Serious thread: Why are homosexuals so "Gay"?

I have a lot of thoughts about this topic but these are the first two that come to mind...

1.  Identity is FLUID, period.  This includes racial, ethnic, gender, sexuality, etc.

2.  Obviously the majority of gay people are not "flamboyant" about it (as has been stated and agreed upon in this thread).  The people that are gay that act "normal" are much more prevalent than those that "act gay"; however, we don't often don't even know that the former are gay so our view of gay people becomes severely skewed.
P.S. The title of the thread and many of the posts in here imply a lack of that basic understanding.
I have a lot of thoughts about this topic but these are the first two that come to mind...

1.  Identity is FLUID, period.  This includes racial, ethnic, gender, sexuality, etc.

2.  Obviously the majority of gay people are not "flamboyant" about it (as has been stated and agreed upon in this thread).  The people that are gay that act "normal" are much more prevalent than those that "act gay"; however, we don't often don't even know that the former are gay so our view of gay people becomes severely skewed.
P.S. The title of the thread and many of the posts in here imply a lack of that basic understanding.
God this idiot doesn't understand anything. My man is constantly speaking on things he will never understand. homosexuality, white women and rap.

You make absolutely no sense. Tell people to "act" normal rather than "act" gay? What defines normal? Going by your logic, we should tell African Americans to bleach their skin to be equal.

"We're  people too, just like you. Treat us regularly" -- while wearing feathered boas to work and stuff like that. Which IS very irregular after all.."

So is wearing ed hardy shirts over hoodys, so why do you act the way you do?

Also, if he is feminine as a young child wouldn't you think that is his natural behavior, rather than "acting?"  I doubt every flamboyant gay person is in character daily

there was a guy I worked with and everybody thought he was straight.  He acted "normal."  It wasn't until he came out to his parents and the world that he truly embraced who he was and became a bit more flamboyant.  He was able to be himself.  Have you ever thought that many gay people you see are ACTING masculine because it is more accepted by society? (not saying all gay people are feminine)
God this idiot doesn't understand anything. My man is constantly speaking on things he will never understand. homosexuality, white women and rap.

You make absolutely no sense. Tell people to "act" normal rather than "act" gay? What defines normal? Going by your logic, we should tell African Americans to bleach their skin to be equal.

"We're  people too, just like you. Treat us regularly" -- while wearing feathered boas to work and stuff like that. Which IS very irregular after all.."

So is wearing ed hardy shirts over hoodys, so why do you act the way you do?

Also, if he is feminine as a young child wouldn't you think that is his natural behavior, rather than "acting?"  I doubt every flamboyant gay person is in character daily

there was a guy I worked with and everybody thought he was straight.  He acted "normal."  It wasn't until he came out to his parents and the world that he truly embraced who he was and became a bit more flamboyant.  He was able to be himself.  Have you ever thought that many gay people you see are ACTING masculine because it is more accepted by society? (not saying all gay people are feminine)
Originally Posted by red mpls

I have a lot of thoughts about this topic but these are the first two that come to mind...

1.  Identity is FLUID, period.  This includes racial, ethnic, gender, sexuality, etc.

2.  Obviously the majority of gay people are not "flamboyant" about it (as has been stated and agreed upon in this thread).  The people that are gay that act "normal" are much more prevalent than those that "act gay"; however, we don't often don't even know that the former are gay so our view of gay people becomes severely skewed.
P.S. The title of the thread and many of the posts in here imply a lack of that basic understanding.
I agree, but the thread title is on point. We just as a society use words without knowing their true definition. Too often we allow common speak and colloquialisms to define how what we are saying and that is wrong. Great thread OP.
Originally Posted by red mpls

I have a lot of thoughts about this topic but these are the first two that come to mind...

1.  Identity is FLUID, period.  This includes racial, ethnic, gender, sexuality, etc.

2.  Obviously the majority of gay people are not "flamboyant" about it (as has been stated and agreed upon in this thread).  The people that are gay that act "normal" are much more prevalent than those that "act gay"; however, we don't often don't even know that the former are gay so our view of gay people becomes severely skewed.
P.S. The title of the thread and many of the posts in here imply a lack of that basic understanding.
I agree, but the thread title is on point. We just as a society use words without knowing their true definition. Too often we allow common speak and colloquialisms to define how what we are saying and that is wrong. Great thread OP.
Originally Posted by HOOSIERdaddy282

On second thought,m I don't think being dismissive will solve anything. So I'm gonna address what you've replied:

-How would I be forcing my boy to be something he's not by having him dress like a boy? As I've stated, my concern is not with whom he lays with, but rather who he IS. As a parent, whether your child is gay or straight, you have some degree of influence over who your child becomes. My influence would direct him to men's clothing rather than let him wear dresses to school. That's about it. My direction would lead him into sports because his PHYSIQUE gives him the muscle mass and potential to be somebody in that field - being a black male and all. These are natural facts.

-This, what? Mostr gays live in San Francisco? No..
... that conclusion is more closed minded than any I'VE stated. No, it's AS closed minded as what some of you guys think I'm saying. It's as if he's saying because SF is a certain way, all gays are like the ones in SF. How can San Francisco be an accurate representation of the gay populations world wide and through out time? It isn't. Stop.

