So Has Rick Ross Officially Replaced Young Jeezy?


Originally Posted by illphillip

Originally Posted by BLADE BR0WN

Originally Posted by Deuce King

This was answered in the post right before yours, you must have missed it.  Not to worry though champ, I'll repost it for you in bold..................

I can see how people have an issue with Ross. It's one thing to take poetic license in your recordsIt's another to have someone show you picture, ask "is this you", and you straight up lie in an attempt to protect the "street credibility" that you all claim doesn't exist with any rapper to begin with.

We know he lied on camera in person as William Roberts, so that's all we need to know about him and his past..................and his character as well.  If you lie you cheat, and if you cheat you steal, and nobody likes a thief.

Ok, I see.

This is all about discrediting his music because of a lie he told... Regardless of what he really did in the past, or who or what he couldve been protecting... and regardless of the fact that his music is superior to Jeezy's...

And then you end the post with a quote from a f**kin Sunday school teacher...

To stay on topic... it would be foolish to use the reasoning you've brought forth and besmirch a N's music because of a lie he told... Someone none of us know personally...

But if you fall under the same umbrella of that which you largely bolded in the previous quote, I'm not sure of what else to say... other than that reasoning is terrible.

You're missing the point. You're clearly a Ross FAN, so you have your view. Open your mind enough to realize others have their view as well. As you get older, you realize, there are 2 sides to every story. The truth is usually in the middle.

No one is discrediting his music. At least I'm not. That doesn't mean we believe it is THAT great either. That is an OPINION.

We are discrediting the person. Is the music NOT an extension of the person somewhat? Why do I need to know him personally when he's been caught in a lie publicly?

If Stephen Tyler or George Michael made the illest Rap record sonically, talking about moving weight, would you accept it? No. Why? Because you would think it lacks a certain integrity? Even though you don't know their struggle and don't KNOW if it's true or not.
Stop it because if it was hot, and I really and truly mean if it was hot, NO ONE would care. 
Ya'll acting like Susan Boyle wasn't moving units even though she looked like a goddamn ogre. 

A large percentage of you would likely discredit a gay rapper no matter how good his/her music may or may not be. Be *%#*%%* real with yourselves. And that would have little to nothing to do with the MUSIC. Chris Brown is a woman beater. There are people who will not $*$* with him because of this. No matter how good his music is. 

Yeah, but you know what? Chris Brown makes some FIRE tracks  that have far exceeded the expectations of his harshest critics.
Gay rappers? We've already had them...and some of them are already popular, in their own circles. 

It would be hard to accept but no one could deny if it was HOT or not...

you're acting like people don't dance to violent club music in the first place. Last time I checked, NUCK IF YOU BUCK still goes hard in the spot.

It's cool if you want to ignore the lie. I'm not looking to recruit people into hating Ross when I like some of his music. 

But you're indirectly trying to make it seem like credibility is a non-negotiable characteristic on the list of qualities of a rap artist

But we clearly ain't built the same. And likely came up in different times. Understand that some dudes will have a problem with him lying. If you don't stand for something, things that are important to YOU, you'll fall for anything.
 Thats cool...but those same dudes don't equally weigh the standard of lying and to me thats really inconsistent.
Like don't tell me Pac was the hardest dude out...when he went to acting school.

Don't tell me Dr Dre is an ballet class. 

You know what I'm saying here? 

There are plenty of other artists whose music I can appreciate and who I can also respect around that from what I know of them. Sadly, we live in an era where we know TOO much about these guys outside of music. And that can effect how you view them and even make it somewhat difficult to enjoy their music. 

Is that such a difficult concept to grasp?

Its the price some of these artists pay by letting us into their lives and I is sometimes a curse over a gift 

but I think it speaks to the immaturity of rap fans to think that these dudes are REALLY living the life they wrap about.

Do you think Eminem would REALLY chop his exwife up and stash her in a trash can? 

I mean if credibility is THAT big of a deal to you all, you all NEED better role models. Seriously. 

Originally Posted by OneTrust

Originally Posted by illphillip

Originally Posted by debs 168

he's no different than any other rapper out there. styles didn't beat a %!*%@ over the head with a brick til it broke

I'm going to just fly off on a quick tangent here. Because the topic itself is idiotic. No one replaced anyone when both guys are co existing in the same field AND doing well for themselves. 

This whole "it's just entertainment" thing. It's pretty sad to me because that's not at all how Rap music began. And I know things change over time. But has it changed for the better? 

And when you say "it's just entertainment", well I think that's what's become the problem with Rap. 

You guys are looking at 2 different things and treating them the same. Obviously rappers, and musicians in general, use poetic license. Not everything they say is 100% TRUTH as it applies to THEIR life. 

So no, Styles didn't beat anyone over the head with a brick until it broke. But he did go to jail for stabbing someone. Beans don't put in work? Don't live it like he talk it?

TI? 50? Gucci? I'm not saying it's a good thing since cats can't stay out of jail. But these dudes are clearly not "CB4". And even the guys who don't talk tough, like Drake or Mos Def or Kweli, sometimes speak from a reality that isn't always meant to "entertain". 

