Self-Hating Rich Kid Goes On Shooting Rampage, NTers Write Paragraphs Arguing About It


Guarantee if this kid were of color, the door would have been kicked down while he were sleep. Hope the families of those involved bankrupt this fly by night operation.

I disagree...

no arrest record + not drug related = not a high priority

Anybody could have done the same thing... being black would have got him stopped more while driving around at night...but wouldn't have prevented this scenario
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I disagree...

no arrest record + not drug related = not a high priority

Anybody could have done the same thing... being black would have got him stopped more while driving around at night...but wouldn't have prevented this scenario

I disagree, i've had on wingtips, and express on and everything coming from work clean as hell and have gotten stopped and searched from the police because i fit a description.

i hate to make it about race but in the manifesto he clearly hates asians, blacks, latinos, miXed people. of course the white "less superior males" I have no experience in diagnosing people so i cant comment on that exactly but he's been off for a while. it just slowly built up whatever it was.
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I agree with you that murder is something not exclusive to one race, and even mass murder isn't exclusive to white people. But isn't the violence in Chicago gang related? Meaning not exactly as "random" as someone shooting up a bunch of people for reasons only known in that persons head? Although those are the ones the Media seems to always give attention to, aren't those perpetrators mostly white privileged males?
That's not me making a point, I genuinely want to know the answer
These aren't "random" killings though, Elliot had a sick motive to kill people he was jealous of, although he failed for the most part. All these perpetrators, from Elliot Rodger, Christopher Dorner, James Holmes, DC sniper, Fort Hood shooting (Latino btw), Washington Navy yard shooter, VTech shooter to countless others knew what they were exactly doing, they just targeted randomly of the victims they were tired of. So no, the perpetrators are not mostly white privileged males, but the media loves to highlight the white ones more.
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I have serious problems with this mentality.

Minorities always complain that the media portrays the actions of one idiot as being indicative of a community-wide epidemic, then out of the other side of their mouths they'll say "we gotta do better."

"WE"? No.  You didn't do anything wrong. You have no reason to feel guilty.  You shouldn't have to bear the onus of some a-hole's actions.  

As a white male I don't feel any obligation to "do better" because I know that this loser doesn't reflect who I am in the slightest.

I 1000000% agree with you on that. If you didn't do anything you SHOULDNT have to be affected by one a holes bad choices. But to this day people still cross the street when I walk their way and I can still see women clutch their purse tighter when I walk by and by no means look like your stereotypical thug, and I'm willing to bet tons of other black NT members have experienced the same. Like I said, whether you agree or not, no white man will never have to be a representative for their race. When one white person says "I hate black people" no one is going to assume that all white people are racist, like I said in a previous comment that's white privilege. But when you here about the violence In places like Chicago or Trenton you get comments like "why are black people so violent" or "why are black people always killing eachother". As if they are representatives of the entire race
These aren't "random" killings though, Elliot had a sick motive to kill people he was jealous of, although he failed for the most part. All these perpetrators, from Elliot Rodger, Christopher Dorner, James Holmes, DC sniper, Fort Hood shooting (Latino btw), Washington Navy yard shooter, VTech shooter to countless others knew what they were exactly doing, they just targeted randomly of the victims they were tired of. So no, the perpetrators are not mostly white privileged males, but the media loves to highlight the white ones more.
By random, i mean its not expected/retaliation like the gang violence that happens in urban inner city areas.

well according to this site its not true. Although ive never heard of the site "motherjones" before and cant speak to its credibility, all the information provided on the chart can be researched. According to the information there were 67 mass shootings from 1982 to 2012. 44 out of the 67 shootings were done by a white person (43 out of the 44 were white males). the other 23 are a combination of black, latin, and asian.
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I disagree...

no arrest record + not drug related = not a high priority

Anybody could have done the same thing... being black would have got him stopped more while driving around at night...but wouldn't have prevented this scenario
I disagree, i've had on wingtips, and express on and everything coming from work clean as hell and have gotten stopped and searched from the police because i fit a description.

