Ska its been going on long enough...time to lock....

Memphis should go after Okafor, having him and Darko would be a very nice young front court.


Thats a VERY nice young core, add in some pieces here and there try to keep Kwame. They'd be solid.
Originally Posted by Not a sneak

Memphis should go after Okafor, having him and Darko would be a very nice young front court.


Thats a VERY nice young core, add in some pieces here and there try to keep Kwame. They'd be solid.

@ the bolded names

I think they would start Gasol over Darko sooner or later during the season just because Gasol is a better player. I do know that they aren't re-signingKwame though. If we just straight up signed Okafor this season, we would still have around 10-12 mil in capspace next off-season when Walker's deal comesoff the books (10 mil) along with the rest of Stoudamire's buyout (4 mil) and Buckner's contract reduces from 4 mil to like 1 mil. What our owner istrying to avoid is being in the situation that the Laker's and several other teams are in which is the luxury tax. He knows that the team will have tore-sign Rudy to a big deal soon and so will Conley (if he pans out to be starting PG material). We really don't have to worry about Mayo right now becausehis deal last to 2011/12 when we can try and give him an extension before he accepts a QO after the 2012/13 season. Also, they're looking to see if MarcGasol will become just as good as people say he could be which is a double-double guy.

They're also holding on to see how well Hak and Arthur perform this upcoming season to see whether or not they REALLY need a big. Just think if theyoffered Okafor 5 years/50 million this year and get him. Then, after the 09/10 season we have to give Rudy 6 years/60 million (something like what Ellis got),then give Conley something in between their range after the 2010/11 season. We have so much young talent that the front office has to be smart if they want tokeep mostly all of them. At some point, they will have to make a decision on whether or not they will keep Lowry or Conley because both can't co-exist. So,they could easily just hand out contracts to FA's and not worry about the teams financial future like some teams are doing, but in some ways I like howthey're handling the situations. In other ways, I don't.

Heisley said we have a 3-year plan, so by year 2010, we would be contending for a championship. He's saving the money to add a piece to the team that willput the team over the top to contend. So, he has to see how the young guys develop and whether or not he uses the money in the 09' offseason or 10'offseason is questionable. It really depends on how well the team is improving. We could easily just lose this season and go after either Derozan, Griffin orRubio. If we get Griffin, more than likely we will develop Conley/Mayo/Gay/Griffin/Gasol. If we get Derozan, we can move Mayo to the PG spot and dealConley/Arthur/2010 Lakers 1st for a all-star caliber PF (i.e. Stoudemire since Phoenix will probably need a new starting PG after Nash dies on thecourt
). Same scenario if we take Rubio. It's just alot of optionsfor the team right now and I think the FO is just looking over them to make sure they don't mess up because this franchise has been through so much BSsince they were in Vancouver. Now, they finally realized that they have to build a contender and they're finally putting the pieces together to do so.Conley, OJ, Gay, Gasol, Warrick, Arthur, Lowry, Darko and Crittenton is the young core. Two or three of these players won't be on the roster in the nextfew seasons because they will either be traded for better pieces or their contract will be up (Darko's deal is up after 09/10 season HALLELUJAH!

Sorry for the long post, but sometimes people got to realize what the Grizzlies are doing and not assume that its just a bad team that make stupid trades. Icouldn't stand seeing everybody talk about how bad Memphis got ripped off in the Pau trade like we didn't know what we we're doing. The team gotfinancial stability for at least the next 3 years, Crittenton, Marc Gasol (easy lottery pick in the 08' draft if he was in it), Darrell Arthur with theLakers pick, and got the Lakers 2010 1st rounder. But, enough about that, I could go on and on about how the trade helped Memphis more than hurt them.
Originally Posted by acidicality

Originally Posted by tupac003

Originally Posted by Bigmike23

man why couldnt i be a 7 footer. how in the hell does Biedrins get a 6 year 63 million dollar deal? Bynum is at the house doing the tiger woods fist pump cause he knows he about to break the bank

Some people just don't understand the market now or days....

To be honest do I think they over paid? Yes. But I don't know GS like paul or other gs fans do. But like GS fans wanted Biedrins, I want bynum and if it takes 80 mil to get him give it to him. Beidrins means something to that team just like bynum does to the lakers.