I remember arguing in another thread, about Ross of course, and another cat made a good point. There are generational differences when it comes to music. 

Years ago, I used to BLAST Mobb Deep on here. All these cats talked about how REAL they were. And if you knew their history, you knew that was nonsense. And in my day, you didn't get a pass for that. 

A lot of you grew up in a time where the entertainment replaced the integrity of the music. It had already gone mainstream. Like, before pro wrestling became fake, pro wrestling matches were REAL fights (and we had boxing of course). But the WWF killed all that. It's bizarre that people prefer the fantasy to reality. But I guess that's what you need if you don't like your reality. 

But that doesn't mean it's ALL entertainment. Because that's not what it was. It is the polar opposite of how Rap music began and what it was supposed to be. 

In 1988, Chuck D said "Rap is CNN for Black People". It actually helped EMPOWER Black people. Now you want to say it's "all entertainment"? Well how did it become that way? I'm sure the guys who like to "question" so much can come up with a theory or 2. 

I can see how people have an issue with Ross. It's one thing to take poetic license in your records. It's another to have someone show you picture, ask "is this you", and you straight up lie in an attempt to protect the "street credibility" that you all claim doesn't exist with any rapper to begin with. 

Ross knew how important that credibility was. That's why he lied. It was important to him to maintain that. I guess he thought he'd lose his fan base if people knew the truth (which by the way was no secret to anyone who knows people in Miami). 

Because Ross is from an era where people cared about that +@!!. Now, no one does. The integrity BEEN gone. But don't expect everyone to be cool with that. 

End old man rant. 

"EVERYDAY a star is boorn...clap for him, clap for him, clap for him...hey!"

He just KILLED this thread and if you little Rick Ross fans STILL don't get it, I guess you never will.
Oh you enjoy music about a life YOU dont live...I don't care how personally successful you aint out there murking and robbing so why do you enjoy it?

Oh yeah...cause its ENTERTAINMENT.

Real thugs DONT rap. They're too busy...i don't know...THUGGING?! 

I don't see dudes out here saying Pacino was a fake and he shouldn't be respected for PORTRAYING Tony Montana. 

Rap fans are starting to act like mental midgets when they can't separate the real from the fake. Thats what happens when you don't have REAL role models to tell you the difference. 
Lol..i can.tell u ain't from the hood putty...every dope boy I know raps..always buying studio time...always tryna open for people or rock local not a street dude but I stayed out the bricks my whole life....nd all these dudes I know that stopped going to school in 9th grade to trap, they all find time to drop local mixtapes inbetween all their
Look how mad son got that someone agreed with me. Crossing his words out? How lame are you when you know damn well we can still read them?

Must be tough to go on your rants and type so much just to have everyone turn on you.

You are just so confused. You're talking about Susan Boyle. She raps? Rap fans bought Susan Boyle albums?

You know damn well people WOULD NOT accept Stephen Tyler or George Michael rapping because it lacks credibility and integrity no matter how hot that *$*$ was. You are lying to yourself if you believe otherwise. But I'm sure you lie to yourself quite often.

Do you now see that your Susan Boyle example is in now way even related to the point I was making? The music Susan Boyle makes is not out of line with her reality. So what exactly was your point?

I enjoy music about a life I don't live when its coming from people who lived it to a certain extent. Not saying Ross didn't. But dude stole someone's name. Lied straight up about being a CO. You can have that as your hero.

Real thugs don't rap? Stop acting like you even know real thugs to speak on it. They're "too busy thugging"? Thugging is not an occupation. How corny are you?

Here you are once again speaking on something you know nothing about. Just saying *$*$ because it sounds right to you. Or maybe because you read it in a book somewhere.

And enough with this movie/Pacino ##%!. Once we just start saying every rapper is an actor, the music as an ARTFORM, and not as ENTERTAINMENT, is completely lost. They are artists. Pacino's art is acting. Rappers are not actors. Their art is rapping.

Real thugs absolutely DO rap. Sean Price would slap you senseless. I already listed real %#!$%%%+@!!$#. I can name more if I think about it. Tommy Hill? Steady B and Cool C? DMX? Cormega?

But you like to ignore *$*$ when I lay it out for you just to go on your little rants. Jay Z put a knife in someone like 3 albums into his career. Guess there's nothing real or thuggish about that. Guess he don't rap.

Real thugs changed the entire rap game. Real thugs, both as rappers and as "managers" ran a lot of people out of the music business and I know this for a FACT. Real thugs go from making drug money to trying to make legal money ALL THE TIME.

You out here saying cats shouldn't talk about the streets after their first album. But you're saying that to support Ross. What the @%+$ was "BMF"? I think I'm Big Meech. Larry Hoover. I'm sellin' dope, straight off the Iphone. I got that Archie Bunker. It's so white I might charge you double. That ain't street *$*$? Ross don't make street records anymore? OK.