-You said the EXACT opposite of everything you quoted and attributed to me. Wow... That's hilarious

You would be indirectly implying that he should dress this way and that dressing any other way is wrong, weird, etc. More or less instilling your biased beliefs into your child. Which I think is wrong.That depends on how involved that parent is and in most cases this "influence" varies. You have no proof that your direction would lead him into sports. That's his decision not yours.

SF is a much better representation of gay culture than "my gay coworker" acts such and such so why do homosexuals act such and such.
Originally Posted by HOOSIERdaddy282

On second thought,m I don't think being dismissive will solve anything. So I'm gonna address what you've replied:

-How would I be forcing my boy to be something he's not by having him dress like a boy? As I've stated, my concern is not with whom he lays with, but rather who he IS. As a parent, whether your child is gay or straight, you have some degree of influence over who your child becomes. My influence would direct him to men's clothing rather than let him wear dresses to school. That's about it. My direction would lead him into sports because his PHYSIQUE gives him the muscle mass and potential to be somebody in that field - being a black male and all. These are natural facts.

-This, what? Mostr gays live in San Francisco? No..
... that conclusion is more closed minded than any I'VE stated. No, it's AS closed minded as what some of you guys think I'm saying. It's as if he's saying because SF is a certain way, all gays are like the ones in SF. How can San Francisco be an accurate representation of the gay populations world wide and through out time? It isn't. Stop.

-You said the EXACT opposite of everything you quoted and attributed to me. Wow... That's hilarious

You would be indirectly implying that he should dress this way and that dressing any other way is wrong, weird, etc. More or less instilling your biased beliefs into your child. Which I think is wrong.That depends on how involved that parent is and in most cases this "influence" varies. You have no proof that your direction would lead him into sports. That's his decision not yours.

SF is a much better representation of gay culture than "my gay coworker" acts such and such so why do homosexuals act such and such.
Originally Posted by red mpls

I have a lot of thoughts about this topic but these are the first two that come to mind...

1.  Identity is FLUID, period.  This includes racial, ethnic, gender, sexuality, etc.

2.  Obviously the majority of gay people are not "flamboyant" about it (as has been stated and agreed upon in this thread).  The people that are gay that act "normal" are much more prevalent than those that "act gay"; however, we don't often don't even know that the former are gay so our view of gay people becomes severely skewed.
P.S. The title of the thread and many of the posts in here imply a lack of that basic understanding.
Well said.
Rilla, as mentioned in point 1, you're failing to understand gender is not as black and white as you believe, and that seems to be crucial to your logic. You say "go be a guy, straight or gay, just be a guy" So what is a guy? Of course, there are certain biological and physical characteristics that are dominant in men, which make us vastly different from women, and vice versa, but when you attempt to say "just be a guy" you're being influenced by heteronormative expectations of what makes a man, a man. Most of society's expectations of men, are based in strict heterosexual expectations and ignore any possibility of different interpretations of gender and sexuality. 

You can't say if you want equality, stop "acting gay" and be normal. Then what is normal? How you define normal might not fall in line with what everyone else believes... more often than not "normal" simply means "the average" or "the most common"

It's a bigger issue than simply "why do homosexuals act 'gay'", because when people say anything like "why does _____ act like _____" you're comparing to a subjective "normal", and it's challenging to make those kind of sweeping blanket statements especially when so many things are all related... because you have to account for factors of gender, sexual orientation, racial, societal, etc.
Originally Posted by red mpls

I have a lot of thoughts about this topic but these are the first two that come to mind...

1.  Identity is FLUID, period.  This includes racial, ethnic, gender, sexuality, etc.

2.  Obviously the majority of gay people are not "flamboyant" about it (as has been stated and agreed upon in this thread).  The people that are gay that act "normal" are much more prevalent than those that "act gay"; however, we don't often don't even know that the former are gay so our view of gay people becomes severely skewed.
P.S. The title of the thread and many of the posts in here imply a lack of that basic understanding.
Well said.
Rilla, as mentioned in point 1, you're failing to understand gender is not as black and white as you believe, and that seems to be crucial to your logic. You say "go be a guy, straight or gay, just be a guy" So what is a guy? Of course, there are certain biological and physical characteristics that are dominant in men, which make us vastly different from women, and vice versa, but when you attempt to say "just be a guy" you're being influenced by heteronormative expectations of what makes a man, a man. Most of society's expectations of men, are based in strict heterosexual expectations and ignore any possibility of different interpretations of gender and sexuality. 

You can't say if you want equality, stop "acting gay" and be normal. Then what is normal? How you define normal might not fall in line with what everyone else believes... more often than not "normal" simply means "the average" or "the most common"

It's a bigger issue than simply "why do homosexuals act 'gay'", because when people say anything like "why does _____ act like _____" you're comparing to a subjective "normal", and it's challenging to make those kind of sweeping blanket statements especially when so many things are all related... because you have to account for factors of gender, sexual orientation, racial, societal, etc.
homosexuality is not synonymous with "gay".

