So I called out my Ex on Facebook and the dude she cheated on me with..UPDATE W/PICS PAGE 7

Originally Posted by franchise3

What page are the pics on? PICS
You should have consulted NT before posting this rant on facebook. Seriously you are going to regret this.....the best treatment for these types of things isthe silent treatment. Just pack it up and move on.
A feminine move.
Some things are better kept to yourself then on Facebook.
..oll girl was a Sluddiieeeeee
Her and the other dude won. Your little novel you wrote screams "bitter, obsessed #%%@$."

When will people realize that you're supposed to move on and just forget about it completely??
Originally Posted by thekryptonite

Originally Posted by Dynamic X


This is Jessica Hackney from Brookwood High School Class '09. I'm guessing that may be you in that pic. Or Matt Cooper. I hope it's Matt Cooper because he looks like a ******.
I'm assuming this is Jael Jefferson from the same school, Brookwood High '09. A senior on JV?

thread backfire.

............*joker* and here we go *joker*

GO IN NT with the force of the Power Rangers....
you left your girl by herself at the prom party? come on now

some people go into denial mode when all the sign are there that the female is cheating
Man you took a big L. Dissertations like this just show how weak you are. If you were really over her, you'd forget all that *@!% and go find yourself somenew %*!+%, but instead, you became a %*!+%. For shame
Silly boy, no ones gonna read through all that.. but uh keep ur head up??? Tommorrow will be better?? idk
if you had in actuality cheated on your ex as she did to you, you would've just shrugged off all of her infidelities and not take them individually toheart, which apparently you did. with that said, you fail and instead of proving how much better off you are, published a bitter note on facebook thatdocuments all of your insecurities and failures transparently.

btw how old are you?
Yeah, you took an L, If it was me I would've just acted like nothing happened and pursued a girl that you know would get under her skin(friend/rival/acquaintance). All this blogging and what not definitely comes off a little fem, like you're not over her or else you wouldn't need tovent about it.

If thats how you get things off your chest more power to you but from the outside looking in, it definitely looks like you still got feelings for the broad.

You should've just ignored her, from experience girls that still have feelings for you can't stand it and they will throw it at you whenever they havea chance. Next time If you want to hurt ol' girl's feelings just tell her that you "Did it for the Nookie" and be done with it
Your just addng flames to the you just went from birthday candle to forest fire, real talk. Delete that as soon as possible...
Originally Posted by BC2310

Yeah, you took an L, If it was me I would've just acted like nothing happened and pursued a girl that you know would get under her skin (friend/rival/acquaintance). All this blogging and what not definitely comes off a little fem, like you're not over her or else you wouldn't need to vent about it.

If thats how you get things off your chest more power to you but from the outside looking in, it definitely looks like you still got feelings for the broad.

You should've just ignored her, from experience girls that still have feelings for you can't stand it and they will throw it at you whenever they have a chance. Next time If you want to hurt ol' girl's feelings just tell her that you "Did it for the Nookie" and be done with it

so instead of being immature, he should've been childish. got it.

My bad ya'll.

I scrolled the first page and just posted at the end of it since I figured it was gonna be 4 pages of 'cliffs' responses. I found 'em now.
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