Shooting Reported at Las Vegas Casino Hotel

The hobby wasn't used to kill people... that is silly. But driving/creating cars that can hit high speeds is a hobby that could be used to do just that. Martial Arts could also be used to inflict harm on others. It is also a hobby.

The issue is why people are killing. The killing wont be solved with legislation.

Of course the larger issue is why. That requires an entire culture shift and closing of the wealth gap, among other things. Might as well try the gun legislation route, since the other issue is basically raking leaves on a windy day considering who our leaders are and who they care about.
"Could have" then "would have"

What kind of narrative do you think this country should take?

Shootings constantly happening with no action vs. shootings occurring and the country trying everything it can to correct that?

I want to be on the side that is in favor of less loss of life.
2/3rds da numbers of gun deaths are people blowing their own brains out.

you would think NT's race traffickers would be delighted, its basically old white men that are majority cashing in their chips early.
I know that
I read the article you posted and it says 2/3 are suicides and another 1/3 are homicides, but it doesn't say how many of those homicides were people that later blew there brains out. The vegas shooter took his own life right? Will his death be ruled a suicide? Reason I'm asking is cause situation like this could skew those stats.
Of course the larger issue is why. That requires an entire culture shift and closing of the wealth gap, among other things. Might as well try the gun legislation route, since the other issue is basically raking leaves on a windy day considering who our leaders are and who they care about.

I can certainly see what you mean. We just decide to be pessimistic about different solutions.
What kind of narrative do you think this country should take?

Shootings constantly happening with no action vs. shootings occurring and the country trying everything it can to correct that?

I want to be on the side that is in favor of less loss of life.

This is the big question right? At what cost? How much freedom is enough? How much privacy should you be allotted? These are the questions that society needs to answer.
This is the big question right? At what cost? How much freedom is enough? How much privacy should you be allotted? These are the questions that society needs to answer.

I'm glad that we can agree on this. It's together addressing the core cause that we can find the proper route. I'm not saying what I want done is the correct thing. But I want something done.
If a higher concentration of guns is correlated with high rates of suicide by gun, then it could be inferred that lowering the amount of guns would lead to less suicide.

Which is a good thing.

So bringing up suicide rates just strengthens the gun regulation argument.

But when you can't interpret basic stats. That point is kinda lost on you.
I just watched one of the videos circulating. Amidst all of the gunfire and people on the ground, some dude actually said "that's not even gunshots." :smh:
In a big city like NYC I understand strict gun laws. But in the rural areas in the south and Midwest, guns are a way of life. From hunting to collecting, to heirlooms, etc. It just isn't as black/white as some news outlets like to make it sound.
So much facts. These and addressing mental health should be top priority.
Addressing mental health in this country would do so much good.

But we turn our back on people with mental illness.

And there are those in power that want to take away any access to medical help from them.
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Funny to think about though, when an American white male does this, inaction is the order of the day, but when it's muslim extremists let's take as much action as possible and ban/wipe islam off the face of the earth. A bit of white supremacy in play here that some folks aren't seeing.
In a big city like NYC I understand strict gun laws. But in the rural areas in the south and Midwest, guns are a way of life. From hunting to collecting, to heirlooms, etc. It just isn't as black/white as some news outlets like to make it sound.

Which even further cements the existence of two different nations within our country.

There is a distinct difference in people that live in our major metro areas vs those in rural areas.
If a higher concentration of guns is correlated with high rates of suicide by gun, then it could be inferred that lowering the amount of guns would lead to less suicide.

Which is a good thing.

So bringing up suicide rates just strengthens the gun regulation argument.

But when you can't interpret basic stats. That point is kinda lost on you.

This would make sense if suicide rates weren't the highest in the world in countries with the most gun control.
Funny to think about though, when an American white male does this, inaction is the order of the day, but when it's muslim extremists let's take as much action as possible and ban/wipe islam off the face of the earth. A bit of white supremacy in play here that some folks aren't seeing.

This is one of the things that showed me what real racism is.
Funny to think about though, when an American white male does this, inaction is the order of the day, but when it's muslim extremists let's take as much action as possible and ban/wipe islam off the face of the earth. A bit of white supremacy in play here that some folks aren't seeing.

They banning/wiping islam off the face of the earth? :nerd:
Funny to think about though, when an American white male does this, inaction is the order of the day, but when it's muslim extremists let's take as much action as possible and ban/wipe islam off the face of the earth. A bit of white supremacy in play here that some folks aren't seeing.

Muslim terrorist kills 15 people with a van-"This is why we need a Muslim ban!"
White American terrorist kills 50+ people and injures 400+-"Now's not the time to talk about this or politicize this"

I'd accept any ban if all bans were applied equally. You want to ban and deport Muslims, go ahead, as long as you ban and deport the millions of white people that live here too.

I live close to one of the biggest Muslim populations in the US and have never felt unsafe, but I definitely am cautious any time I see some disgruntled looking white man in public.
Addressing mental health in this country would do so much good.

But we turn our back on people with mental illness.

And there are those in power that want to take away any access to medical help from them.

Mental health, especially in the African American community, is largely ignored
Someone on the no fly list for connections to terrorist groups that's an American citizen is still allowed to purchase weapons. Think about that for a second. The laws don't have to be sweeping, but start somewhere.
Muslim terrorist kills 15 people with a van-"This is why we need a Muslim ban!"
White American kills 50+ people and injures 400+-"Now's not the time to talk about this or politicize this"

I'd accept any ban if all bans were applied equally. You want to ban and deport Muslims, go ahead, as long as you ban and deport the millions of white people that live here too.

I live close to one of the biggest Muslim populations in the US and have never felt unsafe, but I definitely am cautious any time I see some disgruntled looking white man in public.

Didn't ISIS claim responsibility for the Vegas shooting?
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