Serious thread: Why are homosexuals so "Gay"?

OP are you basically trying to figure out why gays/lesbians tend to fall into the stereotype of a gay/lesbian person?..Cause if you are I've wondered that myself..My mother-in-law is gay and she 100% fits into the stereotypical "lesbian woman" mold..She wears men's jeans, carries a wallet, has a near mullet, and is a straight up man hater..So she's kinda confusing to me.. it's like if you hate men so much then why are you trying to look and act like one?..My wife feels the same way I do, and neither of us can figure her out..
Originally Posted by HOOSIERdaddy282

What's the right manner then?

The truth is, it's still a very taboo issue... some people can't handle my frankness... I've done nothing wrong here. At all.

LOL. This is what you had in mind, huh?

Do you see any gifs or memes in this thread? What about big breasts? It seems to me that this would be an intellectual discussion.

Every time someone refutes your "point" and calls you out on the BS you're constantly spewing you say they're "mad"
All the while back-peddling and saying "that's not what I meant 
" or "read between the lines 
" or "no no no you don't understand me at all
I'm not mad, you're just annoying.

That's because I learned a long time ago to let people feel however they want to feel about ME. If you've let what I said lead you into posting something about me (not my post), and I choose to ignore it, so be it. If I annoy you.... stay away from my threads... Simple. 

I would have no problem staying away from your threads if you were just a regular stupid troll; but you're spreading ignorance and stupidity in a way that sounds almost nice.
You're letting the other ignorant tools think it's ok to be ignorant tools. Simple.

And again you totally ignored my previous post, the on topic one.
An intellectual discussion this is not.
OP are you basically trying to figure out why gays/lesbians tend to fall into the stereotype of a gay/lesbian person?..Cause if you are I've wondered that myself..My mother-in-law is gay and she 100% fits into the stereotypical "lesbian woman" mold..She wears men's jeans, carries a wallet, has a near mullet, and is a straight up man hater..So she's kinda confusing to me.. it's like if you hate men so much then why are you trying to look and act like one?..My wife feels the same way I do, and neither of us can figure her out..
Originally Posted by HOOSIERdaddy282

What's the right manner then?

The truth is, it's still a very taboo issue... some people can't handle my frankness... I've done nothing wrong here. At all.

LOL. This is what you had in mind, huh?

Do you see any gifs or memes in this thread? What about big breasts? It seems to me that this would be an intellectual discussion.

Every time someone refutes your "point" and calls you out on the BS you're constantly spewing you say they're "mad"
All the while back-peddling and saying "that's not what I meant 
" or "read between the lines 
" or "no no no you don't understand me at all
I'm not mad, you're just annoying.

That's because I learned a long time ago to let people feel however they want to feel about ME. If you've let what I said lead you into posting something about me (not my post), and I choose to ignore it, so be it. If I annoy you.... stay away from my threads... Simple. 

I would have no problem staying away from your threads if you were just a regular stupid troll; but you're spreading ignorance and stupidity in a way that sounds almost nice.
You're letting the other ignorant tools think it's ok to be ignorant tools. Simple.

And again you totally ignored my previous post, the on topic one.
An intellectual discussion this is not.
Originally Posted by GRyPR33

Originally Posted by HOOSIERdaddy282

What's the right manner then?

The truth is, it's still a very taboo issue... some people can't handle my frankness... I've done nothing wrong here. At all.

LOL. This is what you had in mind, huh?

Do you see any gifs or memes in this thread? What about big breasts? It seems to me that this would be an intellectual discussion.

Every time someone refutes your "point" and calls you out on the BS you're constantly spewing you say they're "mad"
All the while back-peddling and saying "that's not what I meant 
" or "read between the lines 
" or "no no no you don't understand me at all
I'm not mad, you're just annoying.
That's because I learned a long time ago to let people feel however they want to feel about ME. If you've let what I said lead you into posting something about me (not my post), and I choose to ignore it, so be it. If I annoy you.... stay away from my threads... Simple. 

I would have no problem staying away from your threads if you were just a regular stupid troll; but you're spreading ignorance and stupidity in a way that sounds almost nice.
You're letting the other ignorant tools think it's ok to be ignorant tools. Simple.

