So do all the white people hate Beyoncé now?

I don't think he's heard of for profit prisons and that when you get convincted of a crime there's all sorts of fines.
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please explain how am I wrong, instead of wasting a post to refute your hateful heart tell me how it's not. I've given example above of the systematic racism built into the United States government, most of the crimes you stated didn't even happen on American soil and no law was designed against the groups you mentioned. However since building this nation blacks have been designed to fail within the American dream. So stating Jews and Japanese fathers don't walk out on their families is racist, sorry to break it to you. 

You're free to explain otherwise...but it's simply just fact, black men have always had a bulls eye on them in U S A.
We just gotta agree to disagree. To me black single parent homes are tied to black on black violence, that's why i mentioned that. Slavery was a long time ago and thankfully people who are likely to agree with it are dying off. I truly don't believe that blacks we're "designed to fail" because that just makes problems worse for America. Nobody benefits from it. The same way nobody benefits from black people going to jail. You are more useful to the government out of jail and paying taxes and contributing to society. 
It's not agree to disagree. I am right, you are flat out wrong.

Post slavery you do know organizations like the KKK were formed. A lot of these guys also because police officers.

Also did you know Jim Crow was outlawed in 1965, it is now 2016.

Following Jim Crow many laws were designed to ensure longer sentences for crimes more than likely committed by black men. What do you know about reaganomics?  We are living the after effects of it.

Jail has literally became a legal slave trade, its not about rehabilitation. Look up the rates inmates are paid for their work. This country strives on cheap labor. There aren't enough jobs for all these black men to contribute & pay taxes, you do know we have the highest unemployment rates right? Is it because we don't apply to jobs as much as whites? Get out of the box you're thinking in and look at the bigger picture, America is racist and so are you lol.
Lol @ mass media creating a racial divide. This dude is so deluded by privilege that he blames of all things the media :rofl:

Let's forget that his ancestors are demonic towards people of color for vast periods of time. But It's the media that created this :rofl:

Thats not what I'm saying at all.

Im saying the media is choosing to broadcast specific topics that make people emotional and irrational to defect attention away from their own involvement in war crimes, economic crimes, prison crimes, consciousness crimes etc. and away from the people they serve (not the public like they are supposed to).

Again, lets keep this discussion on topic and refrain from personal attacks. You have no idea who I am, what race I am or where I grew up so no need to ignorantly judge someone based off emotional assumptions.
I don't think he's heard of for profit prisons and that when you get convincted of a crime there's all sorts of fines.
You know how many bills ex cons are hit with after they are freed. Their time serve never really ends, while free they are forced to pay the government back.
Lol @ mass media creating a racial divide. This dude is so deluded by privilege that he blames of all things the media

Let's forget that his ancestors are demonic towards people of color for vast periods of time. But It's the media that created this
Thats not what I'm saying at all.

Im saying the media is choosing to broadcast specific topics that make people emotional and irrational to defect attention away from their own involvement in war crimes, economic crimes, prison crimes, consciousness crimes etc. and away from the people they serve (not the public like they are supposed to).

Again, lets keep this discussion on topic and refrain from personal attacks. You have no idea who I am, what race I am or where I grew up so no need to ignorantly judge someone based off emotional assumptions.
If you are black just know you're on the trading block for the next racial draft with your way of thinking.
We just gotta agree to disagree. To me black single parent homes are tied to black on black violence, that's why i mentioned that. Slavery was a long time ago and thankfully people who are likely to agree with it are dying off. I truly don't believe that blacks we're "designed to fail" because that just makes problems worse for America. Nobody benefits from it. The same way nobody benefits from black people going to jail. You are more useful to the government out of jail and paying taxes and contributing to society. 
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Come on dawg, you forgot the number one "slavery was a long time ago, racism is dead, we all equal" response.
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How? Do you even know what I've said?

