Ska its been going on long enough...time to lock....

Can somebody assist me with the Hawks cap situation? I'd like to believe/hope the Eastern "big dog" would be the Cavs or Detroit, maybe somethinginvolving Wally/Damon Jones, but I have no idea what the Hawks' salary situation is like. I'm allowed to dream right? Thanks for the help in advance.
The Nuggets have said they will match any team's offer for Smith, who would earn roughly $3 million next season if he doesn't receive a contract extension. But Presti could employ a similar strategy as he did with Miles by setting the bar high and daring Denver to match. Oklahoman
I'm a big fan of JR. I think he can be a better than average pro in the L. He's Ricky Davis 2.0 right now. But if he makes slightly betterdecisions in life (and on the court), it'll make a world of difference. Seriously, I can see him being a 20+ ppg scorer.

Cavs: Veteran forward/center Robert ''Tractor'' Traylor probably won't be invited to training camp. Traylor, 31, wants to resume his NBA career. His appearance in the Vegas Summer League with the Cavs might help him land elsewhere in the league. Morning Journal

Tractor was never that nice to begin with. Even at Michigan, dude was an underachiever. This is like when Roy Tarpley was trying to get back into the L. Dudeshave talent, they piss it away, go broke, and THEN finally realize that they need to shape up. Not to crticize them... cuz we all can be that way sometimes.

Carmelo Anthony on Camby being traded: "It was tough to see a guy like that, especially for me, this is my fifth year and I played five years with Camby, it was like we almost started an organization together. To see a Defensive Player of the Year just leave like that for nothing, I still don't understand that." Boston Globe

Shut up Melo and step it up next year.
And yes, I'm a huge Melo fan.

Jazz forward Carlos Boozer recently responded to rumors he could be traded to Miami.

"I live in Miami during the offseason," said Boozer. "Obviously, they have a huge hole at power forward. I'm very good friends with [Heat owner] Micky Arison. So, the rumors are going to fly. We'll worry about those [rumors] later. I don't concern myself with rumors, rumors of being traded."

I just don't see the Jazz being that dumb.
man why couldnt i be a 7 footer. how in the hell does Biedrins get a 6 year 63 million dollar deal? Bynum is at the house doing the tiger woods fist pump causehe knows he about to break the bank
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

man why couldnt i be a 7 footer. how in the hell does Biedrins get a 6 year 63 million dollar deal? Bynum is at the house doing the tiger woods fist pump cause he knows he about to break the bank

With your statement, you're giving the impression that you don't know the situation
. Factor in that the Russian squad was offering Biedrins roughly$10mil/yr. The Warriors offered $10.5/yr which is understandable. Plus Andris fits the way we play. He was born to play our system, so we NEEDED him.There's a need to fill with the signing of Andris. Seriously, we needed him and he needed us.
Originally Posted by bright nikes

There's a need to fill with the signing of Andris. Seriously, we needed him and he needed us.

Please explain why you're laughing and you give the "disgusted" face. I don't see how this is funny and "disgusting". I'mlooking for an actual response with an explanation. You can't just post emoticons and expect that to be a legit response
Biedrins is a very quality big man, and good centers are not very common in the NBA nowadays. he has a lot of room to improve, which is why he deserved thatcontract. oh wait, those who've only seen him play like 2 times max probably just assume he's soft and doesn't do anything. i don't even needto bother explaining because it's not worth it.

we definitely overpaid a bit, but who's not overpaying nowadays? and either way, centers are always gonna be paid. Bynum is about to break the bank.
10 and 9 gets your 10 million a year? if the russian team wanted him let his #++ walk then. he has limited offense game and i seen it getting no better then itis, plus you add in the fact that in that warriors system he is never going to have plays called for him he ant going to get better on the offense end. he issoft and picks up fouls QUICK. in 27 minutes of play dude almost AVG 4 fouls a game. He ant close to been a top center in the NBA nor does he have the skillset or talent to become one. and it ant like he having a tyson chandler or a few years ago ben wallace impact on the defense and hustle side of the floor
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

10 and 9 gets your 10 million a year?

Stats tell the entire story?! Oh please. Can you come up with a better response than that? I could say something similar about Sasha getting paid. You canmake the argument that him being overpaid was justified. I can do the same with Andris. Just watch...
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

if the russian team wanted him let his #++ walk then. he has limited offense game and i seen it getting no better then it is, plus you add in the fact that in that warriors system he is never going to have plays called for him he ant going to get better on the offense end. he is soft and picks up fouls QUICK. in 27 minutes of play dude almost AVG 4 fouls a game. He ant close to been a top center in the NBA nor does he have the skill set or talent to become one. and it ant like he having a tyson chandler or a few years ago ben wallace impact on the defense and hustle side of the floor
So we're going to let him walk? For nothing?! Wow, in an offseason where we let a handful of players walk, including Baron Davis, and we gotnothing to show for it... would letting Biedrins walk be smart? I don't think so.