One used to be considered a physiological disease until gay rights changed it. The other is just and adjective describing a happy state of being.
homosexuality is not synonymous with "gay".

One used to be considered a physiological disease until gay rights changed it. The other is just and adjective describing a happy state of being.
I see it to, but y'all are assuming your observations can be generalized to all gay people.
Not all homosexuals act like this. And if the ones you're observing are more "flamboyant", cheerful and extraverted, chances are you'd notice them more in real life even if they weren't gay.

I don't know the numbers, but I really think this is more of a confirmation bias and bias on the observers. You're really not taking into account the homosexuals who act "normal" 
I see it to, but y'all are assuming your observations can be generalized to all gay people.
Not all homosexuals act like this. And if the ones you're observing are more "flamboyant", cheerful and extraverted, chances are you'd notice them more in real life even if they weren't gay.

I don't know the numbers, but I really think this is more of a confirmation bias and bias on the observers. You're really not taking into account the homosexuals who act "normal" 
i think it really comes down to if you would kiss a man for 10sec for $100 million

Spoiler [+]
im kidding, but on the real, i can agree at how the flamboyancy can be seen as unnecessary. i know people who are gay but don't make it headline news, they come off as everyday people like you or me and that's great. but some seem to go harder than most in showing who they are. idk, it seems need for the leather straps and butt cheek jeans
i think it really comes down to if you would kiss a man for 10sec for $100 million

Spoiler [+]
im kidding, but on the real, i can agree at how the flamboyancy can be seen as unnecessary. i know people who are gay but don't make it headline news, they come off as everyday people like you or me and that's great. but some seem to go harder than most in showing who they are. idk, it seems need for the leather straps and butt cheek jeans
Imo, the folk who are the most flamboyant are extremely insecure individuals just seeking attention. In this case homosexuals doing so. Like you said, it's cool, it's dandy, you're homosexual let's keep it moving, but the thing is, some people will love to take the extra step to let people. It's like the baller who needs to flash his wealth through jewelry and loud cars. Same thing could be said for anybody else. It's the need to feel important and it varies per person. What makes you feel important? The way I see it is the same way I see when people start getting mad and taking it out on you. They just want to show their importance because they feel inferior or as if they aren't given enough attention and praise as they deservingly feel so. It's all psychological. A person isn't at peace with itself because their egos aren't being fed as they'd like to, but they aren't aware of that, so to do that, they have to do loud things. Be flamboyant, be flashy, be obnoxious. It's a matter of importance. Once they're aware of these things, they start to be more conscious of what they are doing.

Ble. I apologize if these points were already addressed, I just hit the reply button.
Imo, the folk who are the most flamboyant are extremely insecure individuals just seeking attention. In this case homosexuals doing so. Like you said, it's cool, it's dandy, you're homosexual let's keep it moving, but the thing is, some people will love to take the extra step to let people. It's like the baller who needs to flash his wealth through jewelry and loud cars. Same thing could be said for anybody else. It's the need to feel important and it varies per person. What makes you feel important? The way I see it is the same way I see when people start getting mad and taking it out on you. They just want to show their importance because they feel inferior or as if they aren't given enough attention and praise as they deservingly feel so. It's all psychological. A person isn't at peace with itself because their egos aren't being fed as they'd like to, but they aren't aware of that, so to do that, they have to do loud things. Be flamboyant, be flashy, be obnoxious. It's a matter of importance. Once they're aware of these things, they start to be more conscious of what they are doing.

Ble. I apologize if these points were already addressed, I just hit the reply button.
Originally Posted by Wr

homosexuality is not synonymous with "gay".

One used to be considered a physiological disease until gay rights changed it. The other is just and adjective describing a happy state of being.

 You're about to get murdered
Originally Posted by Wr

homosexuality is not synonymous with "gay".

One used to be considered a physiological disease until gay rights changed it. The other is just and adjective describing a happy state of being.

 You're about to get murdered
My man Watermelon ^^ said it perfectly. It is to seek attention. Its not genetic, its just to bring attention on to themselves
My man Watermelon ^^ said it perfectly. It is to seek attention. Its not genetic, its just to bring attention on to themselves
Yeah in social settings it's more comfortable around those gay guys that you couldn't tell are gay until they tell you. It's hard focusing with these dudes with the make up, glitter, loud talking, and wild expressions. Saying something slick to you about your sphincter

Why they act so extra, I don't know. Probably just attention garden tools that didn't get enough of it when they were younger.

This thread reminds me of a recent skit on The Colbert Show/Daily Show where I think Minnesota became the new capital for gays and how gays from SanFran were mad about it. The gay dudes in Minny were pretty regular while the SanFran dudes were on some S&M steez trying to prove extra hard they're the gayest.
They've always been acting gay....that's how they are

I've witness three people from the hiding in the closet stage to out of the closet stage. When they come out of the closet they still act the same way, just more extreme than before. They've always been sorta gay/happy.
They've always been acting gay....that's how they are

I've witness three people from the hiding in the closet stage to out of the closet stage. When they come out of the closet they still act the same way, just more extreme than before. They've always been sorta gay/happy.
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