SNOWFALL THREAD. (tv series)

Wouldn’t surprise me if grimey Manboy knocks off his sister or lines her up. If it’s between getting to the plug or protecting Khadijah, that boy is going for the plug.

If Franklin is using his head he’ll flip T against Manboy since he doesn’t know yet.
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Who's Tanoose brother?
Man this is what I just came in to post!
I see Manboy over at T’s house threatening her.
It appears I have missed a connection somewhere.
Franklin boning this Chick but she’s connected to Manboy? Man who TF is she and who is her bother, where TF did she come from. So lost right now man Gad Damnit
If Franklin is using his head he’ll flip T against Manboy since he doesn’t know yet.

I felt like the last scene pretty much assures he will.
If he kills her, no one including Manboy will give a damn.
Also, T obviously scared of Franklin based off her scene with Manboy, so she aint got a choice.

Man this is what I just came in to post!
I see Manboy over at T’s house threatening her.
It appears I have missed a connection somewhere.
Franklin boning this Chick but she’s connected to Manboy? Man who TF is she and who is her bother, where TF did she come from. So lost right now man Gad Damnit

How do you not know who T is at this point?
She was literally introduced in the first episode. You start watching today and not see the rest or something? :lol:
Any viewer knew she was crooked, the scene with Manboy tonight just confirmed the long-standing rumors.

Who's Tanoose brother?

No idea.
Franklin mentioned he was in Prison i believe previously when he asked T about him...

Found an article from deadline just now on google that describes him slightly in a casting announcement.

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po2345 po2345 Introduced in the 1st episode of this Season?
Dude I have no clue who T is, other than the Woman Franklin is banging.

Yeah. She was introduced in the scene in the club/party.
Have you not watched this season in entirety yet?

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Recap/Fav Parts:

Manboy doing what we thought he would. Trying to scheme him and his crew to the top while taking anyone out who get in his way. Let's see who how that plays out. >D
Franklin checking Jerome & the crew! :pimp:
Finally... The Manboy/Tanosse collaboration confirmed. :lol:
Gutter Franklin from the bookstore back in his convo with Irene. The prophet. :pimp:
They have been building up this Jerome snap for sometime. Interested to see how he moves the remainder of the season.
Irene thought **** was gonna be sweet & the Pentagon popped right the **** up in that newspaper office. :rofl:
We knew it was going to happen, since it was in the trailers, but damn Louie. Damn. Hope she does not die. :smh::frown:
Teddy came through with the energy on Irene. :pimp:
Don't let that lil cane fool ya, Ultra Instinct Franklin has arrived!!!!! :wow::wow::wow: They even had the music come on once he confronted T. :rofl::rofl::smokin:pimp::lol:

Great episode.

Yeah. She was introduced in the scene in the club/party.
Have you not watched this season in entirety yet?

I’m caught up on this Season.
I definitely missed that scene though.
Probably checking FanDuel or something while it was on. 🤦🏽‍♂️
I’m caught up on this Season.
I definitely missed that scene though.
Probably checking FanDuel or something while it was on. 🤦🏽‍♂️

You good.
Essentially, she was introduced as a friend from Franklin's past. Was Franklin's "first". Since E1, they have been getting close/re kindling their relationship type ****. He Gave T a job at Louie's club etc. All the scenes throughout the episodes, gave us the viewers, the notion that there was more to her & something wasn't right as she always prying for info. Tonight, they finally confirmed her true motive, which was aiding Manboy to help him figure out Franklin's plug in exchange for money & to keep her brother (who we don't know much about) protected in prison.

That's about all you need to know tbh.

If Franklin is using his head he’ll flip T against Manboy since he doesn’t know yet.
She didn’t die in that scene so I gotta assume he plays it like that & Peaches cleans up her & Manboy in the finale.

Not Louie smh...

T dumb af thinkin Frank would go for that lame *** deal. Who tf would give up the plug to deal with Khadijah and her wack *** "hitters" :rofl:
They completely lost me with that :lol: That’s damn near some **** you would see on Power

Writing hasn’t been nearly as tight this season. Corners being cut that weren’t before.
The Khadijah storyline so ******* lame man, her and all these female wannabe assassins be making me cringe. Wtf happened to Skully being crazy and why is his woman and her friends the ones putting in work?

Alton is a coward in every sense of the word.

Opening monologue was cool but y’all tripping comparing it to the brick by brick scene or the scene when Leon visit Franklin when he locked up. It don’t get no better than them two scenes.

Where did I hear that song they played in the closing scene/credits before? I wanna say The Righteous Gemstones?
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