So has Ben Baller been fronting the whole time??

I'm not sure what's funnier, these threads being made or Ben actually responding w/ pics.
dude who linked Ben to this thread is a loser

and i feel bad for these kids riding Ben hard..all up on his manberries..i bet half of you know whether Ben is circumsized or not, the way you folks ride him..
Originally Posted by Though

dude who linked Ben to this thread is a loser

and i feel bad for these kids riding Ben hard..all up on his manberries..i bet half of you know whether Ben is circumsized or not, the way you folks ride him..



You and Diego holding hands on the NY L Train.

Let the dude live, no need to hate since it's just as bad as d-riding, it's the other end of the spectrum.
Originally Posted by Though

dude who linked Ben to this thread is a loser

and i feel bad for these kids riding Ben hard..all up on his manberries..i bet half of you know whether Ben is circumsized or not, the way you folks ride him..
Whats your point, though?
Its not even hate, though. Only broke people hate on those who have not one of them.
i sent ben the lux am95's i grabbed from japan and he sent me a gigantic box of LRG stuff that i gave out in my office. i swear that was like a grand of stuff in retail price for a pair of shoes i got for cheap. everyone in my office was stoked. he seems very generous and has been good at answering pm's about artwork too. i dunno man, not sure why people hate him. 
Originally Posted by Stuntman Mike

i sent ben the lux am95's i grabbed from japan and he sent me a gigantic box of LRG stuff that i gave out in my office. i swear that was like a grand of stuff in retail price for a pair of shoes i got for cheap. everyone in my office was stoked. he seems very generous and has been good at answering pm's about artwork too. i dunno man, not sure why people hate him. 

See the thing is, is that over the years NTers have blown him up to be this superstar/celeb combo, but they have also been just as quick to go in on him and call him a fake etc
. Meanwhile, he never asked to be gassed up in the first place. He's just been doing his thing. NTers have taken it upon themselves to create this Ben Barra saga. It really is silly
Originally Posted by BENBALLER

I'm sure some will think spending thousands on top of thousands on vinyl toys (i.e. be@rbricks, 4ft companions) is dumb... but all of that has appreciated and I can slang my collection for 100k anytime I wanted to... just like I did with my kicks. 
you got any pics of your toy collection? i remember a few being posted a while ago.
Originally Posted by BENBALLER

@davidisgodly, def not like water... I've touched money, spent money, but I act a fool and ALWAYS REGRET it.... but I've also slowed down. 2 mill can be gone soo fast, but 7 million could keep me afloat til I leave this earth for sure....

#fact I spent $28k inside 2 hours at MyHouse last year for my bday...
was that fake money? fake champagne rose' magnum bottles?
ask any vip host there or any major vip host in LA who knows how dumb I get with the bottles... naw, was def. real and I was completely being a total ****** in 2008/2009 when my business wasn't doing anything near what it did in 2006/2007, but didn't care and wasted $300,000 on nothing to show for but some decent memories and a lot of stomach aches.

2009 was the worst year of my life and I spent a ton of money being stupid and not caring...
starting in january, got rid of almost all my cars, lambo gone, etc, everything excess... kept my old school 64 el co

the past few months have been great and I still eat well, but I'm not spending like a dickhead anymore
I'm sure some will think spending thousands on top of thousands on vinyl toys (i.e. be@rbricks, 4ft companions) is dumb... but all of that has appreciated and I can slang my collection for 100k anytime I wanted to... just like I did with my kicks.

I'm chillin..... but I'm also itching to cop the new 458 rari, but only to slang it....
everytime I %@$% off some bread, I always have a back up plan to cover what was spent... 2009 was hard as hell to recover from, I'm just clearing that out now because I really had no plan

Oh Ben, I miss you homie, glad you are doing great... Miss you homie, thought you were gonna do the WAR 4 DVD cameo for TLOKS and TKO??

Whatever, next time I am out west, I'm calling you..
Originally Posted by kingcrux31

I don't even know why you reply to these fools Ben.
Originally Posted by kingcrux31

I don't even know why you reply to these fools Ben.

Originally Posted by kingcrux31

I don't even know why you reply to these fools Ben.
Originally Posted by kingcrux31

I don't even know why you reply to these fools Ben.

Originally Posted by kingcrux31

I don't even know why you reply to these fools Ben.
Originally Posted by kingcrux31

I don't even know why you reply to these fools Ben.

Originally Posted by kingcrux31

I don't even know why you reply to these fools Ben.
Originally Posted by kingcrux31

I don't even know why you reply to these fools Ben.

....cant be said enough.
- i can almost understand a response.....maybe. but not going to the lengths of trying to prove who you are and what you have.
- once you take a step back and really think about the demographic of the majority of the regulars on 'NT General' are? id find better things to do especially if i had that type of money and few buisinesses to attend to..........but hey, thats me

Originally Posted by Master Zik

I bet those fake 100s cost a pretty penny though

at dudes missin the whole pont of the pic.
Its the fact that he's caked up enough to drop
bread on 100k worth of fake money.
Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

who the hell is ben baller and what is his relevance?

You must be new.

Ben is cool people, haven't hit him up in a couple of years but in the past dude was humble.  I passed on his invites to ride the canyons and the 110, then again I wanted to live to see the next day

It's always funny when dudes try to call him out.

Nah I've heard the name a million times, just never really paid attention to who this guy actually is.  Maybe I'm missing something here, but I don't understand why a bunch of dudes are so concerned with another man's life.  These guys act like they've never seen a guy have a successful job or something, it's weird. 
Originally Posted by u ttocs

Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

who the hell is ben baller and what is his relevance?

You must be new.

Ben is cool people, haven't hit him up in a couple of years but in the past dude was humble.  I passed on his invites to ride the canyons and the 110, then again I wanted to live to see the next day

It's always funny when dudes try to call him out.

Nah I've heard the name a million times, just never really paid attention to who this guy actually is.  Maybe I'm missing something here, but I don't understand why a bunch of dudes are so concerned with another man's life.  These guys act like they've never seen a guy have a successful job or something, it's weird. 

I guess you can say that people are just flat out hatin' on him.
Originally Posted by BENBALLER

damn my bad...
fake money?
thanks to luigi202 who just linked me to this thread...
smh lol


y'all sound crazy.... yeh thats 100k and it's real. who got bread and wanna bet? I'll take on whatever bets... let's do like $500 per via paypals and i'll post a video and i'll let a mediator or admin like kingcruz hold the dough?? cmon NT, y'all been seen the paper, nothings changed

DUDe quit frontin..

Thats your business money and not your  cash that you can go out and say, hum im going to spend 100k

quit fooling these kids on here. I won a business to and I can pull 100k out the bank right now and post screenshots of my business money.

Like I said, thats not your personal cash, but your jewelry business cash that have to keep around to reinvest in your business,,
I can almost bet, you make like 10k a month

Yaw young people are stupid believing this dude.
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