I think your coupling my opinion with CABased's opinion.
You basically said the media is using racial issues as a distraction, I can digest all the issues going on in this nation but some stand out more than other because I literally have to be thankful for everyday I leave the crib and make it home safely because my life is at a high risk with little value. So with that statement along with other the blacks won't argue a trade in the racial draft if you are indeed black. The secrecy isn't a bit weird. Say what you are and be proud!
Lmao makes sense with his rhetoric, folks like that stay searching terms on Twitter and attempt to argue with you with an America flag or a dog as their icon.

I recommend you read "The pedagogy of the oppressed", "The New Jim Crow" and "Before Columbus". You will get a better historical understanding of what has happened in America. Because I respect your views, however they aren't backed by facts and quite frankly, you are mostly incorrect and uniformed.

Correcting and providing knowledge to the ignorant = Lost IQ

Gracefully tip toed over my last response. Why are you even posting in here then?
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please explain how am I wrong, instead of wasting a post to refute your hateful heart tell me how it's not. I've given example above of the systematic racism built into the United States government, most of the crimes you stated didn't even happen on American soil and no law was designed against the groups you mentioned. However since building this nation blacks have been designed to fail within the American dream. So stating Jews and Japanese fathers don't walk out on their families is racist, sorry to break it to you. 

You're free to explain otherwise...but it's simply just fact, black men have always had a bulls eye on them in U S A.

We just gotta agree to disagree. To me black single parent homes are tied to black on black violence, that's why i mentioned that. Slavery was a long time ago and thankfully people who are likely to agree with it are dying off. I truly don't believe that blacks we're "designed to fail" because that just makes problems worse for America. Nobody benefits from it. The same way nobody benefits from black people going to jail. You are more useful to the government out of jail and paying taxes and contributing to society. 

The black missing father, and black on black crime and both myths . That are pushed to the idea that everything that is wrong in the black community is somehow black people's fault.

You already been schooled on the black-on-black crime thing. So lets look at the black father myth.

-First off, it is known that lower class people tend have more kids out of wedlock. Black folk are disproportionately represented in lower economic classes

-Secondly welfare in this country is setup to incentivizes lower income couples don't being together. We aim welfare are single mothers, not struggling families. Once again, black disproportionately represented in this group

-The America justice system locks up black men at a alarming rate for non-violent crimes, and give them disproportionately higher sentences than whites.

Not only that, it is nearly impossible for a black man with a felony record to make a living after he gets off. Making it even more appealing to not take on the extra expense of raising their kids.

Now -let me anticipate a comeback people like you like to make:

When some black people, even our president, tell black men they have to me involved. It is not them acknowledging that this is some black phenomenon. They are merely pointing our that a kid with their father in their life has better prospects. So we double doom our black kids, because they already have to deal with white supremacy.

They are telling black people to be better than most, not to correct a flaw in the culture.


Consider this counter exmaple

Pedophilia is a problem in the Hasidic Jewish community. Do you ever hear people asking other Jews to answer for that?

Do Jewish people get painted as being predisposed to pedophilia?

The answer is no of course, because everyone knows there are many other factors at play.

And with black people, there are other factors at play as well
------But most importantly:

If these things were just a black phenomena, why don't you see it among affluent black people. Why don't affluent blacks commit crimes at a much higher rate, why don't affluent black father "walk out" on their kids? If it is something about black people, and black culture, then you should see it at every socio economic level.

But you don't

Because their are other economic and sociological forces at play, mainly poverty. And you seem unable to understand that
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We just gotta agree to disagree. To me black single parent homes are tied to black on black violence, that's why i mentioned that. Slavery was a long time ago and thankfully people who are likely to agree with it are dying off. I truly don't believe that blacks we're "designed to fail" because that just makes problems worse for America. Nobody benefits from it. The same way nobody benefits from black people going to jail. You are more useful to the government out of jail and paying taxes and contributing to society. 

