Almost every guy goes through this at least once. Some more than once. It never changes, it never gets easier. Each time will sting just as bad as the first time. You'll get a lot of people telling you to go out to clubs. That **** don't work for a lot of people. All it ever does is make you forget about the situation for a few hours. 

The only true way of getting over it is time. Time heals. Cry it out. Seriously cry it out, it helps. 

One thing I don't recommend you doing is doing things you know ain't right. Don't go trying to get at other girls with your ex on your mind. That's ****** up for you and for the girl. 

Don't stalk your ex's FB,IG and Twitter. <--- That **** right there is the hardest thing to keep under control. 

One day you are going to wake up and feel like you wasted ALLLL that time stuck on your ex. You might feel dumb and foolish. But ****, it's the best feeling in the world to be able to see your ex and know it's nothing. 

Good luck.

Na but in all seriousness take this as a lesson learned. A girl who admitted to cheating on you 3 times and probably cheated a bunch of other times you don't know about isn't something you need in your life. Its dead weight. If your a good person and treated her right, shes going to realize she screwed up badly but that's her loss not yours.

You have no kids with this girl so there's no need to have the slightest of contact with her. Time and focusing on improving yourself in whatever areas you feel you need improvement in are your 2 best friends.

That said, don't be that sucker dude who falls for her inevitable crocodile tears and cries for you to take her back when it happens. She sees you doing good and enjoying your life shes going to come crawling back. You can either be a man and tell her to kick rocks or a sucker that's like "baby we can work this out" but if you even get tempted to be a simp remember this.

When you were at home getting ready to call her and tell her "baby I can't wait to see you fo lunch tomorrow and rekindle the flame" she had another mans meat in her vag, his kids in her mouth and possible his meat in her pooper and maybe her mout again afterwards and you were going to kiss her the next day. Hell you probably kissed her a few times after a situation like this happened and you didn't know it. Remember this anytime you think about how you miss her and wish she was back in your life. Remember that when you get those soft feelings and you hear you and hers favorite song.
Bro, that pain is something most everyone deals with at some point or another. So realize that you're not alone.

Secondly realize she never truly loved you, because if she did she wouldn't have done you like that. You need to love yourself and realize that this is a blessing. What if you impregnated her?

Sometimes when you're depressed you can't see the bigger picture. I'm here to tell you that you're worth more than that bro.

Take this time to reinvent yourself. Get in the best shape of your life, focus on school and career. In time that pain will pass and you will find someone who appreciates you.
Quality post right here. 

Another thing I would recommend is staying off of social networks. Don't be consumed with what is going in the social scene, and don't try to make it seem like everything is fine on your end. Just disappear for a while. Like the poster said focus on school/career and getting in shape. Take a season off from everything, heal mentally, and come back better than ever. 
Quality post right here. 

Another thing I would recommend is staying off of social networks. Don't be consumed with what is going in the social scene, and don't try to make it seem like everything is fine on your end. Just disappear for a while. Like the poster said focus on school/career and getting in shape. Take a season off from everything, heal mentally, and come back better than ever. 
that's real talk bro. Time heals all wounds. Keep ya head up
she stays ******g other dudes man

just listen to yeezus and forget about her breh
i'm tellin ya man, every break up i've had i've tried REALLY hard to **** her just one more time.  it only worked one time but man it was epic.  she's the only girl i've stayed friends with after a break up 

but yea bruh, just start concentrating on yourself again.  ain't gonna lie, it's gonna hurt for awhile, especially since she cheated.  been there.  you'll be feelin upset but one day you'll wake up like, 'ahhhhhhh i feel great!,' and that'll be that.  
Drake is the type of guy that would forgive her for smashing and show up on her doorstep with a bouquet of flowers
OP , brother, u slipping. Don't allow yourself to get played like this again, man. She's a confused girl and wants 3 ***** or more but trying to commit to one... Girls will be girls.

Solution: Everything you're good at...become great at. Consume yourself in some self improvement and the women will follow.
damn OP you are the definition of a simp.

Why in god's good name would you wanna patch things up with this girl....even if you kinda might feel you drove her to cheat on you.....c'mon man.

Get rid of this girl son! Forever.

