So Has Rick Ross Officially Replaced Young Jeezy?


I already addressed that point and you sound like a moron for bringing it up again. Why did Ross make BMF then if he ain't "whippin' work" no more? Why is he still talking about "street +%#+". Because cats like you love it. Stop frontin'. You are exactly the kind of person you are railing against.

You really think rappers are on resorts after 2 albums? You don't think some are still in the streets or involved in street +%#+. Do you know any rappers or real dudes that you feel so comfortable speaking on them?

This is how far in the clouds your head is and how you have no real grasp on reality. You are seriously in a fantasy world. Are you in still in high school? Do you have a job? Do you pay bills? Do you have any genuine life experience or are you just speaking in theory?

Jay, Kanye, Em, Wayne, Drake. Those dudes are on resorts. They represent maybe 10% of all rappers, and they are damn near mainstream artists now. And yes, their music represents WHO they are and WHERE they are in life. As it should.

So once again, if you're talking about Ross with all that verbiage, you've managed to contradict yourself again.

Dog, no one is understanding what you're saying. But if you're happy with it, cool.

Weave it however you like. You're right, there are hardened musicians in other genres. Did people gravitate to Guns N' Roses because they were wild on and off stage? Because their reality and their music were the same.

Did anyone want to hear Motley Crue talking about "Girls Girls Girls" if they didn't get any? Did people not gravitate to Johnny Cash because of his hardened lifestyle? Do people love Adele or Drake because there is an honesty and sincerity in here music? Does Drake have to talk about being a drug kingpin for the sake of "entertainment" or can he make music that reflects his reality?

Clearly, there are some who understand what I'm saying. I don't see the same for you.

You keep interpreting credibility like it's some gangster $$!#. I'm not talking about street cred. You started saying real thugs don't rap. I'm talking about being credible as a person. Honest. I've made it clear I like DeLa for being them. Kane for being him. Beasties for being them.

Credibility is not a marketing tool. These guys don't go to jail or put themselves through financial or emotional hardships for the expressed purpose of coming out and selling more records. Are you stupid?

But that is a part of who they are. And music they make also represents who they are. And yes, there are people who relate to that. Maybe not their EXACT experiences. But their struggle. Their experiences. Again, you don't. Cool.

You say credibility is used as an escape for suburban kids. But to you Ross makes that "lifestyle music". I guess that's your reality? Riding around feeling like a "bawse"? That's not an escape for you right? OK.

Maybe honest people just prefer a certain honesty in their music.

So for the 10th time, credibility means nothing to YOU. Completely understood. YOU say it's all entertainment. Cool. Be entertained.

Why you feel the need to push YOUR beliefs on us so much is beyond me. I guess you feel you need some kind of support of validate them. It seems like you never receive it though.

These are YOUR beliefs. If they serve you well, cool. All that color coding, font adjusting, and bold lettering isn't changing anything.

And I love how you think you're making these intelligent comments when your responses are riddled with childish emoticons. Grow up.

Dog, we ain't goin' nowhere. You have your way of thinking. If it works for you, cool. Personally, I don't believe you. You need more people.

I said I was done. I lied. Daytime television is +%#+. I almost wish a mod would suspend me so I can stop going back and forth with this clown. I can't resist. I am on a crusade against the lethal combination of ignorance and arrogance.

Just out of curiosity, why are you on here so much when no one cares for you? Couldn't you find a forum where people are more in tune with your ideals rather then coming on here and trying to reprogram us into thinking like you? When no one cares for how you think? Sometimes, when you generate that much animosity from people where you are, it's better to just leave. Just a thought.
Originally Posted by illphillip


I already addressed that point and you sound like a moron for bringing it up again. Why did Ross make BMF then if he ain't "whippin' work" no more? Why is he still talking about "street +%#+". Because cats like you love it. Stop frontin'. You are exactly the kind of person you are railing against.

Credibility does NOT matter. 

Its ALL marketing. 

If dudes REALLY cared about credibility, ya'll would stop purchasing records after an artists first release since their lives change so much after that. 

You really think rappers are on resorts after 2 albums? You don't think some are still in the streets or involved in street +%#+. Do you know any rappers or real dudes that you feel so comfortable speaking on them?