And again you totally ignored my previous post, the on topic one.
An intellectual discussion this is not.

then he has the nerve to call everybody else trolls.
Originally Posted by GRyPR33

Originally Posted by HOOSIERdaddy282

What's the right manner then?

The truth is, it's still a very taboo issue... some people can't handle my frankness... I've done nothing wrong here. At all.

LOL. This is what you had in mind, huh?

Do you see any gifs or memes in this thread? What about big breasts? It seems to me that this would be an intellectual discussion.

Every time someone refutes your "point" and calls you out on the BS you're constantly spewing you say they're "mad"
All the while back-peddling and saying "that's not what I meant 
" or "read between the lines 
" or "no no no you don't understand me at all
I'm not mad, you're just annoying.
That's because I learned a long time ago to let people feel however they want to feel about ME. If you've let what I said lead you into posting something about me (not my post), and I choose to ignore it, so be it. If I annoy you.... stay away from my threads... Simple. 

I would have no problem staying away from your threads if you were just a regular stupid troll; but you're spreading ignorance and stupidity in a way that sounds almost nice.
You're letting the other ignorant tools think it's ok to be ignorant tools. Simple.

And again you totally ignored my previous post, the on topic one.
An intellectual discussion this is not.

then he has the nerve to call everybody else trolls.
Very good question.  Why is it that gay dudes have the high voices and talk like chicks?  I'm sure not all of them do, but what is that?
Very good question.  Why is it that gay dudes have the high voices and talk like chicks?  I'm sure not all of them do, but what is that?
Originally Posted by GRyPR33

Originally Posted by HOOSIERdaddy282

What's the right manner then?

The truth is, it's still a very taboo issue... some people can't handle my frankness... I've done nothing wrong here. At all.

LOL. This is what you had in mind, huh?

Do you see any gifs or memes in this thread? What about big breasts? It seems to me that this would be an intellectual discussion.

Every time someone refutes your "point" and calls you out on the BS you're constantly spewing you say they're "mad"
All the while back-peddling and saying "that's not what I meant 
" or "read between the lines 
" or "no no no you don't understand me at all
I'm not mad, you're just annoying.
That's because I learned a long time ago to let people feel however they want to feel about ME. If you've let what I said lead you into posting something about me (not my post), and I choose to ignore it, so be it. If I annoy you.... stay away from my threads... Simple. 

I would have no problem staying away from your threads if you were just a regular stupid troll; but you're spreading ignorance and stupidity in a way that sounds almost nice.
You're letting the other ignorant tools think it's ok to be ignorant tools. Simple.

And again you totally ignored my previous post, the on topic one.
An intellectual discussion this is not.

Do you hear yourself? I'm being ignorant... but you're the one insulting me for asking a question/raising a debate. Is it just me? Does anyone else see this?

I heart NT so much.

then he has the nerve to call everybody else trolls.

Dude, you coulda just left 2 pages ago
Originally Posted by GRyPR33

Originally Posted by HOOSIERdaddy282

What's the right manner then?

The truth is, it's still a very taboo issue... some people can't handle my frankness... I've done nothing wrong here. At all.

LOL. This is what you had in mind, huh?

Do you see any gifs or memes in this thread? What about big breasts? It seems to me that this would be an intellectual discussion.

Every time someone refutes your "point" and calls you out on the BS you're constantly spewing you say they're "mad"
All the while back-peddling and saying "that's not what I meant 
" or "read between the lines 
" or "no no no you don't understand me at all
I'm not mad, you're just annoying.
That's because I learned a long time ago to let people feel however they want to feel about ME. If you've let what I said lead you into posting something about me (not my post), and I choose to ignore it, so be it. If I annoy you.... stay away from my threads... Simple. 

I would have no problem staying away from your threads if you were just a regular stupid troll; but you're spreading ignorance and stupidity in a way that sounds almost nice.
You're letting the other ignorant tools think it's ok to be ignorant tools. Simple.

And again you totally ignored my previous post, the on topic one.
An intellectual discussion this is not.

Do you hear yourself? I'm being ignorant... but you're the one insulting me for asking a question/raising a debate. Is it just me? Does anyone else see this?

I heart NT so much.

then he has the nerve to call everybody else trolls.