Your like the kid stuck on the same monkey bar because your afraid to grab the next one because you'll fall. Get over that **** son. Have some respect for your own self-worth.
Well the 2 time weren't major. Just making out.

that IS major my dude. dont stick up for her. what if you made out with 2 chicks? whos to say she wouldnt just drop you?

this reminds me of this girl i used to talk to. we liked each other but things just never went off between us. anyways she gets a boyfriend and later on finds out that he cheated on her. shes talking to me about it and im telling her to dump him. shes like well i cheated too. but it was only a tap kiss -_- cheating is cheating and 2 wrongs dont make a right

anyways OP you dont need her. would you really take her back when you would be wondering what/who shes doing when yall arent together?

its not worth the headache. theres someone better out there. keep yourself busy. come on nt more. head to the gym. chill with your boys. then youll find a chick that would make you completely forget about your ex. trust me
How old are you? (Not being condescending)

It's gonna hurt, but you're definitely doing right concentrating on yourself.
Chill with the boys, have a good time -- You're definitely better off without her.

Watch Forgetting Sarah Marshall :lol: it'll help...Maybe. Head up fam.
Man...that sucks op.

youll be alright, just keep improving yourself and keep her OUT OF YOUR LIFE.
who ever mentioned avoiding social media and cutting off all ties with her (pictures, etc) has it dead on

i know you're hurting but the best way to get over this the quickest is getting rid of anything that reminds you of her

its a painful process but youll be ok
What ever you do man DO NOT text her. I don't care if its her birthday, just checking up on her, or she hits you up first. It'll kill all the progress you've made and will reopen the same wound.

There will be a moment when you really want to, but don't do it cuz you'll be kicking yourself in the *** if you do.
Delete her number man. That's what I do. Hard to resist. Go hang with your boys. Smoke a bleezy.
the longer you dwell on this girl, the more you'll be repulsed with yourself in the future when you look back at this time. it sounds hard, and it is, but toughen up and move on as soon as possible. she's a scummy broad, OP, don't forget it. 

also, post pics.
If you were in the right state of mind you could have put her on the team.

I tell younger dudes this all the time... a chick does you dirty try not to lose your cool and act accordingly to the situation.

Tell her everything is going to be alright and don't burn any bridges, but just from there on out don't put anything into the relationship anymore except for bussing her down.

At this point you can't becaues you've invested a lot of feelings into her so you're to emotional to make it that type of relationship.

I would have continued to have sex with hter and treated her like the **** she is... spit in her mouth and then ram her face back and forth on my **** trying to force it out onto the other end of her skull until she gags or something because that's the type of girl she seems to be by what you're saying.

She's young and just wants to live her life and experience things too... so with that in mind I would have tried to make money off of her and put her on backpage or the causual encounters section on craigslist and rented out a hood hotel room for the day/night and have clients come see her and keep all the money.

If she wasn't down with that then I would have made her my personal pornstar and record as much of it as possible so you can fap to it later on.

I'm saying this because I have no feelings for said girl and I know it's hard not to get emotionally involved with a chick and get your pride hurt.

Just chalk this up as a learning experience and listen to what others have siad work on yourself and time will heal all.
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Ouch this is the type of chick you cannot take back though, so you may as well commit to never speaking to her again. No friends, no response, nothing. That part of your life is over. Just do things to keep you occupied, dive into your work/school, workout, catch up with your social circle. You'll still miss her no doubt, it'll take time, but you cannot look back ever in this situation, it's too disrespectful and it's a pattern. Ya'll trying to rekindle and she still did it, smh. "Putting her on the team" is horrible advice for someone you have feelings for, not now atleast. Maybe months, years down the line when she means nothing to you.

I miss my ex to death, nice girl who never did anything that dastardly, just wanted more for herself than she wanted me, I can respect that. She'll hit me up every now and then but I can't see myself falling back in unless she shows me something. Just thinking of the depths I went to to get her back, and how cold and disrespectful she was during that whole time pretty much murdering my confidence. Now my **** back in full swing it won't be that easy for her though I still love and miss her. We'd be done if she did what she did to you though.

Also there's so many better quality, loyal women out there man, you don't need that insecure loser.
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