Setting the record straight re: Steve's lies.

Hold it down MethodMan. Niketalk is and always will be better than iss.

On a side note, do I have to create a yuku account for the change, or will it just automatically switch me over?
hey meth some guy on ISS says:

2. is older than Niketalk. I didnt create because of Niketalk I started it before Niketalk even


Just go to and look up the entry:

Registered through:, Inc. (
Created on: 27-Mar-00

NikeTalk was founded Dec. 9th, 1999.

i believe Method Man forgot to copy the whole entry:

Created on: 12-AUG-00

if you can read a calendar, i believe 27-Mar-00 is before 12-AUG-00. so i'm not sure why Method would say that statement is false???

can you elaborate please?
@ Steve For Banning me!
Im From L.a but i LOVE the BAY!

Meth you are a sad, sad person. You have been proven wrong over and over again yet you dont own up to it. To everyone reading this with the management in place as it stands today NT is dead to me. Meth it is a real shame that you cant own up to any of your mistakes not one damn sad.
QUOTE BY NOBLE -get BACK in the corner! This does NOT concern you...
Registered Member​
Posts: 810​
(3/27/07 12:40 pm)​
Don't know u personally Meth...but well said...

Very proud to be a Niketalk member after reading your post
from steve:
Okay - Lets set the guy straight - AGAIN -

AJ ROC 5 wrote:
Posted on Niketalk:;stop=20ed my own.

Thanks for FINALLY admitting that the ONLY reason you started the iss forums was because we turned down your offer to advertise on NikeTalk in exchange for hosting.

I use buy us out for $0 in a figurative sense, because you wanted props (your word choice) in exchange for hosting that you were already paying for. Wed be working hard every day on NT just to promote your reselling business. I turned it down and then you whined and cried about how we slapped your hand away, then made up some story about how you created the ISS forums because there was too much hate on NikeTalk.

Thank you for FINALLY admitting to the truth: you couldnt have NikeTalk, so you made a cheap clone.

Buying us out in a figurative sense? That means you can say anything and then state that "no no - I meant in a figurative sense -" What does that mean? You said it - you meant it. Don't try to get the truth screwed up here.

2. is older than Niketalk. I didnt create because of Niketalk I started it before Niketalk even


Just go to and look up the entry:

Registered through:, Inc. (
Created on: 27-Mar-00

NikeTalk was founded Dec. 9th, 1999.

Besides, we all know that ISS was NOTHING before NT. Thats no coincidence. Im not attempting to take credit for it, but our community sure as heck deserves it. You built a name for your business on NikeTalk, period.

Here is where I got that information which is where ALL domain info is kept:


27-Mar-00 the eBay which ended up turning into Mar-07-99.

It might be that the ezboards was created before the domain name was registered I didnt have a way of looking that up.

3. Only one person who worked on the creation of is under
18--age 17. The rest are ages 31,23,34,38, 20,18 and 26. So, where are
all of the kids Meth keeps talking about? And did anyone get paid to
create Nope but I did give them the option to be paid
during and after the project was finished. The real opportunity was to work with me on the project and if it took off great if ot we all learned about creating a website from scratch. Nobody put any money in except for me and I put in most of the time to configure
the software.

Oh, does that count the ISS mods? Does it count all the little kids you encouraged to vandalize public property with your stickers in exchange for prizes?

I recently received a PM from someone who claims to have come up with the concept for bluesole. You just used him, had him spend hours of his free time to build up your site, and then dumped him.

You are, by far, one of the least ethical businesspeople I have ever met. A real entrepreneur ALWAYS pays his or her employees FIRST NEVER LAST! You wanted to profit before you were willing to pay anyone, and as long as you have a ready supply of chumps to moderate your forums for free you have no intention of EVER compensating them for their labor.

Exploitation 101 must be a popular class at Ball State.

Wait a minute you are dodging what you said you said I was taking advantage of the kids in creating Damn you have to bounce off to something else you cant take the heat for what you said. Weak. And the forum is run by shoeheads for shoeheads that isnt going to change. ISS isnt a business it has never turned a dime I donate the money for the site and mods / admins donate their time to run it. Do you hear any of them complaining.

4. Meth came to me to find out about moving Niketalk to an independent
platform like ISS has. And what did I do? I gave him the information on
how to do it. Of course this was before he started acting like he is
now. Why did I give out this information? Because I dont hate Niketalk
and I thought it was a way of giving back from what I took from Niketalk over the years.

This is an arrant lie. I NEVER sought you out to ask about hosting. I have the emails saved. You GAVE me unsolicited advice about hosting.

Dont flatter yourself I didnt come to YOU for help.