Do you really think rappers are still relying on the equivalence of minimum wages from moving baggies of crack and robbing random people over show money and record sales?
The point is that lifestyles DO change, but the music doesn' don't front like Jeezy is keeping it real TODAY with TM 103 when hes NOT living that life anymore. If anything, his music SHOULD sound like something more evolved about his life...but hes still rapping like TM 101 hadn't even come out.

Credibility doesn't matter.  

This is how far in the clouds your head is and how you have no real grasp on reality. You are seriously in a fantasy world. Are you in still in high school? Do you have a job? Do you pay bills? Do you have any genuine life experience or are you just speaking in theory? 

High school? No. College grad trying to get to medical school.
Job? Yep.

Bills? Yep.

Geniune life experience? I'm younger than you, but I refuse to see where you've actually negated anything i've said. Age doesn't equal validity. You could stand to learn that sooner or later. 

My point remains, there is too much emphasis on credibility because it does NOT matter and it never did. 

Jay, Kanye, Em, Wayne, Drake. Those dudes are on resorts. They represent maybe 10% of all rappers, and they are damn near mainstream artists now. And yes, their music represents WHO they are and WHERE they are in life. As it should. 

I don't think you understand hyperbole and my point in saying that rap artists were living it up.
The fact remains, even though Wale went brick on his first album, HIS LIFE CHANGED. He made money and saw experiences he would have never seen had that came out.

He is not the same person he was before his first major album. Thats true of any artist. I dare you to tell me wrong.

While I know some make more than others and others make foolish decisions with their fame and money, to say that on Jeezy's fourth album that he has more "credibility" than Ross does at this point is patently inaccurate and dare I say false. 

Neither of those guys live that lifestyle anymore (if you believe Ross' explanation for taking that CO job to provide for his family) or even come close it. 

So once again, if you're talking about Ross with all that verbiage, you've managed to contradict yourself again. 

I'm not contradicting myself...I swear you think that since you're married and are some older dude surrounded by "yes men" that makes you RIGHT.
I'm a fan of ross because of his MUSIC....I'm a fan of Jeezy because of his MUSIC... its all entertainment to me. I don't think EITHER of those dudes would let off any rounds...Its all entertainment...I keep it in that realm. 

Credibility does NOT matter, once again. 

Dog, no one is understanding what you're saying. But if you're happy with it, cool. 

You = Everyone.
Makes sense. 

How much more vain could you be?

Weave it however you like. You're right, there are hardened musicians in other genres. Did people gravitate to Guns N' Roses because they were wild on and off stage? Because their reality and their music were the same. 

Doesn't matter.
An infinitesimal amount of their fans ever got to see them behind the scenes and even less than we think of because of the relative lack of insight into their lives like we have with current day artists so once again, it was their MUSIC that mattered more than their credibility. 

Did anyone want to hear Motley Crue talking about "Girls Girls Girls" if they didn't get any?

It was the music. 
Credibility doesn't matter.

If the song sucked, you wouldn't care.

Did people not gravitate to Johnny Cash because of his hardened lifestyle?

It was the music. If the song song sucked you wouldn't care. Credibility doesn't matter.
Do people love Adele or Drake because there is an honesty and sincerity in here music?

It was the music. If their songs sucked, you wouldn't care.
And yeah, Drake, Ye or Cudi are probably more real than a lot of mainstream rap artists because of their ability to be as closely honest to the daily lives of their fans...but again...that comes through in their music.

Whether or not they are that sincere in real life doesn't matter. Credibility, does not matter, once again.

Does Drake have to talk about being a drug kingpin for the sake of "entertainment" or can he make music that reflects his reality?

 He could, and as long as it banged, NO ONE would care...
Its the same reason you got chicks dropping it to "Round of Applause" but then wanna post on blog comments talking about how much it hurts the black community.

Stop it. 

Credibility doesn't matter.

If the music is good, no one complains. 

Clearly, there are some who understand what I'm saying. I don't see the same for you.

 If a million people jump off a bridge, do you do it? 
I don't care if I'm the only one with my opinion...i'm sorry that you feel more safe in the reassurance of numbers rather than the independent validity of your argument

You keep interpreting credibility like it's some gangster $$!#.

