Siri vs. Google Now... FIGHT!

That Android character is so damn ugly

They need to update that..
Dude can't be poor if he buying iPhones haha

Laughed out loud at the comment tho. Android is my platform of choice. I see why people would want Apple but most anybody with any kind of tech pulse would choose Android. Everybody I know that owns apple products doesn't know much about computers or latest tech. +*! looks pretty and is trendy so it's appealing.

Cant wait for the next nexus to drop.
Originally Posted by gil23

Originally Posted by JoseBronx

I dont want to leave android but there are no phone cameras as good as the iphone.....

We buy phones because of the cameras now?....I carry my elf all the time so maybe that's why it surprises me *shrug*
I like taking pictures, sue me lol

Originally Posted by Alchemist IQ

Originally Posted by JoseBronx

I dont want to leave android but there are no phone cameras as good as the iphone.....

The GS3 beats is pound to pound, and its using the same camera sensor as the iphone. (sony) The camera software makes it better of the gs3

I was at the sprint store checking out some phones including the gs3 and evo4g and theyre great, but the picture still do not come out as crisp or bright as the iphone...

Originally Posted by DaBottom305

Originally Posted by JoseBronx

I dont want to leave android but there are no phone cameras as good as the iphone.....

It's because you're being it on an iPhone screen. 
iPhone Retina screen , Samsung Ultra Amoled > other phones

iPhone camera < everyone else imo

Dont know famb, just look at the difference between the photos taken in instagram. Its a hit or miss with evo3d in comparison to iphones...

Originally Posted by Papi

Siri cant emm understand my hispanic accent. $@%# is trash.

or my NY accent lol

I personally think android is better than ios, hell Ill go as far to say google play>>>itune store but Im having a hard time finding a good phone with android.
Originally Posted by dr funk 13

Laughed out loud at the comment tho. Android is my platform of choice. I see why people would want Apple but most anybody with any kind of tech pulse would choose Android. Everybody I know that owns apple products doesn't know much about computers or latest tech. +*! looks pretty and is trendy so it's appealing.

Cant wait for the next nexus to drop.

Pretty much what this man said..
on the real tho if apple dont come correct on the iphone 5 i might look into the next nexus phone that drops and get on Verizon
To me it's like comparing Honda to Hyundai. One has the popularity/ great reputation and the other is making a tremendous come up. Apple better step its game up.... But we all know they've got something up their sleeves. One thing no one can deny, the iPhone 100% changed the game. Every phone out now is a descendant in one way or another... And this is coming from someone who has never owned an iPhone.
Dudes lying if the acting like the iPhone 4 wasn't a game changer. Everyone knows the 4s was a minimal upgrade, Apple in general usually does something big every other device. Android manufactures drop something big every few months yet never build upon what they have, primary example is motorola.

I honestly feel every manufacture should release 1 phone per year, or at least in a sense 1 High End, one Mid Level and one entry level, similar to what HTC claims they will do with the One series.

I honestly would hope Apple releases a big screened high end iPhone, then a normal mid level joint but I know that won't happen ;-/
At this point Android defenders been caught back tracking and flat out just supporting anything anti apple that's there M.O. These the same dudes who defended Flash on mobile devices, same dudes who called expandable storage a necessity, same dudes talking about choices but only buy nexus devices, Siri is a gimmick but lets gloat about googles variant its all sad. I can tell which people read Phandroid and which people read Android Police.
Originally Posted by LuckyLuchiano

Dudes lying if the acting like the iPhone 4 wasn't a game changer. Everyone knows the 4s was a minimal upgrade, Apple in general usually does something big every other device. Android manufactures drop something big every few months yet never build upon what they have, primary example is motorola.

I honestly feel every manufacture should release 1 phone per year, or at least in a sense 1 High End, one Mid Level and one entry level, similar to what HTC claims they will do with the One series.

I honestly would hope Apple releases a big screened high end iPhone, then a normal mid level joint but I know that won't happen ;-/
Samsung's been doing that with the Galaxy S line, and Google's been doing that with the Nexus line. iPhone 4 was huge, easily the best phone out during its time. However, Android has quickly matured and now their devices compete with and sometimes beat out Apple devices. The market has changed; there's no clear Number 1 anymore. Which is great for us consumers, because companies will strive to put out the best device possible or quickly become obsolete. Or they'll try to ban every competing device from hitting the shelves.
What a stupid review..

How can you tell which is faster? They both have different interfaces.. Siri answers the questions more in depth, and it collects more information to be displayed to the end-user.
I'm an iphone user right now and have been since the 3gs dropped. While it's been good to me all these years i'd like to switch it up to an Android device. The customization choices on Android devices can't be beat. Not to mention every OS for Android so far has been more reliable and smooth. Looking at early reviews of people with Jelly Bean say it runs as smooth as silk, thanks to project butter. One thing i can't stand is snobby iphone owners that act like no other device on earth exists. If later this year the Iphone 5 finally has a bigger screen people will be out in the streets acting like it's the first phone to break the 4 inch mark and it will be called revolutionary, etc. There completely oblivious to any other device that's currently out on the market. Not saying all iphone owners are like this but there are tons of them with this mentality.
That's pretty common with the older consumers who only buy Apple products.  They don't look at any other brands or stores.  I can't blame them though since the products are really easy to use.
Originally Posted by Tetsujin23

Originally Posted by a55a5in11

lets wait a year and see witch phone runs better. androids start to lag and run like @@!# very quickly. its happened to every android i have owned, while i have a iphone 3gs that runs just like it did 2 years ago

you're copping base model androids brah. #poor

This is all pretty bananas, I want to get the glasses to use with Google Now but that is ALL of my info into a pair of glasses, G.
Originally Posted by 4318MichaelJohnson4318

At this point Android defenders been caught back tracking and flat out just supporting anything anti apple that's there M.O. These the same dudes who defended Flash on mobile devices, same dudes who called expandable storage a necessity, same dudes talking about choices but only buy nexus devices, Siri is a gimmick but lets gloat about googles variant its all sad. I can tell which people read Phandroid and which people read Android Police.
1. papi are you serious? I had to rotate my pics, music and videos back when I had one of those ipod touch. I could only imagine how frustrating it is with an iphone...
2. It is
As an android user I'll probably switch to an iPhone once the 5 is released, Androids can be very buggy at times (currently using Nexus S 4G).
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