i hate to make it about race but in the manifesto he clearly hates asians, blacks, latinos, miXed people. of course the white "less superior males" I have no experience in diagnosing people so i cant comment on that exactly but he's been off for a while. it just slowly built up whatever it was.
The kid was clearly a racist...but his vengeance was aimed towards females, particularly blonde (aka white) females and the males they were with.  Yes, he hated minorities who were with these females, he felt they were beneath them...but he hated EVERY male that he saw with a female he felt should be with him.  Oddly enough, he was half caucasian & half Asian.  In actuality he hated everyone that he felt had something better than him.  He hated his white friends who had been outcasts but who opened up once he got to college and was more popular, dating girls.  He hated his roommates and people in his apartment building who were having sex, white couples he saw on the beach together, mixed couples including his sister and the latino who was ******* her.  I guess it could be said that he started off by killing his Asian roommates...but he would've done the same to previous roommates too, he'd lived with a bunch over the past few years because he could never deal with any of them who were enjoying life and would move, either home or to a new apartment.  Otherwise he didn't even target minorities and really, if all had gone according to his plan it would've been sorority girls who he would've killed along with the guys he saw with them.  His first place he would've attacked was a sorority house and he banged on the door but was ignored by them...once again.

In terms of the above quote?  Yes, if he was a black and/or Muslim male, the police wouldn't have been so dismissive of the situation and would've treated him as a criminal.
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Guarantee if this kid were of color, the door would have been kicked down while he were sleep. Hope the families of those involved bankrupt this fly by night operation.

I disagree...

no arrest record + not drug related = not a high priority

Anybody could have done the same thing... being black would have got him stopped more while driving around at night...but wouldn't have prevented this scenario

I think the question is when drugs and a person of color are involved, why does it suddenly become a high priority.
By random, i mean its not expected/retaliation like the gang violence that happens in urban inner city areas.

well according to this site its not true. Although ive never heard of the site "motherjones" before and cant speak to its credibility, all the information provided on the chart can be researched. According to the information there were 67 mass shootings from 1982 to 2012. 44 out of the 67 shootings were done by a white person (43 out of the 44 were white males). the other 23 are a combination of black, latin, and asian.
Well the majority of the US population is white, so that that ratio of white mass shooters to minorities are quite the same in ratio to the US population. Sad to say, but it's expected.

Guarantee if this kid were of color, the door would have been kicked down while he were sleep. Hope the families of those involved bankrupt this fly by night operation.

I disagree...

no arrest record + not drug related = not a high priority

Anybody could have done the same thing... being black would have got him stopped more while driving around at night...but wouldn't have prevented this scenario

I think the question is when drugs and a person of color are involved, why does it suddenly become a high priority.

the war on drugs and racist perceptions/drug laws... we all know this

the people who think race matters in a case of random violence caused by mental illness need to look at the Navy Yard shooter and how he slipped through the cracks even though was apprehended for discharging a firearm BEFORE the incident...and was let go...

The biggest factor is how police are untrained to deal with mental illness...not how police are untrained to deal with white killers
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oh no..

not another derail..

just stop guys damn, we get it brothas get harrased by the popo.

i know its messed up, but also dont forget this dude was a master manipulator.

seriously would anyone feel threatened by him if you saw him approaching?

this dude was slick, he wasn't stupid, his parents knew he was a psycho too.

that post about the sister gave me a strange boner..
Well the majority of the US population is white, so that that ratio of white mass shooters to minorities are quite the same in ratio to the US population. Sad to say, but it's expected.
that doesnt speak to this though. If that line of thinking was true than shouldn't that ratio apply to the jail population as well? Whites, who make up 78 percent of the U.S. population, accounted for 35 percent of the state prison population. Blacks, who make up 13 percentof the U.S. population, were 38 percent of the state prison population.
Things I want to know:

- Did he ever go out on a date. ( We cannot assume just because he never kissed a girl he never went out on a date.)
- Did anyone ever try to help him get bunz.
- Are they going to junk his BMW or will they rebuild it with a salvage title so a NT'er can purchase it.

Guarantee if this kid were of color, the door would have been kicked down while he were sleep. Hope the families of those involved bankrupt this fly by night operation.