You talk and talk sooooooo much, you completely lose sight of your points and your arguments. Get your mind right shorty.
Sillyputty, at times I've agreed with some of your points but you COMPLETELY lost with that last reply..
Originally Posted by VA757VA

Lol..i can.tell u ain't from the hood putty...every dope boy I know raps..always buying studio time...always tryna open for people or rock local not a street dude but I stayed out the bricks my whole life....nd all these dudes I know that stopped going to school in 9th grade to trap, they all find time to drop local mixtapes inbetween all their
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by illphillip

Originally Posted by BLADE BR0WN

Ok, I see.

This is all about discrediting his music because of a lie he told... Regardless of what he really did in the past, or who or what he couldve been protecting... and regardless of the fact that his music is superior to Jeezy's...

And then you end the post with a quote from a f**kin Sunday school teacher...

To stay on topic... it would be foolish to use the reasoning you've brought forth and besmirch a N's music because of a lie he told... Someone none of us know personally...

But if you fall under the same umbrella of that which you largely bolded in the previous quote, I'm not sure of what else to say... other than that reasoning is terrible.

You're missing the point. You're clearly a Ross FAN, so you have your view. Open your mind enough to realize others have their view as well. As you get older, you realize, there are 2 sides to every story. The truth is usually in the middle.

No one is discrediting his music. At least I'm not. That doesn't mean we believe it is THAT great either. That is an OPINION.

We are discrediting the person. Is the music NOT an extension of the person somewhat? Why do I need to know him personally when he's been caught in a lie publicly?

If Stephen Tyler or George Michael made the illest Rap record sonically, talking about moving weight, would you accept it? No. Why? Because you would think it lacks a certain integrity? Even though you don't know their struggle and don't KNOW if it's true or not.
Stop it because if it was hot, and I really and truly mean if it was hot, NO ONE would care. 
Ya'll acting like Susan Boyle wasn't moving units even though she looked like a goddamn ogre. 

A large percentage of you would likely discredit a gay rapper no matter how good his/her music may or may not be. Be *%#*%%* real with yourselves. And that would have little to nothing to do with the MUSIC. Chris Brown is a woman beater. There are people who will not $*$* with him because of this. No matter how good his music is. 
Gay rappers? We've already had them...and some of them are already popular, in their own circles. 

It would be hard to accept but no one could deny if it was HOT or not...

you're acting like people don't dance to violent club music in the first place. Last time I checked, NUCK IF YOU BUCK still goes hard in the spot.

It's cool if you want to ignore the lie. I'm not looking to recruit people into hating Ross when I like some of his music. 

But you're indirectly trying to make it seem like credibility is a non-negotiable characteristic on the list of qualities of a rap artist

But we clearly ain't built the same. And likely came up in different times. Understand that some dudes will have a problem with him lying. If you don't stand for something, things that are important to YOU, you'll fall for anything.
 Thats cool...but those same dudes don't equally weigh the standard of lying and to me thats really inconsistent.
Like don't tell me Pac was the hardest dude out...when he went to acting school.

Don't tell me Dr Dre is an ballet class. 

You know what I'm saying here? 

There are plenty of other artists whose music I can appreciate and who I can also respect around that from what I know of them. Sadly, we live in an era where we know TOO much about these guys outside of music. And that can effect how you view them and even make it somewhat difficult to enjoy their music. 

Is that such a difficult concept to grasp?

Its the price some of these artists pay by letting us into their lives and I is sometimes a curse over a gift 

but I think it speaks to the immaturity of rap fans to think that these dudes are REALLY living the life they wrap about.

Do you think Eminem would REALLY chop his exwife up and stash her in a trash can? 

I mean if credibility is THAT big of a deal to you all, you all NEED better role models. Seriously. 

Originally Posted by OneTrust

Originally Posted by illphillip

I'm going to just fly off on a quick tangent here. Because the topic itself is idiotic. No one replaced anyone when both guys are co existing in the same field AND doing well for themselves. 

This whole "it's just entertainment" thing. It's pretty sad to me because that's not at all how Rap music began. And I know things change over time. But has it changed for the better? 

And when you say "it's just entertainment", well I think that's what's become the problem with Rap. 

You guys are looking at 2 different things and treating them the same. Obviously rappers, and musicians in general, use poetic license. Not everything they say is 100% TRUTH as it applies to THEIR life. 

So no, Styles didn't beat anyone over the head with a brick until it broke. But he did go to jail for stabbing someone. Beans don't put in work? Don't live it like he talk it?

TI? 50? Gucci? I'm not saying it's a good thing since cats can't stay out of jail. But these dudes are clearly not "CB4". And even the guys who don't talk tough, like Drake or Mos Def or Kweli, sometimes speak from a reality that isn't always meant to "entertain". 

I remember arguing in another thread, about Ross of course, and another cat made a good point. There are generational differences when it comes to music. 

Years ago, I used to BLAST Mobb Deep on here. All these cats talked about how REAL they were. And if you knew their history, you knew that was nonsense. And in my day, you didn't get a pass for that. 

