Self-Hating Rich Kid Goes On Shooting Rampage, NTers Write Paragraphs Arguing About It

It's sad that I think this way, but I'm surprised there aren't more college mass shootings.  After the VT shootings it made me realize how vulnerable a lecture of 300-400 students could be.  

Just wait 50 some years. There will be no more mass gatherings of any sort due to these things :smh:
Is IV really as bad as you guys are hyping it up to be? Sounds like a regular college town to me
I think some of us are missing the larger picture here.

If this person felt strongly enough about being alone that he would kill to escape the pain, how would he behave if he actually did have an intimate relationship with someone? It seems to me that just having sex or having a girlfriend wouldn't have been enough for him. So we might joke and say "oh if he had only gotten laid everything would have been fine", but his issues were deeply seeded in something that wouldn't have been treated by a one night stand or a girl who couldn't provide him emotional relief.

His soul (I don't mean literal soul, just his emotional state) was broken. Unless he received serious psychological care to mend it, he was likely going to remain unhappy and I would imagine become abusive towards whichever girl would have given him a chance.
That's the whole point though if he had a nice or decent chick consistently throughout high school and college people would still be alive right now.
Suggesting that if he had a nice chick, this wouldn't have happened is like suggesting that if a rapist was getting laid on the regular, they wouldn't rape.

It's not about what it looks like they want; the problem is that they're deranged. Period.

The problem wasn't that he was a virgin and didn't have a girl; the problem was that he didn't feel good about himself. Him expressing confusion w/ why girls won't notice him was basically him saying "What's wrong w/ me?"

Of course, there's a laundry list of answers to that question, but getting a girl wouldn't have necessarily stopped this. He would have just used her, and probably killed her once she even slightly complimented Channing Tatum or some dude in her engineering class or something. "Why you no compliment ME?! Is Channing hotter than ME? :frown:  I don't get it."

Yeah I think folk are missing the point that this kid was mentally disturbed. If this wasn't his focus it would be something else. Its not really about yambs.
They're saying his parents reported the videos to the authorities but they didn't see it as a threat.
Is IV really as bad as you guys are hyping it up to be? Sounds like a regular college town to me

IV used to be paradise around 2007-8. Then some douche named Chris Par started inviting all of California to IV via FB Events and created the hordes of goons that come through every event. And somehow violence has gone up a lot after around 2011; I always hear about shootings and stabbings from my friends that still live in SB.Even then, I would have never,ever thought anything like this would happen though. IV is just a happy place, even if you're not smashing I can't see why you wouldn't be happy with life there
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Moral of the story:young men should have to play sports. Preferably basketball or football. Semi srs.

View media item 988289

We live in an imperfect world.

There is no blue print on raising a child.

None of our parents where perfect and none of us will be.

You never know what someone's capable of, hell most of us don't know what we ourselves are capable of honestly.
If it's true the parents reported his behavior and the video, then I don't see how the police involved with ignoring the signs can be trusted to continue their public service.
IV used to be paradise around 2007-8. Then some douche named Chris Par started inviting all of California to IV via FB Events and created the hordes of goons that come through every event. And somehow violence has gone up a lot after around 2011; I always hear about shootings and stabbings from my friends that still live in SB.Even then, I would have never,ever thought anything like this would happen though. IV is just a happy place, even if you're not smashing I can't see why you wouldn't be happy with life there

i used to go to iv as a hs jr/sr...then went for undergrad

it really changed after attias screwed up crap....

i went there for ivbc's last year...

damb shame what its become
Last good year at IV was 2011. It really is like a utopia man. Everyone happy, chill, smoking, drinking, fine *** girls all over, it's awesome.

Sad to see what it's becoming man
View media item 988289

We live in an imperfect world.

There is no blue print on raising a child.

None of our parents where perfect and none of us will be.

You never know what someone's capable of, hell most of us don't know what we ourselves are capable of honestly.

You're misinterpreting the sentiments behind my comment. And that's partially my fault because I didn't elaborate enough. All I was essentially saying is that in his video, he was ranting about how he was a virgin, didn't get girls, etc. and had he played sports from growing up all the way through hs or something, it would have been really hard for him not to have any female interaction or friends.