I disagree...

no arrest record + not drug related = not a high priority

Anybody could have done the same thing... being black would have got him stopped more while driving around at night...but wouldn't have prevented this scenario

I think the question is when drugs and a person of color are involved, why does it suddenly become a high priority.

the war on drugs and racist perceptions/drug laws... we all know this

the people who think race matters in a case of random violence caused by mental illness need to look at the Navy Yard shooter and how he slipped through the cracks even though was apprehended for discharging a firearm BEFORE the incident...and was let go...

The biggest factor is how police are untrained to deal with mental illness...not how police are untrained to deal with white killers

Rhetorical question is rhetorical.

You can say race doesn't matter in this case all you want but if law enforcement didn't see color this likely wouldn't have happened.

Can you imagine if police had knocked on the shooters door two weeks ago and instead a person of middle eastern background had answered them.
I don't necessarily think it's a "white problem". I don't think being white makes you more susceptible to doing a mass shooting. I just wanted to point out that even though white dudes have been doing these for years, no one fears for their safety when they walk past a white dude down the street, or atleast not in the same way people act when they walk by a black guy dressed in "thug" attire. I think it's the whole white privilege thing that will keep giving these white dudes the benefit of the doubt, a privilege no other race has.

83% of mass shootings have been committed by white males. Meanwhile, we cross the street while seeing a black male in a hoodie because that's what perceived as more "threatening." Therapists, parents, and pretty much everyone else who had contact with this guy knew something was off and it was dismissed because his white skin, status at the bank, and overall privilege did not meet the "profile."

Also, there are plenty of mentally ill people in this world who are bipolar, schizophrenic, and have autism, etc. and who do not kill. Just blaming this solely on his mental illness further stigmatizes these people who are in more danger of being victims by society than actually doing crimes. The police, and mental health professionals failed at getting this diagnoised earlier and also the entire culture---especially online and misc, r/trp, puahate, etc, who tell young men that women are objects and that all you need is to be semi-good looking and have money and girls will flock to you. He couldn't pay for sex or "hook up" with any blonde white girl less than a 10/10 because he felt entitled to women and their bodies. Without having a woman to validate him and prove his worth to other males he literally went insane.

Guarantee if this kid were of color, the door would have been kicked down while he were sleep. Hope the families of those involved bankrupt this fly by night operation.

I disagree...

no arrest record + not drug related = not a high priority

Anybody could have done the same thing... being black would have got him stopped more while driving around at night...but wouldn't have prevented this scenario

I think the question is when drugs and a person of color are involved, why does it suddenly become a high priority.

the war on drugs and racist perceptions/drug laws... we all know this

the people who think race matters in a case of random violence caused by mental illness need to look at the Navy Yard shooter and how he slipped through the cracks even though was apprehended for discharging a firearm BEFORE the incident...and was let go...

The biggest factor is how police are untrained to deal with mental illness...not how police are untrained to deal with white killers

Rhetorical question is rhetorical.

You can say race doesn't matter in this case all you want but if law enforcement didn't see color this likely wouldn't have happened.

Can you imagine if police had knocked on the shooters door two weeks ago and instead a person of middle eastern background had answered them.

But I just gave you an example of a black male who shot out a neighbors tires, complained to a hospital he was hearing voices... and he still maintained security clearance and was not even charged and prosectuted for two prior gun incidents....

look at how the intel from russia was given regarding the family of the boston bombers.
Older bro was investigated for a triple homicide and still fell through the cracks... muslim guy with eastern european roots... sounded like a COD storyline and the police failed on that...

you are focusing on race too much... distraction
I have serious problems with this mentality.

Minorities always complain that the media portrays the actions of one idiot as being indicative of a community-wide epidemic, then out of the other side of their mouths they'll say "we gotta do better."

"WE"? No.  You didn't do anything wrong. You have no reason to feel guilty.  You shouldn't have to bear the onus of some a-hole's actions.  