As I did when I said rock and roll and country artists have their own storied histories?...

I'm not talking about street cred.

So say what you're saying.
You started saying real thugs don't rap.

Because MOST of them don't.
They're called goons for a reason. 

You think if a crew has a rapper they want to promote, they're gonna let him be a goon AND rap? Nah homie...thats the investment for the crew. 

I'm talking about being credible as a person. Honest. I've made it clear I like DeLa for being them. Kane for being him. Beasties for being them.

 I like Jeezy for who he is...or was...because in 2011, Jeezy is rapping like hes still living in the Come Shop with Me days...and hes not. 

Kanye however rapped about getting on...then being on...then getting rich...then the problems of being rich...then throwing being rich in your faces. 
Thats more REAL than any other rap artist out right now (or most of them...let me throw that in since you're unable to discern what I mean when I speak in "extreme" terms or metaphor)

Credibility is not a marketing tool.

Then why rap about it? 
Pop Quiz! How many times did 50 Cent get shot?

Keep thinking it isn't... I know you're lying too, even as an industry dude.

You mean to tell me that if you have a rapper who went through hell and high water to get to where hes at and you want to market him, that you WONT inflate his hard-luck past? Just to move a few records?

If credibility isn't a marketing tool then why did Ross feel like he had to do it? 

Why did Akon lie about doing hard time? 

But this guy says credibility isn't a marketing tool...

These guys don't go to jail or put themselves through financial or emotional hardships for the expressed purpose of coming out and selling more records. Are you stupid?

 No...Its you that are refusing to get the point.
I don't CARE what they did in the past...but don't front like these same artists and their marketing teams don't try to USE their pasts to their advantage. 

I don't think ANYONE wants to go to jail...but if hes got an album coming out, best believe that you'll hear about it EVERY DAY... 

But that is a part of who they are. And music they make also represents who they are.

Theres no denying that...Thats what music is first and foremost. 
And yes, there are people who relate to that.

SOME people...SOME people...Not all, or even that many, but SOME people. 
Maybe not their EXACT experiences.

Well obiviouslly...little timmy on 123 main stream can't relate now can he? But he'll damn sure buy that record, right? 
Once again. MARKETING.

I'd put money on it that most of /16 hasn't seen a trap house or a murder on a daily basis. 

But their struggle. Their experiences. Again, you don't. Cool.

No one is going to take away their past from them.
I'm not trying to do that, nor do I care...

but you're flat-out lying to say that artists don't embellish their hard-luck backgrounds for the sake of being more "real" in the eyes of fans who don't know any better.

Thats a result of marketing, once again.  

You say credibility is used as an escape for suburban kids. But to you Ross makes that "lifestyle music". I guess that's your reality? Riding around feeling like a "bawse"? That's not an escape for you right? OK. 

Ross makes music like Jay and Ye did for WTT. They're rich and loving life. 

Thats an escape for some people out of the monotony of life and square jobs on salary. 

It sounds fly and its memorable...but I'm not living that life and I know again, its entertainment to me AND to most of their fans. 

There is not a credibility issue here, once again.

Thats why you got new rappers spitting lines about pushing maybachs and rocking rolexes, while they're recording in their mothers basements on their first mixtapes.



Once again, your argument is incomplete.

Maybe honest people just prefer a certain honesty in their music. 
Thats fine.
But if thats the case, have a standard. Don't flip flop on what you use the "un-credible" tag on. 

Don't chastise Ross for not having credibility or Vanilla Ice for not being real, when in reality people love their music just the same because its about ENTERTAINMENT...not what you do when the camera is off.

So for the 10th time, credibility means nothing to YOU. Completely understood. YOU say it's all entertainment. Cool. Be entertained.

Ah yes!
I admit that credibility means nothing to me...but heres the thing...IT DOES NOT MATTER TO YOU EITHER. 

Are you checking facts on EVERY artist you hear? 

If not, then go sit in the corner and continue to enjoy music merely as ENTERTAINMENT.