Dude, you coulda just left 2 pages ago
There are people in every culture that are compelled to perpetuate stereotypes. Some gay men may think that "acting gay" is what they are supposed to do, just like some black people think that being a "real N" is how they are supposed to act. However, I would argue that some people are more flamboyant, masculine, feminine, reserved, outgoing, quiet, etc than others naturally and that they aren't trying to "act" a certain way, it's just who they are. So you may be doing the exact opposite of what you claim, in that you want naturally flamboyant men to suppress their true selves to fit into your culturally create view of what men "should" act/dress/talk like.

Also, there is a lot of homophobia in this thread. Guys are fine with gays as long as they aren't all in your face about it. I take no enjoyment in watching two dudes make out but I'm sure you aren't considering how gay couples might feel when they're forced to watch PDA's of straight couples. How do you know it doesn't gross them out? I'm just saying try looking at things from the perspective of others before judging them...
There are people in every culture that are compelled to perpetuate stereotypes. Some gay men may think that "acting gay" is what they are supposed to do, just like some black people think that being a "real N" is how they are supposed to act. However, I would argue that some people are more flamboyant, masculine, feminine, reserved, outgoing, quiet, etc than others naturally and that they aren't trying to "act" a certain way, it's just who they are. So you may be doing the exact opposite of what you claim, in that you want naturally flamboyant men to suppress their true selves to fit into your culturally create view of what men "should" act/dress/talk like.

Also, there is a lot of homophobia in this thread. Guys are fine with gays as long as they aren't all in your face about it. I take no enjoyment in watching two dudes make out but I'm sure you aren't considering how gay couples might feel when they're forced to watch PDA's of straight couples. How do you know it doesn't gross them out? I'm just saying try looking at things from the perspective of others before judging them...
Originally Posted by HOOSIERdaddy282


I once helped my aunt move out her home right. Her son (my cousin) is one of the reasons I'm tolerant of others' differences. He was a lot like the little boy in that princess book according to my mom. He's a few years little older than me, but even I knew he was gonna be gay by the time I was 5. My mom saw it in him earlier than that. He's not really flamboyant these days though, but he's noticeably gay if that makes sense.. I say that to say that one of his friends helped us do the moving that day. This guy was as gay as gay could be, but he outworked EVERYBODY that day. I mean, if manliness had a 10-scale, this guy was moving couches at an intensity of 18. I felt proud for the gay community that day. Here was this guy, not being a stereotypical "pansy" or "fruit". He wasn't dressed "funny". He was just a really strong guy with a really soft voice. Other than that, he was indistinguishable from the next guy. I think that's cool as hell. Pure indifference. I think the next step in gay rights is to be so comfortable with who you are, that you don't have to declare it any more. You just are who you are..

but why can't being loud and flamboyant be who they are? 

its almost like youre saying he's one of the good gays which is the kind you like

kinda like when a racist says i like you cuz you're not like those other blacks/hispanics etc

not saying you're homophobic but thats how the quoted post comes off which is kinda ignorant
can it be OD? of course but so are teenagers when they are loud and most grow out of it...i've only seen young gay guys who were OD with it so i guess i just assumed it was more about being young than being gay...

i've had professors who were gay and kinda femine but nothing ridiculous which is why i attribute it to age more than being homosexual
Originally Posted by HOOSIERdaddy282


I once helped my aunt move out her home right. Her son (my cousin) is one of the reasons I'm tolerant of others' differences. He was a lot like the little boy in that princess book according to my mom. He's a few years little older than me, but even I knew he was gonna be gay by the time I was 5. My mom saw it in him earlier than that. He's not really flamboyant these days though, but he's noticeably gay if that makes sense.. I say that to say that one of his friends helped us do the moving that day. This guy was as gay as gay could be, but he outworked EVERYBODY that day. I mean, if manliness had a 10-scale, this guy was moving couches at an intensity of 18. I felt proud for the gay community that day. Here was this guy, not being a stereotypical "pansy" or "fruit". He wasn't dressed "funny". He was just a really strong guy with a really soft voice. Other than that, he was indistinguishable from the next guy. I think that's cool as hell. Pure indifference. I think the next step in gay rights is to be so comfortable with who you are, that you don't have to declare it any more. You just are who you are..

but why can't being loud and flamboyant be who they are? 

