SNOWFALL THREAD. (tv series)


Anytime this man on a show, he a killer or a scammer! He aint never played a positive role! :rofl:
Dont trust him! He gonna cause hell! :lol:

On season 2 now. My bad for bringing up old ****

But when Kev told everybody he found his lip cousin castrated, that whole sequence was unintentional comedy. Jerome was wylin “Go back to your girlfriend. This man ****” :rofl:
I wish shorty had this same energy for Jordan over in All-American.

This would be the perfect time for Leon or somebody to run up on Skully at the hospital.
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How is fam hallucinating like this sober as ****? Nightmares extra scary playing out his worse fears.

Damn Manboy and Skully peacing things aint good for Franklin.

Right now really is his best chance to kill both of them before they run him out of town.
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Franklin wont be able to come back from giving up Leon or even if he dies off of this. Just dont see it.

That'll be the beginning of the end for dude.
Bad move on Franklin part not giving up Lee, like manboy said, he not putting business first no more

Once Lee did what he did, he useless to the crew. Nothing but heat coming their way, just gotta cut your losses
Bad move on Franklin part not giving up Lee,
It’d be terrible leadership to just give him up :lol:
If anything you do him yourself & give Manboy the address after.

But either way, you still have to do Scully because he’s not ever gonna forget that. And then outside of this situation you still gotta do Manboy because he’s too ambitious. He’s gonna always want your seat.

So if I still gotta get rid of both of these dudes, why am I giving up Lee?
Great episode. Very interested to see how all this unfolds.
Gustavo with the Lucia name drop though... :nerd:

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