Serious thread: Why are homosexuals so "Gay"?

May 2, 2011
[h2]gay[/h2]   [gey] Show IPA adjective, -er, -est, noun, adverb
having or showing a merry, lively mood: gay spirits; gay music.

bright or showy: gay colors; gay ornaments.

given to or abounding in social or other pleasures: a gay social season.

Hear me out (before this gets ugly). There's a difference in being gay and acting gay. I don't like people that act a particular way. I'm Black. I love being Black. So by all means, if you're gay and love being gay, more power and freedom to you my sibling. But I HATE when people "Act Black". If you've ever heard a black person say "I hate [N words] too", that's what we mean. There's pretty much no reason to act like something from World Star Hip-hop... (that coming from Nt's resident rapper from the hood). There are times I've had chicken, watermelon, and grape kool-aid simultaneously. If somebody would have caught me being that.... colored, I'd probably be embarrassed.

With that said, along that analogy..

What I'm asking is how it come to be that homosexuals are typically seen as festive, brightly colored and cheerful? How does sexual orientation have ANY effect whatsoever on how our personalities are expressed? I have a few observations.

In the less-tolerant, more oppressive world of previous years, you could be killed for even seeming homosexual. That's dumb. Moving along though, how did it come to be that with tolerance and acceptance of homosexuality, also came the flamboyance and raindow ideology? We get it, you're gay. You been here. You been queeer a long time. Those of us with any sense are pretty much used to it, whether we agree with it or not. Do your thing. I'm pretty much indifferent. Your sexuality doesn't effect me in any way. But I think it's just as silly to go out of your way to look gay as it is for some of these straight guys to go out of their way to sound straight -- I.E. always talking about which chicks they hit, how much of "The man" they are, etc. Ya'll know the rhetoric It's 87% of what makes up NT.....the other 13% being girl problem threads
...(I'll save my opinion's on that for another time) In a typical day, the secure male (gay OR straight) shouldn't really be drawing that much attention to their sexual habits without provocation

Hold the phone, I guess it's sort of like catching up for all the years and generations that gays had to LIVE in the closet. So now they've not only stepped out of it, but stepped out wearing the loudest, most noticeable thing they could find in that mug.


In a previous thread, I was adamant about white culture white-washing everything foreign that it comes into contact with. I still feel that way. I feel as if there are things specific to each people of color that has a right to stay that way. So naturally, I see how one could say that Gay culture (what I perceive as rainbows and flamboyance -- I could be off though.) has a right to exist and thrive outside of common Western culture. I get why one would think that. I just don't get the inherent contradiction of saying "We're  people too, just like you. Treat us regularly" -- while wearing feathered boas to work and stuff like that. Which IS very irregular after all..


I used to work as a telemarketer (
), there was a 6'4''+!% 250ish grown man that rocked a fabulous permed wrap (Shoulda seen it
), heels, and designer bag every single day. The ladies at the gig didn't mind him using their bathroom either.  HR did. Folks got the boot for the simplest of fair reasons. The ROC for the gig says quite plainly that men have to dress certain way and women have to dress another. I myself hated tucking my shirt in all the time, but that's part of what I was paid to do as I saw it. So one day this guy gets fired because he has his purse out in the call room -- where NO ONE was allowed to have cell phones, containers, or anything else that could potentially store or conceal vital information (like the soc. sec. numbers of the people calling in). He throws the most gay-rights based tantrum I've ever seen.... and for what? Being in the wrong on all accords? I guess man.. it must be hard being that confused.

In conclusion:
I think it's counter productive to fit in whilst attempting to stand out. If homosexuals really want equality, it would be a lot less tension if they stopped acting gay. If you're secure in who you are, just BE that person. I look at it the same way that I look at people that act black (as previously defined) holding back the rest of us from achieving equality. 

Anywayz... relevant replies are welcome. I just had that on my mind for some reason..
[h2]gay[/h2]   [gey] Show IPA adjective, -er, -est, noun, adverb
having or showing a merry, lively mood: gay spirits; gay music.

bright or showy: gay colors; gay ornaments.

given to or abounding in social or other pleasures: a gay social season.

