Self-Hating Rich Kid Goes On Shooting Rampage, NTers Write Paragraphs Arguing About It

seemed like he wanted to pull dimes and basically be "the man"
he was obviously off in his head
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I think some of us are missing the larger picture here.

If this person felt strongly enough about being alone that he would kill to escape the pain, how would he behave if he actually did have an intimate relationship with someone? It seems to me that just having sex or having a girlfriend wouldn't have been enough for him. So we might joke and say "oh if he had only gotten laid everything would have been fine", but his issues were deeply seeded in something that wouldn't have been treated by a one night stand or a girl who couldn't provide him emotional relief.

His soul (I don't mean literal soul, just his emotional state) was broken. Unless he received serious psychological care to mend it, he was likely going to remain unhappy and I would imagine become abusive towards whichever girl would have given him a chance.
That's the whole point though if he had a nice or decent chick consistently throughout high school and college people would still be alive right now.
Suggesting that if he had a nice chick, this wouldn't have happened is like suggesting that if a rapist was getting laid on the regular, they wouldn't rape.

It's not about what it looks like they want; the problem is that they're deranged. Period.

The problem wasn't that he was a virgin and didn't have a girl; the problem was that he didn't feel good about himself. Him expressing confusion w/ why girls won't notice him was basically him saying "What's wrong w/ me?"

Of course, there's a laundry list of answers to that question, but getting a girl wouldn't have necessarily stopped this. He would have just used her, and probably killed her once she even slightly complimented Channing Tatum or some dude in her engineering class or something. "Why you no compliment ME?! Is Channing hotter than ME?
 I don't get it."
I think some of us are missing the larger picture here.

If this person felt strongly enough about being alone that he would kill to escape the pain, how would he behave if he actually did have an intimate relationship with someone? It seems to me that just having sex or having a girlfriend wouldn't have been enough for him. So we might joke and say "oh if he had only gotten laid everything would have been fine", but his issues were deeply seeded in something that wouldn't have been treated by a one night stand or a girl who couldn't provide him emotional relief.

His soul (I don't mean literal soul, just his emotional state) was broken. Unless he received serious psychological care to mend it, he was likely going to remain unhappy and I would imagine become abusive towards whichever girl would have given him a chance.

That's the whole point though if he had a nice or decent chick consistently throughout high school and college people would still be alive right now.

Someone who thinks the way he did could never have a long, healthy relationship. I imagine it would have had a lot of emotional abuse, if not physical. His understanding was that he deserved the things he wanted, and that is a dangerous mindset.
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Whenever things like this happen I always looks at people differently for a week or so. LIke anyone around you can pull this if in the blink of an eye.

Like I said in the thread about the Iraqi insurgent assassinating people on the highway, I wish guns didn't exist. And I'm not blaming guns by saying that. It just gives the crazies an efficient means of carrying out a mass killing. 

EDIT: Just read this kid was under psychiatric care since he was a kid.
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Ha, I went to UCSB, my ex graduated from UCSB.

The video from last evening is creepy, son basically said he's gonna murk all the yambs on UCSB :x
Bruh all the females ive bagged on IV this is crazy. How are pushing a bmw and can't get a chick at SB? Smh ive had so many great times at IV man truly an awesome place. Sad to see this. IV straight up not the same anymore man :frown:
this dude showed mad signs of being a killer and messed up in the head.

the fact that he felt superior to others and called everyone who wasn't driving a bmw or dressed like a penis lover a loser was also a sign.

his parents must be proud to have raised their son to be a prick and that material possesions are the only reason anybody likes you. 
IV is pure dog @#$@ now just like the park. I always hear about bad @#$% happening there every few months
There are tens of thousands of this lil ***** running around college campuses, this is gonna be replicated :smh:
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That's what I thought after the rioting at Deltopia. Hopefully, ppl move past this and keep SB how it's been forever. I just can't see that changing.

I went to deltopia last year and it was :pimp: :pimp: glad I decided to not go this year. I dont know what's happening man. **** sucks
That's what I thought after the rioting at Deltopia. Hopefully, ppl move past this and keep SB how it's been forever. I just can't see that changing.
I went to deltopia last year and it was
glad I decided to not go this year. I dont know what's happening man. **** sucks
It was wild this year. My first time going, and I got hit with tear gas. 
 **** is not a joke.
What the ****...are you serious? I saw that kid post the original video a couple weeks ago on the misc forum. I thought he was just trolling.

wth, that's crazy...
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Guys who play football and basketball have ****ed up lives too though. Sports weren't going to help someone like him.

True. I'm just saying man, its really hard not to get any play from females or not have friends if you play sports. It probably wouldn't have helped him but my sentiment abt the benefits of playing sports were meant to be independent of his case.
You know come to think of it, my neighbor went out to IV for Spring Break this year and ended up getting stabbed five times during a fight.
There are tens of thousands of this lil ***** running around college campuses, this is gonna be replicated
It's sad that I think this way, but I'm surprised there aren't more college mass shootings.  After the VT shootings it made me realize how vulnerable a lecture of 300-400 students could be.  
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