Ska its been going on long enough...time to lock....

Originally Posted by eaglebball1499

However, a source familiar with the dealings said Wednesday that the Bulls have laid out a plan to take Beasley, with Heat President Pat Riley left with Rose. The insider insisted, "No. 1 and No. 2 are booked and done."
This would be GREAT if it's true.

It's not true,that sounds to me like a Florida newspaper hoping that it gets Rose, all I have to say is Xavier vs.Kanas State,Beasley disspearedand looked disinterested..but I bet Pax drafts him anyway
^^ You make it seem as though Rose did not disappear at times during the season. I think both players are equally great prospects and both do different thingsobviously, but it seems so many people here on NT are making it seem as though something is wrong with MB, all the while making it seem as though DR has noflaws. Simply put, if the Bulls take Rose, they better have a deal in place to move Hinrich.
Disclaimer....these are RUMORS!

Jazz rumors.

Many, including Boozer himself, were disappointed in his playoff performance, which fell off dramatically at the offensive end. Think about the success the Jazz may have seen against the Lakers had the All-Star power forward actually played the way he did a postseason ago. It could have made the difference. On the other hand, his defense was not good, and never has been. But the "trade Boozer" notion has less to do with any of that and more to do with the option he can exercise at the end of next season to become an unrestricted free agent. Boozer can walk away from the Jazz and sign with whichever club he chooses, according to the terms of his contract. Salt Lake Tribune

Rumor is that the Miami Heat are preliminarily making him a priority target. Considering Boozer has a home in south Florida, and his child's health condition reportedly is aggravated by altitude, and remembering the way Boozer deserted the Cleveland Cavs to sign his current deal with the Jazz, is a trade the best way to protect themselves from any such scenario? Salt Lake Tribune

The most likely scenario is that Boozer will opt out of his contract and then re-sign with the Jazz. He can get max money that way, and avoid having to take less money with some other club. Most teams could not absorb a $13 million salary without blowing their cap space to smithereens. Salt Lake Tribune

Deron Williams said recently that he would meet with his agent in coming weeks and try to work something out with the Jazz before he gets into his summer schedule of competing for Team USA at the Olympics. The Jazz can't offer him an extension until July 1. Salt Lake Tribune

Trade Andrei Kirilenko. It has to happen - if not this year, next. Kirilenko is a max guy. Williams will be a max guy. If Boozer stays, he might be a max guy. The Jazz would be maxed out. On top of that, players such as Ronnie Brewer, who is in a similar situation as Williams, only a year behind and not quite as valuable, will have to be paid more. Salt Lake Tribune

Kirilenko may be worth $7 million per season. He's definitely not worth the nearly $15 million he'll make next year. And, of course, therein is the trouble in getting rid of him. Salt Lake Tribune
Baron Davis to New York......

There is little doubt that the Knicks will shop for a point guard this summer, but at least one has come shopping for them. According to a person with knowledge of the situation, the Warriors' Baron Davis has made inquiries into the interest of certain teams around the league, including the Knicks. NY Newsday

Baron Davis, 29, has an opt-out clause for this summer that could make him a free agent, but the Warriors don't believe he would walk away from the final year and $17.8 million, which is money the dynamic but oft-injured guard likely wouldn't make on the open market. So Davis' only other play is to see if another team would pursue a sign-and-trade for him. NY Newsday

Davis' agent, Todd Ramasar, has said Davis would prefer to remain a Warrior, but initial discussions with executive Chris Mullin have not developed into extension talks. With only seven players under contract at $47 million (counting Davis' salary), Mullin doesn't have much cap space to use for his higher priorities: getting restricted free agents Monta Ellis and Andris Biedrins signed to long-term deals. NY Newsday
Monta Ellis notes....

Monta Ellis, 22, also might look to explore other options when the July free-agency period begins. A league source told Newsday that the athletic combo guard, who has flourished in Don Nelson's fast-break system, definitely has eyes for Mike D'Antoni's up-tempo style. NY Newsday

The cap-restricted Knicks, however, could give Ellis only an offer sheet at the mid-level exception. The Warriors could match it but wouldn't have much left to give Biedrins a raise above his $3.6-million qualifying offer and add seven more players. Or the Knicks could look to acquire Ellis in a sign-and-trade. NY Newsday

The same apparently goes for the story that Toronto was listening to offers for former No. 1 pick Andreas Bargnani. A different league executive said Bargnani has never been discussed in any conversations. NY Newsday

The agent for Carmelo Anthony, one of many players the Nets have on their radar, says the superstar is staying put. "There are no plans to trade Melo. Melo will be in a Denver uniform next year," Calvin Andrews told the Denver Post. "They're not entertaining trades for Melo. It's not even in the cards." Newark Star-Ledger