its almost like youre saying he's one of the good gays which is the kind you like

kinda like when a racist says i like you cuz you're not like those other blacks/hispanics etc

not saying you're homophobic but thats how the quoted post comes off which is kinda ignorant
can it be OD? of course but so are teenagers when they are loud and most grow out of it...i've only seen young gay guys who were OD with it so i guess i just assumed it was more about being young than being gay...

i've had professors who were gay and kinda femine but nothing ridiculous which is why i attribute it to age more than being homosexual
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by HOOSIERdaddy282


I once helped my aunt move out her home right. Her son (my cousin) is one of the reasons I'm tolerant of others' differences. He was a lot like the little boy in that princess book according to my mom. He's a few years little older than me, but even I knew he was gonna be gay by the time I was 5. My mom saw it in him earlier than that. He's not really flamboyant these days though, but he's noticeably gay if that makes sense.. I say that to say that one of his friends helped us do the moving that day. This guy was as gay as gay could be, but he outworked EVERYBODY that day. I mean, if manliness had a 10-scale, this guy was moving couches at an intensity of 18. I felt proud for the gay community that day. Here was this guy, not being a stereotypical "pansy" or "fruit". He wasn't dressed "funny". He was just a really strong guy with a really soft voice. Other than that, he was indistinguishable from the next guy. I think that's cool as hell. Pure indifference. I think the next step in gay rights is to be so comfortable with who you are, that you don't have to declare it any more. You just are who you are..

but why can't being loud and flamboyant be who they are? 

its almost like youre saying he's one of the good gays which is the kind you like

kinda like when a racist says i like you cuz you're not like those other blacks/hispanics etc

not saying you're homophobic but thats how the quoted post comes off which is kinda ignorant
can it be OD? of course but so are teenagers when they are loud and most grow out of it...i've only seen young gay guys who were OD with it so i guess i just assumed it was more about being young than being gay...

i've had professors who were gay and kinda femine but nothing ridiculous which is why i attribute it to age more than being homosexual
I guess part of me struggles to believe that IS who they actually are. And I could be wrong for thinking that.. I dunno really, hence my bringing it to NT for discussion. My perspective is as limited as the next person's so all I can do is inquire and learn. I've always kinda looked at all "LOUD" people that way though, this just happens to be a thread about "LOUD" gay people. I think more is being implied by the responses to what I've written then by what I've actually written. I tried very hard to keep all the possible implications OUT of what I've been saying and yet I've been called everything that I hate about intolerant people. And for what? Inquiring?
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by HOOSIERdaddy282


I once helped my aunt move out her home right. Her son (my cousin) is one of the reasons I'm tolerant of others' differences. He was a lot like the little boy in that princess book according to my mom. He's a few years little older than me, but even I knew he was gonna be gay by the time I was 5. My mom saw it in him earlier than that. He's not really flamboyant these days though, but he's noticeably gay if that makes sense.. I say that to say that one of his friends helped us do the moving that day. This guy was as gay as gay could be, but he outworked EVERYBODY that day. I mean, if manliness had a 10-scale, this guy was moving couches at an intensity of 18. I felt proud for the gay community that day. Here was this guy, not being a stereotypical "pansy" or "fruit". He wasn't dressed "funny". He was just a really strong guy with a really soft voice. Other than that, he was indistinguishable from the next guy. I think that's cool as hell. Pure indifference. I think the next step in gay rights is to be so comfortable with who you are, that you don't have to declare it any more. You just are who you are..

but why can't being loud and flamboyant be who they are? 

its almost like youre saying he's one of the good gays which is the kind you like

kinda like when a racist says i like you cuz you're not like those other blacks/hispanics etc

not saying you're homophobic but thats how the quoted post comes off which is kinda ignorant
can it be OD? of course but so are teenagers when they are loud and most grow out of it...i've only seen young gay guys who were OD with it so i guess i just assumed it was more about being young than being gay...