Exactly, I think that's precisely the case. For the Warriors, Biedrins does a LOT of things for our team that gets unnoticed, we feel that people overlook his abilities a lot, a good example is ignorant comments such as those from bigmike...i'm sorry but i can tell u've watched 3 warrior games max and you don't even know what the hell you're talking about.

Bynum WILL get paid...but it's well deserved (the only thing that may hurt him is the injury, but it shouldn't affect his contract that much). Both Biedrins and Bynum are still young and have a lot of room to get better.

Paul layin down the biography

damn i didnt no you was in the living room with me watching games with me. comments where ignorant? LIKE WHAT? i watch the same amount of warrior games asu did which is about all its the only thing on late night is that or a laker game

i have my opions you have yours so keep it that way. i ant reading that 2 page eassy that dude wrote. warrior fans have there homer side of things so justleave it be.

did i expect Biedrins to get a big contract NO $$!! cause they always do that for centers. but he ant that good.

IMO i see him been no better then 10 and 9 a year and in 6 years will yall be like damn 10 and 9 a game was worth 10 million a year?

the common theme on here is if you dont say something good about someone teams then you must not watch there games
Enough with the essays people.

Anyway at least GS didn't let Biedrins get away, it's hard to find quality big men these days.
You don't think Biedrins is going to be better than 10 and 9 a few years down the road? He's 10 and 9 now. So at 22 years old he's peaked? I'ddefinitely have to disagree with that.
comments where ignorant? LIKE WHAT?

10 and 9 gets your 10 million a year? if the russian team wanted him let his #++ walk then. he has limited offense game and i seen it getting no better then it is, plus you add in the fact that in that warriors system he is never going to have plays called for him he ant going to get better on the offense end. he is soft and picks up fouls QUICK. in 27 minutes of play dude almost AVG 4 fouls a game. He ant close to been a top center in the NBA nor does he have the skill set or talent to become one. and it ant like he having a tyson chandler or a few years ago ben wallace impact on the defense and hustle side of the floor
1) why the hell would the warriors let him walk without trying?
this is NOT the same case, but if i said the Lakers should let Bynum walk if he wanted 13-14 million a year, you'd think it's ludacrious too.this is the same situation.
2) he is NOT soft.
he isn't as strong compared to other big men,but his play doesn't make him soft. this is why i say you haven't watched Warrior games enough.
3) uhh....he can get better on people peak at 22?

and you have the common theme (and your grammar/spelling as well) messed up. if you don't like biedrins there's no problem with that, but a greatportion of what you're saying about him is flat-out crap and makes no sense at all.
IMO i see him been no better then 10 and 9 a year and in 6 years will yall be like damn 10 and 9 a game was worth 10 million a year?

the common theme on here is if you dont say something good about someone teams then you must not watch there games

i've seen enough of him to know that he's capable of more. but hey, whatevs.
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

63 million?


Who's gonna fill the void that B. Diddy left?
Nobody...we don't have a player of Baron's caliber on the roster right now. The Warriors are sort of trying to build for the future, andbuilding around the core of Monta, Biedrins, and hopefully Wright, Randolph, Belinelli, players like that.
Because of the cap space we got from BDiddy opting out, we were able to spend and we really have a much different team than last year, and made a lot of moves(some good, some a little questionable) it's going to be very interesting. We probably aren't gonna make the playoffs, but who knows how this teamwill mesh together...
I mean without the Russian club putting up $10mil/yr for Andris' services, Mullin HAD to up the offer to $10.5/yr.
Ah, didn't know that. Makes sense.

I mean, if you feel you really need a player and he fits your team perfectly (esp. a C) you match any offers out there for him. Can't knock the Warriorsfor that.

I just looked at the numbers like
'cause a deal like that can mess up your capsituation. Especially when you don't have a bonafide star to lead your team. But when you look at the circumstances, it makes sense.

