So does Malcom X having homosexual relations change your view on him?

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

No ninjahood its called logic and contradictions. You say $*#%! give heteros AIDS, but then you say $*#%! are that way because they can't get cooch. This is a blatant contradiction

Love how you ignored the fact that I said AIDS is higher amongst heterosexuals in Africa. And comparing STDs/AIDS between blacks and whites controlling for homosexuality.....why is it higher amongst blacks and latinos, than amongst whites? And why is it higher in African and some latin american countries and rising rapidly in places like India?

I'm not going to discuss genetics with you, it's way beyond the scope of your knowledge and expertise....I would be wasting my time.
ever heard da term AND? like homothugs can be getting banged or sucked off by a HIV infected dude, and infect his wife AND dudes/ugly chicks can't get with da opposite sex so they turn fruit cake... AND $%$#*... AND

and you wanna talk about why africa got da highest AIDS rates on planet earth? let's see...raping lil girls & boys thinking thats gonna "cure em", @$%+++ not giving a #@+* and smashing education, poverty stricken folks not having

money for condoms, HIV infected pregnant women giving birth to HIV infected babies...pick your poison $%$#*

Good job good job, now see my point.....all those factors are independent of homosexuality.

"imma look at em like i look at girls with 3-4 kids, bitter with men and decided to switch teams, or guys who turn batiboi cuz they couldn't bag some choch"

so is this or is this not how you think homosexuals are created?
i guess you didn't comprehend when i explicitly wrote that :
they (gays) have to prove their condition is a mutation which makes em not normal..
OR OTHERWISE (and adverb btw)

"imma look at em like i look at girls with 3-4 kids, bitter with men and decided to switch teams, or guys who turn batiboi cuz they couldn't bag some choch"
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

No ninjahood its called logic and contradictions. You say $*#%! give heteros AIDS, but then you say $*#%! are that way because they can't get cooch. This is a blatant contradiction

Love how you ignored the fact that I said AIDS is higher amongst heterosexuals in Africa. And comparing STDs/AIDS between blacks and whites controlling for homosexuality.....why is it higher amongst blacks and latinos, than amongst whites? And why is it higher in African and some latin american countries and rising rapidly in places like India?

I'm not going to discuss genetics with you, it's way beyond the scope of your knowledge and expertise....I would be wasting my time.
ever heard da term AND? like homothugs can be getting banged or sucked off by a HIV infected dude, and infect his wife AND dudes/ugly chicks can't get with da opposite sex so they turn fruit cake... AND $%$#*... AND

and you wanna talk about why africa got da highest AIDS rates on planet earth? let's see...raping lil girls & boys thinking thats gonna "cure em", @$%+++ not giving a #@+* and smashing education, poverty stricken folks not having

money for condoms, HIV infected pregnant women giving birth to HIV infected babies...pick your poison $%$#*

Good job good job, now see my point.....all those factors are independent of homosexuality.

"imma look at em like i look at girls with 3-4 kids, bitter with men and decided to switch teams, or guys who turn batiboi cuz they couldn't bag some choch"

so is this or is this not how you think homosexuals are created?
i guess you didn't comprehend when i explicitly wrote that :
they (gays) have to prove their condition is a mutation which makes em not normal..
OR OTHERWISE (and adverb btw)

"imma look at em like i look at girls with 3-4 kids, bitter with men and decided to switch teams, or guys who turn batiboi cuz they couldn't bag some choch"
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by ninjahood

ever heard da term AND? like homothugs can be getting banged or sucked off by a HIV infected dude, and infect his wife AND dudes/ugly chicks can't get with da opposite sex so they turn fruit cake... AND $%$#*... AND

and you wanna talk about why africa got da highest AIDS rates on planet earth? let's see...raping lil girls & boys thinking thats gonna "cure em", @$%+++ not giving a #@+* and smashing education, poverty stricken folks not having

money for condoms, HIV infected pregnant women giving birth to HIV infected babies...pick your poison $%$#*

Good job good job, now see my point.....all those factors are independent of homosexuality.

"imma look at em like i look at girls with 3-4 kids, bitter with men and decided to switch teams, or guys who turn batiboi cuz they couldn't bag some choch"

so is this or is this not how you think homosexuals are created?
i guess you didn't comprehend when i explicitly wrote that :
they (gays) have to prove their condition is a mutation which makes em not normal..
OR OTHERWISE (and adverb btw)

"imma look at em like i look at girls with 3-4 kids, bitter with men and decided to switch teams, or guys who turn batiboi cuz they couldn't bag some choch"

so homosexuals have not proven they have a mutation, so " look at em like i look at girls with 3-4 kids, bitter with men and decided to switch teams, or guys who turn batiboi cuz they couldn't bag some choch"

this changes nothing
you look at homosexuals as batbois who couldnt bag some cooch.

Yet, every now and then they bag some cooch and give them AIDS.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by ninjahood

ever heard da term AND? like homothugs can be getting banged or sucked off by a HIV infected dude, and infect his wife AND dudes/ugly chicks can't get with da opposite sex so they turn fruit cake... AND $%$#*... AND

and you wanna talk about why africa got da highest AIDS rates on planet earth? let's see...raping lil girls & boys thinking thats gonna "cure em", @$%+++ not giving a #@+* and smashing education, poverty stricken folks not having

money for condoms, HIV infected pregnant women giving birth to HIV infected babies...pick your poison $%$#*

Good job good job, now see my point.....all those factors are independent of homosexuality.

"imma look at em like i look at girls with 3-4 kids, bitter with men and decided to switch teams, or guys who turn batiboi cuz they couldn't bag some choch"

so is this or is this not how you think homosexuals are created?
i guess you didn't comprehend when i explicitly wrote that :
they (gays) have to prove their condition is a mutation which makes em not normal..
OR OTHERWISE (and adverb btw)

"imma look at em like i look at girls with 3-4 kids, bitter with men and decided to switch teams, or guys who turn batiboi cuz they couldn't bag some choch"

so homosexuals have not proven they have a mutation, so " look at em like i look at girls with 3-4 kids, bitter with men and decided to switch teams, or guys who turn batiboi cuz they couldn't bag some choch"

this changes nothing
you look at homosexuals as batbois who couldnt bag some cooch.

Yet, every now and then they bag some cooch and give them AIDS.
This guy Marable was supposed to teach a class about this book at Columbia this semester before he got sick.
I completely slept on it too
. The class is basically about the book I heard that it was a dope class.
This guy Marable was supposed to teach a class about this book at Columbia this semester before he got sick.
I completely slept on it too
. The class is basically about the book I heard that it was a dope class.
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