So does Malcom X having homosexual relations change your view on him?

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Feel free champ, knock yourself out.  Before you run off and hide though can you at least answer my question??  
The argument is that homosexuality is NATURAL.
natural =/= normal
No one is arguing that normal is the same as natural, though. At least I'm not.

What really is normal? Such a dumb term. %*%@ conformity.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Feel free champ, knock yourself out.  Before you run off and hide though can you at least answer my question??  
The argument is that homosexuality is NATURAL.
natural =/= normal
No one is arguing that normal is the same as natural, though. At least I'm not.

What really is normal? Such a dumb term. %*%@ conformity.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

and the fact that you're double jointed is NATURAL. You didn't artificially make yourself double jointed and left handed.
doesnt make it normal either....which is where we are now. being gay MAYBE natural, (depending on which homosexual u ask) but its far from normal

yes, i guess like gays NONE of us are normal ninjahood...that is my point. I could make a long list of traits that aren't expressed by the majority of the population, you prolly have several of them.
da difference between my mutation and gays is i dont cost tax payers money....gays cost alot of money to people who don't appreciate having to subsidize their lifestyle choices...and women dont appreciate DL brothas piping or bottomin, catchin

da aids, and infecting them in da process.

btw, there's a difference between having different attributes, which is perfectly normal and having mutations which makes you ur flawed in that statement.

gays want rights? they have to prove their condition is a mutation which makes em not normal..otherwise imma look at em like i look at girls with 3-4 kids, bitter with men and decided to switch teams, or guys who turn batiboi cuz they couldn't bag some choch
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

and the fact that you're double jointed is NATURAL. You didn't artificially make yourself double jointed and left handed.
doesnt make it normal either....which is where we are now. being gay MAYBE natural, (depending on which homosexual u ask) but its far from normal

yes, i guess like gays NONE of us are normal ninjahood...that is my point. I could make a long list of traits that aren't expressed by the majority of the population, you prolly have several of them.
da difference between my mutation and gays is i dont cost tax payers money....gays cost alot of money to people who don't appreciate having to subsidize their lifestyle choices...and women dont appreciate DL brothas piping or bottomin, catchin

da aids, and infecting them in da process.

btw, there's a difference between having different attributes, which is perfectly normal and having mutations which makes you ur flawed in that statement.

gays want rights? they have to prove their condition is a mutation which makes em not normal..otherwise imma look at em like i look at girls with 3-4 kids, bitter with men and decided to switch teams, or guys who turn batiboi cuz they couldn't bag some choch
Originally Posted by ninjahood

da difference between my mutation and gays is i dont cost tax payers money....gays cost alot of money to people who don't appreciate having to subsidize their lifestyle choices...and women dont appreciate DL brothas piping or bottomin, catchin

da aids, and infecting them in da process.

btw, there's a difference between having different attributes, which is perfectly normal and having mutations which makes you ur flawed in that statement.

gays want rights? they have to prove their condition is a mutation which makes em not normal..otherwise imma look at em like i look at girls with 3-4 kids, bitter with men and decided to switch teams, or guys who turn batiboi cuz they couldn't bag some choch
Originally Posted by ninjahood

da difference between my mutation and gays is i dont cost tax payers money....gays cost alot of money to people who don't appreciate having to subsidize their lifestyle choices...and women dont appreciate DL brothas piping or bottomin, catchin

da aids, and infecting them in da process.

btw, there's a difference between having different attributes, which is perfectly normal and having mutations which makes you ur flawed in that statement.

gays want rights? they have to prove their condition is a mutation which makes em not normal..otherwise imma look at em like i look at girls with 3-4 kids, bitter with men and decided to switch teams, or guys who turn batiboi cuz they couldn't bag some choch
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by ninjahood

da difference between my mutation and gays is i dont cost tax payers money....gays cost alot of money to people who don't appreciate having to subsidize their lifestyle choices...and women dont appreciate DL brothas piping or bottomin, catchin

da aids, and infecting them in da process.