By your standards, your iPod should only be filled with the 20 or so rappers in the history of hip-hop music who have a legitimate rap sheet or have documented histories. 

Why you feel the need to push YOUR beliefs on us so much is beyond me. I guess you feel you need some kind of support of validate them. It seems like you never receive it though. 

Again, I don't care if no one agrees with me...i'm speaking my piece...if it bothers you, oh well. Not my concern or my worry. 
But don't front like credibility matters SO MUCH to some people....when we all know it doesn't.

I'll say it again, credibility in music a WEAK stance used to market music to impressionable rap fans. 

These are YOUR beliefs. If they serve you well, cool. All that color coding, font adjusting, and bold lettering isn't changing anything.

Ah yes. Another non-sequitur.
As if the FORMAT of my argument changes the VALIDITY of it. 

Keep reaching. 


And I love how you think you're making these intelligent comments when your responses are riddled with childish emoticons. Grow up. 

You're the type to give a student an F on a paper because he wrote in pencil instead of pen. 

Does that change whats on the paper? 

Didn't think so. 

Again, reaching for an argument that isn't there. Another non-sequitur.

Dog, we ain't goin' nowhere. You have your way of thinking. If it works for you, cool. Personally, I don't believe you. You need more people.

 You dont believe me? Need more people? Why are you quoting Jay here? Is this an attempt to NOT be corny? What? What the hell are you talking about? 
I know I have my way of thinking but why is it not worthy of being stated in opposition to yours?

Are you asserting that only your stance is worth expressing? 

I said I was done. I lied.

Daytime television is +%#+. I almost wish a mod would suspend me so I can stop going back and forth with this clown. I can't resist. I am on a crusade against the lethal combination of ignorance and arrogance. 

Narcissism redefined. 

All I hear is Me, Myself, and I. 
Just out of curiosity, why are you on here so much when no one cares for you?

An internet persona that allows me to express my thoughts in the context of a free web? 
That might have something to do with it. 

Why do you address me so much if you don't care what I say? Goes both ways. 

Couldn't you find a forum where people are more in tune with your ideals rather then coming on here and trying to reprogram us into thinking like you?

I love this argument.

When you disagree with me, I'm trying to change your mind.

When you agree with me, I should post more. 

I love it. 


When no one cares for how you think?
I guess those that PM me and thank me from time to time doesn't mean anything either, huh?
Heres your problem man, YOU are not EVERYONE. 

Your thoughts...aren't everyone elses thoughts. I express how I feel and keep it moving. YOU think no one feels me...thats YOUR perception. 

If it doesn't exist in YOUR mind then its not valid. A fatal flaw. 

Sometimes, when you generate that much animosity from people where you are, it's better to just leave. Just a thought. 

Animosity from who?

Look, I don't care if you agree with me or not...but just because some don't like my opinions sometimes doesn't mean they always hate them. Some do, some don't. You're not the arbiter or final judgement on that claim, nor will you ever be. 

Its funny that your response is that when someone doesn't like your stance, you should run away or fall in line with everyone else. 

I wonder who the real independent mind is in that case. 
Now you're telling me what matters to me and what doesn't?

And because you say music is strictly entertainment, we're all supposed to think just like you. And not care about honesty or integrity.

But I'm the narcissist. I'm supposed to be the final word.

Again, continually rife with contradictions.

I'm sure you get tons of PM's from supporters who neglect to support you and stand by as you are being ridiculed publicly.

Maybe they just don't show up to support you in the music forum. Perhaps you're better equipped to discuss other subjects. You've shown how little you know about this one because so much of what you've suggested has been clearly refuted.
SillyPutty are u tryin to write a book son ??? nobody tryin 2 read them long %$+ reply's son get to the point homie!! You goin too far son honestly weDon't care bout your personal life you takin the issue too far son. You wayyyyyyy in left field man you all off topic son..BTW you say rappers ain'tLiving the "street life" no more but wasn't FAB involved in a murder investigation a last year ???
Originally Posted by illphillip

Now you're telling me what matters to me and what doesn't?
You're a fan of Ross, like me. 

The music.

Not his credibility.

But you're a fan of jeezy. 


The music.

You just HAPPEN to like his credibility.