You really think slavery and Jim Crow and every thing after was all peaches and cream huh? White man let the black people go, and everything was even. We had all of our rights, education, land, freedom right after that huh? I'll break it down to you very simply over the course of 150 years. (A VERY SHORT TIME)

1865- Slavery "abolished". White hate groups like the KKK emerge. Black people have no rights. Aren't even looked at as a full person yet. Some forced back into slavery. Jailed, murdered, lynched. Black families still broken up....yet, they persevere thru the end of the 19th century.

1900's-1950's- Black people are second class citizens. Still terrorized by hate groups. Government passes a number of laws to weaken, and block black people from having rights. No opportunities...Blacks start to create their own. Communities get destroyed, families separated....still...they persevere.

1950-1965- Civil rights eraVoting rights act is passed by Lyndon B Johnson. I assume if you're over have plenty of relatives that were alive at this time. that should let you know how recent of a period this is. Segregation. Black people still second class citizens. A handful of laws and barriers are still in place that prevent blacks from voting. During this period, Black leaders are assassinated. COINTELPRO by the American government is set in place to destroy, demonized and discredit Black progressive moments. Busing...beginning of "integration" people still targeted, police brutality etc....yet, they persevere.

1980's- Now- Introduction of crack cocaine into inner cities via CIA to fund Nicaraguan contra cartels. Reagan even admitted to this. This is also the period where the "war on drugs" starts....with laws passed to give mandatory minimums to drug dealers in poor communities which included harsh sentences...leading to revolving door of prison recidivism....and taking black men away from communities and limiting their potential. Where did these drugs come from, their own government...who turns right around and imposes harsh sentences. Spike in crime because of the drug trade, continued police brutality, black families separate...and yet. Black people still endure and persevere.

This is just a surface level of the past 150 years in this country. And look at that. No slavery and Jim Crow and everything we're not a long time ago. The effects are still very real today, and very recent. Educate yourself before speaking.
Guess we did our part with educating the misinformed for the day. So back to Tomi ladies and gent?****-are-your-priorities.html

“Is Beyoncé really pro-Black or is she just a faker?” This question reflects the mindset of an individual who is focused on the wrong ****.

If you are a genuine brother or sister who is creative with a platform to address some need in your community through art or science, Beyoncé just pushed hundreds of thousands of Black people who may have otherwise ignored you, toward you. Why not get in Formation and take advantage of the opportunity if you're really about That Life?

A lot of “conscious” folks are so used to *****ing and complaining about **** they dont know how to recognize a gift. The momentum has shifted. "The Curse" on our people has been broken, accept in their own minds.

In case you haven't noticed, the only young Black people on the planet right now who have anything new, compelling, and exciting to offer popular culture on a global scale are those who were once ostracized by the larger Black community as Hotepers, Weirdos, and Cultural Extremists.

You have now been chosen by higher forces to be the new Social Engineers, the new sergeants and generals of the New Black World, and the best many people can do is sit on the internet all day and **** on one of your frontline soldiers? There’s levels to this ****! Unfortunately, many of you don’t understand that.

To question whether or not Beyoncé is for real is a distraction and shows a misunderstanding of personal priorities. The real question is what are YOU doing now that she has made you and your worldviews sexier and more appealing in the collective mind of the global populace? How are YOU, as a sincere advocate of Black self-determination, going to capitalize off of the publicity that Beyoncé has brilliantly generated for herslef. After all, YOU ARE the one who is really about That Life, not her, right? 

Keep hating on rich Black entertainers on social networks behind your fake screen names and divine avatars. I will continue to apply my knowledge of the Life Sciences to take care of my own personal business. Anyone who knows me knows that unless you are a part of my circle of family, friends, and associates I’m not even all that wrapped up in what you’re doing anyway.

I don’t watch the Bizaro Palo ritual that you call the Super Bowl, or any television. It’s counterproductive. I came to this planet to learn, make a difference in the lives of others, and gain powerful experiences. I didn't come here to sit on the sidelines and get caught up in watching celebrities and athletes do these things. Why should you look to the heavens for the stars when you have your own inner light that radiates within?

