Sending flowers to females. What y'all think??

Originally Posted by Azndood21

My friend that I've known since middle school has been feeling down for the past couple weeks. Work stuff, family stuff etc. she was telling me about everything and I genuinely feel bad. I was thinking about sending her some flowers either to her work or her house (lives with parents). Not trying to get anything out of it. I just think if I was having a rough time I hope my friends would look out for me too. What do you guys think??Should I even do it? If so, send it to the house or work?
Son.............................are you serious?

You're doing it out of the kindness of your heart to cheer up someone you care about. Asking these fools about whether or not you should do something nice for a female.
You might as well dig yourself a grave

Just do it man. It's nice of you. It will make her feel better. It would suck if she didn't like flowers though, but its the thought that counts. Sending it to work, honestly, would +@%*@@% make her day. Trust me. All the jelly female coworkers will light up her world. Blee dat!
Originally Posted by essential

Originally Posted by Tr1ll

Originally Posted by RaWeX05

Send an Edible Arrangement instead.

She'll put your gift inside her.

I personally love receiving flowers at work. 

I say go for it. Couldn't hurt, right?

Yeah go for it... Just send it anonymously so she has no clue where it came from.

x4 for the edible arrangement idea if you change your mind, though. 
Originally Posted by yngSIMBA

Real life, don't listen to these fools. You really want to cheer her up? Forget simpy flowers, forget edible arrangements. 
First, you have to make sure she's at home, alone. Whenever her parents leave, that's when you do work son.

Once you know she's alone, break into her house. You gotta make sure she's upstairs or in the shower or something so she doesn't see you. Now you want to set off one of the fire alarms, be careful not to start an actual fire. Make sure it's one downstairs too, so she has to come down to shut it off.

Then you wait for her to turn it off. Hopefully she was in the shower like I said before, because now she'll be in a towel, which makes the whole scene play out perfectly.

About 10 seconds after she cuts it off, knock on her door. This is where it gets good.

She answers the door...

Spoiler [+]
Excuse me ma'am, I'm here to extinguish your fire then give her the 
 look. She'll know what it is. You know where to take it from here...

depends how close you two are but it could be a very nice thing that could make her day...if u dont send flowers at least do something
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

at this point in my life the female that warrants this does not exist and im not sure she ever will

be smooth and you will be ok
Azndood21 wrote:
My friend that I've known since middle school has been feeling down for the past couple weeks. Work stuff, family stuff etc. she was telling me about everything and I genuinely feel bad. I was thinking about sending her some flowers either to her work or her house (lives with parents). Not trying to get anything out of it. I just think if I was having a rough time I hope my friends would look out for me too. What do you guys think?? Should I even do it? If so, send it to the house or work?

Admitting to yourself that you're in the friend zone and doing romantic gestures is... Ehhh... Not my style, at least. Do something more... Friendly... Take her out for drinks or something... Try to help take some stress off of her. Flowers wouldnt necessarily do the trick... If you can, help her with her situation, but dont give her money or anything. Just ask her if there's anything you can do to help.
Originally Posted by yngSIMBA

Real life, don't listen to these fools. You really want to cheer her up? Forget simpy flowers, forget edible arrangements. 
First, you have to make sure she's at home, alone. Whenever her parents leave, that's when you do work son.

Once you know she's alone, break into her house. You gotta make sure she's upstairs or in the shower or something so she doesn't see you. Now you want to set off one of the fire alarms, be careful not to start an actual fire. Make sure it's one downstairs too, so she has to come down to shut it off.

Then you wait for her to turn it off. Hopefully she was in the shower like I said before, because now she'll be in a towel, which makes the whole scene play out perfectly.

About 10 seconds after she cuts it off, knock on her door. This is where it gets good.

She answers the door...

Spoiler [+]
Excuse me ma'am, I'm here to extinguish your fire then give her the 
 look. She'll know what it is. You know where to take it from here...
Originally Posted by yngSIMBA

Originally Posted by ksteezy


Ya I guess it was kind of corny.. 

And yet you typed all that !@*#.

Edible arrangements is cool. Flowers is cool too. Send them to her job.

Edible she can share with co workers. Flowers will last a few days and she'll be shining in the office.

Can't really go wrong either way.
Originally Posted by Doctor Demise

That's a very nice gesture and you should send it to her work. She'll be the belle of the ball and that's sure to lift her spirits. Also, do you really think such a simple decision/question warranted our opinion? 

Its a nice gesture but personally I think that sending them to the office is something you would do for a GF. To her house is more like a friend gesture.
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