shawn marion? what happen to this boy

Steve Nash makes anyone look good
So now Marbury makes teammates better, too?

Or does that just help the argument?
Calderon is one of the better young PG's in the game. I don't think PG play is really the problem.

He just fell off, plain and simple. He's not as explosive as he once was. And that's his game, athleticism.
So now Marbury makes teammates better, too?

Or does that just help the argument?
Who said anything about helping teammates? Marion is one person, one person who needs a good PG. ThatMarbury was a good PG. It wasn't a matter of 'helping teammates', unless Marion counts for more than one person. Marion needs a good PG; Starburywas.

And most people readily admit that Starbury's years in PHX were his best. No ones's saying he was or is a HOF PG, but to say that Marion had no good PGbefore Nash when he had Kidd (whose credentials are well known) and Starbury (averaging 20 and 9 while in PHX) is being errantly dismissive.
he has skills of course, but he is made better because of his point guards, that is very obvious, because marion cant create his own shot, other than theuptempo game he has, which he needs a pg to get him the ball, he has no 3pt shot, and no post up game, no mid range..he's a good defender, but an offensivethreat without a good pg...but Ska alreay said it all
I hear what you're saying ska, but a lot of people in here make it out to be a Nash/D'Antoni thing when it was clearly not.

Sure, he needed a decent PG to excel, most athletic based wings would. but It's not like Steph is a PG who sets up teammates incredibly well anyway though,he's always been score first.

Which is why I go back to him slowing down being mostly due to being 9 years in.
See, I think age has to do with it, too.

Like I said earlier, I think it's a combination of everything mentioned:

- no Nash (or above-average PG)
- No D'Anphony
- aging
- not in a high-octane offense anymore

I think if 3 of those things could change, he'd be 'Matrix' again. If he were coached by a top coach... and he were in a high-octane offense... andthe team was run by an above-average PG... he'd be back (because obviously, the aging thing can't be stopped
since you can't get any younger, marion's game will be gone soon, cause when you get older you lose athleticism, see vc, mj, malone and mariondidn't develop any other part of his game so he can do other things... if wade doesn't develop the rest of his game now he'll have that sameproblem later on his career.cause he's not an excellent shooter, just a slasher
Ok since y'all don't watch the Raptors let me enlighten you.

1. The Raptors don't really run an uptempo offense, we like to pretend we do but not consistently.
2. Jose Calderon is not an above average PG???
3. He is still pretty athletic, he is still a great defender, and a very good rebounder so let's not act like Shawn is worthless.
3. There are NO plays run for him, none whatsoever, he is not expected to do anything on offense except jack up one of those silly hook shots every once in awhile.

He is still athletic and still explosive he is just incapable of creating his own shot, especially in a half court offense.
he's not worthless, but if you cant create your own shot and you don't have a pg that plays an uptempo game and wants to push the ball, you dont reallyhave much going for you on offense... as time goes by he'll lose his athleticism and that part of his game will be gone too.. cause a lot of players dunkless cause they cant depend on the athletic ability. even shaq, and he can dunk with ease
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