Smh. I slipped up NT...... (DUI)

Oct 19, 2004
me and my roommate went out for a couple of drinks last night. just something low key. we left after about and hour or so and i drove home (less than a mileaway).

i had a few beers and a couple shots. by no means am i proud of this but i drink way too much and i wasnt fazed last night.

so i see the cop behind me... i turn down the music and completely know the situation. i'm driving just fine, staying dead center in my lane, not 1 mphover the speed limit. lights... i'm thinking u gotta be @@%! me, he gotta be pulling over someone else right....

he said smelled alcohol... asked me to take a breathalizer. like i said i wasnt fazed but i didnt think i'd blow under .08. I NEVER been pulled over whiledrinking, I've never blowed on a breathalizer.

So i declined... We did a couple of field tests. I followed his finger from side to side with my eyes, no head movement. Then I stood on one foot and countedup (1 one-thousand, 2 one-thousand, etc). I went up to like 30 before he stopped me. Through the whole thing I'm not talking unless spoken to, no slicktalk or nothing.

No sweat...then he cuffs me, said i am drunk. Spent like 12 hours at ACDC (atlanta city dentention center). my bond was 1100, after fees and %%$@#*#% 1600 orsomething.

For the record i'm 24, never had a DUI but i had a BS public intox 1.5 yrs ago...spent the night and next day @ fulton county (smh)

What happens next ? do i get my drivers license back? (they took it away and i havent been able to go to Property Control yet)

flame away.
Oh yeah, and he said he pulled me over because I couldnt stay in my lane

and when we got downtown they never asked me to take a breathalizer or blood test
good refuse the breathalizer and you will be straight. my boy just got one as well. they gonna suspend his L's march 20th for 90 days, and he is under 21so iunno you might get lucky. But thats the laws in washington
I can't believe, after all these posts of people getting DUI, people STILL get them...

Either way, your license will be suspended because for didn't take the breathlyzer, it varies from 6-12 months depending on state..After that, insurancewill go through the roof, it will stay on your driving record for 10 years and you have a misdemeanor on your record...

Originally Posted by Super T1ght

and when we got downtown they never asked me to take a breathalizer or blood test

I'm no lawyer or nothing, but how the hell they gonna prove you were under the influence?!
and now people are going to tell you that you deserve everything you get
DUI's are not a good look.

You're gonna need a lawyer.


Suspended license.

Alcohol program.

I know a couple of people who have one and had to do all these things. (I'm in CA btw)
your not getting that physical license're suspended for probably 12months at least in FL...and a whole bunch of other nonsense...btu since youdidn't blow you can probably beat it but you L's will still be suspended good luck and get a lawyer...
you shoulda blew (pause) IMO. i mean, now you have no real evidence as to how tipsy you were, so the cop can claim you were swerving, and drunk that night.

I got a DUI when i was young, but only because i was underage. If I was legal, then it wouldnt have been anything. i got it reduced to something else, andeventually cleaned off my record.
Originally Posted by demonbasketball04

Originally Posted by Super T1ght

and when we got downtown they never asked me to take a breathalizer or blood test

I'm no lawyer or nothing, but how the hell they gonna prove you were under the influence?!
thats what i was thinking. i guess ima need a lawyer. im broke as hell
Originally Posted by akajaedeuce

DUI's are not a good look.

You're gonna need a lawyer.


Suspended license.

Alcohol program.

I know a couple of people who have one and had to do all these things. (I'm in CA btw)
yea get that lawyer and your license is gonna get suspended regardless... but a lawyer may be able to get that suspension reduced just dependingon the state. goodluck with that
Damn. More than likely, your L's is gonna get suspended, and you're either gonna have to do so many hours of community service or pay a fine [worse isjail time of course.]

That's in Pennsylvania tho [Pittsburgh to be exact]
Originally Posted by r33p04s

your not getting that physical license're suspended for probably 12months at least in FL...and a whole bunch of other nonsense...btu since you didn't blow you can probably beat it but you L's will still be suspended good luck and get a lawyer...

dog if i can beat it and walk away w/ a suspended liscence...that would be ideal
Originally Posted by dendanskesimon

since you refused the breathalyzer, it automatically counts as you failing the test
reason why my gif stays..OWNED.

cop:i smell alcohol(reason to give the breathalyzer)
you:i refuse sir(exactly what the cop wants
; gotta get that quota up)
cop:makes you look dumb by doing test knowing you boutta go to jail anyway
since you refused the breathalyzer, it automatically counts as you failing the test

That's what I though. The field sobriety stuff is just a routine so the cop can then say that you appeared drunk.
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