Should I do it

That jared pic
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Nah. She's too young mentally, b. Let that girl go ahead and get her life experiences. It's slick unfair to expect a person to fulfill the needs of an adult relationship when they are just entering adulthood. No sense in investing in something like that. That's time you can't get back, and could be better spent with a woman that's actually on par with you mentally.

If we're talking about just smashing, yeah. Get yours, but draw the line there my dude.
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Wat makes u think shes tuff 2 crack as opposed to shes really not feelin u spam and sugar?
Im like four times youre age opie and I would not hesistate smashing or wifing an 18 year old. It's a scientific fact between 18-21 is the prime for white women and any older is a disaster for them.
Depends on the girl. I started dating my wife when she was 18 and I was 22. I was hesitant w/ dating her at first because of our age difference. After a while, it didn't even matter. So proceed w/ caution OP. Smash no matter what tho
It depends on the person. I've seen the younger partner be more mature than the older.
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