Mav's notes

It may turn out in this longer-than-desired summer that the Mavericks are better off keeping Josh Howard. So far, that's the way they are talking, saying that smoothing things over with the once nearly untouchable Howard is a prudent course of action. His trade value - sky high as recently as March - went south with his off-court antics in the playoffs. The market might be so barren for Howard that the Mavericks can't find anything close to equal value. Dallas Morning News

Rick Carlisle has said this roster is going to change before training camp in October. There is no evidence that the Mavericks are aggressively shopping Howard. And, in the grand scheme of things, what Howard did was not as damaging to himself or a team as what many other players have done before him. Dallas Morning News

Shawn Marion: Miami can sign and trade the oft-disgruntled star and get a player whom Pat Riley drooled over in the past. Mavs would have to throw in extra, substantial pieces. Dallas Morning News

Gerald Wallace: The athletic Wallace would be nice alongside Kidd, and Howard would be heading to his homeland. Jason Richardson might be more appealing, though. Dallas Morning News

Michael Redd: Mavs pursued Redd when he was a restricted free agent a few years ago, and he's a terrific shooter. Charlie Villanueva will be the guy the Bucks shop, however. Dallas Morning News

Corey Maggette: Mavs may have to take a little junk off the Clips' roster (Tim Thomas), but this makes some sense if both sides want something new. Dallas Morning News

Mike Miller: Grizzlies would get something good for a player who doesn't fit in their future, and the Mavericks get a shooter who can actually shoot. Dallas Morning News

Boris Diaw: Virtually a perfect match on the cap as both players have many years left, and the Suns want to move on. Leandro Barbosa might be more appealing to the Mavs. Dallas Morning News
Coaching job rumors...

Lakers assistant coaches Kurt Rambis and Brian Shaw have met with Chicago Bulls General Manager John Paxson regarding the Bulls' head coaching vacancy, a job that became more attractive when the Bulls won the NBA draft lottery this week. The Bulls were 33-49 last season and fired interim coach Jim Boylan last month. Boylan had replaced Scott Skiles in December. Their wide-open, slow-moving coaching search includes about a dozen candidates at this point. LA Times

Shaw has also met with Phoenix, which is also interested in Rambis. Shaw, 42, has been a Lakers assistant since the 2004-05 season and played for the franchise during its championship runs in 2000-02. Both coaches interviewed for vacancies last season -- Rambis with Sacramento and Seattle, Shaw with Sacramento and Indiana. LA Times
Riley Wants A "Major" Free Agent


By: Wendell Maxey Last Updated: 5/22/08 9:41 AM ET | 4092 times read

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Pat Riley is known to some as "Coach Slick" and others as Mr. "GQ." But come the NBA Draft on June 26th at Madison Square Garden, Riley may earn another moniker: Trader Pat.

Riley - team president for the Miami HEAT - let it be known Tuesday night after the HEAT secured the second overall pick he would explore trading it. For some, the declaration came as a shock. Even Michael Beasley probably felt a bit slighted, particularly with Derrick Rose likely to be selected first overall by the Chicago Bulls.

But you have to hand it to Riley. He's not making a pick or packaging the meal ticket for next season. Nope. Instead Riley and the HEAT have their gaze set on 2010.

That's when the gettin' is good.

"What I like about the opportunity now is, ever since we made the trade (Shaquille O'Neal for Shawn Marion) and went to the future, it gives us flexibility," Riley explained.

"We could be in the hunt next year for a major free agent, definitely without a doubt we are going to save the room in 2010."

The summer of 2010 is when Dwyane Wade, LeBron James and Chris Bosh all can become unrestricted free agents, and apparently Riley is making his move now to affect his team then.

"We are going to add to the team and stay as disciplined as we can from a cap standpoint - to get our team healthy, add a young player, add a free agent, and a mid-level guy," Riley continued. "And then in 2010 hopefully take a shot at a major and maximum free agent."

Imagine the possibilities. Riley apparently already has.

While Riley has turned the team coaching duties over to rookie head coach Erik Spoelstra, there is still much concern about Wade, Udonis Haslem's health issues and if free-agent Shawn Marion (if elects to take his early termination option) will return to South Beach for next season. And perhaps that is the underlying question here.

If the HEAT hold on to the second pick in the draft - regardless if they take Beasley, Rose or fill-in-the-blank - can that rookie impact Miami's chances of winning now?

"They helped their teams - Memphis and Kansas State," Riley explained referring to Rose and Beasley's respective college programs. "But can they immediately help a team like ours, a team that won 15 games and change it? I don't think our team is a 15-win team, but that's how they are going to be measured.

"Can they step in like LeBron, Kevin Garnett? Can they step in like these kinds of players who were 19-years-old and help turn a franchise around?"

Being dubbed a "franchise savior" is one thing. Being a small piece to the bigger puzzle is a different story. But making the most of your pick, particularly through some wheeling and dealing could me more of a reality in Miami than anything else. Riley said he "absolutely" has no idea what he would have done had the HEAT won the lottery over the Bulls, but he did state clearly the second round pick is on the open market.