You say he's got a limited offensive game. Oh yeah? He's a skilled big man who has soft hands and can finish around the basket. And since you like touse stats to justify yourself (10 and 9 that you said earlier), he led the league in FG% last year at 62.3%. He is really good from 5ft in. That's how hecan shoot that effectively. You can come up with the argument about him outside of 5ft, but like I said about our style and players that surround him, we canafford for him to not really shoot outside of 5ft. Will it hinder us and what we like to do? It hasn't since he's played in the Nellieball system sowhy would it now? He's effective for our system because he doesn't need the ball in his hands to be effective. He can rebound, put back, tip in, and weuse him on pick and rolls effectively. If you actually watch our games and take note of what we like to do, you'll see the high pick and roll with Montaand Andris numerous times. We just don't run all over the place for 48 minutes

You want to bring up that he won't get better? Let me just say that Biedrins is 22. That's young and for a player at 22, he's already had 3 yearsof experience (I'm not counting his rookie year because he had limited to only 30 games). Andris has improved every single year that he's been in theleague. He was a raw talent when the Warriors picked him up with the 11th pick in 2004 For someone who hasn't really watched him play, he has shown ininternational play that he has some post moves when he gets it in the low post. Nellie doesn't really utilize that aspect of Andris' game because likeI said, he's still very raw, but he has show the ability to do it. Your original claim was that Biedrins has no more room to improve and I gave you oneaspect of his game that he can improve on. Here's another one. In his 2nd year in the league, Andris' FT% was horrid at 30.6% for the whole season.Then the following year, he improved it to 52.1%. Then last year, Andris improved it again to 62%. I see an improvment there, don't you? We have a shootingcoach by the name of Sidney Moncrief and he's been working with our entire team on FTs. He was a great shooter in his own right and knows what he'stalking about. He's praised Andris and his improvement form year to year. To think that Andris can't improve his FT% would be foolish because wehonestly don't know how good he can become, but again the tools are there for Andris to improve. You can pinpoint and magify his unusual form and whatnotbut others who have better form can't shoot for
. Andris can become a 70% FT shooter, I believeand if he surpasses my expectations, then terrific. So I just gave you two aspects of his game that I could see improving in the next year or so. You stillthink that he has no room to improve?

Why call him soft? Nothing about Andris is soft. Can you site examples where Andris has exhibited signs of being soft? Andris being soft is a commonmisconception. He's doing what he can in his 6'11" 245lbs frame. But he isn't soft. Does he shy away from contact? No. Does he complain abouta little hangnail and is on the IL for weeks (horrible example, I know but you get the idea)? No. What about Andris is soft? Is it his hair-do? Hair hasnothing to do with how a player performs
. Is it because he doesn't have a Dwight Howard body? Not everyone can have deltoids like that guy
.Like I said before, Andris does what he can in his 6'11" 245 frame.

You want to bring up the fact that Andris gets into foul trouble? Ok, he actually goes after shot attempts and tries to swat them (in play mind you not out ofplay so the other team still has possession). You're going to pick up fouls that way, especially with the way officiating is nowadays where little contactis being called a foul. At least he doesn't just stand there with his hands up in the air looking for a charge from a 6'2" guard (i.e., AndersonVarejao). Andris gives maximum effort when he's out on the court, better than a few "stars" of the league who like to take "breaks"(i.e., Carmelo Anthony on defense and others). In Andris' defense, the FSN/Comcast Bay Area television crew show replays of fouls a lot, more than otherstations than I've seen, and Andris gets called for fouls when there is none committed. Supposedly, when a player builds a reputation, the refs willeventually let contact go (i.e., Ron Artest and Bruce Bowen). Andris has only been in the league since 2004 and is still very young. His public perception willsoon change with the league and all the scrutiny that it's been going under with these refs.

Who honestly plays defense in this league nowadays? Yeah, players who actually play defense are far and between. No one's asking Biedrins to have that kindof impact on defense. I mean, it'd be great if he did. But our team (with Nellie
) doesn't play defense. And Andris is the only player wholegitimately plays defense on our squad. One man can't do it alone. Look at the Celtics, Spurs, Pistons, etc it takes a total team effort. Honestly, whatkind of "impact" are you expecting from Andris alone?

On why we need Andris, he's a big man that can run the floor, has soft hands to catch passes and finish, no interior presence (though we have a few youngkids who can if they develop that aspect of their game), can play the high pick and roll effectively with, and doesn't complain about playing time or ifhe's coming off the bench or starting. Without Andris, we'd have a gaping hole at all these aspects of the game. That's why we need him. Hisskillset (as is, if he improves then great, but yeah as is) is tailor made for our style and the way we play. Let's plug in somebody here that wouldn'tfit... Uhh Shaq. He wouldn't fit. Eddy Curry wouldn't fit. Not a lot of players really fit the big man that Nellie envisions having, though Amare andKG would be ideal, they're far and between. Like I said about Andris' skillset, it fits.

