SNOWFALL THREAD. (tv series)

I think manboy sent her. Remember she's from the neighborhood. He probably sent her to spy on the organization since franklin keeps him out of the inner workings of the biz

Shes def not a fed...she was either sent by manboy or she's the reporters daughter

i don't think she'd be the reporter's daughter, i think she's just a mole for manboy... this reporter might end up dead, if i was worried about anyone it would be lurp tho ...
So Skully and Manboy are connected like THAT? They going around trying to take each other's heads off and they share a daughter/niece?
So Skully and Manboy are connected like THAT? They going around trying to take each other's heads off and they share a daughter/niece?

when they first got to connecting with skully, manboy said it was his sister's boyfriend or something right...?
To be honest everyone no more at fault than the other. **** just went down the way it went down and it went bad quick.

All Skully knows is Franklin set him up and to his knowledge Leon is his mans. In Leon and Franklins argument Leon said he basically the on putting in the field work so to Skully Leon’s an extension of Franklin, so when he sees him it’s go time.

To that same point Leon’s on some **** Franklin time but Skully doesn’t know that, so he definitely should’ve been moving more vigilant in the first place knowing folks out here trying to line Saint up. He should’ve laid low or helped Saint end it the right way in the first place.

In defense of Skully crew, I mean if I pull up to my off the grid spot and see the opps waiting on me I’m not gonna wait to up it. I’m gonna let off shots first, there was no perfect way to avoid that situation.

It makes zero sense how many times that ice cream dude got hit though I understand maybe 1 or 2 shots but he was literally riddled with bullets when they were shooting sideways and he was in front of them.
when they first got to connecting with skully, manboy said it was his sister's boyfriend or something right...?

Completely forgot about that. Ya'll right.
Skully daughter and Manboy niece. Leon gotta get low asap.
He’s gotta run or he’s getting clapped. Can’t be any in between and I don’t see how Franklin can save him.
So Skully and Manboy are connected like THAT? They going around trying to take each other's heads off and they share a daughter/niece?

All I’m saying is Skullys girl had zero issue with Franklins plan to try to take her own brother out.

It was a setup but still. Didn’t seem like she had any reservations with her own brother getting put in the dirt.
Man I thought skully was going to come from under the Mexicans dude ice cream cart and shoot Leon and them whip up 😂😂😂

but yeah Leon not making it to next season

it did kind of seem like that 🤣🤣

also Oso needs to go back to wrestling, no one cares about him
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