As a white male I don't feel any obligation to "do better" because I know that this loser doesn't reflect who I am in the slightest.
I 1000000% agree with you on that. If you didn't do anything you SHOULDNT have to be affected by one a holes bad choices. But to this day people still cross the street when I walk their way and I can still see women clutch their purse tighter when I walk by and by no means look like your stereotypical thug, and I'm willing to bet tons of other black NT members have experienced the same. Like I said, whether you agree or not, no white man will never have to be a representative for their race. When one white person says "I hate black people" no one is going to assume that all white people are racist, like I said in a previous comment that's white privilege. But when you here about the violence In places like Chicago or Trenton you get comments like "why are black people so violent" or "why are black people always killing eachother". As if they are representatives of the entire race
I agree with all of this.  I just think the notion that the bad seeds are representatives of the entire race is reinforced by good members of that minority group saying things like "we gotta do better."
the entire culture---especially online and misc, r/trp, puahate, etc, who tell young men that women are objects and that all you need is to be semi-good looking and have money and girls will flock to you. He couldn't pay for sex or "hook up" with any blonde white girl less than a 10/10 because he felt entitled to women and their bodies. Without having a woman to validate him and prove his worth to other males he literally went insane.

people online clowned on him though... he received no support from the misogynistic online community you are blaming...

Thats like blaming gang culture for a person's actions...but this person was never in a gang and the gangs in his area didn't even associate with him
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people online clowned on him though... he received no support from the misogynistic online community you are blaming...

Thats like blaming gang culture for a person's actions...but this person was never in a gang and the gangs in his area didn't even associate with him

Because he came off as a troll at first. And yes, they are to blame for this whole "nice guy" and "friendzoned" cesspool of young men. So him being an extreme misogynist and frequenting misogynist online communities had no affect on him? Is that what i'm supposed to believe? Because those people now are propping him up as some martyr for their cause, "this is what happens when women don't do this."
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Totally naive here to gun acquisition laws as I am not an owner nor do I plan on it.

Please school me....

Why not have a system in place much like when you apply for a job? 3 references, assuming you want someone to give you a "positive" recommendation or evaluation ( in this case, approve your request to acquire a firearm ). In this guys case, he probably has to resort to his family, in which case they may shed some light on why he shouldn't have a firearm? Not to say it completely eliminates his ability to get one, but at least it makes it more difficult. This guy going "black market" and trying to get one on the streets is probably a tough play for him even with stacks of cash, just due to his inability to communicate/relate on a proper level.

I have no issue with making it very difficult to acquire a firearm legally. If it weeds out even a few of these jokers, and those who legitimately need, want, or are responsible enough to do so are still able to get through the process then great. Will there still be means to get one illegally- absolutely. As noted by many already- you are desperate, dumb, deranged, or determined enough, anything is possible. Buy an old school bus- fill it with explosives and drive it into a crowd of people or busy area. Strap explosives to oneself and go into a large crowd, etc, etc.... list goes on- I am sure there are people with much grander and sicker ideas that would completely shock those of us "normal thinking" people out here. I have no doubt that there are more and worser things to come, unfortunately, because evil is real. Mentally Ill or not, we may realize it, and do our best to contain and or stop it, but there is no way it will ever be totally eliminated.

It certainly can't hurt to make things more difficult and do our best to recognize and try and logically limit whatever we can through education, some assistance, and most importantly identifying the issues that set all this stuff in motion. Parents, pray for the youth of our Country and do your best to educate them to the realities of our fallen world.
people online clowned on him though... he received no support from the misogynistic online community you are blaming...

Thats like blaming gang culture for a person's actions...but this person was never in a gang and the gangs in his area didn't even associate with him

Because he came off as a troll at first. And yes, they are to blame for this whole "nice guy" and "friendzoned" cesspool of young men. So him being an extreme misogynist and frequenting misogynist online communities had no affect on him? Is that what i'm supposed to believe? Because those people now are propping him up as some martyr for their cause, "this is what happens when women don't do this."

umm... who would prop him up as a martyr?

theredpill = men who focus on using social science to pick up women
the killer did not use social science to pick up women... he thought they were supposed to just come to him

misc = guys who workout and focus on fitness while talking about random things and making up memes
the killer definitely wasn't into fitness... he thought his armani shirt and bmw was enough

PUAhate = pick up artist hate.... this means its a forum that hates people like the red pill...
you just blamed two forums that are diametrically opposed to each other....???

you are just copying what you've seen said about him rather than analyzing the issue yourself
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