"The fact is the second pick in the draft is a pick you can leverage. If you don't like the player, if you want to go in a different direction, it's a position where you can do a lot of different things," Riley said.

"We will use the pick. It doesn't mean we will necessarily draft somebody, or we will use the pick to find as many good players as we can, or we'll take the player we really want to take."

So what does it all mean then?

It means you can call Pat Riley anything you want these days: "Coach Slick", Mr. "GQ", "Pat the Rat" (to his New York Knick contingent) or even "Trader Pat".

But if you are a GM in the NBA, just make sure and him call him before someone else does.
Boozer should stay in Utah, if he can. If its for his child's sake, then he can go (like the D Fish situation). But playing wise, Boozer is better off inUtah.

All those players Dallas is looking at can definitly help the current squad too...
We all know that Andrea is just a toy in BC's plan. He will never move Andrea for the life of him. Its just to lure an organization into talks, and thentrading away crap for one good player.
Originally Posted by Proshares

^ I'm not too sure about that...
How so? I mean, im not going to attack your opinion and say what source, but from what the Raps organization, as well as the media understand, Andreaisnt going anywhere. The Raps will give him one more year to shine. If nothing happens after that, then I think he may be moved.
Corey Maggs, Gerald Wallace, and Mike Miller are the only players I'd want anything to do with because Michael Redd's pricetag is hefty, and MikeMiller is just about as good as him for a lot cheaper. I'd hate to see Boris Diaw on the Mavericks, I just never liked him too much when he was on theSuns, and it doesn't seem like he'd be cheap. Marion is great but 1) I don't think he'll leave Miami, 2) huge contract.

Mags is a great player who's worth every dime you'd pay him for. Gerald is a bit more polished and every bit as athletic, and awesome around thebasket. Mike Miller is a bigger version of JET, a little more consistent. I would love to see any three of those players in a mavs uni. But! MM would have toget a haircut.
Originally Posted by BallinBoykz

Originally Posted by Proshares

^ I'm not too sure about that...
How so? I mean, im not going to attack your opinion and say what source, but from what the Raps organization, as well as the media understand, Andrea isnt going anywhere. The Raps will give him one more year to shine. If nothing happens after that, then I think he may be moved.

Word, a team would have to make a ******ed offer.

Me? I wan't OJ Mayo on this team BADLY. He's adds that toughness and edge we have been looking for and a elite offensive ability which lack fromthe 2 guard spot. TJ and Rasho expiring has too get us a pick...maybe the knicks are still dumb?
Howard for Gerald Wallace (how much does Richardson make?) and then Terry for Maggette... Younger, more athletic, a REAL shooting guard... That seems like astrong course of action for the Mavs.

Don't know that I would mess with Diaw, Redd, or anyone else where we are forced to go 2-for-1 to make salaries work, unless it is a bonafide star inreturn. Kidd/Wallace/Maggette/Bass/Dirk in a small ball lineup...
Talk about get out and run.

Then bring back Diop and re-sign Antoine Wright... Buy a low first and bring Reyshawn Terry back from overseas...
Do you really think that Cuban will go for Howard for Gerald? Gerald is very injury prone, and is getting old. I heard (just a rumor) that he was contemplatingretiring soon. I dont believe everything, but you never know.

I think you guys would get ripped off if you traded Howard for Wallace straight up.

It would work better if it were Howard for Maggette and Terry for Wallace. I think that would work out better.

Regardless, anybody that gets Maggette, gets ALOT coming to their team. He is the one player I want the Raptors to take a serious run at.
No way is Denver trading Melo, not this year. That would be the stupidest move ever. I don't care about his "off the court antics" because thathas nothing to do with his effectiveness on the court. He always gets blamed for the playoff losses, but look at his playoff numbers. He always gets blamed fornot being a leader, but look at who his team mates are. How is a 23 year old going to lead a bunch of stubborn, egotistical vets like martin, ai and camby?

He just needs to keep focusing on learning to rotate and defend man to man. He got better at rebounding this year. He was in the top 4 scoring in the leaguethis year. You don't trade a guy like Melo at 23 years old, it's just not a smart idea, too much potential. Give the guy a chance to grow up a little.23 is young, really young.

If anything, Denver needs to do what they can with other big contracts, Camby being the most likely. Kenyon had a good year considering he came off of anothersurgery, but his contract is still too big. As somebody said early in this thread, we need to get some younger, cheaper role players who can play lock down d.A point guard is absolutely necessarry at this point as well. Even if it means dealing AI for a couple decent guards, preferably at least one pass-first pg.Why oh why did we get rid of Steve Blake?
I may be trippin, but given the way Howard performed in the end of last year, I think Gerald Wallace is worth more than him. GWallace is highly underrated, butit could be a good trade for both teams.
Boozer sucked cack in the Playoffs, but he is huge for the Jazz. I hope he doesn't Boozer us and go to Miami
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