What you said is true though. We do live in an imperfect world so by no means is what I said meant to be taken as a solution of sorts, i'm just saying kids who are into sports from early on may have problems, but its a lot easier to make friends and it's an awesome way to build that human interaction dynamic that's essential for proper development.
Is IV really as bad as you guys are hyping it up to be? Sounds like a regular college town to me

IV used to be paradise around 2007-8. Then some douche named Chris Par started inviting all of California to IV via FB Events and created the hordes of goons that come through every event. And somehow violence has gone up a lot after around 2011; I always hear about shootings and stabbings from my friends that still live in SB.Even then, I would have never,ever thought anything like this would happen though. IV is just a happy place, even if you're not smashing I can't see why you wouldn't be happy with life there

That makes sense :smh: I went to SB Carpinteria about 2 years ago and that area just looked like a great place to live at
I am really saddened to hear news like this, it bothers me that people just going about their day had their lives ended by some loser lunatic. Sigh....
"On the day before the Day of Retribution, I will start the First Phase of my vengeance: Silently killing as many people as I can around Isla Vista by luring them into my apartment through some form of trickery."

True. I'm just saying man, its really hard not to get any play from females or not have friends if you play sports. It probably wouldn't have helped him but my sentiment abt the benefits of playing sports were meant to be independent of his case.
Then maybe you should have used another forum/venue to make this argument if it is irrelevant to his case.

Your point is borderline anyways, since I've known plenty of fat dudes that played football that couldn't pull chicks. In fact, there was a weirdo that played baseball at my college that didn't have any friends.

I think any kind of activities can lead to developing friendships and relationships, it could be sports, band, or chess club. Sports just happen to expose you to more alpha type popular dudes and link you to the "in" crowd.  But trust you've got outcasts on most if not all teams.
Then maybe you should have used another forum/venue to make this argument if it is irrelevant to his case.

Your point is borderline anyways, since I've known plenty of fat dudes that played football that couldn't pull chicks. In fact, there was a weirdo that played baseball at my college that didn't have any friends.

I think any kind of activities can lead to developing friendships and relationships, it could be sports, band, or chess club. Sports just happen to expose you to more alpha type popular dudes and link you to the "in" crowd.  But trust you've got outcasts on most if not all teams.

You're misinterpreting the sentiments behind my comment. And that's partially my fault because I didn't elaborate enough. All I was essentially saying is that in his video, he was ranting about how he was a virgin, didn't get girls, etc. and had he played sports from growing up all the way through hs or something, it would have been really hard for him not to have any female interaction or friends.

what I said wasnt meant to be taken as a absolute solution of sorts, i'm just saying kids who are into sports from early on may have problems, but its a lot easier to make friends and it's an awesome way to build that human interaction dynamic that's essential for proper development.

Upon further review of those videos, dude was sweeter than muffins, IMO.

All that over-the-top obsession with women and sex is mad out of bounds for someone comfortable with their sexuality, IMO.  Like yo, there are mad virgins in the world and I'd like to believe that all of them don't walk around straight obsessed with the opposite sex and "love" and "affection" like this nutjob did.  

I think maybe his rage came from those repressed feelings of homosexuality.  And the outward expressions of an extreme desire for sex/companionship with a female was him trying to conform to what he thought he had to be and cover up who he really was.  Because if we're being honest, there's no damn reason a 22-year old dude driving a BMW, who presumably had more money at his disposal than the average college student, shouldn't have smashed AT LEAST once.  Even my wife said that when she heard about this. 

Then again, I could be completely wrong.  Just a theory, I guess.  
Moral of the story:young men should have to play sports. Preferably basketball or football. Semi srs.

tell that to....

Jovan Belcher,
Aaron Hernandez,
OJ Simpson,
Oscar Pistorius,
Eric Naposki,
Rae Carruth,

And a laundry list of other athletes convicted of rape, murder, and attempted murder. Oh and let's not forget about chose charged with murder (hello Ray Lewis) but never found guilty.
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