SNOWFALL THREAD. (tv series)

Manboy went out talking that ****, I died when he said each one weakr:rofl:

Jerome heard Khadijah about to start her spiel and said **** outta here with that.

Old girl getting stuck with them bodies damn near worse than death, Franklin was in his duffy with that one.

Crazy how buddy regained all his intelligence in one episode and erased a whole season worth of stupidity, it was almost like too much too fast.
It's usually good to reduce the amount of characters but they got rid of two of the best characters remaining on the show. Skully not interesting enough to hold it down. Don't know where they're gonna take it from here.
As long as they dont have Franklin siding with his pops and going on some redemption tour, I'll be straight.

I expect his death or a 50 year rico bid.
Irene so dumb it’s comical :lol: Somebody break in your crib and inject you with some **** and you run to a damn radio station issuing threats and DON’T even reveal the dude name... She literally died for nothing.

I knew Reed put something in her drink and when she came stumbling out the bar I knew it was OVAY.

Ain’t that **** crazy how the man with the money make the rules? Alton is Franklin’s son. He be treating that ***** like a lil *** boy.

Alton seen how his actions ****** everything up and he was still in contact with Irene smh...He seen that news clip and dipped quick.... Can’t wait until Reed put his *** in the dirt next week

Leon soft as hell. His character done did a complete 180 from who he was in the beginning.

I’m just now realizing... Wtf happened to Franklin white mans who they made slap his daddy? He just disappeared.
I’m most intrigued about what Avi up his sleeve regarding his talk with Teddy
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Irene so dumb it’s comical :lol: Somebody break in your crib and inject you with some **** and you run to a damn radio station issuing threats and DON’T even reveal the dude name... She literally died for nothing.

I knew Reed put something in her drink and when she came stumbling out the bar I knew it was OVAY.

Ain’t that **** crazy how the man with the money make the rules? Alton is Franklin’s son. He be treating that ***** like a lil *** boy.

Alton seen how his actions ****ed everything up and he was still in contact with Irene smh...He seen that news clip and dipped quick.... Can’t wait until Reed put his *** in the dirt next week

Leon soft as hell. His character done did a complete 180 from who he was in the beginning.

I’m just now realizing... Wtf happened to Franklin white mans who they made slap his daddy? He just disappeared.

Bro I forgot all about his homeboy. Dude just disappeared.
I don't even remember the last episode he was in.
That's real **** about Franklin sonning his punk *** daddy though.
Bro I forgot all about his homeboy. Dude just disappeared.
I don't even remember the last episode he was in.
That's real **** about Franklin sonning his punk *** daddy though.

He was in the shootout scene in the beginning of the season when they tried to set that Skully/Manboy **** up and been MIA ever since
What an episode and best one all season and up there in the series history. Had a GOT Red Wedding feel to it.

Sad Manboy gone, he was 1 of the best characters in the show. Skully i get he crazy but he not smart enough to deal with Franklin.

Like others said, Reporter after being warned really did radio interview smh!

Interested to see where Avi & Teddy story go.
Ain’t that **** crazy how the man with the money make the rules? Alton is Franklin’s son. He be treating that ***** like a lil *** boy.
I’m just now realizing... Wtf happened to Franklin white mans who they made slap his daddy? He just disappeared.

Franklin aint never ****** with him, because Alton never really ****** with them. Wasn't even in his life. Only reason he tried to make peace with him was because of Cissy. Money or not, he was never running **** in THAT household.

And are you talking about the white cop? If so, he got relocated or something.

Recap/Thoughts/Favorite Moments:

"Guess We'll Never Know"
"God invented Uzi's do we aint gotta be smart"
-- Unc' & Nephew spitting. :pimp:

Franklin sacrificed himself (Iron Man) to stop Thanos. Even brought up Cissy & Louie. :lol:
Franklin demeanor during that phone call to Manboy. The Goat back. :pimp:

This reporter is hard headed as hell. Got injected & the first thing she do is go on Black Panther radio threatening folks. Alton ready to snitch live. :lol:
Even when Teddy came to talk on tape, she was still talking ****. Glad she gone. :smokin

So is Teddy really fired? What was the scene in the spot w/ Gustavo about then if not? :nerd:
Louie alive & still running plays. :pimp:
ULTRA INSTINCT FRANKLIN BACK!!! :pimp::pimp::pimp::pimp::pimp::pimp::pimp::pimp:
"Dude always talked too much" "You a good liar, I'm sure you'll figure something out"

Manboy had me dying.
"All yall weaker than the other" "My sister carved your boy like some ham" :rofl::rofl:

Franklin recruiting Black Diamond & Dallas. :pimp:
Avi talking about mushrooms like **** all sweet. Offering Teddy a job? I wonder what his endgame is. :nerd:
Leon getting emotional over the Khadijah death? Jerome face after he killed her & his talk with Cissy. Cissy in the waiting room witnessing the limits Franklin will go. The game talking a toll on all of them. :smh::frown:
We been waiting for Skully to pop off since his daughter died. Will Khadijah death finally make him snap? :nerd:

**** Alton.
Man walked out of his apartment after hearing about Irene like he Pac'. :lol:

BEST EPISODE ALL SEASON. LOVED IT. (Anyone think Lucia might make a return in the finale?)

But the trailer for the finale? Alton vs Teddy with Franklin in the middle? Hell Nah. :smh:

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And are you talking about the white cop? If so, he got relocated or something.

Franklin had the white boy connect. He was from Beverley Hills or Calabasas or something.

Franklin had him moving work to the white kids. They went to his house once or twice in a past season.
What that gotta do with her being fine as hell?

If we are talking about her as a person OUTSIDE of the show then sure....she’s okay. However on the show as in her character hence why you said Khadijah then not just no......but hell no.
Franklin aint never ****ed with him, because Alton never really ****ed with them. Wasn't even in his life. Only reason he tried to make peace with him was because of Cissy. Money or not, he was never running **** in THAT household.

And are you talking about the white cop? If so, he got relocated or something.


He did **** with him, that’s his pops before anything. He still had love for him even with him being a drunk/deadbeat. He bailed him out of jail at a time he supposedly wasn’t ******* with him. He was mad at his pops not being there but he still respected and looked up to him because of his history with the Panthers. It’s a different situation with him now that he straight up betrayed Franklin.
easily the best and most entertaining episode of this season,
not because of the violence, but because of the return of some of Franklin's traits that made him such a fire character.
Leon has gone from being one of the more compelling characters to being totally useless and reduced to a pawn.
As has Skully lol
These last couple of episodes have made up for what I originally thought was a lackluster season.
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