Hear me out (before this gets ugly). There's a difference in being gay and acting gay. I don't like people that act a particular way. I'm Black. I love being Black. So by all means, if you're gay and love being gay, more power and freedom to you my sibling. But I HATE when people "Act Black". If you've ever heard a black person say "I hate [N words] too", that's what we mean. There's pretty much no reason to act like something from World Star Hip-hop... (that coming from Nt's resident rapper from the hood). There are times I've had chicken, watermelon, and grape kool-aid simultaneously. If somebody would have caught me being that.... colored, I'd probably be embarrassed.

With that said, along that analogy..

What I'm asking is how it come to be that homosexuals are typically seen as festive, brightly colored and cheerful? How does sexual orientation have ANY effect whatsoever on how our personalities are expressed? I have a few observations.

In the less-tolerant, more oppressive world of previous years, you could be killed for even seeming homosexual. That's dumb. Moving along though, how did it come to be that with tolerance and acceptance of homosexuality, also came the flamboyance and raindow ideology? We get it, you're gay. You been here. You been queeer a long time. Those of us with any sense are pretty much used to it, whether we agree with it or not. Do your thing. I'm pretty much indifferent. Your sexuality doesn't effect me in any way. But I think it's just as silly to go out of your way to look gay as it is for some of these straight guys to go out of their way to sound straight -- I.E. always talking about which chicks they hit, how much of "The man" they are, etc. Ya'll know the rhetoric It's 87% of what makes up NT.....the other 13% being girl problem threads
...(I'll save my opinion's on that for another time) In a typical day, the secure male (gay OR straight) shouldn't really be drawing that much attention to their sexual habits without provocation

Hold the phone, I guess it's sort of like catching up for all the years and generations that gays had to LIVE in the closet. So now they've not only stepped out of it, but stepped out wearing the loudest, most noticeable thing they could find in that mug.


In a previous thread, I was adamant about white culture white-washing everything foreign that it comes into contact with. I still feel that way. I feel as if there are things specific to each people of color that has a right to stay that way. So naturally, I see how one could say that Gay culture (what I perceive as rainbows and flamboyance -- I could be off though.) has a right to exist and thrive outside of common Western culture. I get why one would think that. I just don't get the inherent contradiction of saying "We're  people too, just like you. Treat us regularly" -- while wearing feathered boas to work and stuff like that. Which IS very irregular after all..


I used to work as a telemarketer (
), there was a 6'4''+!% 250ish grown man that rocked a fabulous permed wrap (Shoulda seen it
), heels, and designer bag every single day. The ladies at the gig didn't mind him using their bathroom either.  HR did. Folks got the boot for the simplest of fair reasons. The ROC for the gig says quite plainly that men have to dress certain way and women have to dress another. I myself hated tucking my shirt in all the time, but that's part of what I was paid to do as I saw it. So one day this guy gets fired because he has his purse out in the call room -- where NO ONE was allowed to have cell phones, containers, or anything else that could potentially store or conceal vital information (like the soc. sec. numbers of the people calling in). He throws the most gay-rights based tantrum I've ever seen.... and for what? Being in the wrong on all accords? I guess man.. it must be hard being that confused.

In conclusion:
I think it's counter productive to fit in whilst attempting to stand out. If homosexuals really want equality, it would be a lot less tension if they stopped acting gay. If you're secure in who you are, just BE that person. I look at it the same way that I look at people that act black (as previously defined) holding back the rest of us from achieving equality. 

Anywayz... relevant replies are welcome. I just had that on my mind for some reason..
Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

I always wondered that, too.

It's like..if you're why be all extra about it?

I really hope this thread doesn't get all ignorant, because I really do want to get to the root of that..
Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

I always wondered that, too.

It's like..if you're why be all extra about it?