A lot of you grew up in a time where the entertainment replaced the integrity of the music. It had already gone mainstream. Like, before pro wrestling became fake, pro wrestling matches were REAL fights (and we had boxing of course). But the WWF killed all that. It's bizarre that people prefer the fantasy to reality. But I guess that's what you need if you don't like your reality. 

But that doesn't mean it's ALL entertainment. Because that's not what it was. It is the polar opposite of how Rap music began and what it was supposed to be. 

In 1988, Chuck D said "Rap is CNN for Black People". It actually helped EMPOWER Black people. Now you want to say it's "all entertainment"? Well how did it become that way? I'm sure the guys who like to "question" so much can come up with a theory or 2. 

I can see how people have an issue with Ross. It's one thing to take poetic license in your records. It's another to have someone show you picture, ask "is this you", and you straight up lie in an attempt to protect the "street credibility" that you all claim doesn't exist with any rapper to begin with. 

Ross knew how important that credibility was. That's why he lied. It was important to him to maintain that. I guess he thought he'd lose his fan base if people knew the truth (which by the way was no secret to anyone who knows people in Miami). 

Because Ross is from an era where people cared about that +@!!. Now, no one does. The integrity BEEN gone. But don't expect everyone to be cool with that. 

End old man rant. 

"EVERYDAY a star is boorn...clap for him, clap for him, clap for him...hey!"

He just KILLED this thread and if you little Rick Ross fans STILL don't get it, I guess you never will.
Oh you enjoy music about a life YOU dont live...I don't care how personally successful you aint out there murking and robbing so why do you enjoy it?

Oh yeah...cause its ENTERTAINMENT.

Real thugs DONT rap. They're too busy...i don't know...THUGGING?! 

I don't see dudes out here saying Pacino was a fake and he shouldn't be respected for PORTRAYING Tony Montana. 

Rap fans are starting to act like mental midgets when they can't separate the real from the fake. Thats what happens when you don't have REAL role models to tell you the difference. 

I seriously don't get what's so hard to grasp unless you were born in 2000 and HipHop really is just "entertainment" to y'all since I bet a cat like you probably doesn't even know what the 4 elements of HipHop are.  You probably just like that 106 and Park crowd that think the 4 elements is some %*%@ like, "versatility, stamina, charisma,  and swag." 

I'm from the old school where we care about the integrity of the artist and wouldn't except no fake %*%@.  Obviously, from what you write, you're from the new school where anything is acceptable now. 

You talk about Pac being in acting school as if someone from acting school wouldn't $!@% you up.  The difference between Pac being in acting school and Ross faking the funk is, Pac would admit it and if you tried to clown, he'd knock you the $!@% out.  Your idol Ross on the other hand, thinks he's a real life drug kingpin and was ashamed of being Officer Ricky lying straight up and down.  Just do yourself a favor and watch CB4 because it's pretty much a biography of the "rapper" Rick Ross' life.

By the way, the majority of your comparisons have been ******ed.  Of COURSE nobody believed Eminem was chopping up his wife, etc.  You know why?  Maybe cause he would admit it and let us know it's JUST music!!!!  Where as your boy Ross STILL swears up and down he's the new Pablo Escobar!

at your last sentence though.  How ironic
when you're talking about someone that can't separate REAL from fake when obviously you and ESPECIALLY your idol can't. 
Originally Posted by illphillip

Real thugs don't rap? Stop acting like you even know real thugs to speak on it. They're "too busy thugging"? Thugging is not an occupation. How corny are you?

Real thugs absolutely DO rap. Sean Price would slap you senseless. I already listed real %#!$%%%+@!!$#. I can name more if I think about it. Tommy Hill? Steady B and Cool C? DMX? Cormega?

But you like to ignore *$*$ when I lay it out for you just to go on your little rants. Jay Z put a knife in someone like 3 albums into his career. Guess there's nothing real or thuggish about that. Guess he don't rap.

Real thugs changed the entire rap game. Real thugs, both as rappers and as "managers" ran a lot of people out of the music business and I know this for a FACT. Real thugs go from making drug money to trying to make legal money ALL THE TIME.

You out here saying cats shouldn't talk about the streets after their first album. But you're saying that to support Ross. What the @%+$ was "BMF"? I think I'm Big Meech. Larry Hoover. I'm sellin' dope, straight off the Iphone. I got that Archie Bunker. It's so white I might charge you double. That ain't street *$*$? Ross don't make street records anymore? OK.

You talk and talk sooooooo much, you completely lose sight of your points and your arguments. Get your mind right shorty.
Real talk ILLPHILLIP son SILLYPUTTY real thugs don't rap?? You must have never heard of C-Murder,Soulja Slim, Trick Daddy,Big Pun was a

real goon, Wu-Tang all of them dudes had felonies, DJ Quik is a real blood... I could go on & on but too many Thugs #++$%% to name that came through rap.