Monta's locked up, so maybe he can fill that void over the next few years.
biedrins was overpayed. he will never be half the player maggz is and hes making more than him.

you could stick any big man at center for the warriors and he would probably get you close to 10 and 10 as well. its all about whos on the floor and when youhave al harrington and pukeitrus at the pf position and everyone jacking 3's up you know there is gonna be a bunch of boards for you..

with that said, remember adonal foyle? yeah.... cant be mad at overpaying decent players when THAT guy got what he got... smh... i still cringe at what theypaid him... all i can see is that creepy smile he makes....
Originally Posted by dreClark

Dres' getting 63 is not as bad at Ronny Turiaf getting 17 mil.

I mean come on....

if you give turiaf biedrins minutes he would actually put up better numbers...

plus he has a mid range jumper. its not automatic but he can knock it down...

and you will never be able to question the heart ronny has. i look forward to him breaking out this year in the bay...
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

damn i didnt no you was in the living room with me watching games with me. comments where ignorant? LIKE WHAT? i watch the same amount of warrior games as u did which is about all its the only thing on late night is that or a laker game

i have my opions you have yours so keep it that way. i ant reading that 2 page eassy that dude wrote. warrior fans have there homer side of things so just leave it be.
You 're not going to read it and yet you still get to talk? At least understand the points I made. I just made it long so I was thoroughenough so I didn't miss any points. You call me a homer? Oh come on. How are going to sit there in front of your computer/laptop and call me and otherWarrior fans homers? You didn't even read my response where I noted good qualities about Biedrins and backed them up with something other than "Youmust be a homer" and those type of comments that you're giving me. A word of advice, read. This back and forth debate isn't a one-way street

How does one get labeled a "homer" exactly? Warrior fans know more about their team because we watch most, if not all their games. I'd understandif a Warrior fan said something totally stupid like "Monta Ellis will be better than LeBron James and have better assist numbers than Steve Nash" orsomething absurd like that. But when we come with something we see and actually say it with something to back it up, we're labeled "homers"?Yeah, I don't get it.
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

did i expect Biedrins to get a big contract NO $$!! cause they always do that for centers. but he ant that good.

IMO i see him been no better then 10 and 9 a year and in 6 years will yall be like damn 10 and 9 a game was worth 10 million a year?
See, you have to read what I put because I addressed that comment of yours in there. You don't think he's that good when I told you why weWarrior fans think he still has room to improve. How are you going to post and not read what someone posted that addressed your comments and then you proceededto post the same stuff again worded differently?
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

the common theme on here is if you dont say something good about someone teams then you must not watch there games
No, you can't go around and say "Well you only watched 3 Warriors games tops during all of last season"... most of the time. Butwith your comments where acid addressed the holes in what you said, it's legit. You can't say what you saidunless you actually watched the games and paid attention to them. You'd see what we see.
Originally Posted by WILLINC

Enough with the essays people.

Anyway at least GS didn't let Biedrins get away, it's hard to find quality big men these days.

There's a difference when people write "essays" and when people are thorough. I was just merely being thorough. Bigmike said something about the Warriors and I just had to respond. Did I write a lot? Yeah, but did it address everything hesaid to me? I like to think so.
Originally Posted by NobleKane

biedrins was overpayed. he will never be half the player maggz is and hes making more than him.

Hello again NobleKane
. Why you compared Biedrins (a center) to Maggette (a guard/forward) doesn't makesense... How can you compare the two? It's like comparing apples and oranges
Originally Posted by NobleKane

you could stick any big man at center for the warriors and he would probably get you close to 10 and 10 as well. its all about whos on the floor and when you have al harrington and pukeitrus at the pf position and everyone jacking 3's up you know there is gonna be a bunch of boards for you..

