Self-Hating Rich Kid Goes On Shooting Rampage, NTers Write Paragraphs Arguing About It

Just imagine how worse this would be if he got into the sorority house
alpha phi :pimp:
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I just want to know the facts and all the details of what happened at the killings
Specifically when he killed the roommates and their friend
Like, did he lure them all into the same room at the same time and just take off or what
And of course I'd like to know all the details of the "retribution" shootings
But yeah, like dude just said above me , if he actually were to get into the sorority house
If everything went as planned, there woulda been a Va Tech # of bodies
This kid seems like a made up character from a CSI episode or something, this country is really developing its own rogues gallery, very sad

Also VERY alarming that he was able to get done what he wanted considering the amount of attention he's received regarding his condition. I know we're a long ways from effective gun sales, but do you guys think the HIPPA rules obstruct the ability to keep guns out of the hands of mentally disturbed people? I do. I have doubt that this kid had the ability to source an illegal gun, and had a filter been in place when he bought his from the gun shop, his plan would've been stopped dead in its tracks, but unfortunately, there were plenty of other avenues he could take to hurt people if he was resourceful enough. RIP to victims

Brown said Rodger told deputies it was a misunderstanding and that he was not going to hurt anyone or himself. Rodger said he was having troubles with his social life.

But long before that, Rodger was plotting his deadly "Day of Retribution."

"I had the striking and devastating fear that someone had somehow discovered what I was planning to do, and reported me for it," Rodger wrote about the police visit, toward the end of his manifesto. "If that was the case, the police would have searched my room, found all of my guns and weapons, along with my writings about what I plan to do with them.

"I would have been thrown in jail, denied of the chance to exact revenge on my enemies. I can't imagine a hell darker than that."

He sent his manifesto to two dozen people

Perhaps some of the most obvious clues as to why the rampage took place come from Rodger's manifesto, which chronicles his life from birth all the way to his planned "Day of Retribution."

In "My Twisted World: The Story of Elliot Rodger," the writer said he bought his first handgun in 2012 in preparation for a possible "Day of Retribution."

On Friday, minutes before he shot three young women in front of a sorority house and killed a young man at a nearby deli, Rodger e-mailed his writings to two dozen people, including his parents and at least one of his therapists.

"My orchestration of the Day of Retribution is my attempt to do everything, in my power, to destroy everything I cannot have," Rodger wrote.

"All of those beautiful girls I've desired so much in my life, but can never have because they despise and loathe me, I will destroy. All of those popular people who live hedonistic lives of pleasure, I will destroy, because they never accepted me as one of them. I will kill them all and make them suffer, just as they have made me suffer. It is only fair."

I just wanted to highlight the information here, especially the premeditation, that shows that this guy is just evil. It reminds me of the Columbine shooters.
This guy wasn't mentally disturbed or challenged, he was just evil. He set out on a plan to kill as many people as he could and executed that plan.

Some people are just evil. Let's stop trying to make excuses. :smh:

it's 2014.... evil is not a diagnosis
This dude doesn't strike me as being mentally ill at all man.
Might wanna take a look at the distinguishing features of Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
This dude doesn't strike me as being mentally ill at all man. :smh:

I agree I saw it too and that really is quite scary
He was so lucid and self aware during all of those rants
Take, for example, the "why don't any girls love me video"
Here you have a "crazy" person ranting about his self worth based on things like his BMW and 300$ Armani sunglasses
And then you watch, about 3/4 through the video when a car drives by
He stops everything he's doing, his energy changes, he becomes completely withdrawn as he turns everything inward and politely allows the car to pass
Then as they leave, the moment he is free from the judgement of another human being, because the car is out of sight and they can no longer see him...
He snaps it back on! And continues this audacious diatribe that no one could possibly believe
I don't think he believed it. He seemed to be playing a character, and that was how he allowed himself to step into extreme viewpoints
I'd argue that he used this character to safely be himself ( or rather, who he wanted to be-- with all of those radical ideas about women and minorities and whatnot)
I mean really, a crazy person, a seriously CRAZY person, do they care when anyone's watching?
When you walk to Starbucks and you see that woman with holes in her jeans muttering to herself and laughing at nothing, does she stop this guise while using to the crosswalk to cross the street because there's a car at the stop sign and the people inside could potentially ridicule her for her insanity?
I highly doubt that she does.
Honestly. I mean the kid was in therapy since he was eight for Christ's sake
He's probably had a wide range of diagnoses within his 13 years of therapy
He took them, as most people do unfortunately, as an excuse to act out
But he also seems to be too self aware to be completely insane
So I understand the ppl who argue- "hey! This is ********! He's not crazy! Look at him!"
Not sure where I'm going with this, I just wanted to point out what I saw, and hear anyone else's thoughts I'd love to hear
It's just so interesting when something like this happens, I'm completely enthralled by it all
The take away I'm left with is that he was much more of a younger-boston-bomber brother than a Dark Knight Shooter
As far as I can see, he was rational enough to know EXACTLY what he was doing, and overtime he developed a defense mechanism to exercise his wildest thoughts through a type of character he would play (kind of like a Slim, to eminem)
Is he truly crazy? The world may never know
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anyone know if the kid was on any type of medication and if he was off them?

curious, cause i know people that deal with mental disorders and if they are off their meds, they are a completely different person.
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If the cops would have been called to his dorm room for drugs they would have torn that place apart.

