Shoplifting attempt in BK gone hilariously wrong! [Video]

Dudes supporting to the shop lifter
Typical racial undertones
KSteezy making an with another bad generalization
Paws thinking they know the laws and what this guys future will be

typical NT thread. very disappointing to say the least.
These employees are stupid as hell. You trashed your own store, damaged merchandise that you can no longer sell, loss of sales during the half hour this whole ordeal went on, loss of potential sales when people decide this isnt an establishment they want to spend their money in, lawyer fees, potential settlement charges.
Plus its gonna take the 3 employees like 2 hours to clean up that store. Thats like $50 in labor right there.

Wholesale price on a snickers is like 50cents.
Dude will prolly sue and get doe but I see that as a problem. I have no sympathy for thieves and liars on my word. I agree the employees were wilding with the biting and stripping, and the store should prolly get fined. But no way in HAIL should a box of snicker stealing crackhead, maybe dopefiend, get a come up off that. Hold dat *** until the policia get there.
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first off those two indian dudes must have some ******ed strength, my dude couldnt break lose if his life depended on it.

second, i work with a lot of indians to know that they are the most petty individuals on earth, they over dramatize the smallest of things and do not take theft lightly, NO MATTER HOW SMALL IT IS, they are also extremely cheap, try walking into a subway and asking for an extra tomato on your sandwhich and see if they either charge you for it or deny you it. :x

Wow, you're a ****. First you're assuming these workers at 7-11 are Indian. Then making generalizations.

I also know more than a few Indians that are not like that at all. One jokes about his family being cheap but he's definitely not, the rest of what you said doesn't fit any of the ones I know.
Dudes supporting to the shop lifter
Typical racial undertones
KSteezy making an with another bad generalization
Paws thinking they know the laws and what this guys future will be
typical NT thread. very disappointing to say the least.
As a business owner, I know the law very well. You cannot harm the shoplifter unless he brandishes a weapon. If he does not present a weapon, you can restrain him until the police get there, but the call must be made to the police, and you cannot cause harm to the suspect. If it has been shown that you've caused harm to the suspect, that suspect can sue you, which can be exacerbated if the accused has not been proven to have stolen anything.

Race nor gender does not matter, as the law is the law.
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wow somebody needs to tell these Indians they can't do that in America.:lol:

probably tried to cut off his hand. 
If he was innocent, he shouldve been throwing elbows and fists and kicking dudes in the throat. They cant do that to you.
Typical NT indeed. Always missing the real point while trying to argue another.


NEW YORK (AP) — A worker at a 7-Eleven in Brooklyn has lost his job after he and other store employees were recorded ripping the clothes off a suspected shoplifter.

The video was recorded by a bystander Wednesday, and then promptly posted on the Internet.

It begins with two clerks dragging the man back into the store and continues as they try to wrestle him into submission.

In the process, his shirt is ripped off, his pants fall down and he is left struggling in his boxers. One worker appears to bite the man on the shoulder. Another tries to yank him up by his underwear.

Through it all, the man shouts "I got nothing, man!" while disbelieving patrons alternate between laughing and shouting at the clerks to let the man go.

"Somebody call the police. This is ridiculous!" one patron shouts.

A 7-Eleven spokeswoman told reporters the chain found the video horrifying. The company fired one worker and will retrain two others.

Police said the shoplifting suspect was already wanted in another case. He faces charges including robbery and assault.
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my comment wasnt bigoted, It was an observation ive made, im a respiratory therapist and this field is filllllllleeeddd with Indians, so ive become familiar with how they are, is no different than saying hispanics are loud and like to party, keep trying to make something out of nothing.
I reported you for trolling.
You called Indians petty and cheap fam, you just did that. It's completely bigoted. Still tho, you and homeboy running around screaming "I'm reporting you" may be the most childish thing I've ever seen.

As for this dude, OhMyGosher. Let me get this straight, he's under the impression you can go to any place of business and put a store owners property in his/her pocket, run around the store and it's okay? First off your a punk for defending the thief. Second, You are a moron for speaking about law, which you know nothing about.
@ Ksteezy reporting me for trolling

You may have edited, but CoupeIt quoted it. Don't hide your feelings, tell us how you really feel, dunny.

Oh and I reported CoupeIt for personal attacks. GG
You are really confused as to what intent is, aren't you?

No, that's the act.

You again described the act according to the law and according to 7/11, but you are yet to prove intent.

Do you understand how hard it is to prove intent (well you obviously don't)?

Intent isn't written down as law. And it can't be found through a google search.

I can't tell if you're trolling or not. You're putting way too much weight on the "intent." Intent is not hard to prove at all. No one in their goddamn mind, not even the worst 1st year, public defender would go into court and base that dude's defense on the lack of intent. Any type of furtive behavior, and every fact of the situation is taken into account when determining one's intent. If you don't think a judge would find intent where the suspect has been seen by multiple eyewitness, including the store's clerks (which, by itself, typically suffices in shoplifting cases) to have (1) shoved a candy bar (or a box of candy bars) down his pants; (2) attempted to bolt out the door when confronted; (3) shouted that he didn't have "anything else"; and (4) apparently also threw the box of candy bars at one of the clerks, and punched him, then I don't know what else to tell you--maybe that you attend law school or avoid the legal profession altogether.

I don't know what fantasy world you're living in where you think criminals are going to broadcast their intentions before committing an act. Maybe the suspect wrote in his diary earlier that night that he was going to the 7-Eleven for the purpose of committing petit larceny.
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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Dude whispered into the camera "help me dog, please" T___________T
[COLOR=#red]-The Juice[/COLOR]

that part was hilarious...+1 rep....anyways SNICKERS should be thanking the guy filming for rollin on this they got free publicity now it's gonna make people want to get one.

people really snitch on others here...grown *** men tattling.

anywho great video.
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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: @ Ksteezy reporting me for trolling
You may have edited, but CoupeIt quoted it. Don't hide your feelings, tell us how you really feel, dunny.
Oh and I reported CoupeIt for personal attacks. GG
Bro you just got to NT, you have 64 posts.

Good luck
I'm not saying it won't happen but why are people posting that the shoplifter is gonna get paid? Because he got detained/restrained? Bit? Stripped? All of the above?
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