So do you ever just linger around your residence in the nude?

yes it feels amazing. sleeping naked is the best, sucks i had to go so many years sleeping with clothes as i grew up
Nude? Na, I'll walk around shirtless and in shorts though. Go outside, get the mail, get something from my car, whatever.
Originally Posted by derrty6232

Nude? Na, I'll walk around shirtless and in shorts though. Go outside, get the mail, get something from my car, whatever.

word. only naked to bathe or smash
Originally Posted by amel223

I know this one hot girl who says that when she's alone she walks around nude all the time at her apartment.  I wish there was some way to peek....
do you have her address? NT detectives can make it happen....

nah j/k we aint  /b/ 
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