I really hope this thread doesn't get all ignorant, because I really do want to get to the root of that..
Originally Posted by HOOSIERdaddy282

[h2] If homosexuals really want equality, it would be a lot less tension if they stopped acting gay. If you're secure in who you are, just BE that person. I look at it the same way that I look at people that act black (as previously defined) holding back the rest of us from achieving equality. [/h2]

huh? what's wrong with acting gay? i act mad flamboyant all the time, & im straight as hell (i think) 
Originally Posted by HOOSIERdaddy282

[h2] If homosexuals really want equality, it would be a lot less tension if they stopped acting gay. If you're secure in who you are, just BE that person. I look at it the same way that I look at people that act black (as previously defined) holding back the rest of us from achieving equality. [/h2]

huh? what's wrong with acting gay? i act mad flamboyant all the time, & im straight as hell (i think) 
Originally Posted by proper english

Originally Posted by HOOSIERdaddy282

[h2] If homosexuals really want equality, it would be a lot less tension if they stopped acting gay. If you're secure in who you are, just BE that person. I look at it the same way that I look at people that act black (as previously defined) holding back the rest of us from achieving equality. [/h2]

huh? what's wrong with acting gay? i act mad flamboyant all the time, & im straight as hell (i think) 
... hilarious... but chill man, I don't want this thread to go that route just yet.. I'm sitting here with the Lenny.gif face on. I want to see if anybody's ever really looked at it my way
Originally Posted by proper english

Originally Posted by HOOSIERdaddy282

[h2] If homosexuals really want equality, it would be a lot less tension if they stopped acting gay. If you're secure in who you are, just BE that person. I look at it the same way that I look at people that act black (as previously defined) holding back the rest of us from achieving equality. [/h2]

huh? what's wrong with acting gay? i act mad flamboyant all the time, & im straight as hell (i think) 
... hilarious... but chill man, I don't want this thread to go that route just yet.. I'm sitting here with the Lenny.gif face on. I want to see if anybody's ever really looked at it my way
Always wondered this too. On the real though I think its just a matter of them wanting to be recognized for who they feel they really are as opposed to being the quiet gay person on the low. My idea is they would rather everyone know instead of assume they are straight....idk man.
Always wondered this too. On the real though I think its just a matter of them wanting to be recognized for who they feel they really are as opposed to being the quiet gay person on the low. My idea is they would rather everyone know instead of assume they are straight....idk man.
I think they just want people to know they're gay.. or that's just their personalities iono..
I think they just want people to know they're gay.. or that's just their personalities iono..
Originally Posted by MarcMac360

Always wondered this too. On the real though I think its just a matter of them wanting to be recognized for who they feel they really are as opposed to being the quiet gay person on the low. My idea is they would rather everyone know instead of assume they are straight....idk man.
Why does everyone need to know they're "gay" tho? That's what i don't understand.
Originally Posted by MarcMac360

Always wondered this too. On the real though I think its just a matter of them wanting to be recognized for who they feel they really are as opposed to being the quiet gay person on the low. My idea is they would rather everyone know instead of assume they are straight....idk man.
Why does everyone need to know they're "gay" tho? That's what i don't understand.
My first reaction would be it would be genetic. I'm sure we've all met someone growing up who we knew was gay even before they did. You know what I mean, the tendencies, the mannerisms etc.

Keeping in line with scientific literature, that being gay is not a choice, I think we can all agree that being gay can be attributed to an error somewhere genetically. I'm not an expert, but there might be some contributing factors as to why gays "act gay".

This also brings up an interesting point as to nature vs. nurture and can lead to the sticky road of racism. "Blacks act this way because, Whites are better because, Asians are smart because etc."
My first reaction would be it would be genetic. I'm sure we've all met someone growing up who we knew was gay even before they did. You know what I mean, the tendencies, the mannerisms etc.

Keeping in line with scientific literature, that being gay is not a choice, I think we can all agree that being gay can be attributed to an error somewhere genetically. I'm not an expert, but there might be some contributing factors as to why gays "act gay".

This also brings up an interesting point as to nature vs. nurture and can lead to the sticky road of racism. "Blacks act this way because, Whites are better because, Asians are smart because etc."
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