Unfortunately for you, I still have that WHOLE email chain:

Subject: RE: Server Move for NT

For ISS it costs around $2,000 per month - but - I got a hell of a great deal on bandwidth. Most of the time people think they are going to use a ton of bandwidth because their site is going to be so popular -but in reality they never do. Because of this some providers will be more than willing to give you more bandwidth upfront knowing you probably won't touch it. Right now ISS burns through 3 TBs per month. Without the image hosting the bandwidth would be about half that.But of course there is a catch to bandwidth. There are two types - one of them is much cheaper than the other but there are fairly serious delays using this type of bandwidth - even if there are no loads on the servers. And most hosting companies don't let you know that they are using the cheaper version.I think the biggest issues you have in front of you were outlined below. 1. Forum software isn't made for boards as busy as yours without major tweaking and some code re-writes. It can be done for sure - but - you have to have someone that can do this and be on call... if you get on ISS we are getting creamed from 7pm - 1am est and that is with two optimized servers that have heavy processing power and RAM. Right now we are in the middle of totally re-writing some of the code and adding more power... but then issue #2 comes into play.2. There are complex limitations to adding more than one server to your farm. Breaking out the d out on the ISS forums? Oh, right my mistake.

As for great things coming from all the hard work great for whom? Shilling for sneaker companies is a great thing for fans? You finally turning a profit is a great thing for sneaker fans? Stop me when I get to the good news.

Another response dancing around what you said. YOU are the one that said I was taking advantage of employees and not paying them.

8. Giving back - Many people have gotten jobs because they have been in
Sole Collector and many people have put their artwork or customs in
Sole Collector and have been given work because of it. Just ask Justin
Taylor. We hire many freelance writers like Ruffin51 who gave back to
the community through his writing skills.

Youve gotta be freaking kidding me. You hire people because of the service they render not because youre doing the community a favor. You OWE them for their services, period. Thats not giving back, its fair compensation and even then, youve VERY selective about whom you compensate.

For example, you dont PAY everyone for contributing. If people offer contributions, and that can include posting on your website, since your terms of service specify that you OWN everything posted to your forums, youll take that content FOR FREE and sell it in your magazine. If someone gets a job as a result of the exposure, thats a result of their talent. You were just looking to fill empty space and you have a lot of that to go around.

Plenty of people who now work in the industry posted on NikeTalk, gained visibility here, and made contacts through our board. Youre one of them. You wouldnt have found RK without NT, you wouldnt have gotten connected to Nike without RK, and though he certainly deserved the recognition he received from Nike of his own merit, RK made his initial contacts with Nike through NT.

I found RK through not NT. And how do you know where the connections were made? Again you are talking about things like you know but you dont.

9. The fiasco- I apologized for it as soon as it
happened and do you hear anyone complaining since? Nobody has missed a
payment and the system is fixed and running strong. Yes it was a huge
mistake but we took care of everyone. Even the original guy from
Australia who made the post didnt want us to ship his shoes back. He
wanted us to keep them and sell them.

FACT: you never even addressed it until it was posted to NikeTalk.

What does that say? Everything, really.

Yes but that doesnt mean I knew before.

10. ISS>NT / NT>ISS who really cares. To some it has gotten to the
point now that it is Chevy against Ford but to most it is just another
forum another way to get information. There are 70,000 members on ISS
and it is a great community with an excellent culture. Yes, it is
different than NT but that is exactly how it should be. The Admins and
Mods at ISS consistently lock down any posts that try to rank the sites
vs. one another because they all agree that it's ignorant, and we have
other things to focus on. But on NT all negative posts about ISS go
unheeded and end up in the archives but if there is a positive post
it is locked or magically disappears.

Clearly, YOU care. Thats what precipitated this long rant of yours, after all. Had I not commented in an ISS vs. NT post last night, you wouldnt have made this post today. That much is obvious.

You lock ANY mention of NT right away, likely because youre scared of your members leaving your board for ours.

I admit we lock posts that promote ISS, but why shouldnt we? You dont pay for advertising. Youve gained enough from us over the years. We owe you nothing. Members of your street team attempt to infiltrate NT all the time to promote your crap. Were not obligated to allow them to advertise on your behalf.

We lock posts about NT because they dont do anything positive. Who cares if we have a 200 page post about ISS being better than NT? Well I should ask you because you do care and you keep those posts alive.

11. NT actually upgraded their site to look a lot like ISS? Am I mad? No
way. There are only so many way to organize a site like NT and ISS
but to think ISS copied from NT is just wrong. Yeah we have the
Stoneface from Ezboards and that too will be upgraded soon.

