So does Malcom X having homosexual relations change your view on him?

Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by AZwildcats

Malcolm X to me is an inspirational figure not only because of his civil rights advocacy, but his advocacy of the religion of Islam. If it is true he has gay relations (which I highly doubt), it does not discredit the fact that he was a pivotal figure in the civil rights movement. However if he had these relations after converting to Islam, it does discredit him as a follower of the religion. I would never look at him the same way. I do not like gays, but I dont like hypocrites in religion even more. They give out a bad reputation to those who actually follow the religion.

I'm glad you said it. Ya'll in here acting like people are being homophobic. How many homosexual muslim activist you ever heard of? Of course it would change your views on him because Islam is not about homosexuality and him doing that would discredit him in that area. 
Here is the whole thing. Ok, but there are several people that are being homophobic in here. Very few people in here said anything about Islam before AZwildcat did. It was mostly, "White Man trying to tarnish Malcolm's legacy by calling him gay," comparing them to crackheads, etc.

So AZwildcat, it is true that it is 100% impossible to be a good Muslim and be gay at the same time?
No human can say whether or not a person is a good Muslim. For all I know they could be a good Muslim. However homosexuality is explicitly forbidden in Islam. To be homosexual is to explicitly violate a rule of the religion, just like drinking alcohol or out-of-wedlock sex. It is hard for me to believe someone who is gay can be a good Muslim, but that is my opinion. I have to do my research to find out for 100% sure.
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by jbone2308

I feel those who feel a need to defend homosexuality.  That's your stance but those opposed to your stance whites hating/dehumanizing anyone colored back in the day in my opinion is ignorance.
First sentence isn't complete. You feel those who feel a need to defend homosexuality what?

And your second sentence doesn't make sense either. If you clarify, I'd be happy to respond.

P.S. Sexuality is clearly NOT black and white. Look up the Kinsey scale.
I agree with alot of what you and Anton are saying but the whole sexuality is not black in white please provei t nad dont use the knisey scale either there are several scientists who dont agree with the kinsey scale plus  we dont know all the factors that went into determining who was straight/gay

one thing i do know is alot of white guys do talk about experimenting
 but that *#$ dont go down in the black community
  black men are real men and don't play around with that gay stuff you either straight or gay

lol  but really black men aint down with that "ol i let another dude suck my ______ when i was 16" type steez like white guys  a black man is either gay or straight

Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by jbone2308

I feel those who feel a need to defend homosexuality.  That's your stance but those opposed to your stance whites hating/dehumanizing anyone colored back in the day in my opinion is ignorance.
First sentence isn't complete. You feel those who feel a need to defend homosexuality what?

And your second sentence doesn't make sense either. If you clarify, I'd be happy to respond.

P.S. Sexuality is clearly NOT black and white. Look up the Kinsey scale.
I agree with alot of what you and Anton are saying but the whole sexuality is not black in white please provei t nad dont use the knisey scale either there are several scientists who dont agree with the kinsey scale plus  we dont know all the factors that went into determining who was straight/gay

one thing i do know is alot of white guys do talk about experimenting
 but that *#$ dont go down in the black community
  black men are real men and don't play around with that gay stuff you either straight or gay

lol  but really black men aint down with that "ol i let another dude suck my ______ when i was 16" type steez like white guys  a black man is either gay or straight

Originally Posted by TezzyTooLive

Originally Posted by an dee 51o

P.S. Sexuality is clearly NOT black and white. Look up the Kinsey scale.
I agree with alot of what you and Anton are saying but the whole sexuality is not black in white please provei t nad dont use the knisey scale either there are several scientists who dont agree with the kinsey scale plus  we dont know all the factors that went into determining who was straight/gay

one thing i do know is alot of white guys do talk about experimenting
 but that *#$ dont go down in the black community
  black men are real men and don't play around with that gay stuff you either straight or gay

lol  but really black men aint down with that "ol i let another dude suck my ______ when i was 16" type steez like white guys  a black man is either gay or straight
I just mentioned the Kinsey scale because it's one expert's view on sexuality. The amount of girls "straight" girls that I know that have hooked up (more than make out) with other girls is ridiculous.
But I agree that there is more to sexuality than that.