btw, there's a difference between having different attributes, which is perfectly normal and having mutations which makes you ur flawed in that statement.

gays want rights? they have to prove their condition is a mutation which makes em not normal..otherwise imma look at em like i look at girls with 3-4 kids, bitter with men and decided to switch teams, or guys who turn batiboi cuz they couldn't bag some choch
granted i trailed off...

as far as da topic is concerned....does it really matter what a dead author allegedly claimed about another dead person?
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by ninjahood

da difference between my mutation and gays is i dont cost tax payers money....gays cost alot of money to people who don't appreciate having to subsidize their lifestyle choices...and women dont appreciate DL brothas piping or bottomin, catchin

da aids, and infecting them in da process.

btw, there's a difference between having different attributes, which is perfectly normal and having mutations which makes you ur flawed in that statement.

gays want rights? they have to prove their condition is a mutation which makes em not normal..otherwise imma look at em like i look at girls with 3-4 kids, bitter with men and decided to switch teams, or guys who turn batiboi cuz they couldn't bag some choch
granted i trailed off...

as far as da topic is concerned....does it really matter what a dead author allegedly claimed about another dead person?
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by ninjahood

da difference between my mutation and gays is i dont cost tax payers money....gays cost alot of money to people who don't appreciate having to subsidize their lifestyle choices...and women dont appreciate DL brothas piping or bottomin, catchin

da aids, and infecting them in da process.

btw, there's a difference between having different attributes, which is perfectly normal and having mutations which makes you ur flawed in that statement.

gays want rights? they have to prove their condition is a mutation which makes em not normal..otherwise imma look at em like i look at girls with 3-4 kids, bitter with men and decided to switch teams, or guys who turn batiboi cuz they couldn't bag some choch

-When i brought up mutations I wasn't even saying homosexuality was a mutation. Mutations are random and would not be that prevalent in the population

-HIV being a "gay disease" is a huge myth, and that kind of thinking may lead to heterosexuals not protecting themselves in thinking they're immune to it. The rates of HIV are higher amongst Blacks and Latinos (yes including Dominicans
) than their white counterparts, is there something about these groups that makes them inherently more susceptible to AIDS. Rates of HIV/AID in sub-Saharan Africa one of the most plagued places in the world, is higher amongst heterosexuals NOT homosexuals like in this country. How do we explain that? What about countries like Africa, places like Brazil and India make them more susceptible to it because they have more gay people?

-How are homosexuals costing me money? Is it because they want to get married for benefits? He needs to expand on that because if thats what he means, I have no intentions of getting married anytime soon.....should i complain about how much tax money is going to married couples.

-He says homosexuals are people who can't get girls/ cooch as he put it, but then contradicts himself when he rants about down low homosexuals giving disease to their girlfriends. Which is it Ninjahood?
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by ninjahood

da difference between my mutation and gays is i dont cost tax payers money....gays cost alot of money to people who don't appreciate having to subsidize their lifestyle choices...and women dont appreciate DL brothas piping or bottomin, catchin

da aids, and infecting them in da process.

btw, there's a difference between having different attributes, which is perfectly normal and having mutations which makes you ur flawed in that statement.

gays want rights? they have to prove their condition is a mutation which makes em not normal..otherwise imma look at em like i look at girls with 3-4 kids, bitter with men and decided to switch teams, or guys who turn batiboi cuz they couldn't bag some choch

-When i brought up mutations I wasn't even saying homosexuality was a mutation. Mutations are random and would not be that prevalent in the population

-HIV being a "gay disease" is a huge myth, and that kind of thinking may lead to heterosexuals not protecting themselves in thinking they're immune to it. The rates of HIV are higher amongst Blacks and Latinos (yes including Dominicans
) than their white counterparts, is there something about these groups that makes them inherently more susceptible to AIDS. Rates of HIV/AID in sub-Saharan Africa one of the most plagued places in the world, is higher amongst heterosexuals NOT homosexuals like in this country. How do we explain that? What about countries like Africa, places like Brazil and India make them more susceptible to it because they have more gay people?