There werent many other sneaker boards like ours, and trust that you stole everything from forums to our RULES. You guys PLAGIARIZED our rules of course, youve changed it now that its become a source of embarrassment but EVERYONE knows it and remembers it.

Even now, you can clearly see that all youve done is edit the rules page that contained elements DIRECTLY copied and pasted from our site.

Were NOT going to upgrade our site to look a lot like ISS. All I said is that we MAY add a feedback feature at some point, like ebay and TONS of vbulletins and phpbbs did BEFORE you lifted the feature for yourself.

Damn dude you cant even take the blinders off for one second but then again why would you? You are so deep into your little world that you dont see what is going on. NT did take the layout of ISS plain and simple. Look at it on

12. Think about this ProfessorK left NT because of Meth. To be honest
I never met anyone who gave so much to the sneaker culture without ever
asking for anything in return except maybe Retrokid. ProfessorK is a
SERIOUSLY intelligent cat and has earned the utmost respect world wide
for what he has done. And Meth makes him so pissed he walks? That in
itself should get people to feverishly shake their heads.

100% false. What did I ever do to him?

Professor K left when you offered him a job.

Proof? In August of 2004, just a few months before he left the site, Professor K tried to get in touch with me through RK to ask if Id be willing to write something for Kicksologys farewell.

As some may remember, he asked a few people within the industry to pick out their favorite Kicksology review and write about the site as part of a countdown to the closing of the site. He asked me to participate, and I declined. I still have the emails to prove that, too.

I never had any problems with him before you offered him a job. I wonder what turned him around? Was it that I didnt like some of his friends designs over at Jordan brand, or was it because you offered him a job and mod status on your board? Either way, it says far more about the type of person he is (or, at least, the person he was at that time) than it does about me.

You are kidding me right? You dont remember ProfessorKs last post? The war of words between you two? Blinders baby blinders or selective memory whichever you choose.

13. The sneaker competitions were a great idea on paper but it changed
the dynamics of the culture. After the last one I decided to make it a
final comp. I think it was great for people to get together and talk
about and see amazing kicks but the competitions just got out of hand
on the buy / sell - secretive side.

Are you sure it wasnt because your deal with Nike expired and theyre no longer subsidizing your contests?

Those $pending ompetitions represent everything wrong with the hobby, thanks for the contribution.

Again things you dont know about.

14. We give back via charity all of the time. Just because I dont post
it every other day doesnt mean that we dont do it. Another perfect
example of misinforming the public is this statement from Meth: where
he just flipped a pair of shoes he got free of charge from Nike - some
sacrifice. How do you know where I got these shoes? You always talk
like you know. I didnt get these shoes from Nike. And why is putting up
a pair of shoes I received for auction a bad thing? How do you know if
they were my one and only personal pairs of these shoes? I would think
that is a hell of a lot more positive than throwing up some ads and
telling everyone to click on them which is against the Google adword
rules -. Plus, we have given away PlayStation AF1s and over $15,000
worth of other shoes on the forum for free--not to attract users, but to
give back in a unique way. I have connections and I channel these
connections to the forum for the community. It is a win win situation,
but somehow Meth likes to slant it as a negative or that there is some
ulterior motive.

Yeah, I believe that one. Youre still bragging about donating $100 to our community chest, you STILL have your charity auction link up on bluesole nearly a year after the fact, and were supposed to believe that you make significant charitable donations that youre not announcing? Thats logical.

We announce our donations because it is THE COMMUNITYS donation not a personal donation. None of our staff members talk about how much we personally and individually give to charity, after all.

You cant tell anyone here that your use of Nikes promotional products hasnt been ultimately self-serving with a straight face. Its used to purchase the support and loyalty of your customers.

Nice try, though. You want people to just accept on blind faith that you're "giving back" without proof. The examples of "giving back" you've provided so far have all been self-serving. You think printing somebody's artwork in your magazine for free is "giving back?" You think giving our members a free sample of your magazine is "giving back?"

We give back 100% of our ad revenue. We don't just slide the leftovers to charity. Giving back is the ONLY reason we run NikeTalk.

Again you try to dance around the words Im witting. I said YOU dont know where I got the shoes from you said you did. Another lie and long tale yarned.

15. Creating the marketplace has taken a huge chunk out of sales on A lot of people are going to say that is the best
part of the forum and of course Steve would keep the marketplace
going.. When I started ISS I knew the marketplace could be important to
the community and instead of leaving it out so I would make more money
on I went ahead and created it and Im glad I did.
There are 100s of transactions per day and Im proud of my team as they
have grown into something substantial. In fact, there have been
instances when the ISS/SC staff considered doing away with the
Marketplace at times when there seemed to be an increasing number of
frauds. Instead, I encouraged them to keep the Marketplace. As a result,
they are continually modifying rules to try to make it the best
Marketplace possible given the nature of the boards. I see the
Marketplace as a serious asset to the community, and wouldn't have it
any other way. But of course it is easy to overlook matters like this
and continually try to spin things negatively.

