Shooting Reported at Las Vegas Casino Hotel

seen this sticker on a car on the way home yesterday...this is the way some people think especially here in texas..


It's probably easier to buy a gun in Texas than anywhere in the world.

Crimes and murder rates are some of the lowest for its major cities than anywhere else in America including LA and New York City.
No, that's not the impression I am under. We are in the thread discussing the Vegas shooting. The Vegas shooting has sparked this gun debate. Yet everyone in here concedes that stricter gun laws wouldn't have prevented this thug from doing the shooting. Basically people are utilizing this tragedy to score political points about an issue that wouldn't have kept this from happening. That's the issue.

Politicization of mass shootings is the issue...not the mass shootings themselves

Give me a ******* break
I'm not saying this to lean on one side or the other but I know guns are pretty much illegal in Japan.

I don't know anything about the crime rate over there or whatever but does that work there?
No, that's not the impression I am under. We are in the thread discussing the Vegas shooting. The Vegas shooting has sparked this gun debate. Yet everyone in here concedes that stricter gun laws wouldn't have prevented this thug from doing the shooting. Basically people are utilizing this tragedy to score political points about an issue that wouldn't have kept this from happening. That's the issue.

Stricter guns laws could have prevented him from purchasing the bump stock that made it easier for him to kill so many

Stricter laws on what an assault weapon is and what guns should be legal to own would have prevented it.

That's all in hindsight isn't it?
i literally just linked this.

Last year, we produced a series of stories on American gun deaths and the people behind the statistics. From that reporting, and other sources, we know mass shootings are different from other kinds of gun deaths in several ways.

First, they’re rare, and the people doing the shooting are different. The majority of gun deaths in America aren’t even homicides, let alone caused by mass shootings. Two-thirds of the more than 33,000 gun deaths that take place in the U.S. every year are suicides

there's nothing you can do outside of gun confiscation...try that in America.

Any action is better than inaction.
Honest question. How many of those gun deaths were murder suicides?

2/3rds da numbers of gun deaths are people blowing their own brains out.

you would think NT's race traffickers would be delighted, its basically old white men that are majority cashing in their chips early.
2/3rds da numbers of gun deaths are people blowing their own brains out.

you would think NT's race traffickers would be delighted, its basically old white men that are majority cashing in their chips early.

Any death that can be prevented is worth trying for. It's when we stop caring that we are doing a disservice.
The "guns are my fun hobby, don't take that away" argument is a funny one. I don't think most hobbys could be used to kill 60 people and injure 500 in 10 minutes, so not the greatest comparison there.

The hobby wasn't used to kill people... that is silly. But driving/creating cars that can hit high speeds is a hobby that could be used to do just that. Martial Arts could also be used to inflict harm on others. It is also a hobby.

The issue is why people are killing. The killing wont be solved with legislation.
shootings will be as regular as category 5 hurricanes

They already are more regular than cat 5 hurricanes. We're getting at least 1 mass shooting a day. In more than 400 days, we've already had more than 500 mass shootings (defined as causing at least 4 victims) per the NYT.
You know why the gun debate comes up everytime there is a mass shooting?

Because a lot of people dying at once by gun is the only time they ever decide to talk about it.
How did this Guy carry hundreds of pounds of weaponry up to the 32nd floor by himself without being seen by a camera?
Any death that can be prevented is worth trying for. It's when we stop caring that we are doing a disservice.

ehh i disagree...once folks cosigned "assisted suicide" with pills i stopped caring.

when people kill themselves its sad, but you can't stop em from hurting themselves by limiting da laws of people of abide by em.
The hobby wasn't used to kill people... that is silly. But driving/creating cars that can hit high speeds is a hobby that could be used to do just that. Martial Arts could also be used to inflict harm on others. It is also a hobby.

The issue is why people are killing. The killing wont be solved with legislation.

If a dude went into that concert trying to kill people with martial arts I wonder how far he would have gotten
Gotta have a mental aptitude and mental fit test for anyone requesting to buy a weapon on their own dimes.
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The "guns are my fun hobby, don't take that away" argument is a funny one. I don't think most hobbys could be used to kill 60 people and injure 500 in 10 minutes, so not the greatest comparison there.

NOBODY used, "Guns are my hobby" in that context.

Folks said they enjoy going to the range and blowing off some rounds to relieve stress.

Yall like misquoting folks
ehh i disagree...once folks cosigned "assisted suicide" with pills i stopped caring.

when people kill themselves its sad, but you can't stop em from hurting themselves by limiting da laws of people of abide by em.
there is a huge distance between acknowledging the quality of life vs someone taking their own due to depression

if someone was terminally ill, and would live for a month, in excruciating pain nonstop and no meds would help, would you want that individual to have to bear that or allow them a way to end the suffering?
Guns and hot shells are here to stay. You can put all kinds of laws in place but that ain’t gon change ****. America was built on taking over ****. And just like that, they can take over your house (2007), take over your neighborhood(gentrification), and take over your people/culture (next)
Stricter guns laws could have prevented him from purchasing the bump stock that made it easier for him to kill so many

Stricter laws on what an assault weapon is and what guns should be legal to own would have prevented it.

That's all in hindsight isn't it?

"Could have" then "would have"
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