You could stick any big man in the league with the way the Warriors play... but that doesn't mean they're any good or they'll fit thesystem/what the coaching staff wants to do. There's also a thing called chemistry. Biedrins is a great player with chemistry with the Warriors players. Hemoves to the open spots in the lane and is ready for the passes. He's at the right place at the right time on offense. You'll rarely see him out ofposition on offense. Like I said before in another post, you can't just stick any big man in there. Shaq won't do well, he moves too slow and causesthe offense to become stagnant. Eddy Curry just isn't good. Troy Murphy was crap on our team, that's why we traded him away to the Pacers. MichaelSweetney wouldn't last here with us. Earl Barron wouldn't work out. Jake Voskuhl isn't someone who would work. Dude, the list goes on. Like I said,you have to get players that fit. The way you're thinking about it NobleKane is that since there's a lot ofmisses, that must mean that any ol' center can gobble up rebounds. It doesn't always work out that way.
Originally Posted by NobleKane

with that said, remember adonal foyle? yeah.... cant be mad at overpaying decent players when THAT guy got what he got... smh... i still cringe at what they paid him... all i can see is that creepy smile he makes....
With Foyle, he already peaked as a basketball player. Dude was seriously a marginal player. With Andris, there's still a lot room to improve.He's not a marginal player. He's lightyears ahead of what Foyle was with us. I've already explained them in my earlier post so I'll just giveyou a shorter version of it. Well, Andris can improve his post up game. He's posted up before in international play but hasn't really posted up here inthe NBA. He could develop and improve that aspect of his game. And look at his FT%. In his second year, he shot around about 30% and then it improved to about50% and then last year it was at 60%. All I'm saying is with taking the past 3 years into account, 70% doesn't look like a stretch. Plus Moncrief ishelping him and praising the strides he's made.
Originally Posted by NobleKane

if you give turiaf biedrins minutes he would actually put up better numbers...

plus he has a mid range jumper. its not automatic but he can knock it down...

and you will never be able to question the heart ronny has. i look forward to him breaking out this year in the bay...

Are you questioning Andris' heart? Since when did we have to question Andris' heart in the first place? I seems like you're just reachin' tofind other reasons why Biedrins shouldn't be on our team and doesn't deserve an extension. You already are stating that Turiaf would produce betternumbers than Andris and whatnot. With the jumper comment, you're stating what's different about Andris and Ronny. Sure Ronny can shoot a jumper, but itdoesn't take away from the effectiveness of Biedrins. Biedrins is still effective. We Warrior fans get it. You don't like Andris. We know from yourother posts that concerned Andris.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by tupac003

Originally Posted by Bigmike23

man why couldnt i be a 7 footer. how in the hell does Biedrins get a 6 year 63 million dollar deal? Bynum is at the house doing the tiger woods fist pump cause he knows he about to break the bank

Some people just don't understand the market now or days....

To be honest do I think they over paid? Yes. But I don't know GS like paul or other gs fans do. But like GS fans wanted Biedrins, I want bynum and if it takes 80 mil to get him give it to him. Beidrins means something to that team just like bynum does to the lakers.

As I've personally stated numerous times, good young centers are a dime a dozen.
I don't know about that....
good young centers are a dime a dozen.

you sure buddy? I don't even think there are 10 good young centers in the league right now man.
I used the expression wrong..

I meant to say that good young centers AREN'T a dime a dozen.

You can probably count good, quality young big men on one hand.
Originally Posted by slickrick916

good young centers are a dime a dozen.

you sure buddy? I don't even think there are 10 good young centers in the league right now man.
What exactly do you mean by young? 25 and younger?

Horford (yes he's listed as a center)
Al Jefferson
Kaman (he's 26 tho

Oden (I know he hasn't played yet but still...)
Sean Williams
I think all these guys are young and good...good centers aren't a dime a dozen but let's not act like there aren't any good young bigs outthere
Heisley said we have a 3-year plan, so by year 2010, we would be contending for a championship


does biedrins have a post up or face up game? or does he just finishes plays off of passes? I don't remember him being a defensive presence
Originally Posted by grittyman20

Originally Posted by slickrick916

good young centers are a dime a dozen.

you sure buddy? I don't even think there are 10 good young centers in the league right now man.
What exactly do you mean by young? 25 and younger?

Horford (yes he's listed as a center)
Al Jefferson
Kaman (he's 26 tho

Oden (I know he hasn't played yet but still...)
Sean Williams
I think all these guys are young and good...good centers aren't a dime a dozen but let's not act like there aren't any good young bigs out there

Aldridge is a PF, and the rest shouldn't even be in discussion.

