September Wrestling Thread 2021

Canadian Destroyer Canadian Destroyer
@Bad Moon Rison
Case Case
@Peep Game
@King of Trash Style

WCW Nitro:06/10/1996:

Singles Match
Booker T vs. Scott Steiner
Excellent opener. Booker T was agile as hell during these early days and Scott Steiner was probably at his peak around this time. The finish was a little sudden but the fans got a good opening match here.

Singles Match
Diamond Dallas Page vs. Jim Powers
DDP was playing from behind most of the match, which was weird considering he was the heel. Jim Powers looked solid here but we knew how this was going to end. DDP was still figuring out the proper hand placement for the Diamond Cutter as it still looks robotic here.

Singles Match
Sting vs. Meng
I was expecting a little more from Meng here. I would have expected this match to flow like the DDP/Jim Powers match with Sting fighting from underneath.

Singles Match
Jim Duggan vs. Squire David Taylor (w/Jeeves)
I honestly was dozing off here. The 2 hour Nitro got to me at this point.

WCW World Heavyweight Title Match
The Giant (w/Jimmy Hart) (c) vs. Scott Norton
2nd week in a row Scott Norton gets fed to The Big Giant. I seriously don’t understand the motive here.

Singles Match
Lord Steven Regal (w/Jeeves) vs. Billy Kidman
Hmm, Kidman attempted a 450 Splash. Interesting. I’ve always wondered why he had that move in Revenge. Now I know why.

Tag Team Match
The Nasty Boys (Brian Knobbs & Jerry Sags) vs. The Public Enemy (Johnny Grunge & Rocco Rock)
I said months ago that I wasn’t going to touch Nasty Boys vs. PE matches. That rules still stands. Garbage nonsense.

WCW World Tag Team Title Match
Lex Luger & Sting (c) vs. The Four Horsemen (Arn Anderson & Ric Flair) (w/Miss Elizabeth & Woman)
I wasn’t expecting a clean finish but the Giant run-in still annoyed me. The pattern of non-finishes continues for these MaiN Events. Why not just book someone that can eat a pin instead of pulling this nonsense? The fans were behind Lex though and they were tearing Big Giant’s a** up with those hard chairs.

Post Show Promo
Things are picking up with Hall/Nash. The fans are starting to catch on with them at this point as well.

Cool moments. Good lead-up to the PPV. Luger has momentum. We get to see Rey debut vs. Dean. Looking forward to the show.

I'll post me review "soon"
Booker T was so athletic at his peak that even when he did slow down, he still looked good. I’ve never got the feeling of him hanging around too long and getting stamped with a “washed” label like some other legends have.
He bowed out at the perfect time. He had nothing left to prove. Left on a high note. I'm sure he was smart with his money and didn't stay on until he got washed just for the paycheck.

I don't get it. What a I supposed to be listening for here? Was the crowd noise and Cole's 16 time statement pre recorded?

wow, they actually went black & white for the remainder of the clip
after nia got some color...

seen that before, didn't know it was still a thing
Read the whole thing and Cody said absolutely nothing..What was even the point of this call?..

It means something to the AEW stans/fanatics/apologists.

I wonder if anyone asked Cody what happened to al that unionization talk.

Person was likely muted.
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Eva still outdrew AEW.

Eva even got Lilly out her seat and Lilly is an inatimate object.

So sign CM Chump, B+ Bryan, it doesnt matter, EVAlution will still outdraw.
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