SNOWFALL THREAD. (tv series)

Man Mel was not somebody Franklin knew from his past.

Mel was somebody he knew and grew up with and in the present. Somebody he was in love with and she got hooked on rock, became a crackhead. Even then she never betrayed Franklin. She just ran the streets. Then Franklin killed her father. So she shot him in the back.

It wasn't about trust. Franklin just didn't expect she'd try to kill him even though he killed her father. Franklin was dumb enough to think she might choose him over her father.

Lets be clear, Mel shot Franklin cuz he killed her father and being a crackhead allowed her to do that **** without a second thought. No other reason than that. She didn't betray him. They were no longer cool after Franklin murdered her father in their home.

The situation with T is NOTHING like with Mel. Franklin knows she aint on the rock and he ain't kill her father. She's not somebody from the past that popped up on his life. Franklin pursued her when she was at the club. He's not looking at this like its business but pleasure. That's it. There's no reason to suspect some chick you ****ing when she not in the game. Nothing she did until recently was suspicious at all.

Only somebody who can be real paranoid like Skully or something would have her phones tapped off rip :lol:

The real lesson for Franklin after discovering T was a snake is to never mix business with pleasure. The next chick should be far removed from the game. He shouldn't vent to her about anything or involve her in anything. Franklin probably thought he was finding a woman for him like Louie, a partner. He was wrong.
You could be right. I thought that in the story with Franklin hustling and Mel doing the regular route with working at the skating alley and school, they grew apart. Hell, Leon even says to him it's been a while since they been there when they went to the skating ring. If you look at the story synopsis S3E4, it says that Franklin "Reconnects with Mel". Hence why I said from the past. If Franklin was as paranoid as Skully, he would have avoided much of the headaches he's faced this season. Droplets and all :lol:.

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Rewatching the first season and I knew Franklin was older than Mel but I don’t think I actually put it in my head. She asked him to go to a party and he said I ain’t going to no highschool party and I just died laughing cause buddy was real life pressed about this lil girl :rofl:
Next season Franklin needs to be fully healed. FULLY!

I can't stand this hobbling ***** falling down from a light breeze, grimacing on every step he takes and now he want to fight full grown Deebo ****** like his uncle.
Thank you Jerome. She was just going to **** with Leon's head more. He's already ****** up.

Leon ain't good no more. They need to go ahead and send him somewhere. Retire him.

Too bad they didn't get Skully

This episode is like a season finale :nthat:
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