SNOWFALL THREAD. (tv series)

Her and Calvin :nerd:

Sicario Oso Pullin Up In Traffic once the reporter lady starts leaking CIA ops
The reporter drinking all the time is kind of a weird detail, I keep wondering if/when it’ll matter. I’m assuming they keep pushing that for a reason but she doesn’t show any signs
The reporter's character seems clearly inspired by Gary Webb.

So that means she probably ain't gonna make it either way but she gonna expose everything :lol:
The reporter drinking all the time is kind of a weird detail, I keep wondering if/when it’ll matter. I’m assuming they keep pushing that for a reason but she doesn’t show any signs
Pretty clear, especially if she's based off Webb like VARNELL HILL VARNELL HILL mentioned.

She's going to be drinking and be found dead of alcohol poisoning or be drinking as usual and not know they slipped something in her drink and die in a fire or be found in the tub after "committing suicide"

But if it gets that far she'll probably get a good deal of the work published.
I don't think it's given Leon gon get smoked. Son might expand his crippin NY or something. Chicago and LA always had connections. I hope they don't kill him off.
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