SHOCK: McCain volunteer ATTACKED & MUTILATED in PITT..... "B" CARVED into her face....

Originally Posted by FinesseSosa

Originally Posted by rickybadman

Everyone hooped on T-Bone for posting this and Dirty called us sad for doing so and guess what it turn out to be fake, just more propaganda. Now T-Bone and Dirty are nowhere to be found to condemned the actions of this girl. Nice

Well Dirty is gonna play devils advocate/defend anything somehow related to Republicans regardless...So you cant be too surprised.

Why is the "B" backwards? Cutting herself in a mirror?

The cuts seem self-inflicted...They didn't even break skin...They're scratches/abrasions if anything.

Then blogging about it afterwards trying to gain support for McCain...Doesn't seem too traumatized to me.

Seems like desperation...Some McCain/Palin supporters are getting exposed for being bigots/racists, So now this broad goes and pulls this stunt to try and paint Obama supporters in a negative light to somehow soften the blow.

Personally, That's how I see it...If this is in fact real, It's inexcusable. But right now, I'm calling fraud.

This chick carved a backwards B into her face in the mirror.


A 6'4" Black man, who weighed 200lbs, huh?

Yes yes, of course.
If her job is Professional Racist, then yeah, she has a job alright. So do many others supporting the McCain campaign
Originally Posted by Magik ink 23

That site is horrendous, I can't stand visting that page. Anywho, the story hasn't developed yet? All I see is the headline. I guess I'm sort of confused... are they implying that just because she is a McCain supporter it had to be an Obama supporter that did this to her? Crimes happen regardless of politics... but I guess since they carved a 'B' on her head that must stand for... Obama? wait... wouldn't that be an O?
at real nter's not catching this.

Do you even know his first name?
Where are all the apologists hiding, huh? Come out, come out wherever you are. You're part of the problem too. Almost as bad at this fat lying, racisttroll. Anyone with a pea brain could see the story was false from the get go.
She confessed!!

[h2]Police: Campaign Worker Admits Making Up Story[/h2][h3]MORE:
KDKA Online Voters Guide |
Campaign '08 News[/h3][h4]
Embed our Politics widget to get our news on your site[/h4][h4]A Pittsburgh police commander told KDKA Investigator Marty Griffin that Ashley Todd confessed to making up the story & is facingcharges[/h4]PITTSBURGH (KDKA) ― Police sources tell KDKA that a campaign worker has now confessed to making upa story that a mugger attacked her and cut the letter "B" in her face after seeing her McCain bumper sticker.

Ashley Todd, 20, of Texas, initially told police that she was robbed at an ATM in Bloomfield and that the suspect became enraged and started beating her afterseeing her GOP sticker on her car.

Police investigating the alleged attack, however, began to notice some inconsistencies in her story and administered a polygraph test.

Authorities, however, declined to release the results of that test.

Investigators did say that they received photos from the ATM machine and "the photographs were verified as not being the victim making thetransaction."

This afternoon, a Pittsburgh police commander told KDKA Investigator Marty Griffin that Todd confessed to making up the story.

The commander added that Todd will face charges; but police have not commented on what those charges will be.

According to police, investigators working on the interview process detected several inconsistencies in Todd's story that differed from statements made inthe original police report.

Pittsburgh Police Public Information Officer Diane Richard released a statement earlier today, saying: "Because of the inconsistencies in her statements,Ms. Todd was asked to submit to a polygraph examination which she agreed to do."

No photos of Todd are being released by Pittsburgh Police at this time.

The investigation is continuing as officials determine what charges will be filed.
Originally Posted by DJprestige21

This thread proves why Barack Obama should not be President.

Half the voters are so influenced by other people for the wrong reasons. The majority of people do not even know why they are voting for Obama yet they have a T-Shirt that says "Change".

Now the people that truly support Obama and are voting for him because of his political views I respect, unfortunately this is only 40% of his voters.

This proves why people vote for him not why he shouldn be prez. I forone am not votig for this reason even if he is the better choice but i do see wat you mean.
Funny how the headline on drudge isn't quite the same as it was yesterday. Can't believe that site is still considered credible by so many people.
Nah, like a lot of Republicans the people who were initially campaigning for this story to seem true and telling others to give this wench the benefit of thedoubt will 'll still find a way to not admit they were wrong and make this story seem true and push forth the agenda that Obama supporters are some kind ofraging marginal and unpatriotic bunch of thugs. Idiots.
Its astonishing how gullible some people have become, basic common sense is now an asset in society.
From the first time i heard the story i knew it was fabricated, backwards B wasa dead giveaway, then you have how perfectly carved out it was, if your being mugged i would expect some resistance or fighting back so how could the muggerpossibly carve out such a perfect B, her face would be all sliced up from resistance. Secondly if your face was mutilated why would any sane person declinemedical treatment.

Sad that a person could actually sit around and think of something so moronic and senseless
Originally Posted by BwooDFolkGD74


L's forever.


LOL (no palindrome)

Thinkin she was gonna save the McCain campaign single-handedly.

Ever wonder why the "B" was drawn on her face backwards? She drew it on her face in the mirror.

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