"determined he did not meet the criteria for an involuntary hold." :stoneface:
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What's your theory big dawg
Might wanna take a look at the distinguishing features of Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

It isnt. As ive said previously in this thread, dude suffered from a severe case of low self esteem, low self worth, and an overall lack os self my opinion at least.

I dont know if thats a disorder or not, but from what ive gathered this is what I came away with. I feel as though severe disorders are so loose in classification that by that measure, it could be any one of a number of disorders and as far as disorders are concerned, I just dont see it as getting that deep.
Yeah I see what you're saying but dude would cry when he say public affection, threw coffee at girls who didn't say hi back, listened to his sister get her guts beat, started trouble and felt some type of way with miniorities who were with blondes, etc. If he didn't have any mental illness, imo his head was ****** up from some scripts. I just don't see how someone can do everything he did and only had low self-worth
I just feel like, from the manifesto, to the videos, to his comments on message boards, the one common theme present was his sense of entitlement. That is, he kept constantly saying how other people, races, etc. Were beneath him and that he deserved everything because of who he was and how he looked.

That overt nature to me screams lack of self confidence and extreme insecurity. Only people who are deeply insecure and who have some serious self worth issues act in that manner.
Furthermore, if left unchecked, self esteem and low self confidence issues can result in people mad at the world, dejected, and suicidal. In his case he wanted revenge, or some type of "win" to go along with his suicidal plans which is why he took others out along with him.
I just feel like, from the manifesto, to the videos, to his comments on message boards, the one common theme present was his sense of entitlement. That is, he kept constantly saying how other people, races, etc. Were beneath him and that he deserved everything because of who he was and how he looked.
Might wanna take a look at the distinguishing features of Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
alot of people coming in here with that "just evil" diagnosis sound like the white right wing pundits who see inner city crime as a result of black kids just being naturally bad.
Here's my thoughts on this whole situation, not that anyone cares, but I just wanted to get these thoughts off my chest. Since this a public forum I will do so:

First off, I seriously get sick to my stomach every time i see a story like this. It's disgusting.

Background & Cause:  in this particular case, after skimming through the manifesto, this kid's life started to go bad when his parents divorced. After that, he sees his father with another girlfriend almost immediately after the divorce. His dad is obviously good with women and never teaches his son anything of the sort. So essentially the kid is under-parented by his father and babied by his mother his whole life. He also seems obsessed with himself, he loves to play the role of the victim. You can tell by reading his manifesto and watching his videos. He just keeps rambling on and on, it's almost like he loves hearing himself preach. He feels he is both superior and inferior to others at the same time. This case was definitely caused by a combination of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, negative effects of parent's divorce, negative & distorted perception of women, negative effects of viewing too much pornography, under-parenting from the Father, over-parenting from the Mother, low self esteem, and possibly sociopathic tendencies. 

Problem: Our country lacks focus on any type positive mental & physical health for ALL of our citizens. Mental health care is limited to psychologists and psychiatrists which many basic insurance programs do not cover. Physical healthcare for all citizens is obviously not a major  concern to our government as we are the unhealthiest developed nation in the world. In my opinion, these two things should be a basic right that any citizen is entitled to free of charge. Think about it, if these two basic rights were provided to all citizens not only would we live longer and be a healthier nation; but it will also decrease these incidents drastically. In essentially every case like this, the perp always is suffering from some kind of mental disorder (be it ever-present or underlying). No sane person would do something like this.There should be no reason people go out killing & injuring innocent civilians like this, I believe that it is the Government's responsibility to help out/stop this problem. Not only to protect our citizens, but just as fellow humans. 

Possible Solution: Extremely stringent background and mental health checks should have to be done in order to lawfully obtain any kind of firearm. If you have any reason to fear either of these, you probably shouldn't own a firearm. I want to make it clear that owning firearms is not the problem at hand. As long as you are qualified, you should be able to own any amount of guns that you want. Taking away regular people's firearms is not a sensible solution to this. It is our constitutional right to bear arms. What I am saying though, is that if you can't pass a strict background and mental health check, you probably shouldn't have access to a gun. Along with applying these standards; Our government should place a larger emphasis on public access to both positive physical & mental healthcare for all US citizens (regardless of age, sex, race, income, etc.). We wouldn't have nearly as many terrible things like this happen if that were the case.
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-- as much as someone else on this board may discredit any of us for contributing our opinions with the Doctor comments
I appreciate your thoughts, read all of yours, and dig what your saying
Were on a message board, all we can offer is our opinions-- so thank you for urs. Good read. I wish more people would offer substantial comments
Especially on a thread like this, because the situation is extremely intriguing and it needs to be talked about
mad at the world for not being able to get chicks? Wow seriously sad for the innocent lives lost. But this dude wasn't meant to pass on his weak genes to anybody
This fool telling people he's going to kill folks .... No one listens.

But cops stay harassing my boy because he has tats and lives in the hood.

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