I tired of hearing ya'll dudes talk like ROSS is a super lyricist ROSS maybe better than JEEZY lyrically but we all know JEEZY not a Lyricist & JEEZY know 

that too. ROSS is sub-par compare to cats like Luda,Wayne,Kanye,Jay, & Nas so please stop...JEEZY is stayin true to his fans & staying in his lane while

ROSS should have stayed in his Mafioso rap lane...Just like ILLPHIL quoted from Chuck D in 88' "Rap is Black People CNN' that is true..That's what N.W.A.

was rapping bout.. they was rapping bout not what they was living but what they were seeing.. Now ROSS on the other hand take things too far he not talking

about things he seen like when he said "I know Noriega He owe me 100 favors" or "My 1st home invasion papi gave me 40 bricks" thats the problem people 

have with ROSS & why people say he fake because he says so unreal issh & he starting to believe his own lies..
Originally Posted by Dead Stokc

At the end of the day Fat Joe still has more street cred then both these N's.

Well, here's something people on both sides of the Jeezy/Ross debate can agree with --- Fat Joe has been garbage for as long as Jeezy & Ross
have been mainstream.
Damn son.....why you hate Joe so much? HA!

I feel like I'm trolling. %$$%!*$ sick in bed after going hard for the last few days. Trying to get it right before NYE. So hopefully this will be the last of me here.

BradNSU threw down some more names and reminded me of something. Dudes out here saying "real thugs" (I actually hate using that term because it's corny to me) don't rap. Because they're "thugging".

Most of the "thugs" I've ever known have basically been drug dealers or worked for one. You're either that or a stick-up kid/thief/booster or whatever.

I never knew guys who banged just to bang. And all these guys, at heart, are still BUSINESSMEN. Some better than others.

The smart ones try to make their way to a more legitimate business. Not just to MAKE money in it. But sometimes also to CLEAN money. Get it?

That's basically what the feds accused Murder Inc. of doing for Supreme. BMF starts BMF Entertainment.

These are things a guy like sillyputty will never understand. Real recognize real. And the converse holds true as well.

Ghost was hiding his %$$%!*$ identity during the early Wu projects. Yet he was still the Executive Producer on all of them.

What kind of Executive you think he was? Not one you'd find in an office at the time.

I don't feel like I'm putting any business in the street that isn't already out there by saying what I'm saying. These are just the examples we know about.

Originally, the G's around the way laughed at rappers because rappers stole their style and their stories and were doing music but weren't making any real money.

Once Rap started making real money, both drug dealers/G's and major corporations descended upon it and now we have the mess we have now.
 This thread is entertaining. 
Some of you dudes clearly have never heard of "Washing Money"
off topic but bradNSU do u go to Norfoljk State bro?? mini summit at the union? lol
Originally Posted by BradNSU

Originally Posted by illphillip

Real thugs don't rap? Stop acting like you even know real thugs to speak on it. They're "too busy thugging"? Thugging is not an occupation. How corny are you?

Real thugs absolutely DO rap. Sean Price would slap you senseless. I already listed real %#!$%%%+@!!$#. I can name more if I think about it. Tommy Hill? Steady B and Cool C? DMX? Cormega?

But you like to ignore *$*$ when I lay it out for you just to go on your little rants. Jay Z put a knife in someone like 3 albums into his career. Guess there's nothing real or thuggish about that. Guess he don't rap.

Real thugs changed the entire rap game. Real thugs, both as rappers and as "managers" ran a lot of people out of the music business and I know this for a FACT. Real thugs go from making drug money to trying to make legal money ALL THE TIME.

You out here saying cats shouldn't talk about the streets after their first album. But you're saying that to support Ross. What the @%+$ was "BMF"? I think I'm Big Meech. Larry Hoover. I'm sellin' dope, straight off the Iphone. I got that Archie Bunker. It's so white I might charge you double. That ain't street *$*$? Ross don't make street records anymore? OK.

You talk and talk sooooooo much, you completely lose sight of your points and your arguments. Get your mind right shorty.
Real talk ILLPHILLIP son SILLYPUTTY real thugs don't rap?? You must have never heard of C-Murder,Soulja Slim, Trick Daddy,Big Pun was a

real goon, Wu-Tang all of them dudes had felonies, DJ Quik is a real blood... I could go on & on but too many Thugs #++$%% to name that came through rap.

I tired of hearing ya'll dudes talk like ROSS is a super lyricist ROSS maybe better than JEEZY lyrically but we all know JEEZY not a Lyricist & JEEZY know 

that too. ROSS is sub-par compare to cats like Luda,Wayne,Kanye,Jay, & Nas so please stop...JEEZY is stayin true to his fans & staying in his lane while

ROSS should have stayed in his Mafioso rap lane...Just like ILLPHIL quoted from Chuck D in 88' "Rap is Black People CNN' that is true..That's what N.W.A.

was rapping bout.. they was rapping bout not what they was living but what they were seeing.. Now ROSS on the other hand take things too far he not talking

about things he seen like when he said "I know Noriega He owe me 100 favors" or "My 1st home invasion papi gave me 40 bricks" thats the problem people 

have with ROSS & why people say he fake because he says so unreal issh & he starting to believe his own lies..