The marketplace is one of the only reasons kids visit your forums, which are and always have been little more than a promotional tool for your business ventures. Ultimately, you benefit from the traffic your forums receive through the profits to your website and magazine, yet you dont pay any of the moderators whose labor permits the entire operation.

The Marketplace is a cost center not a profit center.

16. Although the greenstole April fools joke was kind of funny its
fundamental message was bad. Filtering out fakes is a positive thing,
and we all know that with the rapid proliferation of fakes being sold
via the internet--something that we all complain about continuously. So
why trying to remedy that situation gets interpreted as a bad thing is
beyond me. Just because it is a business doesnt mean it is a appalling

If that were true, youd just offer the service through your marketplace. We have measures in place to try and filter out fakes, yet were not attempting to profit from it.

It was a business opportunity, and you minimized your risk by convincing people to invest their labor into your business with no obligation. Some, you ditched before the site even had a chance to fail. The rest will go uncompensated simply because the venture is doomed. Regardless, you were in it for personal gain and had that NOT been the case, the site NEVER wouldve been launched as a profitable venture. You wouldve just used the same marketplace you boasted about earlier.

Yet again you are talking out of your well you are not using your mind. Who said I didnt have the money to buy a football team to crate And why do you keep saying the rest will go uncompensated? I said I offered payment to everyone. I guess you just dont get the concept of trying to create something from nothing for the experience and if it does take off it could be a dream job.

17. Did I ban people that made comments on NT about how ISS sucks and
the only reason they USE the site is because of the marketplace? Yes
and the reason I did it was because I didnt think it was fair for my
mods and admins to work for people like that.

You dont want your mods and admins to work for people who dont appreciate the value of their services?

I hope the ironys not lost on you, Steve.

18. Sole Bar the joint isnt anything like what people are posting
and that is how I want it. When July 7th rolls around people will see
what we are all about. And no, we are not going to sell alcohol it
isnt that type of bar. It is a sole bar (my friend owns the Shoe Bar in
Tokyo and even that store isnt like ours)

Yawn. Just another for-profit venture youre now desperately plugging on NT.

I think you forgot to mention the street address in your little pitch.

I have never plugged it on NT.

Do you know we have
professionals working on the forum software on a daily basis? And why
say things are stolen or hacked do you know this for fact? The fact
is that nothing is stolen or hacked (except the stoneface is borrowed).
And we stole NTs format? Please. Take a look at what NT looked like 2
years ago and what ISS looked like now NT looks a lot more like ISS
than ever before. It is just sad to see someone like Meth cry so much
and so often about things he just doesnt know about. We have a new site
coming out as well but you wont see me bashing any other site because
of the software they are using.

Tell me, do you pay these professionals?

What forums did we add that you had FIRST? Tell me that with proof.

Oh, and if ezboard is so lame, why did ISS START on ezboard?

Youve always been two steps behind. We couldnt do much about the forum software in the past because we werent gouging our members. We werent making a penny from the site, so we couldnt afford to pay thousands for hosting. Now, we have the opportunity to upgrade our forum platform and we're going to make the most of it.

Have your developers on call - you may see something you like.

ISS started on ezboards because it was the only board I knew. What is the problem with that. And how can you say ISS is two steps behind when ISS jumped from ezboards YEARS ago. Dude you just dont get it.

But I cant front - wasnt raised with the knowledge that a lot of you were raised with so that is why SC has expert writers who have lived / still live the shoe life.

I.e. thats why you brought in NikeTalkers to write for the mag because youre not an authentic sneaker fan.

My emersion into the shoe world happened in 1995 and Ive been going strong ever since.

Face it, you saw it as a business opportunity first and foremost and thats still true today. You love it because its engulfed your life. If you didnt LEARN to love it, youd have committed that a long time ago.

If I messed up or if someone that works with me screws up lay it on us we deserve it.

Thats what weve been doing. Forgive me if I havent praised you lately; I havent seen much cause.

Now Im not here to sell anything Im here to educate and give
something back to NT.

Right, and your form of giving back was to post a free sample issue of your magazine?

Thats advertising. Unfortunately, the info hits NT first so even if that WERENT a back issue, itd all be old news anyway.

Many MANY times the info posted on NT is from Sole Collector. But I guess you wouldnt know that.