Once again. Credibility doesn't matter to you. You don't weight it equally. Just admit it. Its merely icing on the cake. All that matters is the product, in this case music.

...but it does NOTHING to impact your consumption of entertainment. 

And because you say music is strictly entertainment, we're all supposed to think just like you. And not care about honesty or integrity.

Music isn't entertainment? 
Oh ok. I guess we should all follow Gucci's code of the streets and start banging hammers and chopping bricks...


Not a good way to live, you say? 

Didn't think so. 

You're reluctant to just admit that its ALL ENTERTAINMENT. Some of the dudes live it, some don't...credibility is icing on the cake, but it doesn't matter. 

But I'm the narcissist. I'm supposed to be the final word.

 Thats...what... narcissists.... yes, that would be you. 
You don't like me...therefore you think everyone doesn't like me. 

Again, continually rife with contradictions.

Which you haven't pointed out.  

Keep doing your thing. I'm sure you get tons of PM's from supporters who neglect to support you and stand by as you are being ridiculed publicly.
 I'm not sure you know what a PM stands for.
In any case, I don't care. I don't need others to speak for me or do I need to qualify YOUR satisfaction for agreeing with everything you say.

I happen to think your argument is entirely flawed, and i'm entitled to do so. 

If that makes you feel good, do your thing.

As i've continued to do, and will. 

Originally Posted by BradNSU

SillyPutty are u tryin to write a book son ???

I'm certain illphillip was also replying, but I would like to thank you for only point me out.

 nobody tryin 2 read them long %$+ reply's son get to the point homie!!

So don't read them. 
You goin too far son honestly we Don't care bout your personal life you takin the issue too far son.

Well don't read them.
its funny.

You are on a message board...and no one is forcing you to be here...but when people are having a discussion, you only care about YOUR opinion. Well if thats all that matters to you...DONT read what I write...Keep it moving then. I don't care. 

You keep saying "we" when you mean "I"

"You", are not "everyone"

You wayyyyyyy in left field man you all off topic son..

BTW you say rappers ain't Living the "street life" no more but wasn't FAB involved in a murder investigation a last year ???

Thats Fab's fault. 

I don't care. 

Dude has enough money to leave that situation alone...and DOES from time to hes not out in the carribean shooting videos and tweeting. 

The fact is, I don't care about Fab's personal life... I only care about his music...and by judging by this recent mixtape, dude is wack now, IMO. 

I'll leave the credibility tales to you kids who need bedtime stories over your favorite superheroes. 

Lets be honest, what does fab's murder case REALLY mean to you? As a fan and consumer, what does that REALLY do to your daily life outside of his music being on your harddrive? 


Oh ok. Thought so. 
Originally Posted by BradNSU

SillyPutty are u tryin to write a book son ???
Originally Posted by BradNSU

 nobody tryin 2 read them long %$+ reply's son get to the point homie!! 
BradNSU wrote:
You goin too far son honestly we Don't care bout your personal life you takin the issue too far son. 

Originally Posted by BradNSU

 You wayyyyyyy in left field man you all off topic son..
Originally Posted by BradNSU

BTW you say rappers ain't Living the "street life" no more but wasn't FAB involved in a murder investigation a last year ???
Please don't say that, you're gonna have him do ^^^^^^^^ all of that to your reply and break them down.
But I'm not a "fan of Ross". See again, you're trying to tell me about me. How arrogant is that? How narcissistic is that? You probably don't even know YOU well enough to try to tell someone else about themselves.

You're telling me what I think. You are defining what music is and entertainment. As if you have the power to do so. As if it can't mean different things to different people.

I said I like some of his songs. I like some Britney songs too. Doesn't make me a fan. And credibility does effect how I consume music. I don't BUY Ross' records. Or Britney's. I don't SEEK their music. But of course I can enjoy it if it makes its way to me the way you bop to a song in the club that you didn't like when you heard it on the web.

So you've been refuted yet again. But somehow, you will fail to process that as well. Music is not defined by the hard and fast rules you are trying to apply to it. Neither are people.

My reasoning is my own. And yet you are still trying to project your reasoning on other people. Apparently no one's buying.