For those who may be interested in learning a little bit more about the connection between human psychology and business you may want to read the Edward Bernays book Propaganda . To read it, just click on the link below.
I love when someone gets their kufi smacked off from all directions, and can't form a cogent argument in defense, they just claim that folk just can't handle "facts" they are spitting.

You have zero clue about white supremacy and systemic racism in this country, and that computer screen you're hiding behind is giving you courage to spew ignorance

NOBODY knows white supremacy more than Jewish people. 6 million dead. Why aren't these things happening in their neighborhoods ? Ever heard of a Japanese internment camp ? Why aren't the Japanese killing each other and why aren't the fathers walking out on their children ? Please explain.

Son clueless af :lol:

Evidently you didn't have too many to lose in the first place

Saw that joke coming down 6th avenue in a cab.
Thanks to Uber and Lyft I don't have to roll a die to see if that cab will actually pick me up. Thank you technology! Fighting against racism!

:lol: :lol:****-are-your-priorities.html

“Is Beyoncé really pro-Black or is she just a faker?” This question reflects the mindset of an individual who is focused on the wrong ****.

If you are a genuine brother or sister who is creative with a platform to address some need in your community through art or science, Beyoncé just pushed hundreds of thousands of Black people who may have otherwise ignored you, toward you. Why not get in Formation and take advantage of the opportunity if you're really about That Life?

A lot of “conscious” folks are so used to *****ing and complaining about **** they dont know how to recognize a gift. The momentum has shifted. "The Curse" on our people has been broken, accept in their own minds.

In case you haven't noticed, the only young Black people on the planet right now who have anything new, compelling, and exciting to offer popular culture on a global scale are those who were once ostracized by the larger Black community as Hotepers, Weirdos, and Cultural Extremists.

You have now been chosen by higher forces to be the new Social Engineers, the new sergeants and generals of the New Black World, and the best many people can do is sit on the internet all day and **** on one of your frontline soldiers? There’s levels to this ****! Unfortunately, many of you don’t understand that.

To question whether or not Beyoncé is for real is a distraction and shows a misunderstanding of personal priorities. The real question is what are YOU doing now that she has made you and your worldviews sexier and more appealing in the collective mind of the global populace? How are YOU, as a sincere advocate of Black self-determination, going to capitalize off of the publicity that Beyoncé has brilliantly generated for herslef. After all, YOU ARE the one who is really about That Life, not her, right? 

Keep hating on rich Black entertainers on social networks behind your fake screen names and divine avatars. I will continue to apply my knowledge of the Life Sciences to take care of my own personal business. Anyone who knows me knows that unless you are a part of my circle of family, friends, and associates I’m not even all that wrapped up in what you’re doing anyway.

I don’t watch the Bizaro Palo ritual that you call the Super Bowl, or any television. It’s counterproductive. I came to this planet to learn, make a difference in the lives of others, and gain powerful experiences. I didn't come here to sit on the sidelines and get caught up in watching celebrities and athletes do these things. Why should you look to the heavens for the stars when you have your own inner light that radiates within?

For those who may be interested in learning a little bit more about the connection between human psychology and business you may want to read the Edward Bernays book Propaganda . To read it, just click on the link below.

too many people trying to discredit things these days
1950-1965- Civil rights eraVoting rights act is passed by Lyndon B Johnson. I assume if you're over have plenty of relatives that were alive at this time. that should let you know how recent of a period this is. Segregation. Black people still second class citizens. A handful of laws and barriers are still in place that prevent blacks from voting. During this period, Black leaders are assassinated. COINTELPRO by the American government is set in place to destroy, demonized and discredit Black progressive moments. Busing...beginning of "integration" people still targeted, police brutality etc....yet, they persevere.
Speaking of COINTELPRO, this will be airing. TONIGHT.  PBS.  9 o'clock.
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