-How are homosexuals costing me money? Is it because they want to get married for benefits? He needs to expand on that because if thats what he means, I have no intentions of getting married anytime soon.....should i complain about how much tax money is going to married couples.

-He says homosexuals are people who can't get girls/ cooch as he put it, but then contradicts himself when he rants about down low homosexuals giving disease to their girlfriends. Which is it Ninjahood?
this !#$!# b..... 

-When i brought up mutations I wasn't even saying homosexuality was a mutation. Mutations are random and would not be that prevalent in the population
compare da population to homosexuals to that of heterosexuals.....if its not a choice, its definitely a mutation

The rates of HIV are higher amongst Blacks and Latinos (yes including Dominicans

oh yeah? well compare da rates of HIV of black and latino from that of homosexuals

-He says homosexuals are people who can't get girls/ cooch as he put it, but then contradicts himself when he rants about down low homosexuals giving disease to their girlfriends. Which is it Ninjahood?
how u take a A+B comment and turn it into into a A OR B comment? you illiterate !#$!#?
this !#$!# b..... 

-When i brought up mutations I wasn't even saying homosexuality was a mutation. Mutations are random and would not be that prevalent in the population
compare da population to homosexuals to that of heterosexuals.....if its not a choice, its definitely a mutation

The rates of HIV are higher amongst Blacks and Latinos (yes including Dominicans

oh yeah? well compare da rates of HIV of black and latino from that of homosexuals

-He says homosexuals are people who can't get girls/ cooch as he put it, but then contradicts himself when he rants about down low homosexuals giving disease to their girlfriends. Which is it Ninjahood?
how u take a A+B comment and turn it into into a A OR B comment? you illiterate !#$!#?
Originally Posted by ninjahood

this !#$!# b..... 

-When i brought up mutations I wasn't even saying homosexuality was a mutation. Mutations are random and would not be that prevalent in the population
compare da population to homosexuals to that of heterosexuals.....if its not a choice, its definitely a mutation

The rates of HIV are higher amongst Blacks and Latinos (yes including Dominicans

oh yeah? well compare da rates of HIV of black and latino from that of homosexuals

-He says homosexuals are people who can't get girls/ cooch as he put it, but then contradicts himself when he rants about down low homosexuals giving disease to their girlfriends. Which is it Ninjahood?
how u take a A+B comment and turn it into into a A OR B comment? you illiterate !#$!#?

No ninjahood its called logic and contradictions. You said homosexuals give heteros AIDS, but then you say homosexuals are that way because they can't get cooch. This is a blatant contradiction

Love how you ignored the fact that I said AIDS is higher amongst heterosexuals in Africa. And comparing STDs/AIDS between blacks and whites controlling for homosexuality.....why is it higher amongst blacks and latinos, than amongst whites? And why is it higher in African and some latin american countries and rising rapidly in places like India?

I'm not going to discuss genetics with you, it's way beyond the scope of your knowledge and expertise....I would be wasting my time.

-And you of all people are in NO POSITION to call another person illiterate
Originally Posted by ninjahood

this !#$!# b..... 

-When i brought up mutations I wasn't even saying homosexuality was a mutation. Mutations are random and would not be that prevalent in the population
compare da population to homosexuals to that of heterosexuals.....if its not a choice, its definitely a mutation

The rates of HIV are higher amongst Blacks and Latinos (yes including Dominicans

oh yeah? well compare da rates of HIV of black and latino from that of homosexuals

-He says homosexuals are people who can't get girls/ cooch as he put it, but then contradicts himself when he rants about down low homosexuals giving disease to their girlfriends. Which is it Ninjahood?
how u take a A+B comment and turn it into into a A OR B comment? you illiterate !#$!#?