Biedrins is a good defensive player, he's similar to Camby, just without as many blocked shots, he clogs up the lane, he contests shots, he'sdoesn't shy away from a challenge.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by grittyman20

Originally Posted by slickrick916

good young centers are a dime a dozen.

you sure buddy? I don't even think there are 10 good young centers in the league right now man.
What exactly do you mean by young? 25 and younger?

Horford (yes he's listed as a center)
Al Jefferson
Kaman (he's 26 tho

Oden (I know he hasn't played yet but still...)
Sean Williams
I think all these guys are young and good...good centers aren't a dime a dozen but let's not act like there aren't any good young bigs out there

Aldridge is a PF, and the rest shouldn't even be in discussion.

Biedrins is a good defensive player, he's similar to Camby, just without as many blocked shots, he clogs up the lane, he contests shots, he's doesn't shy away from a challenge.

I remember that one game when the lakers didn't have gasol or bynum and biedrins could not hold the fort against odom and turiaf
Originally Posted by knightngale

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by grittyman20

Originally Posted by slickrick916

good young centers are a dime a dozen.

you sure buddy? I don't even think there are 10 good young centers in the league right now man.
What exactly do you mean by young? 25 and younger?

Horford (yes he's listed as a center)
Al Jefferson
Kaman (he's 26 tho

Oden (I know he hasn't played yet but still...)
Sean Williams
I think all these guys are young and good...good centers aren't a dime a dozen but let's not act like there aren't any good young bigs out there

Aldridge is a PF, and the rest shouldn't even be in discussion.

Biedrins is a good defensive player, he's similar to Camby, just without as many blocked shots, he clogs up the lane, he contests shots, he's doesn't shy away from a challenge.

I remember that one game when the lakers didn't have gasol or bynum and biedrins could not hold the fort against odom and turiaf

It's harder when you're not built very big, and you have NO help from anyone else on your team.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by grittyman20


Sean Williams

Aldridge is a PF, and the rest shouldn't even be in discussion.

Biedrins is a good defensive player, he's similar to Camby, just without as many blocked shots, he clogs up the lane, he contests shots, he's doesn't shy away from a challenge.

Aldridge is actually a PF/C and is more than capable of playing either spot.

And please don't tell me that you think Biedrins is THAT much better than any of those players that you highlighted
....don't let that run and gun style of play fool you.

All of those guys are in the same tier talent/skill wise...
Originally Posted by grittyman20

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by grittyman20


Sean Williams

Aldridge is a PF, and the rest shouldn't even be in discussion.

Biedrins is a good defensive player, he's similar to Camby, just without as many blocked shots, he clogs up the lane, he contests shots, he's doesn't shy away from a challenge.

Aldridge is actually a PF/C and is more than capable of playing either spot.

And please don't tell me that you think Biedrins is THAT much better than any of those players that you highlighted
....don't let that run and gun style of play fool you.

All of those guys are in the same tier talent/skill wise...

Aldridge plays too much outside of the lane to be considered a C in my eyes. Oden is the true center of that team. Sean Williams isn't close toBiedrins. Noah hasn't been around long enough and played consistently enough to tell. Varejao is similar to Biedrins, but much more efficient. Perkins, aswell, isn't close to Biedrins. You throw any of those guys on that team with the exception of Varejao and possibly Noah, they won't be as good asBiedrins does as WHAT THEY NEED out of a Center. That's the thing with Biedrins, he doesn't need to have the ball to be effective. Last time I went toa Warriors game, I didn't know what Biedrins' stats were, but I know he had a decent game, but you can't tell unless you're getting updatedwith stats all the time (at games, you don't know that because there's no announcers). He ended up with 20/17/4 blocks (granted it was against theCeltics before they had KG). My point is, most of the other players mentioned might need to demand the ball to have the kind of game Biedrins does night in andnight now. Now I'm not saying Biedrins is vastly better than the players listed (all of them, anyways), but he is better at what my point is... providingthe needs of the Warriors. Rebounding, shot contesting, and easy buckets. It's not fancy at all by any means, maybe that's why he's getting so muchhate, but that's what makes him so good. You make bring up a point that he only averages 9.8 rebounds per game, but no one else on the team boxes out, goesafter boards, tries to get the ball unless it lands in their hands, they're too busy running up court after a missed shot.
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