Serious Question: Have you ever had sex with a stranger? Vol NT After Dark

Yo thats really weird OP! Similar thing happened to me the other night!

Was I'm the club, saw this nice looking Hispanic girl choosing HARD, being cuffed just as hard. I take mental note, move around and don't see the chick again the rest of the night. Night goes on, club closes and my boys and I start making our way back to the cars. On the way back to the car, we run into ol girl, clearly inebriated. I was about to let her make it because I didn't want to be that guy, but my boy hits me with the "bruh, you better get her..". So I go ahead and talk to her. It was just some regular bs we say after 3am trying to get at females("Whattup?" "What you gettin into after this?" Ect ect), she just kept saying, "I'm down for whatever, I'm down for whatever...". My green *** kept talking about going to smoke. I guess she got tired of hearing that **** and asks me to walk her to her car. I walk her to her car(which, in hindsight, I don't think was eem hers. We never got in)she starts asking me what I wanna do. I keep trying nice and **** talking about going back to the crib, blazing and whatnot. Then she gives me that get real face. I go little boy on her and just barely above my breath tell her I want F. This ***** starts smiling and ask if I had a rubber. Of course I didn't, but I'd be damned if I told her. So I say yea and start doing "where my keys at" self frisk. She smacks her lips, says she has one. She tells me to wio, I do so, she plays with for a second and then hit her knees. I'm thinking I hit the jackpot and she's gonna give me the full service. She just put the rubber on with her mouth. She thens gets up turns around, and seductively pulls her underwear down. I ain't even gonna lie, she got 5 minutes. 1 I didn't even feel in total shock, 2 I actually enjoyed and 2 minutes trying to bust before the police showed up.

So we finish up and I whistled for a cab and when it came near the license plate said "fresh" and had a dice in the mirror. If anything I could say that this cab was rarebut I thought nah, forget it, yo homes to Bel-air! I pulled up to a house about seven or eight and I yelled to the cabby "Yo, homes smell you later!" looked at my kingdom I was finally there to sit on my throne as the prince of Bel-air
Yes, met her real close to last call for drinks, was introduced by a friend, walked back to her place, smashed

total time from drink to leaving the house: 1:30am-3:30am
Yeah OP. 

Not just a one night stand, I mean penetration MINUTES after first seeing the chick ever.
At neighbors party.
On dat molly.
Got mileyed.
Sweatin like a mf.
Fat chick.

It was a usc win but i cant remember which one.
Saw the girl days later at the cafeteria, awkwardness ensued.

"Oh heeeeey______"


Dont do da molly.
yup happened twice. Once was raw smh but came out clean owwwwww
so im outside smoking a cig on my porch one day at like 10 am

lady walks by, she asks if i have another cig

i say sure, what u getting into today?

she says nothing, going to the store or something like that

i ask her, "you got 10 minutes right to kick it right?"

shes all "oh i dunno, i dont even know you"

im like its cool, im a cool dude, just come kick it

she comes inside, yambs are had repeatedly until about 2 pm

she leaves, never seen her again.
so im with my boys at a mansion lingerie party

i see this chick across the way, im a little inebriated

i walk over, ask her to dance, we start dancin

im feelin all over her, fingering her, squeezin *** and *******

her friends are like ew, and leave

i take her to a back closet and recieve dome

walk out 10 min later, boys are like where u been?

never seen her again
so freshman year, my boy brings this chick to his dorm

this is the first time we've ever met, we kicking it, burning n whatever

i get ready to dip to go back to my dorm

shorty says she wants to come with me to see my room

i take her back, yambs are had.

never talked to her again.
Sound like one night stands.. I had plenty of those but ain't proud about it
I thought NTers were smashing everything. I'm disappointed at all the "oh em gee, I just had a one night stand" threads.
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