SNOWFALL THREAD. (tv series)

I don't see Damson in that much stuff.

If the cast of Atlanta can come together and schedule everything, he certainly can.
Yea that’s what I’m saying :lol: He’s been GREAT as the lead but his star hasn’t really ascended, so we continue to get more seasons.

Atlanta only got 2 seasons in before everyone schedules got crazy. The episode next week ends a 4 year break & they filmed 2 seasons worth of episodes all at once because now they’re ending the show.
Getting real powerish...Teddy getting life saving surgery in a house, Christopher Williams lookin dude acting like Denzel in training day... tranquilizer darts, bears and tigers? Word?
Teddy found a real freak ***** to fix him up :rofl:

:lol: He gone stuff you Oso... Oso he gone stuff you. Run.

This entire ep on some Pulp Fiction ****

Don't got a clue who behind this attempt. Maybe the gov dude Sissy working with. Doubt its Skully.

Maybe yall get tall wish and Veronique is the mastermind behind this :lol: Or maybe its crackhead Melody :nerd: Or the dude that replaced Teddy that Teddy got rid of.
This episode is nuts.

Back to back wtf moments

Post bullet removal bean flicking and then breaking into the hunter from The Most Dangerous Game's house.

Show is off the rails :smh: :rofl:

This is the "jump the shark" episode

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Louie - "We got our own dreams" :lol:
The irony of them not even being close to even thinking about whatever they are thinking about if not for Franklin.

Cissy not diming out Franklin.... :pimp:

Wonder who the dudes blasting were? Def a ton of theories like Zik said. :nerd:

Leon X still at it. :lol:

Franklin & Oso running from some of the most non-violent vatos I have ever seen. :rofl:

This Parissa ***** is weird as hell....Straight from a Saw movie. :rofl:

These ****** got tranquilized in the same episode?!? :rofl:

Haven't caught up but I don't like these responses at all. Starting to look like the Power thread. What a shame.
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