Like I said, he's still young and improving. I could justify him earning that contract better than you tried to dismiss him for earning it.
Paul shut it down.

Those that don't watch the Warriors don't understand how important he is to the team.
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

man why couldnt i be a 7 footer. how in the hell does Biedrins get a 6 year 63 million dollar deal? Bynum is at the house doing the tiger woods fist pump cause he knows he about to break the bank

Some people just don't understand the market now or days....

To be honest do I think they over paid? Yes. But I don't know GS like paul or other gs fans do. But like GS fans wanted Biedrins, I want bynum and if ittakes 80 mil to get him give it to him. Beidrins means something to that team just like bynum does to the lakers.
lol @ paul writing an autobiography

biedrins grabbed like 60-70% of the rebounds for GS last year. has a great FG percentage and is quick with those lefty around the basket buckets. this guyhustles and plays hard. never complains about anything and i mean ANYTHING. the only issue regarding biedrins is that he gets in foul trouble a lot and withhim on the bench, the warriors had nobody to really rebound the ball.

the contract that the Ws gave him, at first glance, it looks like hes getting overpaid but at the same time, he was somebody that they needed to lock down.time will only tell if that contract was worth it or not. i like his attitude and he is a hard worker on and off the court. the warriors got a good coachingstaff and they are ready to help make biedrins better. sidney moncref(sp?) help improve his free throw shooting and with that maybe he could help andris get anice little 10 footer to help increase his offensive productivity. if andris can develop something like that, trust me, that contract will be very welldeserve. hes still young and hes got time. i just hope all that money doesnt get to his head like it does to a lot of young players.
Originally Posted by tupac003

Originally Posted by Bigmike23

man why couldnt i be a 7 footer. how in the hell does Biedrins get a 6 year 63 million dollar deal? Bynum is at the house doing the tiger woods fist pump cause he knows he about to break the bank

Some people just don't understand the market now or days....

To be honest do I think they over paid? Yes. But I don't know GS like paul or other gs fans do. But like GS fans wanted Biedrins, I want bynum and if it takes 80 mil to get him give it to him. Beidrins means something to that team just like bynum does to the lakers.

As I've personally stated numerous times, good young centers are a dime a dozen.
Good job locking up Biedrins Mullin.
@ the people thinking he gotoverpaid. Paul did shut it down, but it amazes me how people don't realize how hard it is to find a center that can "ONLY" give you 10 points and10 boards.
The guy is only 22 years old and only played 27mpg lastseason with GSW. I would gladly pay a center 10 mil for 10 points, 10 rebounds and a block instead of giving 10 mil to a SG that gets me 20ppg and can'tplay defense. I want to continue on and on about Biedrins, but most people summed it up especially Paul with the chapter he wrote.
Originally Posted by tupac003

Originally Posted by Bigmike23

man why couldnt i be a 7 footer. how in the hell does Biedrins get a 6 year 63 million dollar deal? Bynum is at the house doing the tiger woods fist pump cause he knows he about to break the bank

Some people just don't understand the market now or days....

To be honest do I think they over paid? Yes. But I don't know GS like paul or other gs fans do. But like GS fans wanted Biedrins, I want bynum and if it takes 80 mil to get him give it to him. Beidrins means something to that team just like bynum does to the lakers.

Exactly, I think that's precisely the case. For the Warriors, Biedrins does a LOT of things for our team that gets unnoticed, we feel that peopleoverlook his abilities a lot, a good example is ignorant comments such as those from bigmike...i'm sorry but i can tell u've watched 3 warrior gamesmax and you don't even know what the hell you're talking about.

Bynum WILL get paid...but it's well deserved (the only thing that may hurt him is the injury, but it shouldn't affect his contract that much). BothBiedrins and Bynum are still young and have a lot of room to get better.

Paul layin down the biography
As for Josh Smith, I think he'll stay put. Just because they're entertaining offers, doesn't mean anythings going to happen.
I agree Turiaf's contract was bad, but if Mullin really wanted him badly (and I'm guessing he did), he'd have to overpay Turiaf enough so that theLakers wouldn't match the offer....i think the maggette contract was just as bad.
Of all the contracts Mullin gave out, I still think Maggette's was the worst. To me his signing just seemed like a PR move to appease the Warriors fansafter the loss of Baron and getting rejected by Arenas and Brand.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

As for Josh Smith, I think he'll stay put. Just because they're entertaining offers, doesn't mean anythings going to happen.

With more teams being on the market for free agency next off-season, I wish Memphis would do something since we are the ONLY team with money to sign Smithor Okafor right now. Just offer each of them one at a time just shy of $10m per year just to see if they're so disgusted with their current situations thatthey would bolt. The worst that could happen is their teams match and the best is we get a bargain on a player we need.
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