Again, you all are people who predicate credibility in your music as if it MEANS does not.
I don't care if Jay-Z never held a gun in his life...its the life he portrays and how he makes images that matters more to me as a CONSUMER of music.

Thats where you all are delusional.

You would rather a rapper make you feel like he was in the middle of the vietnam war than ACTUALLY being there. 

Again, you're just fans of struggle music to make you feel like the goddamn underdog all the time... you all dont care about authenticity, you all really enjoy ACTING hard and FEELING LIKE you'd mess somebody up.

You guys are bigger actors than the music that INFLUENCES you.

I'm smart enough to separate knocking blocks off listening to Gucci from ACTUALLY GOING OUT THERE AND DOING SO...yet you all want to champion that element as if its something actually to be proud of.

You really don't know ANYTHING about those NWA dudes do you? How they grew up or what they REALLY saw, do you? All you know is their carefully. selected marketing and press images and soundbites that were crafted before they were released to the public.

You all are susceptible to marketing tactics that you didn't even know were marketing tactics. 

"Aw man, did oyu see Raekwon posted up in the hood of his bentley in the hood? SO GANGSTA!"...not knowing that damn well its a PHOTOSHOOT meant to convey an IMAGE...

Every piece of clothing, picture, video, or soundbite is CAREFULLY chosen to influence fans to support or fall in line with a particular movement or campaign surrounding an artist. 

Don't front on me acting like rappers are just "normal" street people.

Don't get it twisted, you would have probably clowned a rapper growing up too. These are dudes who used to sit at home writing on books about their lives at school and trying to come up with punchlines while everyone clowned them for being too "artsy"... Yeah, so much for being hardened street dudes. Growing up these dudes were more like kids in theater class that everyone thinks are odd than they are the hardened class room disruption.  But ya'll want to ignore that...why? Because thats the image thats been PUMPED into your head.

I stand by my statement. The realest street dudes, DONT rap. I'd say maybe 99% of those dudes NEVER do what they rap about and I feel extremely confident about that statistic because only so few of them actually ever live up their words. 

Cmurder, chi ali, boosie, gucci, etc... We get it. We watch the news. They did some work but they also paid the price in society...but we want to cry foul when they get shipped up state. 

ALL these dudes are CB4. Can't tell me otherwise. I can just separate the fact that this is ENTERTAINMENT from REAL LIFE. 

And lets say that all these dudes DID live that life...what would it matter to you? Are you wanting to rack up all those charges? Are you wanting to test your freedom NOT being a celebrity in the justice system? Does that make you want to live that life?

But no...dudes wanna say i'm not hood as if that matters...I'm PROUD i'm not hood. I'm HAPPY i didn't struggle like that. My parents came from the ghettos of jamaica (trust me, i've been out there) to be able to provide for me today. I could be all "rah rah bang bang" etc, but thats not me...but all of a sudden now that I moved out of that element then i'm not real any more...thats funny to me. I live the life that kids OF rappers would want their kids to live. 

You think rappers want their kids to be like them? You think rappers want their kids to struggle like they did? Thats why I respect dudes like Diggy Simmons more than people like Cory Gunz since Gunz know damn well he ain't raised like that. His dad more than likely put him up on game and provided for him far better growing up than he did.

 But we want to act like Diggy isn't that dude...why cause he lacks that hood image? His dad did all that so he wouldn't have to. 

Ya'll love to consume something that is so radically different from who you all are as educated college students, principled men, and successful contributes to society and choose ot act like it actually defines you. 

In all honesty most of the keyboard warriors out there on music sites more than likely resemble Asher Roth and Childish Gambino growing up than they do hardened criminals with "hardcore" images and associations. 

This is just like the slim dunkin thread...ya'll have the audacity to act like you really care that this man died when he clearly loved the element he was in. 

Originally Posted by illphillip

Damn son.....why you hate Joe so much? HA! 

I feel like I'm trolling. %$$%!*$ sick in bed after going hard for the last few days. Trying to get it right before NYE. So hopefully this will be the last of me here. 

BradNSU threw down some more names and reminded me of something. Dudes out here saying "real thugs" (I actually hate using that term because it's corny to me) don't rap. Because they're "thugging". 

Most of the "thugs" I've ever known have basically been drug dealers or worked for one. You're either that or a stick-up kid/thief/booster or whatever. 

I never knew guys who banged just to bang. And all these guys, at heart, are still BUSINESSMEN. Some better than others. 

The smart ones try to make their way to a more legitimate business. Not just to MAKE money in it. But sometimes also to CLEAN money. Get it? 

That's basically what the feds accused Murder Inc. of doing for Supreme. BMF starts BMF Entertainment. 

These are things a guy like sillyputty will never understand. Real recognize real. And the converse holds true as well. 

Ghost was hiding his %$$%!*$ identity during the early Wu projects. Yet he was still the Executive Producer on all of them. 

What kind of Executive you think he was? Not one you'd find in an office at the time. 

I don't feel like I'm putting any business in the street that isn't already out there by saying what I'm saying. These are just the examples we know about. 

