Serious Question: Have you ever had sex with a stranger? Vol NT After Dark

Seriously, though.

How are ya'll hooking up these random smashes, though?

I just wanna know. Prob won't even use the knowledge put forth.
Seriously, though.

How are ya'll hooking up these random smashes, though?

I just wanna know. Prob won't even use the knowledge put forth.
Username/avatar/post ratio is at astronomical levels. Not quite sure how it all correlates but it does

To answer your question: Confidence (good looks and drugs can help a lot though)
@gll she was of them southern "belles" I saw her walking and I stopped to holler she asked could she get a ride I didn't mind since that where I was going..she said I was cute and put her hand on my thigh literally 10 min later I was getting road head lmao

@knowledge forreal I think it's the town my college is's a small town and the white women are ape **** over black dudes from big cities.. Also confidence and lack of dambs
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Yeah. In HS my boy had two joints who wanted to skip and he was going to smash one. He needed a wingman, so I rolled. We ended up taking my car to one of the chicks house and he smashed in the crib, I smashed her friend in my car.

I drove a bucket, but I got dem cheeks doe :smokin
Ain't eem finish your story and already repped homie 
. Yambs on site, the gift and the curse 
. To answer your question. I have, maybe not as quickly but hit a chick online on Monday. Text Wednesday to reassure plans, beat them guts Friday. 

This thread is comedy with the responses tho...
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Only ever had one. Lived with a few of my rugby teammates in College. One dude had this girl he was messing with on and off for a few months, and one night during the summer he, the girl, and her friend show up after the bars and walk in on me playing FIFA. They go straight for our in-house bar and spend some time drinking, I just kept on playing FIFA. My boy comes up to me and whispers "Hey, I could use your help". I look at the friend, look back at him, and flat out say "No." I'm pretty sure she heard me, too. :lol: But she comes over to where I'm sitting anyways and tries to make small talk. I ignore her for the most part, but she talks me into taking a few shots with her.

10 minutes later, my roomate was downstairs with his girl and her friend is stuck upstairs with me. I invite her to watch a movie in my room, we didn't even get to turning the TV on. She's going after the jimmy like a shark on chum, but I resist because I didn't have a condom in my room. I leave my room to look in my other roommate's room for a condom, the girl follows me, and we end up just smashing in that room instead. I wake up in the morning at like 6AM, bounce while homegirl is still asleep and leave her in my roommate's room, and never see/talk to her again.
damn I missed niketalk, the randomness

1) When I was looking for a new place to stay like 4 years ago, I answered an ad about subleasing a room. I went to the apartment and the girl whose name is on the lease was this white hippie chick with dreads. She showed me the room and then we sat down and started asking questions about each other, I showed her a pic of when I was younger and had dreads and she fell in love with me. She made me a drink then went to her brothers room and got some condoms and then I smashed like 3 times

2) About 2 weekends ago at my boys pool party I took some of that mdma and started going in, there was this ugly chick with a round ***  butt in the swimming pool. I pulled her out and started dancing with her, then I gave her some more drinks and asked her to follow me to my boys car to get another bottle of Honey Jack,she followed me and I took her in the backseat and I piped RAW....smh. I need to go get tested. She squirted on my boys backseat and I told him it was water :frown:

3) at this local hood club in Brooklyn called Temptations, I went there one Wednesday night by myself, I bought myself a bottle of Henny for $75 and I was there stundting by myself like a goon. This short little light skin chick came up to me and ask if she and her homegirl can get a sip. From there I don't remember ANYTHING else. The next thing I remember was back at my apartment smashing this light skin chick, afterwards I took her to get some Jamaican food in the morning and put her in a cab. I blacked completely out. I thank God to this day that I got home safe and sound.

4) Me and my boy one Thurday night went to this spot in Brooklyn called Footprints and we took some of that mdma and these 2 chicks were there getting saucy as hell. I took the big one and my boy was with the little one with the afro all night. When we were leaving they were about to get in a cab but my boy said "hey let us drop u guys home" they said "ok, just take us straight home" lol, we took them right to our crib and I smashed the big joint in my room and m boy got dome from the little one in the living room. The big one hurried and left her little cousin with the afro cause she has to get her son ready for school and I ended up getting dome from the little one also. aawww man

5) Back in college in Buffalo like the first week of my soph year I saw this white chick roller blading around campus looking mad lost. She asked for some stupid *** directions to a building and I said "hey, I don't know where that building is, but if u come back to my room I can look at the map and I can help you" for some damn reason the chick said "yes" and she skated back to my dorm room and I gave her a message and then I slipped my penis In her. lol, to this day I don't know how the hell I managed to pull that one off

That's just the ones I can think of right now, you guys need to step your confidence game up. These chicks out here want some of that D, don't be shy. Im 28 btw
Wasn't the Real Rude and Raunchy guy on here?

He's gotta have some good stories.

This thread is great, btw.

I'm reading this, listening to Bone Zone podcasts at work.

Trying not to laugh AND let my boner get outta control.

Wait! Just realized I gotta story.

It's saturday morning, and I wanna hit up the weed man. Now I went to highschool with this guy, but he's not my friend or anything. Just known him for a long time.

So I go to his house, and when he comes outside he's like "yo take to Mcdonalds real quick i'll give you some gas money."

So i take him to Mcdonald's and he's on the phone talking to some broad.