And if you REALLY want to know what Sole Collector is all about and
how we run the business then ask Air Rev. I havent talked to him since
our disagreement on the forum a long time ago but ask him how Sole
Collector treats the company he works for and what level of
professionalism we bring.

Theres a reason he doesnt talk to you and theres also a reason that some people in his company take advantage of the free advertising your magazine represents. If Nike can use you as a promotional tool, so can Puma. The magazine has no integrity, itll never run anything truly negative as a feature or the companies will stop subsidizing it. When the companies stop giving exclusives, the well dries up. Its mutual back scratching. You have no choice BUT to treat the people at Puma and other companies with respect and professionalism your livelihood depends on it.

It is easy to blindly follow someone but
once that person has been proven wrong multiple times you have to
question your own self as to why you believe- just because it is easy
isnt a good answer. Secondly, karma is a b!tch and at some point in
time it is going to catch up.

My sentiments exactly.

PS - If you want to hear something REALLY funny ask ol Steve about the message he just sent to Ktown the other day. I wont spoil the surprise let him tell it or ask Ktown.

Meth you are a sad, sad person. You have been proven wrong over and over again yet you dont own up to it. To everyone reading this with the management in place as it stands today NT is dead to me. Meth it is a real shame that you cant own up to any of your mistakes not one damn sad.
Team Pacific Northwest​
Can I get that yuku sidekick question answered?
  I'm like I'll be damned mama, They Know Who I Am MamaI'm still ya little boy, but to them I'm The Man Mama!!!Sincerely Yours,Seymore Cake
This thread and Steve's thread should be archived. Damn. Meth Ether'ed Steve hard. This is like Jay-Z/Nas circa 2001. I'm not takin e-sides, but man....

On another note, I'm excited about this NT/Yuku thing. Should be really interesting.
Anyone remember this little beauty?
someplace - but if you want the real, stop drinking the kool aid over at Neverland Ranch and talk to some of the real heads over on NT.

Will the yuku version be sidekick friendly?

There are some mobile issues right now - nothing that really hurts the site as far as I'm aware, but it won't do EVERYTHING that the full browser would be able to do.

Mobile device compatibility is high on our priority list, though, and I assume that to be the case for a great many community operators. So, it should only be a matter of time.

Will we re-launch with full mobile device compatibility right from the jump? That depends, would you rather we WAIT until it's ready, or move forward with what we have available and then build from there?

Most people seem to prefer the latter, and I feel that's the best way to go.

Meth just a general question about Yuku, will the move grant banned members access again?

Not if I can help it.... and I can.

Will you have alcohol?
As long as we meet the city ordinances then yes one area will have drinks.
Guess the city wasn't to keen on the prospect of selling Roofie-coladas to 12 year old girls. No giggidy. (they got to bag it up.)
Steve's rebuttal is pathetic. He resorts to attacking the man rather than defending his allegations. Steve, not on NT anymore? GOOD RIDDANCE.
Latest Pickups: 3 Nike Dunk Low Premiums - Jordan Inspired VII, VIII, and IX
damn, you laid it on him heavily. thanks for sharing the truth...i knew NT & ISS weren't on friendly terms but never knew the story behind it.

btw.. you're def. right....i only go on their for the marketplace.
I remember when the ISS Forum opened up because i was on NT when i heard about it.

If nothing else that Meth said was true, one thing certaintly is. ISS, Pick Your Shoes, SneakerPimps and a host of other "kicks" related sites wouldnt be @#%$ without NT. Without NTers constantly informing members and non-members about the whereabouts of the hottest kicks, non of these sites could sustain themselves.
East Oakland510
Custom Clothing Designs at

LOL!! What kind of "BAR" doesn't sell alcahol besides a Salad Bar?
Wanted: Size 13/14 Huarache Lights and rare Huarache Bursts​
In FIVE I trust​
damn, you laid it on him heavily. thanks for sharing the truth...i knew NT & ISS weren't on friendly terms but never knew the story behind it.

btw.. you're def. right....i only go on their for the marketplace.
^^^i remember then u posted some sample pics of the wht/blu's sometime later in front of a new school wings logo.

damn mad iss'ers are gonna be jumpin ship lol.

my child i watched you grow up to be famous and now i smile like a proud dad watching his only son that made it
Wanted: Size 13/14 Huarache Lights and rare Huarache Bursts​
In FIVE I trust​
ever since i've been on the search for the 99 air max deluxes i knew i've been in the right place
***we diddy boppin' on u second rate swagger jackers***​
How do you get the cash to open a bar in LA if you've never turned a profit?
Indiana in '07, The Eric Gordon era/year begins

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