No ninjahood its called logic and contradictions. You said homosexuals give heteros AIDS, but then you say homosexuals are that way because they can't get cooch. This is a blatant contradiction

Love how you ignored the fact that I said AIDS is higher amongst heterosexuals in Africa. And comparing STDs/AIDS between blacks and whites controlling for homosexuality.....why is it higher amongst blacks and latinos, than amongst whites? And why is it higher in African and some latin american countries and rising rapidly in places like India?

I'm not going to discuss genetics with you, it's way beyond the scope of your knowledge and expertise....I would be wasting my time.

-And you of all people are in NO POSITION to call another person illiterate
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by ninjahood

this !#$!# b..... 

-When i brought up mutations I wasn't even saying homosexuality was a mutation. Mutations are random and would not be that prevalent in the population
compare da population to homosexuals to that of heterosexuals.....if its not a choice, its definitely a mutation

The rates of HIV are higher amongst Blacks and Latinos (yes including Dominicans
oh yeah? well compare da rates of HIV of black and latino from that of homosexuals

-He says homosexuals are people who can't get girls/ cooch as he put it, but then contradicts himself when he rants about down low homosexuals giving disease to their girlfriends. Which is it Ninjahood?
how u take a A+B comment and turn it into into a A OR B comment? you illiterate !#$!#?

No ninjahood its called logic and contradictions. You say $*#%! give heteros AIDS, but then you say $*#%! are that way because they can't get cooch. This is a blatant contradiction

Love how you ignored the fact that I said AIDS is higher amongst heterosexuals in Africa. And comparing STDs/AIDS between blacks and whites controlling for homosexuality.....why is it higher amongst blacks and latinos, than amongst whites? And why is it higher in African and some latin american countries and rising rapidly in places like India?

I'm not going to discuss genetics with you, it's way beyond the scope of your knowledge and expertise....I would be wasting my time.

ever heard da term AND? like homothugs can be getting banged or sucked off by a HIV infected dude, and infect his wife AND dudes/ugly chicks can't get with da opposite sex so they turn fruit cake... AND $%$#*... AND

and you wanna talk about why africa got da highest AIDS rates on planet earth? let's see...raping lil girls & boys thinking thats gonna "cure em", @$%+++ not giving a #@+* and smashing education, poverty stricken folks not having

money for condoms, HIV infected pregnant women giving birth to HIV infected babies...pick your poison $%$#*
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by ninjahood

this !#$!# b..... 

-When i brought up mutations I wasn't even saying homosexuality was a mutation. Mutations are random and would not be that prevalent in the population
compare da population to homosexuals to that of heterosexuals.....if its not a choice, its definitely a mutation

The rates of HIV are higher amongst Blacks and Latinos (yes including Dominicans
oh yeah? well compare da rates of HIV of black and latino from that of homosexuals

-He says homosexuals are people who can't get girls/ cooch as he put it, but then contradicts himself when he rants about down low homosexuals giving disease to their girlfriends. Which is it Ninjahood?
how u take a A+B comment and turn it into into a A OR B comment? you illiterate !#$!#?

No ninjahood its called logic and contradictions. You say $*#%! give heteros AIDS, but then you say $*#%! are that way because they can't get cooch. This is a blatant contradiction

Love how you ignored the fact that I said AIDS is higher amongst heterosexuals in Africa. And comparing STDs/AIDS between blacks and whites controlling for homosexuality.....why is it higher amongst blacks and latinos, than amongst whites? And why is it higher in African and some latin american countries and rising rapidly in places like India?

I'm not going to discuss genetics with you, it's way beyond the scope of your knowledge and expertise....I would be wasting my time.

ever heard da term AND? like homothugs can be getting banged or sucked off by a HIV infected dude, and infect his wife AND dudes/ugly chicks can't get with da opposite sex so they turn fruit cake... AND $%$#*... AND

and you wanna talk about why africa got da highest AIDS rates on planet earth? let's see...raping lil girls & boys thinking thats gonna "cure em", @$%+++ not giving a #@+* and smashing education, poverty stricken folks not having

money for condoms, HIV infected pregnant women giving birth to HIV infected babies...pick your poison $%$#*
ninjahood and anton need to just see each other in the octagon.