Work your logic as you see fit. You have clearly proven that what you lack in sound reasoning, you make up for in an unparalleled thirst to quote and type. So much so that you will quote something just to provide the most trivial of responses.

And for that and that alone, you get the gold star.
Originally Posted by illphillip

But I'm not a "fan of Ross". See again, you're trying to tell me about me. How arrogant is that? How narcissistic is that? You probably don't even know YOU well enough to try to tell someone else about themselves. 
I apologize. I thought I distinctly remember you saying that you were a fan of his music. 

I said I like some of his songs. I like some Britney songs too. Doesn't make me a fan.

Wait what...??? Are you seriously trying to redefine what a fan is? 

If you like someones music...that makes you a fan of that song...made by that person. 

YOURE A FAN OF ROSS SONGS! I don't care if you own a ross poster or t-shirt or not...when you hear songs...with ross on enjoy them! 
And credibility does effect how I consume music. I don't BUY Ross' records. 
Purchasing power in 2012 doesn't equate to how people consume you can be the biggest fan of someone and still not literally purchase their music.
I'm sure downloading a Ross song in 2012 is widely accepted as being a fan of Ross music. 

Don't get it twisted.

So you've been refuted yet again. But somehow, you will fail to process that as well.

 Only if you redefine words mid-sentence. 

Dude owns ross songs, likes ross music, and doesn't consider himself a ross fan because he didn't pay for it. 

Because my reasoning is my own.

False. Wrong again.
Things that are valid will continue to be valid and exist independently of the person or perspective making the assertion. 

The theory of relativity isn't true because einstein said it was...its true because its TRUE independent of who says it

Calculus isn't right because newton made it....its right because its RIGHT independent of who says it. 

The axiom of the onus of proof isn't valid because of the minds of aristotle...its valid because it sustains its own validity!

And yet you are still trying to project your reasoning on other people. Apparently no one's buying.

Not even...but you're substantiating anything youre saying of yet, you have nothing to really stand on. 

As i've shown above, you apply your standard of "credibility" inconsistently and are incapable of pointing out the double standard you use to assign whats "real" and whats "not" when you consume music based on its quality in the first place. 
Work your logic as you see fit.

You have clearly proven that what you lack in sound reasoning, you make up for in an unparalleled thirst to quote and type. addition to substantiating each and every thing I type with evidence equate that to "an unparalleled thirst to quote and type"??? 
Thats the worst non-sequitur i've seen out of you.

Let me get this straight. A desire to express oneself completely and the brevity of one's argument...equates to the validity of the argument? 

That...makes NO sense.

So much so that you will quote something just to provide the most trivial of responses.

 Or to answer them in totality.

And for that and that alone, you get the gold star.

Thanks... I feel special. 
But I don't own Ross records. Not one. I didn't download any of them. Legally or illegally.

So again, you're projecting facts onto me that you believe to be true that are 100% false.

So how can you have a legitimate argument when so much of what you say is inaccurate?

You can't.

Apparently it's YOU trying to redefine the word fan.

  1. An apparatus with rotating blades that creates a current of air for cooling or ventilation.
  2. A person who has a strong interest in or admiration for a particular sport, art or entertainment form, or famous person.
[/td][/tr][/table][/td][/tr][/table]STRONG interest.

Someone casually enjoying one song by an artist does not constitute being a fan. But I'm sure you will find a way to see otherwise.
I love this guy talking to me about how I consume music as if he's standing next to me 24/7.

How I consume Ross records because they play them in the club I'm standing in and I don't run out when his songs come on.

And telling me what I am and am not a fan of. While being completely inaccurate as to the definition of "fan".

While accusing me of trying to redefine "fan".

But of course, his argument and train of thought is flawless.

In his own mind.

......I think I hear him typing.........
This thread is gettin outta hand
. Everybody just need to step back from the keyboard and take a deep breath.....
Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by Dead Stokc

At the end of the day Fat Joe still has more street cred then both these N's.

Fat Joe has been garbage for as long as Jeezy & Ross
have been mainstream.
darkside vol. 1 & 2 make your statement misguided.
^^^If there's an instrumental version of either floating around, then I won't mind giving it another listen
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