SNOWFALL THREAD. (tv series)

-i love the idea of the ego death needed for franklin to face his mortality, skully's words to him were so austere. i also like that avi's speech to franklin tied back into everything franklin went through in this episode. also,

-the experience of franklin having this complete loss of his subjective self-identity. the true power of an ego death manifesting itself, when reaching this state where he has no choice but to let go of all that he is, & is forced to make peace with the infinite, unparalleled potential to positively redefine how he wants to live when he comes back.

-amazing how wanda is the only sober person in this episode, lol.

-funny seeing factory variant cam'ron from power: force, on here.

-i died when franklin tucked the imaginary gun in his waistband.

-i kept asking myself where i've seen this house before, if i'm not mistaken, i think it was george jung's house from the movie "blow."

-i love how this show constantly has "godfather" references, louie giving franklin the "kiss of death" ... last season when kadijah's daughter got killed, the orange flavored syrup on the snowcone cart was zoomed in on, right before they spotted & shot the car up...

-& finally, give mans his flowers, his awards & his props.. for the scene with him talking to himself with the blue lighting, it was so intense.
Mixed feelings on this epsiode, some good parts, some off the rails.

Franklin keeping all the financial paperwork at the crib 😩

Like someone mentioned, wonder if Kane is working with fbi dude or they working with that crooked cop

All of the females in Franklin life are L’s, mama a
Snitch, Auntie on a power trip, and his girl just a L
I mean its pretty natural to keep copies of your big financial business move at the house.

Only other place is the office and lets not pretend Teddy couldn't get in there with ease.
My first thought is that Teddy is going after the offshore money. Any records of that shouldn't be anywhere near ones primary residence.

If he's going after the "legit" money that would be strange....
This show is going off the rails :smh:

First a tiger king episode and now a LSD episode

Why would she visit Kane? He would tell her the truth so she can run back to Franklin?

Why is Teddy working with the nurse?
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LSD episode was very weird… think it’s time for me to maybe give this show up. Or just go back to the old seasons when it made sense
Not feeling this. So much gone wrong in such a short time. So much bothers me about the show now. I know it might not be a huge detail, but looking at that wedding scene....if it's supposed to be sure didn't feel like it. It looked like an 80s themed wedding in 2022. Not good.
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