles and books?  I fully grasp that social media allows us a broader reach than any of the aforementioned mediums ever did.  But I just don't believe that this campaign blows up now just because we have social media.  There's a reason this is being crammed down our throats (pause) and it has to be bigger than "because of Facebook, Twitter and the internet".  That only addresses the way in which receive the message--it doesn't address the agenda behind the message, IMO.  
NT let's make up a fake dictator and get a campaign going. We should be able to buy MJ's mansion as our headquarters in no time.
what are these "kits" people bought?

on one hand it is nice to know that a lot of people have good intentions but may be taken advantage of
one the other hand it is disappointing to see these same people jumping blindly into something

always be wary of people trying to go after your money
Some rough numbers

Action Kit: $35
Amount sold: ~500,000
Total: $17,500,000
Production cost %: 20%
End Total from kits: $14,000,000
Cash from bracelets, T-shirts, posters, movies: ?????

Cash at 1/1/12: $6,000,000
Estimated known cash funds 3/14/12: $20,000,000

Average expenses per year: $8,500,000

Surplus cash based on average expenses: $11,500,000

^Again, that's missing any income from individual bracelets, T-shirts, posters, movies, cash donations, new grants, etc.  As well
I can't wait to see the 2012 cash flow chart cause they must be building something really nice.
met a guy from congo and his name is Jean Claude

the european influence in africa is mogs in sierra leone happy cause they have a small part in the british parliament

damn shame how much rape the continent of africa has been through.....if mogs weren't so friendly they couldve been the true world power
Originally Posted by smoothrick007

Originally Posted by a55a5in11

Originally Posted by smoothrick007

People quick to scream "scam" after reading an article from Infowars. Guy who came up with this Kony 2012 campaign has actually responded to these allegations. Youtube it.
i seen one response by him and it had nothing to do with how it is basically a scam
You seen this video?

basically talks about the finances around 3:40

he doesn't explain the 5 mil missing in the video or the salary for management
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