Then he's like "ey bruh take me to the Metro (suitland metro to be precise for my pg heads) and i'll give you some free green."

So i'm like sure. I take him there thinking he just needed a ride, but when we get there he's like "yea i got this fat ***** bout to get off work and she's gonna give me a piece of her paycheck in return for some weed and some D."

So we're waiting, and this chick gets off the train, and i'm like "finally now it's time for my free weed and he can leave me alone and hook up with ms parker over here."

Then he hits me with the "yo give us both a ride to her crib and i got you on more tree, money, whatever. you wanna smash the fat broad? you got it."

Didn't even want to, but I wanted to see if it was possible, and i didn't have anything really planned that day.

So I'm taking them back to this fat broad's section 8 housing, and they're both in the back seat making out rolling around like real passionate. mind you this is just some dusty dude in his work uniform from last night and a fat chick with forearm tatoos dressed like the broad at the metro who sits in the information booth but doesn't wanna help you.

Long story short, we go to a park, spark a blunt, and proceed to rotisserie this broad while passing the tree back and forth AND to her in the middle of the woods.

Then he stops, and I keep going. And i'm going in on this fat broad. And the weedman is gettin kinda creepy cause now he's just coaching her like "yea you takin that D" so i just stop cause my boner is getting killed by that kind of stuff.

And that's it!
I guess everybody has their own definition.

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[TD]one night stand

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Hooking up with someone for one night of sex with no strings attached and hoping to never see them again. It is important not to exchange any personal info with them so they can't track you down and stalk you later.

This may be hard to achieve with someone you know well.
My definition is more literal. But I've had one night stands with complete strangers within minutes just like in OP's story, and, I've had a one night stand with one of my best friend's from college (that was the only time we had sex). We went right back to normal after the one night stand. I think we both had long distance relationships at the time and just wanted sex.

can you have multiple one night stands with the same person?
This thread shall be entertaining. I tell my lil ones befor reading.

I was in like 10th grade at the movies with some friends. Seen another homeboy, said

Me: whats up whats goin on?
him: bout to F!!! this girl
me: word? thats whats up
him: she got a friend.
me: word?

next thing im know, im smashin some girl in the girls bathroom...glad i wore a condom (young and dumb those days) but there was blood.

another time,
i went to a club in Richmond, usually went with my friends but drove my own car this night. walkin out the club, some girl approaches me

her: why you playin hard to get?
me: what you mean?
her: i know you seen me staring
Me: no i didnt, whats up?
ME: i was like word! lol

take her home, she wants me to take a shower with like na.
i watch for a minute, go down stairs and watch tv.
she makes me a egg me some dome tryin to get me to F!!! her...just didnt want to...
got some dome, didnt finish and left.

in hindsight, i should have beat but ehh

stories of gettin head dont really count, happened a few times,

Some of these stories are @Nomad approved

This girl you don't even know is cooking in your house at 3AM?

After you got dome you left your own house?

Yea ok. :lol:
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As the title asks, have you ever had sex with a stranger? When I say stranger, I mean introductions were just made minutes ago.

I have.

Was I'm the club, saw this nice looking Hispanic girl choosing HARD, being cuffed just as hard. I take mental note, move around and don't see the chick again the rest of the night. Night goes on, club closes and my boys and I start making our way back to the cars. On the way back to the car, we run into ol girl, clearly inebriated. I was about to let her make it because I didn't want to be that guy, but my boy hits me with the "bruh, you better get her..". So I go ahead and talk to her. It was just some regular bs we say after 3am trying to get at females("Whattup?" "What you gettin into after this?" Ect ect), she just kept saying, "I'm down for whatever, I'm down for whatever...". My green *** kept talking about going to smoke. I guess she got tired of hearing that **** and asks me to walk her to her car. I walk her to her car(which, in hindsight, I don't think was eem hers. We never got in)she starts asking me what I wanna do. I keep trying nice and **** talking about going back to the crib, blazing and whatnot. Then she gives me that get real face. I go little boy on her and just barely above my breath tell her I want F. This ***** starts smiling and ask if I had a rubber. Of course I didn't, but I'd be damned if I told her. So I say yea and start doing "where my keys at" self frisk. She smacks her lips, says she has one. She tells me to wio, I do so, she plays with for a second and then hit her knees. I'm thinking I hit the jackpot and she's gonna give me the full service. She just put the rubber on with her mouth. She thens gets up turns around, and seductively pulls her underwear down. I ain't even gonna lie, she got 5 minutes. 1 I didn't even feel in total shock, 2 I actually enjoyed and 2 minutes trying to bust before the police showed up.

So we finish up and start getting ourselves back together when she tells me her name is Veronica. It happen so fast, I didn't realize I didn't know her name. I go ahead and get her number, we hug, I cop on last feel on that mass, give her a friendly kiss(I dunno, I'm pretty sure I was drunk) and start to walk. Right as I turn to walk away, she blurts out, "You're really cute." I didn't even know what to say to that. No ****, you gave mr the yambs on sight. I just smile back at her and diddy bop on back to my boys.

What about you guys?
Dawg you kissed your own meat? Rainbow dawg
can you have multiple one night stands with the same person?
No. The keyword in the phrase here is "one." It's not a one night stand if it happens multiple times. I had sex with my current girl friends best friend twice before I started dating my girl friend. First time I met her at a party and we had sex later that night. Second time we met at a party again and it was just convenient to hook up again.
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