Originally, the G's around the way laughed at rappers because rappers stole their style and their stories and were doing music but weren't making any real money. 

Once Rap started making real money, both drug dealers/G's and major corporations descended upon it and now we have the mess we have now.
Stop it. You know damn well that even though they felt they didn't want to grow up that they still glorified it. 
Businessmen of the block or not, what does that have to do with the quality of the product they release?

The clipses' manager was a front for moving units. We know Jeezy had BMF, we know about death row, jacob the jeweler, etc. Drug fronts and laundering operations is nothing new. 

But the fact remains, NONE of these dudes are real. You up here proving my point. They stealing imagery that they think the public would like and selling it to them. Thats all entertainment. Whether or not it comes from a real place. 

I'm just smart enough to not get mad when I realize that when I turn off the TV that Ross actually might go home and turn on his minibake oven and live a normal life. 

Ya'll care more about other people being "real" than you do about being real yourselves. None of you live that life or even come close to it, so what does it matter to you? 

What stopping rappers from secretly laundering money and releasing pop dance music? NOTHING....but they choose not to...

They instead choose to embrace an image of a gangster mafioso kingpins and SELLING THAT instead of going all the way left and marketing something antithetical to what goes on behind the scenes. 
Type your little heart out shorty. Fly off on your tangents once again that have absolutely nothing to do with what we're talking about.

Music is art. Art entertains. But that doesn't make it all "entertainment". Some art hangs in museums. Some of it is in comic books. Same with movies. Not every movie is an unrealistic shoot 'em up.

Credibility means nothing to you. Doesn't surprise me. Why is it so shocking to you though that it means something to other people? Are we all supposed to think like you? I should hope not. Look at how people respond to you.

See, I don't care more about other people being real than I do about being real myself. I'm very comfortable with myself. If I'm a man of honor and integrity, why wouldn't I expect the same from others?

Again, clearly not something you are at all familiar with. Because what's "portrayed" and how "images are made" matter most to you. Do you hear yourself? You can have your fantasy land. I would imagine that's why you spend so much time on here. Escaping reality.

But you say we're the ones who enjoy "acting" and "feeling like" we'd +++! somebody up. When it's you being transported to a magical place by music.

You say you could care less if Jay ever held a gun. But he did! That doesn't make those images more compelling? Knowing that there is a reality behind them?

If not, then even a square like you could pick up a mic and start rapping about coke and guns and it's acceptable as long as you portray it well? OK.

Maino is not real.
Capone is not real.
Noreaga is not real.
Yayo is not real.

These dudes were in JAIL before they even started rapping. But they not real.

Now, I don't really care for any of their music. But again, there are artists whose music I enjoy and who I can also respect from what I know of them (Jay, Tip, Beasties, all my favorite classic MC's. Kane, KRS, Rakim, Chuck D, Tribe, DeLa etc.). And I'm good with that. And they are not all "gangsters". But there is at least an honesty in their music that I can appreciate.

If all these dudes are CB4, and we can't tell you otherwise, then you are clearly incapable of intelligent discussion on the matter. Because you are so close minded. Yet you fancy yourself to be SUCH a profound thinker.

We gave you a laundry list of real dudes who do real things. You point out the labels and managers and ignore the list of actual RAPPERS we just served you on a silver platter.

And do you know for a FACT that no one is laundering money in Pop Dance music? Of course you don't. You love to speak on so many things you know little about. And once again I can tell you that it does happen.

Cats CLEARLY refute everything you have to say. And you are still in denial.

THAT is the !++!$+% DEFINITION of delusional.

I wish you well with that.
I'm bed ridden. +!*+ else I'ma do. HA!

I also have this problem where when a loudmouth steps so out of pocket, I can't help but check them. Shorty is all over the place that he kind of takes you there too.

But you right. I'm done. Happy Holidays y'all.
To get a lil more on topic I just want to know in What respect has Ross taken over Jeezy?
Music - In the past year alone jeezy has given away TRIB1 & 2, 1000 grams, & TM103 all of which are filled with bangers, Ross has dropped Ashes To Ashes and has been featured on hot tracks by meek & wale

- In the streets (Im talking the real streets not boxden and any other website that frequently feature lil b Gifs) NO!!

You go to any club in the south Jeezy music is bumpin just as much if not more than Ross, I live in NY i go to the club and will hear trap or die come on and watch as %@%@$% lose there mind like it came out last week.

- Sales 
... Jeezy's so called dud album sold more than ross's biggest first week # EVER by about 40-50k.

- Longevity.... Jeezy has one undisputed classic(TM101) and another that will be considered a classic in a few more years (Recession) to Ross's 0 classics.

- Popularity... Im just going to point at the sales, or maybe the fact that Jeezy has been featured in #1 records with Rihanna & Beyonce, or the fact that he has an entire urban clothing brand that is bubbling in the south

Yall dudes are lost in here talkin about Jeezy needs career should be where Ross is at right now
. Ross ain't even standing on the border of where Jeezy was at three years ago yet alone now. 
Originally Posted by illphillip

Type your little heart out shorty. Fly off on your tangents once again that have absolutely nothing to do with what we're talking about.

