SMOKED for the 1st Time.....VOL. Caught on Campus

that must have been some dank bud for them to have just smelled the seeds and stems, you probably sprayed too much fabreeze and they got suspicious.
Everytime I hear about someone getting caught smoking I just find it funny.

I mean, In my high school days my moron friends and I would just smoke blunts everywhere we went...Times Square, Union Square, the most visible out-thereplaces, and not once have we had a problem.

Maybe you shoulda smoked away from the campus...nah?
First of all, you took the L for paying 30 bucks for a gram.
Second of all, how are your friends begging you to get high, and THEN MAKE YOU PAY FOR IT?
That's the biggest @!%$#!+% I've ever heard in my life
Originally Posted by dbbabd

My boy did get a misdemeanor and i dont know what happen to his roommate

How'd your boy get a misdemeanor when all he had in his room were seeds and wraps?
Unless they confessed, I don't see how that could happen.
Towel under the door
G bong it
windows open fans on
blow into a spoof and your good to go
seriusly bro it could be god saying not to do that *%$!.and if your in college and never did it you should never do it
we got the cops called on us in the dorms once. we used to blow the smoke through toilet paper tubes filled with softner sheets and put a fan in the window. everyone used this technique, but somehow they smelled us smoking. the r.a. showed up while we were in the room and told us that the cops were on there way. we were freaking out, but the guys from across the hall came and covered for us. they said they had been smelling it all day and that they were sure it wascoming from the room above ours. we were at the end of the hall next to an emergecy staircase and it was warm so everyone had their windows open. weweren't really friends with the guys that covered for us so the r.a. believed the story. when he went to check it out, we bailed. nothing ever happened. anyway, if they didnt catch you in the act, your cool.
Why were there cops in your dorm?

Were these campus police or actual police?

Because as far as I know, regular police don't just go wandering through residence halls unless they've been called.
^Eh I disagree. It's all personal preference. 90% of the time I like to get high in a certain way. If I can't sit back, relax, and zone out to sometunes in the comfort of my home or car then Im really not about it. I go for weeks, sometimes months at a time without smoking when I'm at school becauseliving in the dorms, it's hard to enjoy getting high the way I want to.
From the beginning of your post I knew somethin was off. Either ur boys aint really ur boys and/or they just playin a prank on you because its your 1st timesmoking. Makin you drop 20 on a gram of some "exotics" with seeds? while other dudes only drop 10? Sounds like they were playin you from the start.If anything they shoulda smoked you out since they ask you to smoke everyday. There's no possible way that the cops could've smelled the weed fromsomeone rolling inside a dorm room AND if they febreezed that %+#* afterwards. if they had the thought to febreeze the room then they would've definitelynot left the paper and seeds on the desk. Even if a hallmate called the police on you by the time they come back the smell would be completely gone. Honestlyto me it sounds like you need to get some new friends or learn how to not be a little %*!+!
You should LOSE your financial aid based on your grammar skills, smfh.

I've seen Mexican immigrants with a better understanding of the English language.

You suck as a man and need to re-evaluate your morals, you scumbag.
You sound so lame. Step ya lung, lie, and swag level UP!

**BTW The "exotic" left a standing aroma through the hall?
Are you high now?

The hell you trippin' for dood? Just chill out man

Just do it outdoors, and be cool about it. Don't act paranoid or anything. As long as you're not disturbing any peace.
I had to come back and tell the OP that he fails again...OP you suck at life and need new friends
Originally Posted by SoHi 23

First of all, you took the L for paying 30 bucks for a gram.
Second of all, how are your friends begging you to get high, and THEN MAKE YOU PAY FOR IT?
That's the biggest @!%$#!+% I've ever heard in my life
That's exactly what I was thinking. Sorry to say, but I think you got Punk'd son.
And something about your story doesn't make sense, but I can't put my finger on it. LOL Maybe it's because you're trying to recall somethingthat happened while you were high AND bugging out...
The house
The smell
The febreeze
The car
The phone call
The misdemeanor
Unless you live in an extremely conservative area in the reddest state in the nation you got played by these guys. Why would they make you pay 60% ofthe tab on the weed, and then the cops call the kid. Dude cops don't call you to tell you you're busted and you have to come home. They probably gottheir boy in on it to call. I bet they made you pay when you drank with them too on some, "yeah man we got a 12 pack, your portion is $20"
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