It seems less taboo to talk about in the white community. I have a few friends who have told me, "Yeah I was drunk and I let this dude" whatever. And it does go down in the black community, dude. Everybody knows about being on the DL. And look at that person that Mister Cee got caught with. That was a black transvestite yo.
Originally Posted by TezzyTooLive

Originally Posted by an dee 51o

P.S. Sexuality is clearly NOT black and white. Look up the Kinsey scale.
I agree with alot of what you and Anton are saying but the whole sexuality is not black in white please provei t nad dont use the knisey scale either there are several scientists who dont agree with the kinsey scale plus  we dont know all the factors that went into determining who was straight/gay

one thing i do know is alot of white guys do talk about experimenting
 but that *#$ dont go down in the black community
  black men are real men and don't play around with that gay stuff you either straight or gay

lol  but really black men aint down with that "ol i let another dude suck my ______ when i was 16" type steez like white guys  a black man is either gay or straight
I just mentioned the Kinsey scale because it's one expert's view on sexuality. The amount of girls "straight" girls that I know that have hooked up (more than make out) with other girls is ridiculous.
But I agree that there is more to sexuality than that.

It seems less taboo to talk about in the white community. I have a few friends who have told me, "Yeah I was drunk and I let this dude" whatever. And it does go down in the black community, dude. Everybody knows about being on the DL. And look at that person that Mister Cee got caught with. That was a black transvestite yo.
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by Deuce King

If homosexuality is NATURAL as you and others are trying to claim it is then why weren't you YOURSELF or anybody else in here created from it??
There is no simple answer for your question unless you do RESEARCH, which I doubt that you will do. Here is a brief explanation that I found:

The concept that homosexuality is recessive is rather misleading, because it begs the question of where homosexuality (genotypically) originated. Genes and gene networks, like whole organisms, evolve over time. As others have noted, homosexuality is probably based on multiple genes working in tandem.

Sexual reproduction is a great way to promote genetic diversity within species and inevitably you will end up with a lot of traits that are slightly different within the population. Natural selection is the process by which those random changes are "selected" (by the environment) to give an evolutionary advantage to that species. In that context, there have probably always been homosexual or bisexual humans (to one extent or another) since the advent of sexual reproduction.

In the past, the survival of the human species was contingent on successful reproduction, in the face of environmental hazards (selective pressure). So, the population of homosexual humans was necessarily low (heterosexual humans were selected). However, in our times, we have developed technology and social structures which have enabled us to keep natural selection at a minimum (at least in terms of procreation potential).

Increasing numbers of humans survived to carry on the precursors to the complex network of genes we now term "homosexuality" or "bisexuality". Furthermore, it would be no different if homosexual humans had evolved into "asexual" beings. However, given the social nature of humans, that would have been selected against a long time ago...

an dee 5lo, I appreciate you posting that article.  I don't agree with it, but I appreciate you taking the time to post it.

So in order for something to be natural human beings have to be created from it?

You do know that other species outside of humans display homosexual behavior right? Did they choose that?

As far as your first sentence goes, in regards to sexuality among human beings.......YES.  If the statement is being suggested that homosexuality is NATURAL then why haven't we seen actual evidence to support that claim.  We can see evidence everyday from any maternity ward in any hospital nationwide that heterosexuality is NATURAL, however we can't say the same for homosexuality, with emphasis on which sexuality is NATURAL. 

As far as your second sentence goes, we're talking about human beings here, not other species.  The rules and way of life don't apply to other species like they do for human beings.

What's you point? How does me being created by a man and woman, make heterosexuals any better than homosexuals? There are countless couplings on this planet that end up abandoning their children. Look at the number to dead beat fathers in the black community for example. Is he more of a man than a homosexual who decides to adopt a kid and actually raise it?

Again, the point was raised that homosexuality is natural, if it is natural then where is the evidence that would support that??  Also you and everyone else in here was created by a man and a woman, just another example of how heterosexuals are the natural order of business. 

And if conception is all that makes us human, you do realize a lot of homosexual couples do have kids of their own through surrogate mothers? 

Oh, so alot of homosexual couples need help or assistance in the baby making department because they can't create kids on their own can they  So they reach out to someone of the opposite sex to help them out........and you and others in here told me homosexuality was natural, sure it is

Do you realize that in a lot of places people can be KILLED for being openly homosexual?

I will say that's unfortuante and truly sad that somebody can or would be killed because of their sexuality.  That kind of treatment is simply isn't right.

Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by Deuce King

If homosexuality is NATURAL as you and others are trying to claim it is then why weren't you YOURSELF or anybody else in here created from it??
There is no simple answer for your question unless you do RESEARCH, which I doubt that you will do. Here is a brief explanation that I found:

The concept that homosexuality is recessive is rather misleading, because it begs the question of where homosexuality (genotypically) originated. Genes and gene networks, like whole organisms, evolve over time. As others have noted, homosexuality is probably based on multiple genes working in tandem.