Music is art. Art entertains. But that doesn't make it all "entertainment". Some art hangs in museums. Some of it is in comic books. Same with movies. Not every movie is an unrealistic shoot 'em up.

Credibility means nothing to you. Doesn't surprise me. Why is it so shocking to you though that it means something to other people? Are we all supposed to think like you? I should hope not. Look at how people respond to you.

See, I don't care more about other people being real than I do about being real myself. I'm very comfortable with myself. If I'm a man of honor and integrity, why wouldn't I expect the same from others?

Again, clearly not something you are at all familiar with. Because what's "portrayed" and how "images are made" matter most to you. Do you hear yourself? You can have your fantasy land. I would imagine that's why you spend so much time on here. Escaping reality.

But you say we're the ones who enjoy "acting" and "feeling like" we'd +++! somebody up. When it's you being transported to a magical place by music.

You say you could care less if Jay ever held a gun. But he did! That doesn't make those images more compelling? Knowing that there is a reality behind them?

If not, then even a square like you could pick up a mic and start rapping about coke and guns and it's acceptable as long as you portray it well? OK.

Maino is not real.
Capone is not real.
Noreaga is not real.
Yayo is not real.

These dudes were in JAIL before they even started rapping. But they not real.

Now, I don't really care for any of their music. But again, there are artists whose music I enjoy and who I can also respect from what I know of them (Jay, Tip, Beasties, all my favorite classic MC's. Kane, KRS, Rakim, Chuck D, Tribe, DeLa etc.). And I'm good with that. And they are not all "gangsters". But there is at least an honesty in their music that I can appreciate.

If all these dudes are CB4, and we can't tell you otherwise, then you are clearly incapable of intelligent discussion on the matter. Because you are so close minded. Yet you fancy yourself to be SUCH a profound thinker.

We gave you a laundry list of real dudes who do real things. You point out the labels and managers and ignore the list of actual RAPPERS we just served you on a silver platter.

And do you know for a FACT that no one is laundering money in Pop Dance music? Of course you don't. You love to speak on so many things you know little about. And once again I can tell you that it does happen.

Cats CLEARLY refute everything you have to say. And you are still in denial.

THAT is the !++!$+% DEFINITION of delusional.

I wish you well with that.
You're not understanding what i'm saying...

Tell me an artist who does something they don't think people will like.

I'll wait.


The credibility that you THINK exists, does not exist in the capacity that you think it does for a majority of dudes.

There are hardened country and rock musicians as well...but no one really cares either way if the music is good. Thats the point.

You're so focused on highlighting "Credibility" as if that actually signifies something.

Credibility means NOTHING in the entertainment world.


Credibility is the stamp you all use to attempt to give consumers in the burbs and middle america a little escape from their reality.

"Wow, Capone really went to jail?...COOL!" 

C-murder really killed someone? ...WOW!

Maino really did jail time?....AWESOME HES SO GANGSTER! 

50 Cent got shot 9 times?!....DAMN HES REAL AS HELL...LET ME DOWNLOAD HIS TRACKS!

Don't you see that? Credibility means NOTHING. Its a marketing tool! 

Using Street cred to validate music is used by those who aspire to have some themselves, but don't.

Its about the MUSIC at the end of the day. Thats all its ever been. 

Credibility is the album liner notes that they sneak in to make fans attempt to escape the monotony of their own lives working square jobs in comfortable surroundings and live vicariously through the lives of their favorite ENTERTAINERS. 

I stand by my statements. The use of "Credibility" to discredit or reinforce an artist is nothing more than a promotional tool for those who don't know anything about that lifestyle in the first place.

I guarantee you, dudes out here defending jeezy have probably never SEEN cocaine residue, much less sold it...but they act like they're protecting "reality" out here. 

Think about this. When you meet an artist who is trying to get on selling CDs in parking lots and outside of concert venues who raps about him really being in the trenches and selling drugs and pimping girls just to survive, why do you really want to purchase his music? 

Those are things you probably know NOTHING about ...but why do you buy it? 

Cause he actually did it?

Or because you like HOW he talks about how he did it...i.e. how the music sounds. 

Credibility is a marketing tool for those who can't separate ENTERTAINMENT from reality. 


I want to also address this.

My point in also saying that technically if we want rappers to be authentic, then they shouldn't rap about street life after their first album or two. 

Why? They're NOT living that life anymore. 

TIP wasn't slanging after his second release. 

Jeezy didn't need to move weight after TM 101.

My point is, if you want "real" music you have to admit that the gangster image that put many of these artists on, fades away with time because they move OUT of that element. Those dudes are on island resorts overseas eating the finest foods. Thats not "hood" it? 

But no, you all want that constant "credibility" stamp in your face to make it feel like you can connect to an artist.

Rap fans are the reason that artists don't evolve IMO...thats why Kanye gets hate I think...dude isn't who he used to be, and ya'll hate if people aren't supposed to change. 
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