that or have a sit down dinner with their respective nt factions and come to an agreement. dudes cant be at war in every single thread on nt.
ninjahood and anton need to just see each other in the octagon.

that or have a sit down dinner with their respective nt factions and come to an agreement. dudes cant be at war in every single thread on nt.
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]social norms, customs and mores vary from different cultures/regions/etc.......[/color]
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]social norms, customs and mores vary from different cultures/regions/etc.......[/color]
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by ninjahood

this !#$!# b..... 

compare da population to homosexuals to that of heterosexuals.....if its not a choice, its definitely a mutation

oh yeah? well compare da rates of HIV of black and latino from that of homosexuals

how u take a A+B comment and turn it into into a A OR B comment? you illiterate !#$!#?

No ninjahood its called logic and contradictions. You say $*#%! give heteros AIDS, but then you say $*#%! are that way because they can't get cooch. This is a blatant contradiction

Love how you ignored the fact that I said AIDS is higher amongst heterosexuals in Africa. And comparing STDs/AIDS between blacks and whites controlling for homosexuality.....why is it higher amongst blacks and latinos, than amongst whites? And why is it higher in African and some latin american countries and rising rapidly in places like India?

I'm not going to discuss genetics with you, it's way beyond the scope of your knowledge and expertise....I would be wasting my time.
ever heard da term AND? like homothugs can be getting banged or sucked off by a HIV infected dude, and infect his wife AND dudes/ugly chicks can't get with da opposite sex so they turn fruit cake... AND $%$#*... AND

and you wanna talk about why africa got da highest AIDS rates on planet earth? let's see...raping lil girls & boys thinking thats gonna "cure em", @$%+++ not giving a #@+* and smashing education, poverty stricken folks not having

money for condoms, HIV infected pregnant women giving birth to HIV infected babies...pick your poison $%$#*

Good job good job, now see my point.....all those factors are independent of homosexuality.

"imma look at em like i look at girls with 3-4 kids, bitter with men and decided to switch teams, or guys who turn batiboi cuz they couldn't bag some choch"

so is this or is this not how you think homosexuals are created?

And please could you elaborate on how DA GAYS are costing me money?
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by ninjahood

this !#$!# b..... 

compare da population to homosexuals to that of heterosexuals.....if its not a choice, its definitely a mutation

oh yeah? well compare da rates of HIV of black and latino from that of homosexuals

how u take a A+B comment and turn it into into a A OR B comment? you illiterate !#$!#?

No ninjahood its called logic and contradictions. You say $*#%! give heteros AIDS, but then you say $*#%! are that way because they can't get cooch. This is a blatant contradiction

Love how you ignored the fact that I said AIDS is higher amongst heterosexuals in Africa. And comparing STDs/AIDS between blacks and whites controlling for homosexuality.....why is it higher amongst blacks and latinos, than amongst whites? And why is it higher in African and some latin american countries and rising rapidly in places like India?

I'm not going to discuss genetics with you, it's way beyond the scope of your knowledge and expertise....I would be wasting my time.
ever heard da term AND? like homothugs can be getting banged or sucked off by a HIV infected dude, and infect his wife AND dudes/ugly chicks can't get with da opposite sex so they turn fruit cake... AND $%$#*... AND

and you wanna talk about why africa got da highest AIDS rates on planet earth? let's see...raping lil girls & boys thinking thats gonna "cure em", @$%+++ not giving a #@+* and smashing education, poverty stricken folks not having

money for condoms, HIV infected pregnant women giving birth to HIV infected babies...pick your poison $%$#*

Good job good job, now see my point.....all those factors are independent of homosexuality.

"imma look at em like i look at girls with 3-4 kids, bitter with men and decided to switch teams, or guys who turn batiboi cuz they couldn't bag some choch"

so is this or is this not how you think homosexuals are created?

And please could you elaborate on how DA GAYS are costing me money?
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