Shooting Reported at Las Vegas Casino Hotel

In a big city like NYC I understand strict gun laws. But in the rural areas in the south and Midwest, guns are a way of life. From hunting to collecting, to heirlooms, etc. It just isn't as black/white as some news outlets like to make it sound.

It can be as simple as restricting the kind of/number of weapon allowed in certain areas. Similar to how certain vehicles are allowed on the road in certain towns and areas. Like in certain neighborhoods golf carts can be ridden around an assigned area.
Funny to think about though, when an American white male does this, inaction is the order of the day, but when it's muslim extremists let's take as much action as possible and ban/wipe islam off the face of the earth. A bit of white supremacy in play here that some folks aren't seeing.

A bit?

I don't think folks WANT to see it for what it is honestly.
This would make sense if suicide rates weren't the highest in the world in countries with the most gun control.
Your post would make sense if you could prove that rates in those countries wouldn't be higher it the population had easier access to guns.

I mean does everything need to be a aboutism, even interpreting basic stats. Geez
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What does this have to do with my statement on mass murder? seriously, what the **** are you blabbering on about?

i should ask you da same, since you're conflating Homeland security protocol with a mass shooting.

literally apples & oranges.
Muslim terrorist kills 15 people with a van-"This is why we need a Muslim ban!"
White American terrorist kills 50+ people and injures 400+-"Now's not the time to talk about this or politicize this"

I'd accept any ban if all bans were applied equally. You want to ban and deport Muslims, go ahead, as long as you ban and deport the millions of white people that live here too.

I live close to one of the biggest Muslim populations in the US and have never felt unsafe, but I definitely am cautious any time I see some disgruntled looking white man in public.

Just goes to show how brainwashed a large percentage of Americans are by the media and government. They honestly believe, without even disputing, that Muslims = ISIS. It's tragic really.

The irony is that we as nation are so incredibly and brutally violent, historically and presently. Just a ******g angry, paranoid, violent country compared to most yet we have the gall to point the finger.
You're an adult I assume, you understand context. The politicizing of that rhetoric has led to laws (well, attempts) and aggressive measures. On the flip side? "let's not politicize" and essentially inaction.

It is easier to "declare war" against radical Islamic terrorism than it is to do the same against a random white boy thug/terrorist. Logically how would you be able to identify the culprit. That is why the media has been trying to link him to a certain ideology. The thought that someone did it "just because" is scary. Even if true.
It is easier to "declare war" against radical Islamic terrorism than it is to do the same against a random white boy thug/terrorist. Logically how would you be able to identify the culprit. That is why the media has been trying to link him to a certain ideology. The thought that someone did it "just because" is scary. Even if true.

Might be one of the stupidest @#$@ I've ever seen posted here. Let's say you go to Fremont, Detroit,Paris, etc. How are you going to identify a culprit among the thousands of Muslims that live there? ISIS members don't wear uniforms.
It is easier to "declare war" against radical Islamic terrorism than it is to do the same against a random white boy thug/terrorist. Logically how would you be able to identify the culprit. That is why the media has been trying to link him to a certain ideology. The thought that someone did it "just because" is scary. Even if true.

Why is it easier? Could it be because those who are in power are a part of the very same group that would then be branded as scary?

American citizens far more and likely to be the victim of a white man than a Islamic terrorist and it's been that way for almost 20 years now.
Might be one of the stupidest @#$@ I've ever seen posted here. Let's say you go to Fremont, Detroit,Paris, etc. How are you going to identify a culprit among the thousands of Muslims that live there?

Unfortunately it appears you completely misunderstood what I wrote. It is not about identifying an individual. It is about identifying an ideology. Changing the hearts and minds is the only real solution.
It is easier to "declare war" against radical Islamic terrorism than it is to do the same against a random white boy thug/terrorist. Logically how would you be able to identify the culprit. That is why the media has been trying to link him to a certain ideology. The thought that someone did it "just because" is scary. Even if true.
Interesting. Are you white by chance and have you ever denied the existence of white privilege? you seem like the type that would, but you just wrote the most excusatory white privilege thing i've ever read.
It is easier to "declare war" against radical Islamic terrorism than it is to do the same against a random white boy thug/terrorist. Logically how would you be able to identify the culprit. That is why the media has been trying to link him to a certain ideology. The thought that someone did it "just because" is scary. Even if true.

How is one of those easier than the other? Please explain

Blaming the "White Man" vs. "Muslims."

How is one easier than the other?
Why does a specific racial/religious group have to be "the enemy"?

White supremacists are "the enemy". ISIS militants are also "the enemy"
Interesting. Are you white by chance and have you ever denied the existence of white privilege? you seem like the type that would, but you just wrote the most excusatory white privilege thing i've ever read.

I'm black. Not that it matters. White privilege certainly exists. Racism certainly exists. Slavery happened. Systematic oppression continues to follow. But a white man shooting indiscriminately into a crowd of country music fans would hardly be labeled as a racist. It was easy to identify the enemy with Dylan roof. He was a racist/white nationalist/thug. Situations like this aren't as easy to label. That was my only point.
Just seen the photo of the dead gun man.. I can stomach a lot of things but for some reason I couldn’t with this one....
Ok. So articulate who the "enemy" is. Are you saying that "the white man" is the enemy?

The white man is the real face of terror in this country. I don't know what you're doing when trying to categorize one as an "enemy" as opposed to the other.
I think he's saying it's more convenient for the US government to attack a group because they share a certain set of beliefs (Muslims), and then apply that logic to EVERY Muslim in order to push their agenda. I don't think he was condoning it.
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