Sexual reproduction is a great way to promote genetic diversity within species and inevitably you will end up with a lot of traits that are slightly different within the population. Natural selection is the process by which those random changes are "selected" (by the environment) to give an evolutionary advantage to that species. In that context, there have probably always been homosexual or bisexual humans (to one extent or another) since the advent of sexual reproduction.

In the past, the survival of the human species was contingent on successful reproduction, in the face of environmental hazards (selective pressure). So, the population of homosexual humans was necessarily low (heterosexual humans were selected). However, in our times, we have developed technology and social structures which have enabled us to keep natural selection at a minimum (at least in terms of procreation potential).

Increasing numbers of humans survived to carry on the precursors to the complex network of genes we now term "homosexuality" or "bisexuality". Furthermore, it would be no different if homosexual humans had evolved into "asexual" beings. However, given the social nature of humans, that would have been selected against a long time ago...

an dee 5lo, I appreciate you posting that article.  I don't agree with it, but I appreciate you taking the time to post it.

So in order for something to be natural human beings have to be created from it?

You do know that other species outside of humans display homosexual behavior right? Did they choose that?

As far as your first sentence goes, in regards to sexuality among human beings.......YES.  If the statement is being suggested that homosexuality is NATURAL then why haven't we seen actual evidence to support that claim.  We can see evidence everyday from any maternity ward in any hospital nationwide that heterosexuality is NATURAL, however we can't say the same for homosexuality, with emphasis on which sexuality is NATURAL. 

As far as your second sentence goes, we're talking about human beings here, not other species.  The rules and way of life don't apply to other species like they do for human beings.

What's you point? How does me being created by a man and woman, make heterosexuals any better than homosexuals? There are countless couplings on this planet that end up abandoning their children. Look at the number to dead beat fathers in the black community for example. Is he more of a man than a homosexual who decides to adopt a kid and actually raise it?

Again, the point was raised that homosexuality is natural, if it is natural then where is the evidence that would support that??  Also you and everyone else in here was created by a man and a woman, just another example of how heterosexuals are the natural order of business. 

And if conception is all that makes us human, you do realize a lot of homosexual couples do have kids of their own through surrogate mothers? 

Oh, so alot of homosexual couples need help or assistance in the baby making department because they can't create kids on their own can they  So they reach out to someone of the opposite sex to help them out........and you and others in here told me homosexuality was natural, sure it is

Do you realize that in a lot of places people can be KILLED for being openly homosexual?

I will say that's unfortuante and truly sad that somebody can or would be killed because of their sexuality.  That kind of treatment is simply isn't right.

Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Feel free champ, knock yourself out.  Before you run off and hide though can you at least answer my question??  
The argument is that homosexuality is NATURAL.
natural =/= normal
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Feel free champ, knock yourself out.  Before you run off and hide though can you at least answer my question??  
The argument is that homosexuality is NATURAL.
natural =/= normal
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Feel free champ, knock yourself out.  Before you run off and hide though can you at least answer my question??  
The argument is that homosexuality is NATURAL.
natural =/= normal

refer to where I said normal is everything you do universally "normal" ninjahood?
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Feel free champ, knock yourself out.  Before you run off and hide though can you at least answer my question??  
The argument is that homosexuality is NATURAL.
natural =/= normal

refer to where I said normal is everything you do universally "normal" ninjahood?
Originally Posted by TezzyTooLive

Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by jbone2308

I feel those who feel a need to defend homosexuality.  That's your stance but those opposed to your stance whites hating/dehumanizing anyone colored back in the day in my opinion is ignorance.
First sentence isn't complete. You feel those who feel a need to defend homosexuality what?

And your second sentence doesn't make sense either. If you clarify, I'd be happy to respond.

P.S. Sexuality is clearly NOT black and white. Look up the Kinsey scale.
one thing i do know is alot of white guys do talk about experimenting
 but that *#$ dont go down in the black community
  black men are real men and don't play around with that gay stuff you either straight or gay

lol  but really black men aint down with that "ol i let another dude suck my ______ when i was 16" type steez like white guys  a black man is either gay or straight

oh yeah? lol...guess you never been to atlanta before...that place is crawling with DL thugs....same with D.C. all them down low homosexuals smashing gays on da low and going back and infecting they wives with da claps
Originally Posted by TezzyTooLive

Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by jbone2308

I feel those who feel a need to defend homosexuality.  That's your stance but those opposed to your stance whites hating/dehumanizing anyone colored back in the day in my opinion is ignorance.
First sentence isn't complete. You feel those who feel a need to defend homosexuality what?