i've had professors who were gay and kinda femine but nothing ridiculous which is why i attribute it to age more than being homosexual
I guess part of me struggles to believe that IS who they actually are. And I could be wrong for thinking that.. I dunno really, hence my bringing it to NT for discussion. My perspective is as limited as the next person's so all I can do is inquire and learn. I've always kinda looked at all "LOUD" people that way though, this just happens to be a thread about "LOUD" gay people. I think more is being implied by the responses to what I've written then by what I've actually written. I tried very hard to keep all the possible implications OUT of what I've been saying and yet I've been called everything that I hate about intolerant people. And for what? Inquiring?
I know one gay dude (friend's cousin) and he acts and dresses pretty normal (ie heterosexual male) for the most part. I think what you're getting at Rilla is more of a thing of a past where homosexuals felt the need to show their homosexuality from a budding tolerant standpoint and were mad flamboyant about it to get that point across that their %@@$* and happy and all that. Nowadays it seem gay people are rolling into that regular, less flashy mode (not rocking all those crazy accessories and colors) since homosexuality is becoming more of a nonissue, and the couple of "loud" ones are probably the same people that would be annoyingly straight, od alpha, etc. if they were heterosexual because of some kind of self-esteem, psychological acceptance/inferiority complex issue.

Now, if you wanna talk about mannerism, pitch, etc. then well, I don't know...I've got a feeling that has to do with their genetic makeup tottering on the border of male and female.
I know one gay dude (friend's cousin) and he acts and dresses pretty normal (ie heterosexual male) for the most part. I think what you're getting at Rilla is more of a thing of a past where homosexuals felt the need to show their homosexuality from a budding tolerant standpoint and were mad flamboyant about it to get that point across that their %@@$* and happy and all that. Nowadays it seem gay people are rolling into that regular, less flashy mode (not rocking all those crazy accessories and colors) since homosexuality is becoming more of a nonissue, and the couple of "loud" ones are probably the same people that would be annoyingly straight, od alpha, etc. if they were heterosexual because of some kind of self-esteem, psychological acceptance/inferiority complex issue.

Now, if you wanna talk about mannerism, pitch, etc. then well, I don't know...I've got a feeling that has to do with their genetic makeup tottering on the border of male and female.
I hear you Johnny... I haven't SEEN much of what you've said, but I'm hoping that's the case. That's what I'm pushing for... "a return to normalcy", if you will.
I hear you Johnny... I haven't SEEN much of what you've said, but I'm hoping that's the case. That's what I'm pushing for... "a return to normalcy", if you will.
Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

I always wondered that, too.

It's like..if you're why be all extra about it?
that's exactly how I feel.  maybe they act flamboyantly fabulous as a way to get the signal out so-to-speak to alert their brethren that they are gay
Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

I always wondered that, too.

It's like..if you're why be all extra about it?
that's exactly how I feel.  maybe they act flamboyantly fabulous as a way to get the signal out so-to-speak to alert their brethren that they are gay
IMO is a way of them acting out against opression, however not every homosexual is bright, festive, loud and obnoxious, there are plenty with class that represent their people in a much better way....I'm not from Brooklyn but I was in Park Dlope alot last summer and noticed is a very "gay" neighborhood, but @@%$ what a nice neighborhood to live in.
IMO is a way of them acting out against opression, however not every homosexual is bright, festive, loud and obnoxious, there are plenty with class that represent their people in a much better way....I'm not from Brooklyn but I was in Park Dlope alot last summer and noticed is a very "gay" neighborhood, but @@%$ what a nice neighborhood to live in.
I think the problem is that you, or anyone who knows that someone is gay just based on their outward appearance, mannerisms, voice, etc, are generalizing and assuming that most gay males act that way.

I also think it's funny (gay?) that when heterosexuals immediately lump homosexuals into a group that it's generally just GAY MALES. How often do you hear someone say, "I hate lesbians!"? Or when homosexuality is discussed, it's never a problem that two women may go down on each other, use toys or anything they need to satisfy their sexual needs but the problem is that "Men were not created to have sex with each other, it's just unnatural!" How can you truly be so opposed to homosexuality, feel it's wrong...but it's really just gay males? No, it's not the way we were intended, blah blah blah, you're just discriminating.

My GUESS is that it for those that "act gay" it could be genetic, it could be a need to identify with themselves or each other, it could also just be a matter of feeling repressed that once they are comfortable with their sexuality and letting it be known, they have no desire to hide it. The main thing is that not all gay people act gay in that sense, other people just see those and automatically identify those people as being the way that gay people (males) are.
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