And your second sentence doesn't make sense either. If you clarify, I'd be happy to respond.

P.S. Sexuality is clearly NOT black and white. Look up the Kinsey scale.
one thing i do know is alot of white guys do talk about experimenting
 but that *#$ dont go down in the black community
  black men are real men and don't play around with that gay stuff you either straight or gay

lol  but really black men aint down with that "ol i let another dude suck my ______ when i was 16" type steez like white guys  a black man is either gay or straight

oh yeah? lol...guess you never been to atlanta before...that place is crawling with DL thugs....same with D.C. all them down low homosexuals smashing gays on da low and going back and infecting they wives with da claps
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

refer to where I said normal is everything you do universally "normal" ninjahood?
normal ISN'T relative when it comes to statistics...

im left handed & double jointed....perfectly natural for me, far from normal for everyone else...

so yeah,

normal =/= natural
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

refer to where I said normal is everything you do universally "normal" ninjahood?
normal ISN'T relative when it comes to statistics...

im left handed & double jointed....perfectly natural for me, far from normal for everyone else...

so yeah,

normal =/= natural
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

refer to where I said normal is everything you do universally "normal" ninjahood?
normal ISN'T relative when it comes to statistics...

im left handed & double jointed....perfectly natural for me, far from normal for everyone else...

so yeah,

normal =/= natural

if that's what you mean, nobody is normal....we all have one or two traits that deviate from the "norm". that was my point and you just proved it by showing one trait that isn't expressed by the majority of society. Most people have several recessive traits and mutations in their DNA, by your logic most of us are abnormal in one way or another.

and the fact that you're double jointed is NATURAL. You didn't artificially make yourself double jointed and left handed.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

refer to where I said normal is everything you do universally "normal" ninjahood?
normal ISN'T relative when it comes to statistics...

im left handed & double jointed....perfectly natural for me, far from normal for everyone else...

so yeah,

normal =/= natural

if that's what you mean, nobody is normal....we all have one or two traits that deviate from the "norm". that was my point and you just proved it by showing one trait that isn't expressed by the majority of society. Most people have several recessive traits and mutations in their DNA, by your logic most of us are abnormal in one way or another.

and the fact that you're double jointed is NATURAL. You didn't artificially make yourself double jointed and left handed.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

refer to where I said normal is everything you do universally "normal" ninjahood?
normal ISN'T relative when it comes to statistics...

im left handed & double jointed....perfectly natural for me, far from normal for everyone else...

so yeah,

normal =/= natural

and the fact that you're double jointed is NATURAL. You didn't artificially make yourself double jointed and left handed.
doesnt make it normal either....which is where we are now. being gay MAYBE natural, (depending on which homosexual u ask) but its far from normal
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

refer to where I said normal is everything you do universally "normal" ninjahood?
normal ISN'T relative when it comes to statistics...

im left handed & double jointed....perfectly natural for me, far from normal for everyone else...

so yeah,

normal =/= natural

and the fact that you're double jointed is NATURAL. You didn't artificially make yourself double jointed and left handed.
doesnt make it normal either....which is where we are now. being gay MAYBE natural, (depending on which homosexual u ask) but its far from normal
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by ninjahood

normal ISN'T relative when it comes to statistics...

im left handed & double jointed....perfectly natural for me, far from normal for everyone else...

so yeah,

normal =/= natural

and the fact that you're double jointed is NATURAL. You didn't artificially make yourself double jointed and left handed.
doesnt make it normal either....which is where we are now. being gay MAYBE natural, (depending on which homosexual u ask) but its far from normal

yes, i guess like gays NONE of us are normal ninjahood...that is my point. I could make a long list of traits that aren't expressed by the majority of the population, you prolly have several of them.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by ninjahood

normal ISN'T relative when it comes to statistics...

im left handed & double jointed....perfectly natural for me, far from normal for everyone else...

so yeah,

normal =/= natural

and the fact that you're double jointed is NATURAL. You didn't artificially make yourself double jointed and left handed.
doesnt make it normal either....which is where we are now. being gay MAYBE natural, (depending on which homosexual u ask) but its far from normal

yes, i guess like gays NONE of us are normal ninjahood...that is my point. I could make a long list of traits that aren't expressed by the majority of the population, you prolly have several of them.
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